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Just now, Elias Pettersson said:


PP isn't my buddy


My mistake, I got the impression you were impressed with him.



Just now, Elias Pettersson said:


And Mark Carney doesn't move the needle for me at all...


He will for many. 

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9 minutes ago, Bob Long said:


My mistake, I got the impression you were impressed with him.




He will for many. 


What makes you think that?  He's not even an MP.  Wouldn't he have to run in an election at some point?  LeBlanc is quite easily the most qualified person to be running the country.  It's not even close.  I'm surprised you're not excited about that.  Carney would be a perfect finance minister if we was able to become an MP...

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Just now, Elias Pettersson said:


What makes you think that?  He's not even an MP.  Wouldn't he have to run in an election at some point?  LeBlanc is quite easily the most qualified person to be running the country.  It's not even close.  I'm surprised you're not excited about that.  Carney would be a perfect finance minister if we was able to become an MP...


Look at his resume. Then look at Skippys. Do the math.

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Just now, ArmchairGM22 said:

I’m racist because I don’t want 20 mil Canadian tax dollars going to Ghana to tell them not to crap on the beach when our food banks are overwhelmed (amongst the other items I posted)???


interesting perspective 


I’m black by the way. Also, given you and I were warned to stop. I have reported you for abusive behavior for calling me a racist. 

Just A heads up. 


I didn't say you were, I said the post had a racist tone. I'm allowed to comment on a post.

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Here’s another great use of our tax dollars. One of my favourites


maybe someone can explain what it is to me 😂 


“Canada is spending $10,000,000 

to teach 5000 men in the Congo "to implement nature-based solutions and adapt to climate change using gender-sensitive methods"


Edited by ArmchairGM22
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Just now, Elias Pettersson said:


I don't need to do the math.  Why are you not all over on Dominic LeBlanc?  That's my question to you.  Weird...


He's fine, he doesn't have Carneys level of experience.

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2 minutes ago, ArmchairGM22 said:

Here’s another great use of our tax dollars. One of my favourites


maybe someone can explain what it is to me 😂 


“Canada is spending $10,000,000 

to teach 5000 men in the Congo "to implement nature-based solutions and adapt to climate change using gender-sensitive methods"



Just read the profile, it's all there.

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Dominic LeBlanc potentially running for the leadership position of the Liberals is the best news I've heard in awhile.  I'm surprised some of you are not all over this.  He goes all the way back to the Chretien government.  He's easily the most qualified person in politics to run the country.  And it's not even close.  He has more qualifications in his right pinkie than the 3 stooges do in their entire combined bodies...

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2 minutes ago, Bob Long said:


He's fine, he doesn't have Carneys level of experience.


Carney is not even a politician.   😂


LeBlanc goes all the way back to Chretien.  He even ran for the Liberal leadership in 2008.  What exactly does Carney have that's more experience than LeBlanc in running the country?

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2 minutes ago, ArmchairGM22 said:

Here’s another great use of our tax dollars. One of my favourites


maybe someone can explain what it is to me 😂 



I'll try but it involves a bit of reading.   Try not to focus too hard on just the sentences that contain the word 'gender'.


The Women in Action project aims to increase climate change adaptation among vulnerable girls and women in the agricultural and forestry sectors in Sud- and Nord-Kivu, with benefits in terms of the conservation and restoration of forest biodiversity. Project activities include: (1) developing and equipping sites for climate-smart agricultural and agroforestry practices and nature-based restoration solutions; (2) providing protected-area managers, community leaders and private operators with training on positive masculinity and gender-based violence, and supporting the establishment of mechanisms to protect the rights of young women and women; and (3) providing technical support to forest concessions in local communities in terms of developing and monitoring simple management plans that prioritize the conservation and restoration of biodiversity, and supporting young women’s and women’s adaptation to climate change. The project’s beneficiaries, who will receive training on positive masculinity, are estimated to be over 5,000 men. In addition, the living conditions and food security of over 30,000 household members, young women and women will improve. Five local organizations will receive support so they can mentor young women and men in terms of implementing nature-based solutions and adapting to climate change using gender-sensitive methods, even outside the project.

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1 minute ago, Elias Pettersson said:

Dominic LeBlanc potentially running for the leadership position of the Liberals is the best news I've heard in awhile.  I'm surprised some of you are not all over this.  He goes all the way back to the Chretien government.  He's easily the most qualified person in politics to run the country.  And it's not even close.  He has more qualifications in his right pinkie than the 3 stooges do in their entire combined bodies...


He's also easy for PP to shift his narrative to. Oh wait...

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Just now, Elias Pettersson said:


Carney is not even a politician.   😂


LeBlanc goes all the way back to Chretien.  He even ran for the Liberal leadership in 2008.  What exactly does Carney have that's more experience than LeBlanc in running the country?


We need a good financial manager next, he has that in spades.


I know you like Skippy to have someone easier to shift his "Trudeau broke everything" shtick. 

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Just now, Bob Long said:


We need a good financial manager next, he has that in spades.


I know you like Skippy to have someone easier to shift his "Trudeau broke everything" shtick. 


He's qualifies to be the Finance Minister which is what LeBlanc could hire him to do if he actually won a seat.  Isn't that what a Finance Ministers' job is, financially manage the country and prepare the budgets?


Not even sure what you are getting at with Skippy, I think you are going off on a tangent because you simply want to disagree with me...

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5 minutes ago, Satchmo said:

I'll try but it involves a bit of reading.   Try not to focus too hard on just the sentences that contain the word 'gender'.


The Women in Action project aims to increase climate change adaptation among vulnerable girls and women in the agricultural and forestry sectors in Sud- and Nord-Kivu, with benefits in terms of the conservation and restoration of forest biodiversity. Project activities include: (1) developing and equipping sites for climate-smart agricultural and agroforestry practices and nature-based restoration solutions; (2) providing protected-area managers, community leaders and private operators with training on positive masculinity and gender-based violence, and supporting the establishment of mechanisms to protect the rights of young women and women; and (3) providing technical support to forest concessions in local communities in terms of developing and monitoring simple management plans that prioritize the conservation and restoration of biodiversity, and supporting young women’s and women’s adaptation to climate change. The project’s beneficiaries, who will receive training on positive masculinity, are estimated to be over 5,000 men. In addition, the living conditions and food security of over 30,000 household members, young women and women will improve. Five local organizations will receive support so they can mentor young women and men in terms of implementing nature-based solutions and adapting to climate change using gender-sensitive methods, even outside the project.

I suppose you don’t get my point 


but it’s ok 


be well 

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13 minutes ago, ArmchairGM22 said:

I’m racist because I don’t want 20 mil Canadian tax dollars going to Ghana to tell them not to crap on the beach when our food banks are overwhelmed (amongst the other items I posted)???


interesting perspective 


I’m black by the way. Also, given you and I were warned to stop. I have reported you for abusive behavior for calling me a racist. 

Just A heads up. 

Oh that's rich.


Reported him.



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1 minute ago, Elias Pettersson said:


He's qualifies to be the Finance Minister which is what LeBlanc could hire him to do if he actually won a seat.  Isn't that what a Finance Ministers' job is, financially manage the country and prepare the budgets?


Not even sure what you are getting at with Skippy, I think you are going off on a tangent because you simply want to disagree with me...


I disagree because I think Carney has the best chance of keeping Skippy out of power.

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12 minutes ago, ArmchairGM22 said:

Here’s another great use of our tax dollars. One of my favourites


maybe someone can explain what it is to me 😂 


“Canada is spending $10,000,000 

to teach 5000 men in the Congo "to implement nature-based solutions and adapt to climate change using gender-sensitive methods"


Because of course you would.


Much like the other guy, here's the other parts you "missed"


7 hours ago, Warhippy said:

Notice where the entirety of the project is around ensuring women in at risk areas for simply being women are the heart of the project?  The project that will allow for women to commit to agriculture, agri studies and bio diversity fields in severely at risk areas for women?


This is one of those instances where you have to be asked why you have a issue with women being trained, educated or helped to fend for themselves in nations where women don't even have the rights to feed themselves without permission


The Women in Action project aims to increase climate change adaptation among vulnerable girls and women in the agricultural and forestry sectors in Sud- and Nord-Kivu, with benefits in terms of the conservation and restoration of forest biodiversity. Project activities include: (1) developing and equipping sites for climate-smart agricultural and agroforestry practices and nature-based restoration solutions; (2) providing protected-area managers, community leaders and private operators with training on positive masculinity and gender-based violence, and supporting the establishment of mechanisms to protect the rights of young women and women; and (3) providing technical support to forest concessions in local communities in terms of developing and monitoring simple management plans that prioritize the conservation and restoration of biodiversity, and supporting young women’s and women’s adaptation to climate change. The project’s beneficiaries, who will receive training on positive masculinity, are estimated to be over 5,000 men. In addition, the living conditions and food security of over 30,000 household members, young women and women will improve. Five local organizations will receive support so they can mentor young women and men in terms of implementing nature-based solutions and adapting to climate change using gender-sensitive methods, even outside the project.



Expected results 

The expected results for this project include: (1) increased and more equitable adoption of nature-based climate change adaptation and restoration solutions by and for young women and women in the agricultural and forestry sectors by providing biodiversity conservation and restoration benefits; (2) young women and women have increased control of resources and decisions within their groups and households, which are needed for growth and adaptation to climate change—this also includes their income-generating activities with benefits for forest biodiversity; and (3) young women and women have increased influence on communities, public services and the private sector in terms of taking into account their climate change and biodiversity restoration and conservation rights, issues and solutions.


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2 minutes ago, Warhippy said:

He isn't?


Sure he is.  All you do is post against one side.


So since you can claim everyone is a Liberal defender or Trudeau defender, why can't you wear the mantle of PP buddy?


So why do you defend the current government at every opportunity?  I mean you really make an effort to do it, spend the time researching.  It's quite impressive actually.  I have to give you credit for it...

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Just now, Elias Pettersson said:


So why do you defend the current government at every opportunity?  I mean you really make an effort to do it, spend the time researching.  It's quite impressive actually.  I have to give you credit for it...

There it is.


I'll repeat for the 1000th time.


Posting AGAINST one side is not posting FOR another.  


At this point Pierre is set to be the next PM.  But he has done nothing to deserve such nor does he have a voting record or record of success for his high profile positions over his two decades in office that screams better option.


You insist that anyone who posts against Pierre is pro Trudeau so why can't you wear the same hat?  Since all you do is post against Trudeau you must be pro Pierre.


This has to at least jive somewhere for you in a way you understand why the comparison is apt

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5 minutes ago, Warhippy said:

Because of course you would.


Much like the other guy, here's the other parts you "missed"



I guess you guys don’t seem to get the point 


So I’ll explain it to you 


Our PM and his party are printing and spending money like no tomorrow 


he is taxing us through the ying yang 


and this is where a lot of money, our tax money, is going 


now you may care about Ghanaians being told not poop on the beach, this may be a serious priority for you, but for people using food banks in record numbers, living in tent cities, waiting months to see a medical specialist 


I would posit, they and most Canadians, want to see our tax dollars help Canadians 


you do you bro 

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