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On 6/21/2024 at 10:34 AM, Bob Long said:


Or, maybe we on the left need to put aside some personal interest and vote for the bigger picture.


PP is a shit person who should never hold power. That should be the thing top of mind.


I know I'll be voting strategically with that in mind, I'm just not sure most NDP supporters would. I hope so.


Oddly enough, I plan to vote NDP, if nothing changes significantly. See, I am a Laurier Club member and I do research for the Federal Liberal Party of Canada from time to time, but historically, in my riding, north of Victoria on Vancouver Island, it is either NDP or Con, and been NDP for generations. If there is a large Con rise of support around here, Alistair MacGregor will need every vote he can get to retain his seat. Besides, a hottie I dated for a bit in high school is his Parliamentary Secretary. hehe. 

So my point is if your riding is more of a Liberal VS Conservative riding, by all means vote Liberal, I am dropping your NDP vote in the box over here. hahah

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2 minutes ago, ArmchairGM22 said:



you definitely read it! 😂 


You’re on block 




Funny, but you are on block too.  Makes it harder find stuff.   No idea why the search function still does not show that post.


Ok, so just what is this venture fund and what 200  mil are you talking about?

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1 hour ago, Elias Pettersson said:


I've never called you Trudeau's buddy.  If I have, please quote me on it.  That was my main beef.  Bob has already apologized so it's all good anyways...


Tbh I don't care if you call me a Trudeau fan boy etc, i did vote him in 😅

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25 minutes ago, Optimist Prime said:

Oddly enough, I plan to vote NDP, if nothing changes significantly. See, I am a Laurier Club member and I do research for the Federal Liberal Party of Canada from time to time, but historically, in my riding, north of Victoria on Vancouver Island, it is either NDP or Con, and been NDP for generations. If there is a large Con rise of support around here, Alistair MacGregor will need every vote he can get to retain his seat. Besides, a hottie I dated for a bit in high school is his Parliamentary Secretary. hehe. 

So my point is if your riding is more of a Liberal VS Conservative riding, by all means vote Liberal, I am dropping your NDP vote in the box over here. hahah


Strategic voting works 

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28 minutes ago, ArmchairGM22 said:


It seems I have to go to Redditt or Facebook to see anything about him being a shareholder.  I won't.   He worked with Cycle Capital for years but does no longer.   He has remained as a consultant.


Guilbeault is going to continue working to raise awareness of climate change and will work on a book about the role of artificial intelligence and the environment, while maintaining his position as a consultant with Cycle Capital Management and Copticom, a public relations firm.

Guilbeault said that investment funding is crucial in the fight to limit climate change, which is why he works with Cycle Capital.


One might also ask WTF does a question about Guilbeault have to do with a discussion about programs in Ghana except perhaps as a diversion.

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56 minutes ago, Satchmo said:

It seems I have to go to Redditt or Facebook to see anything about him being a shareholder.  I won't.   He worked with Cycle Capital for years but does no longer.   He has remained as a consultant.


Guilbeault is going to continue working to raise awareness of climate change and will work on a book about the role of artificial intelligence and the environment, while maintaining his position as a consultant with Cycle Capital Management and Copticom, a public relations firm.

Guilbeault said that investment funding is crucial in the fight to limit climate change, which is why he works with Cycle Capital.


One might also ask WTF does a question about Guilbeault have to do with a discussion about programs in Ghana except perhaps as a diversion.

Venture capital firms don’t publish their shareholders 


they aren’t public 


an MP has stated he’s a current shareholder and has asked him to answer to committee 


pretty sure he’s not lying and has proof given he literally said “current shareholder”, but deny as you please

one might ask why people can’t understand the big picture when all of my posts have been about the liberal party wasting money, their corruption, and thus why they keep asking for more money from taxpayers.


not sure why you can’t see a pattern of money being wasted and pilfered from my posts

need I remind you, you were the one who didn’t read my post and asked 4 times about Guillbault. It was used as another example of the corrupt, wasteful liberals and you kept asking “what is the question, I didn’t see a question, what is the question”


and I had to post a screen shot before even read the question. You seem rather confused or Your trolling is beyond ridiculous 


Have a nice life dude 


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Just now, ArmchairGM22 said:

Venture capital firms don’t publish their shareholders 


they aren’t public 


an MP has stated he’s a current shareholder and has asked him to answer to committee 


pretty sure he’s not lying but carry on


I suppose we will find out in time.  For now we can all just speculate and choose our favourite story to believe in.



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42 minutes ago, Optimist Prime said:

I can speak to the item on spending for access to justice in Syria. 


When I was in Damascus there were two Canadian teachers, the international kind that do ESL stuff in other countries, who foolishly hiked to Lebanon and back from the Syrian side of the border, and were arrested upon their return and found, correctly or not, to have been in possession of a few joints. No idea if that part is true. THey never admitted it, but in Syria, if your loved ones or activists do not bring you food in Jail, you starve in jail. We took turns bringing foodstuffs to them and a couple other canadians imprisoned there over time. The woman of the couple died of trauma events suffered almost daily in prison within three months time, and the guy eventually died there as well after I was rotated out following the elder Al Assad's (Hafez) death. 


I will pay double my current taxes if it means keeping those funds in place, and I don't think I have to spell out why to any of us lucky souls who will never have to deal with a dictator's justice system. 


I don't know the details of the rest of them, but my guess is they are advancing Canada's interests or protecting Canadians in those countries too. 
I am not opposed to international spending to aid our fellow nations who are not as lucky as us, and I feel it is the best way to advance our nations interests and influence votes on international items to sway our way. Every government does it and has done it and P.P.'s will too. Nuff said. 

Tell that to a kid who’s barely eaten for a week in Canada buddy 


it’s great to say “I’ll pay double my taxes” when you won’t be asked to “yet”.


so it costs you nothing to be the kind soul online 


The issue is we can’t solve all the worlds problems when we have more and more at home and are broke 


25% of our country is living in poverty dude


go volunteer at a food bank or soup kitchen 


I don’t think you’re aware of the reality in this country 

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7 minutes ago, ArmchairGM22 said:

You make a lot of incorrect assumptions and your personal attacks are noted 


I’ve reported you 

Of course you have.  


But then I'm the only one making "incorrect assumptions" so whatever Sugar.

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6 hours ago, ArmchairGM22 said:

Tell that to a kid who’s barely eaten for a week in Canada buddy 


it’s great to say “I’ll pay double my taxes” when you won’t be asked to “yet”.


so it costs you nothing to be the kind soul online 


The issue is we can’t solve all the worlds problems when we have more and more at home and are broke 


25% of our country is living in poverty dude


go volunteer at a food bank or soup kitchen 


I don’t think you’re aware of the reality in this country 


Says the guy who is taking his wealth and leaving the country. Kind of ironic.

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1 hour ago, 4petesake said:


Says the guy who is taking his wealth and leaving the country. Kind of ironic.

Maybe the reason is I’m tired of the govt wasting our money, asking for more, and then throwing it overseas and lining their own pockets with it????? Logic 101

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43 minutes ago, Alflives said:

When is the election? Fall 2025, right? Mid term polls are not predictive of election day results. 

Sure, and I’m not sure what it’s like on the left coast but I’ll tell you in Ontario, walk out the door and ask anyone what they think and there’s palpable hatred for the liberals.


I am in a very liberal riding and everyone I talk to is voting conservative. People in health care, teachers, all of them. 

Alf, people have had enough of Trudeau firstly, he’s despised on a personal level. Swapping him out won’t make a difference because of all the economic impacts of his policies that people have felt. Add in the endless financials scandals and now the election interference, it’s fairly obvious the liberals are not coming back from that. 

I‘m happy to bet anyone on that. 


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20 minutes ago, ArmchairGM22 said:

Sure, and I’m not sure what it’s like on the left coast but I’ll tell you in Ontario, walk out the door and ask anyone what they think and there’s palpable hatred for the liberals.


I am in a very liberal riding and everyone I talk to is voting conservative. People in health care, teachers, all of them. 

Alf, people have had enough of Trudeau firstly, he’s despised on a personal level. Swapping him out won’t make a difference because of all the economic impacts of his policies that people have felt. Add in the endless financials scandals and now the election interference, it’s fairly obvious the liberals are not coming back from that. 

I‘m happy to bet anyone on that. 


We are still a long way out from the election. These polls mean nothing. Lots of those who are Conservative will not vote this election because Poo Poo is embarrassingly soft. 

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37 minutes ago, ArmchairGM22 said:

Maybe the reason is I’m tired of the govt wasting our money, asking for more, and then throwing it overseas and lining their own pockets with it????? Logic 101

Tell that to a kid that’s barely been able to eat for a week.

Logic 102

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