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A re-elected Liberal government will:

    Raise corporate income taxes on the largest, most profitable banks and insurance companies who earn more than $1 billion per year and introduce a temporary Canada Recovery Dividend that these companies would pay in recognition of the fact they have recovered faster and stronger than many other industries.

    Create a minimum tax rule so that everyone who earns enough to qualify for the top bracket pays at least 15 % each year (the tax rate paid by people earning less than $49,000), removing their ability to artificially pay no tax through excessive use of deductions and credits.

    Implement a tax on luxury cars, boats, and planes as outlined in Budget 2021.

    Significantly increase the resources of the Canada Revenue Agency to combat aggressive tax planning and tax avoidance that allows the wealthiest to avoid paying the taxes they owe. This will increase CRA’s resources by up to $1 billion per year in order to close Canada’s tax gap.

    Modernize the general anti-avoidance rule regime in order to focus on economic substance and restrict the ability of federally regulated entities, including financial institutions such as banks and insurance companies, to use tiered structures as a form of corporate tax planning that flows Canadian-derived profit through entities in low-tax jurisdictions in order to reduce taxes back in Canada.

    Work with our international partners to implement a global minimum tax so that the biggest companies in the world are not able to escape the taxes they owe here in Canada.

    Eliminate flow through shares for oil, gas, and coal projects to help promote clean growth and Canada’s transition to a net-zero economy.
    Implement a national anti-flipping tax and move forward with Canada’s first ever national tax on non-resident, non-Canadians on vacant land and residential property.

    Move forward with a national tax on vaping products and require tobacco manufacturers to pay for the cost of federal public health investments in tobacco control.




Facts about Liberal policy plans.     Where are the "facts" about lil peepee's plans?

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12 minutes ago, Sharpshooter said:

You don’t have to accept my response. 

Your opinion doesn’t negate the facts. 

You want expenditures without it being expensive. 

I hear ya. 

All good. 


I want expenditures that are reasonable 


I want govts held to account for pilfering or losing billions where ever it’s gone 


I want Canadian tax dollars ($5bn)not sent to the Phillipines for “climate equality” as ONE example, when 25% of Canada is on the poverty line, record usage at food banks and our debt costs are higher than health care expenditures


I think those are all things Canadians should care about. But sadly as we see here, most want to deny it, and therefore will allow it to continue as a result. 

that only leads to more pilfering,

more taxes, more borrowing and more inflation and worsening economic situations for all


particularly those who need a social safety net because it will be gone 


too many would rather attack me than accept that reality (as per people not even reading information) because they take it personally 


we as Canadians need to hold politicians to account so they don’t rip us off and don’t economically drive the country further into the dirt 


that’s my point - it seems many want to pretend that’s not happening despite the data and so there’s no debate here 


People are entitled to different opinions and approaches to solve issues, you can’t debate people who are in denial of the issues.

again, not directed at you. 


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7 minutes ago, ArmchairGM22 said:

I want expenditures that are reasonable 


I want govts held to account for pilfering or losing billions where ever it’s gone 


I want Canadian tax dollars ($5bn)not sent to the Phillipines for “climate equality” as ONE example, when 25% of Canada is on the poverty line, record usage at food banks and our debt costs are higher than health care expenditures


I think those are all things Canadians should care about. But sadly as we see here, most want to deny it, and therefore will allow it to continue as a result. 

that only leads to more pilfering,

more taxes, more borrowing and more inflation and worsening economic situations for all


particularly those who need a social safety net because it will be gone 


too many would rather attack me than accept that reality (as per people not even reading information) because they take it personally 


we as Canadians need to hold politicians to account so they don’t rip us off and don’t economically drive the country further into the dirt 


that’s my point - it seems many want to pretend that’s not happening despite the data and so there’s no debate here 


People are entitled to different opinions and approaches to solve issues, you can’t debate people who are in denial of the issues.

again, not directed at you. 


Explain “reasonable”. 

What is reasonable to you isn’t reasonable to others. 

Is your opinion more important than any on else’s?


The Democratic process decides, right? 

If I don’t like it, then I accept it. 

If you don’t like it, then accept it or get pissed off on a random Hockey Message Board? 

Either way, accept the things you can’t change or change the things you don’t accept. 

Either way, stop ‘bitching’. We all had a chance to change things. 

Bitches can fuck right off. 

Do you understand what I’m saying? 

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2 hours ago, Chicken. said:

Some people take posts on CFF way too seriously to have it affect their mood lol politics is as divisive and spicy as ever these days.

I quite enjoy the diverse viewpoints regardless of ‘post quality’ its a heck of a lot better (funner) than reading an echo chamber. Still so far away from an election too just wait until campaign season really goes into full swing.

As a lurker, mostly, I appreciate you all for the entertainment to make my work day pass by quicker.

This low key has been hilarious for me to watch 😬🤣

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2 hours ago, Warhippy said:

Actually the correct question would be:


without direct government intervention and potential price caps in to housing prices, food prices and fuel/energy prices.  What could actually even be done to have mitigated what appears to be a near 30% overall cost of living increase across the board for the largest actual drivers of inflation?

25% of Canadians are at the poverty level and the best you got is it isn’t the government’s fault?


Can you at least acknowledge how maybe 25% of the population is pissed off at things and wants a change regardless of poo poo being a supposed nazi, or that he doesn’t have government security clearance, or that he hasn’t had a real job outside of politics?  Or that Harper did this, or poo poo did that while he was in Harper’s government?


Defending the current government at every opportunity and even trying to defend them while 25% of the population is barely able to put food on the table is not really going to help fix the problem. 


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Please don’t make me Moderate this thread. 

If Members don’t realize or respect each other then this thread will be locked. And then I will dole out copious amounts of Bans, then I’ll go ‘full’ Scorched Earth.

Please don’t make me do this. You fellas are good people. Figure it out amongst yourself. Be kind, respectful and empathetic. 

Last warning in this Thread. 

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Not to mention a sitting CPC MP is the chairman of the board at Giant Tiger.  I'm sure these fine individuals will do their utmost to prevent higher grocery prices due to corporate greed.  Absolutely no conflict of interest whatsoever.



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5 hours ago, RWMc1 said:

A re-elected Liberal government will:

    Raise corporate income taxes on the largest, most profitable banks and insurance companies who earn more than $1 billion per year and introduce a temporary Canada Recovery Dividend that these companies would pay in recognition of the fact they have recovered faster and stronger than many other industries.

    Create a minimum tax rule so that everyone who earns enough to qualify for the top bracket pays at least 15 % each year (the tax rate paid by people earning less than $49,000), removing their ability to artificially pay no tax through excessive use of deductions and credits.

    Implement a tax on luxury cars, boats, and planes as outlined in Budget 2021.

    Significantly increase the resources of the Canada Revenue Agency to combat aggressive tax planning and tax avoidance that allows the wealthiest to avoid paying the taxes they owe. This will increase CRA’s resources by up to $1 billion per year in order to close Canada’s tax gap.

    Modernize the general anti-avoidance rule regime in order to focus on economic substance and restrict the ability of federally regulated entities, including financial institutions such as banks and insurance companies, to use tiered structures as a form of corporate tax planning that flows Canadian-derived profit through entities in low-tax jurisdictions in order to reduce taxes back in Canada.

    Work with our international partners to implement a global minimum tax so that the biggest companies in the world are not able to escape the taxes they owe here in Canada.

    Eliminate flow through shares for oil, gas, and coal projects to help promote clean growth and Canada’s transition to a net-zero economy.
    Implement a national anti-flipping tax and move forward with Canada’s first ever national tax on non-resident, non-Canadians on vacant land and residential property.

    Move forward with a national tax on vaping products and require tobacco manufacturers to pay for the cost of federal public health investments in tobacco control.




Facts about Liberal policy plans.     Where are the "facts" about lil peepee's plans?


Facts?  Aren't facts normally things that have already occurred?  Like 25% of the Canadian population being on the poverty line?  Or that the federal debt interest payment is going to hit $50 billion in two years?  Aren't those the actual facts?  What exactly is factual about Trudeau's campaign promises that you just posted?  Didn't Trudeau promise to balance the budget by 2019?  Wasn't that also a factual liberal policy back in 2015?


Also, why are we having to wait 10 years to get these "factual" liberal policies made into a reality?  Can you explain that?

Edited by Elias Pettersson
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On 6/15/2024 at 9:37 AM, bishopshodan said:


1)  dont trust or like politicians either. Just wondered if there was anything concrete that Lorrie knew about if they will be procescucted.


2) surprised to hear he is an actual journo with tweets like that. More into his political points and stirring the pot than integirty maybe? 


3) I dont know. Some pointed out the way he spelled it was a diss.

Speaking of dissing... do you want to apologise for  "'Kanata', which is apparently an indigenous name, tho I guess its not surprising this is something new to progressives"

Why did you feel the need to say that? Or can you explain why you feel progessives might be  ignorant to indigenous people? 



1) The people who know the details can't talk about them, unsurprisingly. This is politics after-all.


Imo; there was already a previous story about this many months ago with an MP (Han-Dong iirc) so its not the first time there's been smoke around this possibility, I would doubt something this serious is coming out of nowhere again for a second time in a relatively short period. Ultimately whatever happens will be resolved behind closed doors, and (if I'm betting) will be resolved with no sufficient punishment to anyone or satisfactory explanation to the public, as this is politics after-all. Hopefully I'm wrong & just a cynic. 


2) I'm more surprised that this is a surprise to you (respectfully). I think its been established in the social media age that journos don't have much integrity, even those working for legacy brand outlets. 


3) It was a mistake on my part. I was a little too fired up at the time, and it was a stupid comment by me. I apologize. I just get frustrated with things, but I don't necessarily believe that for all progressives at all, and I was wrong to say it. 

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Interesting video I came across.


I agree with Mulcair, & I respect his wisdom + integrity. I think he's a good one & I enjoyed his dismantling of this hack propagandist.


Its a great example of how these people operate, this 'journo' is framing the issue & the 'perceived' (or rather correct) audience opinion in her questioning/interview style, as opposed to being a neutral journalist - presenting no position - trying to get to the bottom of an issue. She even goes back to the 'why isn't PP a lunatic again?' type question at the end after Mulcair already gave great answers explaining the decision + situation. 


Haven't been an NDPer but much respect to Tom. And Elizabeth May is an interesting lifer for sure...



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Freeland does not look good here imo, Vassy even puts a dagger in at the end saying 'I'm being told in my ear your staff needs to get you out".


Freeland went full talking points here imo, a perfect representation of modern democracy, not a genuine conversation at all much like question period. 


Curious other opinions.

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6 hours ago, Optimist Prime said:

I just had an epiphany. There is a conservative troll farm in southwestern Ottawa, I can point it out on Google earth  I wonder if one of them found our little hockey forum?

No i’m not part of a troll farm 


Nor am I a troll 


you asked me what is reasonable spending and how that differs from person to person 


yes it does


bur is it reasonable to be spending 220k on fancy food for flights?


is it reasonable to spending 5 billion and giving to the Philippines for climate equality whatever that means? 

is it reasonable  to be creating a slush fund for green energy and giving 200 mil of it to a venture capital firm that Guillbault has percentage ownership of?


Particularly when 25% of the people are on considered living in poverty, record food bank usage, tent cities everywhere, and our debt servicing spending is higher than health care transfers???


Anyone being intellectually honest can say these are irresponsible spending and I’ve posted many others and there’s many more including scandals. Turning a blind eye to it is irresponsible for any voter. (Ie being asked repeatedly about “was anyone arrested” vs going a learning about the issue as one did here). That’s intellectual cowardice and fear of the truth. I’m sure our resident denialist will eventually respond with it! 😂 


And this is my last post, as I’m not here to take the abuse of being called a f’ing b$tch as you did earlier. TBH I expected more from you than that. 

People are open to WATCH the video below and see even more corruption. I choose to alert people to it because when someone in our families gets sick with cancer, we can remember who’s stealing our tax dollars and why it takes 6 months to get a biopsy. And this corruption should matter when you vote. 



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16 minutes ago, ArmchairGM22 said:

No i’m not part of a troll farm 


Nor am I a troll 


you asked me what is reasonable spending and how that differs from person to person 


yes it does


bur is it reasonable to be spending 220k on fancy food for flights?


is it reasonable to spending 5 billion and giving to the Philippines for climate equality whatever that means? 

is it reasonable  to be creating a slush fund for green energy and giving 200 mil of it to a venture capital firm that Guillbault has percentage ownership of?


Particularly when 25% of the people are on considered living in poverty, record food bank usage, tent cities everywhere, and our debt servicing spending is higher than health care transfers???


And there endless other examples. Anyone being intellectually honest can say these are irresponsible spending and I’ve posted many others and there’s many more. Turning a blind eye to is irresponsible for any voter. 


and this is my last post, as I’m not here to take the abuse of being called a f’ing b$tch has you did earlier. 

but you can WATCH the video below and see more corruption. I choose to alert people to it because when someone in our families gets sick with cancer, we can remember who’s stealing our tax dollars and why it takes 6 months to get a biopsy. 




Charges or it's hooey. 

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7 hours ago, Elias Pettersson said:


Facts?  Aren't facts normally things that have already occurred?  Like 25% of the Canadian population being on the poverty line?  Or that the federal debt interest payment is going to hit $50 billion in two years?  Aren't those the actual facts?  What exactly is factual about Trudeau's campaign promises that you just posted?  Didn't Trudeau promise to balance the budget by 2019?  Wasn't that also a factual liberal policy back in 2015?


Also, why are we having to wait 10 years to get these "factual" liberal policies made into a reality?  Can you explain that?

So we are going with that 25% figure now? It's official?

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7 hours ago, Optimist Prime said:

I just had an epiphany. There is a conservative troll farm in southwestern Ottawa, I can point it out on Google earth  I wonder if one of them found our little hockey forum?


Haven't heard of the Ottawa one.


There was the anti-Trudeau  Egypt based one and Romanian, Bangladesh, Vietnamese ones , the Bangladeshi one in particular promoting the convoy and adding 170,000 members on Facebook to its group. 


Exaggerated anti Trudeau content is currently on my 'massive grain of salt' list. 


Haven't we learned from 2016 Hillary vs Trump? The ramp up of hate against her before the election to the emails and laptops was ridiculous. Then it just vanished.



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7 hours ago, Optimist Prime said:

I just had an epiphany. There is a conservative troll farm in southwestern Ottawa, I can point it out on Google earth  I wonder if one of them found our little hockey forum?


can you point it out? thats interesting, people should know more about this place. 

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"Collective punishment is a punishment or sanction imposed on a group for acts allegedly perpetrated by a member of that group, which could be an ethnic or political group, or just the family, friends and neighbors of the perpetrator. Because individuals who are not responsible for the acts are targeted, collective punishment is not compatible with the basic principle of individual responsibility. The punished group may often have no direct association with the perpetrator other than living in the same area and can not be assumed to exercise control over the perpetrator's actions. Collective punishment is prohibited by treaty in both international and non-international armed conflicts, more specifically Common Article 33 of the Fourth Geneva Convention and Article 4 of the Additional Protocol II.[1][2]

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4 minutes ago, Gurn said:


"Collective punishment is a punishment or sanction imposed on a group for acts allegedly perpetrated by a member of that group, which could be an ethnic or political group, or just the family, friends and neighbors of the perpetrator. Because individuals who are not responsible for the acts are targeted, collective punishment is not compatible with the basic principle of individual responsibility. The punished group may often have no direct association with the perpetrator other than living in the same area and can not be assumed to exercise control over the perpetrator's actions. Collective punishment is prohibited by treaty in both international and non-international armed conflicts, more specifically Common Article 33 of the Fourth Geneva Convention and Article 4 of the Additional Protocol II.[1][2]


are you suggesting electing PP could be considered collective punishment? I'd have to agree. 


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