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2 minutes ago, Bob Long said:


I disagree because I think Carney has the best chance of keeping Skippy out of power.


I disagree.  Carney has zero political experience.  He would be like a shark out of water.  PP would have a field day with him in the media.  LeBlanc is a seasoned politician who can easily outgun PP on any given day.  He also goes back to the Chretien and Martin days.  He's a centrist who would bring the country back to the middle.  So he'd get back alot of the Chretien Liberal votes.  Just because he's in this current government doesn't define him as a politician.  Most Liberal voters know this.  He can only do what his leader tells him to do...

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3 minutes ago, Warhippy said:

There it is.


I'll repeat for the 1000th time.


Posting AGAINST one side is not posting FOR another.  


At this point Pierre is set to be the next PM.  But he has done nothing to deserve such nor does he have a voting record or record of success for his high profile positions over his two decades in office that screams better option.


You insist that anyone who posts against Pierre is pro Trudeau so why can't you wear the same hat?  Since all you do is post against Trudeau you must be pro Pierre.


This has to at least jive somewhere for you in a way you understand why the comparison is apt


I'm not PP's buddy.  And I've never called you Trudeau's buddy have I?  Did I ever call Bob Trudeau's BFF?  It was a jab that wasn't necessary and you're not really making a good argument otherwise.  

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6 minutes ago, Elias Pettersson said:


I disagree.  Carney has zero political experience.  He would be like a shark out of water.  PP would have a field day with him in the media.  LeBlanc is a seasoned politician who can easily outgun PP on any given day.  He also goes back to the Chretien and Martin days.  He's a centrist who would bring the country back to the middle.  So he'd get back alot of the Chretien Liberal votes.  Just because he's in this current government doesn't define him as a politician.  Most Liberal voters know this.  He can only do what his leader tells him to do...


Hmmm, nah. Libs need a reset with a high profile person that would take Skippy to the woodshed on economic issues.


Skippy can too easily tie Dom to Trudeau. 


Also fighting with Skippy is a bad idea. Carney can refocus the debate on actual economic plans, which would scare the shit out of Bitcoin bro.


Edited by Bob Long
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1 minute ago, Elias Pettersson said:


I'm not PP's buddy.  And I've never called you Trudeau's buddy have I?  Did I ever call Bob Trudeau's BFF?  It was a jab that wasn't necessary and you're not really making a good argument otherwise.  


Apologies, thought you really liked him.

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Just now, Elias Pettersson said:


I disagree.  Carney has zero political experience.  He would be like a shark out of water.  PP would have a field day with him in the media.  LeBlanc is a seasoned politician who can easily outgun PP on any given day.  He also goes back to the Chretien and Martin days.  He's a centrist who would bring the country back to the middle.  So he'd get back alot of the Chretien Liberal votes.  Just because he's in this current government doesn't define him as a politician.  Most Liberal voters know this.  He can only do what his leader tells him to do...


We can agree and disagree here.


We've all been vocal about anyone being a better option then Trudeau.


For LeBlanc, he may have experience.  but this also comes with a voting history and ties to the Liberals.  Pierre can leverage this the same way that the Libs can leverage Pierres history against him.


Carney has no experience, but that is also not a bad thing.  As he was in charge of the BoC during what Pierre claims to be the most amazing times under the former Conservative government as well as an amazing run pre brexit as the head of the Bank of England.


His lack of experience can also be a very beneficial thing because he has no ties to lay anything bad on, and more so takes the attacks of finance and the economic health of the nation out of the Conservative arsenal


The question is, since leBlanc said in May he has zero intentions of running and Carney has signalled nothing of the sort.  Who else is an option?



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2 minutes ago, Elias Pettersson said:


I'm not PP's buddy.  And I've never called you Trudeau's buddy have I?  Did I ever call Bob Trudeau's BFF?  It was a jab that wasn't necessary and you're not really making a good argument otherwise.  

You've absolutely done so sir to myself and a few others.  Labelling them as "Trudeau defenders or supporters"


I like pointing out hypocrisy.  As the individuals speaking so vocally and frequently against the government are in such small numbers here (bit of an echo chamber) it is easy to find and easy to remember.


At this point would it not be easier to simply avoid tying anyone to any one party or leadership hopeful entirely?  Jabs or not?

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2 minutes ago, Warhippy said:


We can agree and disagree here.


We've all been vocal about anyone being a better option then Trudeau.


For LeBlanc, he may have experience.  but this also comes with a voting history and ties to the Liberals.  Pierre can leverage this the same way that the Libs can leverage Pierres history against him.


Carney has no experience, but that is also not a bad thing.  As he was in charge of the BoC during what Pierre claims to be the most amazing times under the former Conservative government as well as an amazing run pre brexit as the head of the Bank of England.


His lack of experience can also be a very beneficial thing because he has no ties to lay anything bad on, and more so takes the attacks of finance and the economic health of the nation out of the Conservative arsenal


The question is, since leBlanc said in May he has zero intentions of running and Carney has signalled nothing of the sort.  Who else is an option?




It's pretty much perfect imo, no history Skippy can use, tons of economic cred.

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3 minutes ago, ArmchairGM22 said:

I guess you guys don’t seem to get the point 


So I’ll explain it to you 


Our PM and his party are printing and spending money like no tomorrow 


he is taxing us through the ying yang 


and this is where a lot of money, our tax money, is going 


now you may care about Ghanaians being told not poop on the beach, this may be a serious priority for you, but for people using food banks in record numbers, living in tent cities, waiting months to see a medical specialist 


I would posit, they and most Canadians, want to see our tax dollars help Canadians 


you do you bro 

That's the point you supposed I missed?  I can assure I did not. I know by now what your priorities are. 


Canada helping out women and young girls in misogynist countries while also supporting sustainable and clean agriculture is just fine with me.   


Is this the new thing?  We are going to see listing after listing of government projects you don't like?  As I mentioned, we already know how you feel.  You are just wasting pixels up the ying yang.

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3 minutes ago, Warhippy said:


We can agree and disagree here.


We've all been vocal about anyone being a better option then Trudeau.


For LeBlanc, he may have experience.  but this also comes with a voting history and ties to the Liberals.  Pierre can leverage this the same way that the Libs can leverage Pierres history against him.


Carney has no experience, but that is also not a bad thing.  As he was in charge of the BoC during what Pierre claims to be the most amazing times under the former Conservative government as well as an amazing run pre brexit as the head of the Bank of England.


His lack of experience can also be a very beneficial thing because he has no ties to lay anything bad on, and more so takes the attacks of finance and the economic health of the nation out of the Conservative arsenal


The question is, since leBlanc said in May he has zero intentions of running and Carney has signalled nothing of the sort.  Who else is an option?




Nobody.  Which is why there has not been a huge push to remove Trudeau.  Chretien was removed, i.e. resigned, because Martin was there to take over and he had his own faction and people on his side to put enough pressure to remove Chretien.  There is nobody today that is doing that in regard to Trudeau.  They are all on his side, at least publicly, and there is no push to remove him...

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4 minutes ago, Satchmo said:

That's the point you supposed I missed?  I can assure I did not. I know by now what your priorities are. 


Canada helping out women and young girls in misogynist countries while also supporting sustainable and clean agriculture is just fine with me.   


Is this the new thing?  We are going to see listing after listing of government projects you don't like?  As I mentioned, we already know how you feel.  You are just wasting pixels up the ying yang.

So your priority is not helping Canadians with our tax money but helping Ghanaians to learn not to poop on beaches, or misogyny in other countries.


how about Canadian kids who are starving? Nah they don’t matter huh? 


cool. I think my priorities are more rational


I appreciate those on the left think money is free 


and yes it’s important to learn where our money is going 


How do you feel about 200 mil going to Guillbault’s venture fund? From taxpayer money?


I guess that’s cool too? 

dude just stop responding 


I see you will never admit that the govt wastes money that should go to Canadians. 

You be you man. Just reminds me why I no longer vote liberal 

Edited by ArmchairGM22
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5 minutes ago, Warhippy said:

You've absolutely done so sir to myself and a few others.  Labelling them as "Trudeau defenders or supporters"


I like pointing out hypocrisy.  As the individuals speaking so vocally and frequently against the government are in such small numbers here (bit of an echo chamber) it is easy to find and easy to remember.


At this point would it not be easier to simply avoid tying anyone to any one party or leadership hopeful entirely?  Jabs or not?


I've never called you Trudeau's buddy.  If I have, please quote me on it.  That was my main beef.  Bob has already apologized so it's all good anyways...

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3 minutes ago, Satchmo said:

That's the point you supposed I missed?  I can assure I did not. I know by now what your priorities are. 


Canada helping out women and young girls in misogynist countries while also supporting sustainable and clean agriculture is just fine with me.   


Is this the new thing?  We are going to see listing after listing of government projects you don't like?  As I mentioned, we already know how you feel.  You are just wasting pixels up the ying yang.

Heres the rub.


If they stopped promoting projects in other nations and started spending that money here on food banks or housing.


They would say that they were paying to hide their failures, or that they were engaged in socialism and that the government has no job paying for housing etc.


There's literally no way to win in a partisan argument or situation

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1 minute ago, Elias Pettersson said:


I've never called you Trudeau's buddy.  If I have, please quote me on it.  That was my main beef.  Bob has already apologized so it's all good anyways...

Trudeau defenders or supporters.


Pierres buddy is not different.


The insinuation is there.

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6 minutes ago, ArmchairGM22 said:

So your priority is not helping Canadians with our tax money but helping Ghanaians to learn not to poop on beaches 


Did I say that?  The project you rail against is set at a maximum of 10 million.



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Just now, Satchmo said:

Did I say that?  The project you rail against is set at a maximum or 10 million.



I posted about 5 of them champ. And that’s a small handful of all the waste 


and that’s 10 mil that could go to foodbanks that are being overrun 


I notice how you avoid answering about Guilllbault


have a nice life 

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3 hours ago, Satchmo said:


I wonder who paid for that article?


In October 2019, the Globe and Mail reported that Kinsella's consulting firm, Daisy Group, had, according to an anonymous source, been hired by the Conservative Party of Canada to create a campaign attempting to discredit Maxime Bernier and the People's Party of Canada. Neither the Conservative Party nor Kinsella would confirm or deny that they are – or have been – working together.[30] Bernier filed a complaint to the Commissioner of Canada Elections.[31] On October 19, 2019, Kinsella deactivated his Twitter and Facebook accounts and posted a statement on his website that he is "pulling back from (social) media."[32] On October 22, 2019, Kinsella called on the Commissioner of Canada Elections to investigate the role that his own firm played.[33]

On 29 October 2019 Kinsella said on his podcast that he would not reveal the who hired his company, maintaining that it was protected by solicitor-client privilege but stated the campaign should have been disclosed earlier.[34] On November 2, Kory Teneycke cited Andrew Scheer handling of the Kinsella story to the Toronto Star as one of the example questioning Scheer future as the leader of the Conservative Party.[35] While, CBC revealed, on November 26, 2019, a recording describing Kinsella's contempt of Bernier and identified that Conservative campaign manager Hamish Marshall and co-chair, John Walsh knew about the campaign and were watching. Kinsella is heard telling the staff that they need to "draw blood".[36] After filing a $1 million lawsuit, Kinsella later settled out of court with the source; who was a former Daisy Employee, Aziza Mohammed.[37] On December, 08, the Globe and Mail, reported that it was a lack of clarity "what other activities were part of the project" and that "The Conservative Party will eventually have to report all of its spending and third-party contracts to Elections Canada"

For a group that likes to shit on journalists they sure do pick the shadiest of the bunch to champion. Bought and paid for shills. It's all a ruse anyway, so they can shit on journalism that contradicts their views. The views that are fed to them by these propaganda writers who only write to serve the interests of the group that funds them. But what about the CBC, amirite? Fucking marks.

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9 minutes ago, Elias Pettersson said:

Maybe it's time to move onto something else...

Haven't we?

25 minutes ago, Warhippy said:


We can agree and disagree here.


We've all been vocal about anyone being a better option then Trudeau.


For LeBlanc, he may have experience.  but this also comes with a voting history and ties to the Liberals.  Pierre can leverage this the same way that the Libs can leverage Pierres history against him.


Carney has no experience, but that is also not a bad thing.  As he was in charge of the BoC during what Pierre claims to be the most amazing times under the former Conservative government as well as an amazing run pre brexit as the head of the Bank of England.


His lack of experience can also be a very beneficial thing because he has no ties to lay anything bad on, and more so takes the attacks of finance and the economic health of the nation out of the Conservative arsenal


The question is, since leBlanc said in May he has zero intentions of running and Carney has signalled nothing of the sort.  Who else is an option?




19 minutes ago, Elias Pettersson said:


Nobody.  Which is why there has not been a huge push to remove Trudeau.  Chretien was removed, i.e. resigned, because Martin was there to take over and he had his own faction and people on his side to put enough pressure to remove Chretien.  There is nobody today that is doing that in regard to Trudeau.  They are all on his side, at least publicly, and there is no push to remove him...


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1 minute ago, ArmchairGM22 said:

Oh my goodness


Two Thumbs Up GIF by P.O.S.

I'm not really sure what that meme is supposed to mean.


If you feel there is an outstanding question please ask it again.  

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2 minutes ago, Satchmo said:

I'm not really sure what that meme is supposed to mean.


If you feel there is an outstanding question please ask it again.  

No need 


I know your answer 


and if you’re not willing to read someone’s posts before responding, I feel no need to engage with you 

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4 minutes ago, ArmchairGM22 said:

No need 


I know your answer 


and if you’re not willing to read someone’s posts before responding, I feel no need to engage with you 

I assure you I read everything.   You say I'm avoiding a question regarding Guilllbault.   I've looked back at all posts on the last 4 pages looking for the question.  I did so before I asked you to repeat the question and again just now in case I had missed it.


I also searched the forum for 'Guilllbault'.  This is all that turned up:




and if you’re not willing to ask a question before you demand someone answer it, I feel no need to engage with you 

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