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The Regina Leader Post just tore Scott Moe a new one....






What seemed obvious Tuesday morning is that Premier Scott Moe felt less comfortable speaking in a room littered with reporters than one filled with internet conspiracists.

One gets it.


Those of us who have ever been stuck in a room full of reporters may have felt a little sympathy for the Saskatchewan premier.

But that still doesn’t explain Moe’s presence at an April meeting in Speers filled with far-flung notions and people eager to impose them on any politician willing to listen to them.


Contrary to his original nonsense explanation that he was invited by Speers’s mayor , this wasn’t just a meeting of local concerns. As even Moe acknowledged, not all were local and organizers had held similar events with representatives of the Buffalo Party and the Saskatchewan United Party, who are now running a candidate against him in his Rosthern-Shellbrook riding.


Moe — usually rather accommodating to the fourth estate, staying in scrums until the last question has been answered — seemed reluctant to chat on Tuesday.

Had it not been for the insistent CBC national crew from the weekly political radio program The House, one wonders whether he would have stopped at all.

“ I actually don’t believe in chemtrails, ” Moe eventually told reporters as he tried to explain why he told one person he would look into concerns that governments have been complicit in allowing jets to dump chemicals on the masses.


Of course, he doesn’t believe in such conspiracies. But that just begs the question: Why didn’t he say so at the time? What does he now tell those same people after he rightly characterized their bunk as bunk?


And, again, why was he there in the first place?


The problem may be the role Moe has had in creating the maze that’s popped up in the middle of the Saskatchewan Party’s big tent.

The success of Moe and former premier Brad Wall before him involved the creation of one big, open-area tent where any and all to the right of Liberal Prime Minister Justin Trudeau and the Saskatchewan NDP were welcome.


It has truly been a great venue for political tales like the one Moe spun at the Premier’s Canada Farm Show Breakfast of population growth accomplished through trade, export and sustainable farming practices through improved technology.


Unfortunately, even some conservatives have grown weary of hearing such stories over and over again. Any compelling yarn requires an element of conflict (real or imaginary) in order for the story to remain politically impactful.


So the re-telling of this hero’s journey has now been spiced with ample claims (again, real or imaginary) of other governments and outside forces now threatening our existence. Some are far-fetched, but people do need a compelling reason to vote.


As the chronicles have grown louder and more fanciful in that big, conservative Sask. Party tent, some orators shriek fire and brimstone of lost freedoms stripped from us by government and others. You can do that because few are ever turned away from his raucous tent.

And in the middle of the Sask. Party big tent have sprung up walls forming a disorienting labyrinth. Into this maze, Moe sashayed.

Maybe he doesn’t believe the conspiracists, but he isn’t picky when it comes to whom he courts.


Remember the night of the 2020 election when he told Buffalo Party voters — some supporting Saskatchewan sovereignty — that he heard them? Remember his lack of regret in meeting with anti-vaxxers during COVID-19, even as doctors begged to meet with him to extend prevention measures?

Remember his tacit support of Freedom Convoy blockades and occupation of downtown Ottawa? The “economic sovereignty” meetings? The unnecessariness of Bill 137 after letters from “voters” threatening to flip their votes in the Lumsden-Morse byelection?


And we are to now believe he just “accidentally” stumbled into a meeting of conspiracists of whom he had no prior knowledge?

Moe followed the chemtrails into a maze he helped construct. Now, he is struggling to find his way out.



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5 minutes ago, bolt said:

You're really scraping the bottom of the barrel with this one.  An article from a year ago is all you could come up with?


Not only that:


The statement from the Conservative Party is both highly misleading and ripe with hypocrisy. This is an independent international forum, similar to forums established by the U.S. and the European Union,”  “Stephen Harper’s Conservative government contributed roughly the same amount to this forum and former minister Peter Kent was an executive vice-chairperson on multiple occasions.”


On the one hand, the Conservative Party says it’s major polluters like China we should talk to about climate change, but when they see a partisan opportunity to attack a long-established forum where Canada can actually do just that, they cry foul,” “As wildfires and heat waves have shown, climate change and environmental issues know no borders. How can we tackle these existential world problems if we are not prepared to engage?”


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20 minutes ago, Satchmo said:

You're really scraping the bottom of the barrel with this one.  An article from a year ago is all you could come up with?


Not only that:


The statement from the Conservative Party is both highly misleading and ripe with hypocrisy. This is an independent international forum, similar to forums established by the U.S. and the European Union,”  “Stephen Harper’s Conservative government contributed roughly the same amount to this forum and former minister Peter Kent was an executive vice-chairperson on multiple occasions.”


On the one hand, the Conservative Party says it’s major polluters like China we should talk to about climate change, but when they see a partisan opportunity to attack a long-established forum where Canada can actually do just that, they cry foul,” “As wildfires and heat waves have shown, climate change and environmental issues know no borders. How can we tackle these existential world problems if we are not prepared to engage?”


Was that before or after China kidnapped and wrongfully imprisoned Canadian Citizens?  You honestly think this fraud of a minister can lower Chinese emissions?

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Just now, bolt said:

Was that before or after China kidnapped Canadian Citizens?  

Do the math yourself Bolt.   Then explain why absolutely everything should have just come to a stop while those issues were dealt with.   Especially the non political and non economic things.  Even while the Huawei/two Michaels fiasco was unfolding we still had to talk.

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1:36 second vid at link

"In an interview with Power & Politics, Parliamentary Budget Officer Yves Giroux discusses analyses of the consumer carbon price that erroneously included the impact of the industrial carbon price. Giroux says the error had a negligible impact on the results and the overall economic impact of carbon pricing will still be negative."

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23 minutes ago, Whorvat said:

Right on cue


Cue for what? We're discussing fraud and corruption, right? the actual legal definition, not whatever you think it is. 


You guys keep throwing these words around like they have weight, so I just want to know where the actual charges are.


If Harper wasn't powerful enough to stop his MP from going to jail, there's no way Trudeau is.


So just show me, where are the charges? it should be easy. 


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41 minutes ago, Bob Long said:


what makes him a fraud? legally I mean. You're free to have your personal opinion, just wondering tho if there's anything out in legal reality to back your idea up. 







Yes he's a fraud. Constantly lies and somehow despite his economic terrorism still manged to boost Canadian emissions. 


He was advised not to go to China and went anyways.  I would be very surprised if Guilbeault wasn't on the list as a traitor.  I guess we can presume he is because the Liberals refuse to show us the list. Sitting solely on a board in a  communist foreign country is very suspicious.


You guys question the polls yet don't call out the idiot Mps who are responsible for the Liberal demise.  


The whole Liberal 2015 platform was based on fraud.  "Sunny ways and a transparent Governement still haven't shown up?  How long till your boys plan starts working?

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Just now, Bob Long said:


What I see here is a policy disagreement, which is a fair critique. 


What I don't see is fraud. That's a very serious accusation. Let's not go full maga up here and just throw this stuff around for the feels.




Advised by who?



We don't question the polls, we question pretending that polls a year and a half out mean anything significant.




Pretty good in many areas, if you can be bothered to look: https://www.polimeter.org/en/trudeau


Of course we have some major issues, but this whole "broken" shtick isn't helping.

Major issues all made worse by the Liberals.  Glad we can finally agree on something.

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Just now, bolt said:

Major issues all made worse by the Liberals.  Glad we can finally agree on something.


You didn't even bother to read the post before laughing at it.


Go back and look at the link, and read it. I think you will be surprised.

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4 minutes ago, bolt said:







Yes he's a fraud. Constantly lies and somehow despite his economic terrorism still manged to boost Canadian emissions. 


He was advised not to go to China and went anyways.  Did he take the Government jet or does politician emissions not count?  


You guys question the polls yet don't call out the idiot Mps who are responsible for the Liberal demise.

We don't question the polls.   We just don't understand why they must be referenced at the tail end of almost every post.


Fraud is fraud.  It has definitions in the dictionary.  It has a legal definition in Canada:

Under the Criminal Code of Canada, a charge of fraud can be brought for any act of deceit, falsehood, or other fraudulent means intended to “deprive the public or a specific person of money, property, services, or valuable security.” 


You don't like or trust the guy.  That's your right.  We just think you are choosing the wrong words to describe your dislike.  If you really think it's fraud then file charges.  


And who advised him not to go to China?  I get the feeling you don't want conservatives to listen to liberals.  Please consider how the reverse might occur.


Economic terrorism?  I'll look forward to hearing you complain if the word Nazi comes up again.

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