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4 minutes ago, ArmchairGM22 said:

You’re really confused bro. 


Not at all. You questioned @Optimist Prime’s commitment and suggested he was a kind soul online when it cost him nothing, then said he should go volunteer at a food bank or soup kitchen.


Lots of us are well aware of community needs and commit time and money to help those in need. We don’t want gratitude or a pat on the back but we also don’t need to have our ethics questioned by someone that would rather bail than stay and help.

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16 minutes ago, 4petesake said:


Not at all. You questioned @Optimist Prime’s commitment and suggested he was a kind soul online when it cost him nothing, then said he should go volunteer at a food bank or soup kitchen.


Lots of us are well aware of community needs and commit time and money to help those in need. We don’t want gratitude or a pat on the back but we also don’t need to have our ethics questioned by someone that would rather bail than stay and help.

Again, you seem to completely miss the point but I’m not going to explain things over and over to people, it’s exhausting  🤣 


also questioning someone’s priorities with Canadian tax dollars is not the same as questioning their ethics but carry on.


Are you more concerned about Ghanaians pooping on the beach than our food banks? 

and “stay and help” - help whom? Using more tax dollars to tell Ghana to stop pooping on the beach? Does that help Canadians? Please explain how since I’m so stupid. 

the fact none of you will admit that this was a waste of Canadian tax dollars in unbelievable. 


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1 hour ago, ArmchairGM22 said:

Maybe the reason is I’m tired of the govt wasting our money, asking for more, and then throwing it overseas and lining their own pockets with it????? Logic 101

So where exactly are you fleeing to that won't be the same?

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The head of RCMP says he's uneasy with the idea that politicians could use their parliamentary privilege to name colleagues accused of aiding foreign powers.

Earlier this month, the National Security and Intelligence Committee of Parliamentarians (NSICOP), a cross-party committee of MPs and senators with top security clearances, released a heavily redacted document alleging — based on intelligence reports — that some parliamentarians have been "semi-witting or witting" participants in the efforts of foreign states to interfere in Canadian politics.

The RCMP has said anyone who leaks classified intelligence could be charged under Canada's secrets law. The Liberal government has still faced pressure from the Conservatives and others to release the names of those cited in the report on the floor of the House of Commons, where MPs enjoy parliamentary privilege protecting them from arrest.

It's not a scenario RCMP Commissioner Mike Duheme wants to think about.

"I'm inclined to say that would be a challenge for us. If it was out in the public domain, it'd be different because you're disclosing top secret information," he said in an interview with Rosemary Barton Live.

"Let's hope we don't have to cross that road."

Duheme said he'll let the government decide how best to handle the situation, but urged caution.

"But I am concerned if we're starting to disclose secret or top secret information," he said. "It could put in peril tradecraft, partnerships, especially international partnerships."



more at link.

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3 minutes ago, Gurn said:



The head of RCMP says he's uneasy with the idea that politicians could use their parliamentary privilege to name colleagues accused of aiding foreign powers.

Earlier this month, the National Security and Intelligence Committee of Parliamentarians (NSICOP), a cross-party committee of MPs and senators with top security clearances, released a heavily redacted document alleging — based on intelligence reports — that some parliamentarians have been "semi-witting or witting" participants in the efforts of foreign states to interfere in Canadian politics.

The RCMP has said anyone who leaks classified intelligence could be charged under Canada's secrets law. The Liberal government has still faced pressure from the Conservatives and others to release the names of those cited in the report on the floor of the House of Commons, where MPs enjoy parliamentary privilege protecting them from arrest.

It's not a scenario RCMP Commissioner Mike Duheme wants to think about.

"I'm inclined to say that would be a challenge for us. If it was out in the public domain, it'd be different because you're disclosing top secret information," he said in an interview with Rosemary Barton Live.

"Let's hope we don't have to cross that road."

Duheme said he'll let the government decide how best to handle the situation, but urged caution.

"But I am concerned if we're starting to disclose secret or top secret information," he said. "It could put in peril tradecraft, partnerships, especially international partnerships."



more at link.


But think how satisfying the tweets would be. 

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55 minutes ago, Boudrias said:

Interesting. The Liberals did a reverse takeover of the Alberta NDP. 


Imo Nenshi is a legitimate threat to Smith. He can certainly improve the NDP position in the cities, but can he get enough support in a few rural adjacent ridings.... He's got 3 years to build that up.


He'll never win most of the rural ridings but he doesn't have to.

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Pretty interesting to look at some of the really close races around Calgary: https://globalnews.ca/news/9633315/live-alberta-election-results-2023-vote/


If Nenshi can hold the gains from the last election, I think he can bring out a lot of new voters in the ridings the UCP had very narrow victories in. There's a path here for him.


It would be great for the country if AB can shed the UCP for a while. 

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31 minutes ago, Satchmo said:

You really should stop thinking we can't see your point and come to terms with the fact that we can easily see it but do not agree with it.

That’s great 


so as I said, you and all of those who think like you believe sending $10 mil of Canadian tax dollars (as one example) to Ghana to educate them to not crap on the beach, is more important than helping over run food banks, healthcare, teachers or any of OUR social services. 

you are welcome to that opinion. It simply means you’re not someone to be taken seriously


And here's an idea. Rather than chasing me around the canucks site to endlessly attack me, how about you defend your position.


Why is sending money to Ghana, to tell them not to crap on the beach A) anything to do with canadian tax dollars B) more important than OUR food banks?


Love to see you explain that.. lmao

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1 minute ago, ArmchairGM22 said:

That’s great 


so as I said, you and all of those who think like you believe sending $10 mil of Canadian tax dollars (as one example) to Ghana to educate them to not crap on the beach, is more important than helping over run food banks, healthcare, teachers or any of OUR social services. 

you are welcome to that opinion. It simply means you’re not someone to be taken seriously 


good luck 

Describing the Ghana project as existing only to instruct people to 'not crap on the beach' is extremely simplistic.  I'm afraid I just can't take that seriously.  Good luck.

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 its ok.....let the canadians starve


keep trying to defend it - its just showing how ludicrous your position is


i find it an amazing look into human psychology, the lengths people will go to defend nonsense, just to avoid saying, 'hey you know what, you're right and this shouldn't happen with our tax dollars".

But can't criticize trudy at all hey? lmao


he's doing a bang up job! you're right!

Edited by ArmchairGM22
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5 minutes ago, 112 said:

Why do you think the government isn't spending money on food programs in addition to the foreign aid programs? Why is it an either/or scenario to you? In fact, in the last budget--and as per a recent post in this thread--there was a major national school food program launched.


It's a form of soft power to have good relations with underdeveloped nations, and contributing help to their, in your example, sanitation practices can easily pay dividends in the future when these nations are economically more advanced. China has been investing in African nations for years at this point, and in the long term it would hurt to see them accumulate too much power through these investments while doing nothing on our end to establish relations with, for example, Ghana et al..


Africa is the richest continent on Earth in terms of resources. It will be valuable to have footing there in a few decades whether you appreciate it or not.

1. Never said the govt isn't spending


2. We're broke - it is an either or scenario


3. You can't fix the world when you have too many issues at home and cant pay for them


4. Govt money isn't free. It comes from more taxes or more printing / borrowing, which is inflationary.


5. When the country is spending more on debt service, than we are on health care transfer payments, We are broke



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14 hours ago, Optimist Prime said:

I can speak to the item on spending for access to justice in Syria. 


When I was in Damascus there were two Canadian teachers, the international kind that do ESL stuff in other countries, who foolishly hiked to Lebanon and back from the Syrian side of the border, and were arrested upon their return and found, correctly or not, to have been in possession of a few joints. No idea if that part is true. THey never admitted it, but in Syria, if your loved ones or activists do not bring you food in Jail, you starve in jail. We took turns bringing foodstuffs to them and a couple other canadians imprisoned there over time. The woman of the couple died of trauma events suffered almost daily in prison within three months time, and the guy eventually died there as well after I was rotated out following the elder Al Assad's (Hafez) death. 


I will pay double my current taxes if it means keeping those funds in place, and I don't think I have to spell out why to any of us lucky souls who will never have to deal with a dictator's justice system. 


I don't know the details of the rest of them, but my guess is they are advancing Canada's interests or protecting Canadians in those countries too. 
I am not opposed to international spending to aid our fellow nations who are not as lucky as us, and I feel it is the best way to advance our nations interests and influence votes on international items to sway our way. Every government does it and has done it and P.P.'s will too. Nuff said. 


I don't have a similar anecdote, but on several occasions I have made the point that I am happy to pay a bit extra in taxes if it helps those less fortunate than I....


The fact that armchair pretends he is concerned about those funds resulting in "starving children in Canada" is rather hard to believe....especially considering that he's already stated he is "taking his wealth" out of the country and moving somewhere.... (supposedly a country that will allow his to keep his wealth, in the form of lower taxation)


It doesn't take a degree in Economics to understand that lower taxation means less of a social safety net. The plight of the "starving children" will certainly get worse under a government that cuts taxes. It will also get worse for people struggling with paying for childcare, looking for assistance in upgrading their education and a myriad of other socioeconomic issues facing low income Canadians.


There's an old saying that conservatives love to cite....something to the effect of "The younger you are the more liberal you are and the older you get, the more conservative you become".... I see that sort of thing posted often in political forums....but for me, the evolution has been the exact opposite. I voted for Mulroney. I voted for Bennett.....


Now, I feel like I am my brother's keeper......and I can't help but look at these people who rail on about high taxation (while simultaneously humble bragging about their wealth) as selfish assholes, who pretend to care about poor folks and people who can't afford to buy a home, but really only care about their own wallets....

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5 hours ago, ArmchairGM22 said:

You’re really confused bro. 


Hmmm....seems to me that you have "reported" several posters just recently for less than this....:classic_unsure:


BTW, I don't believe you actually reported anyone, but on the off chance that you did, I don't think those reports are going to work out the way you hoped.....

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5 hours ago, RupertKBD said:


I don't have a similar anecdote, but on several occasions I have made the point that I am happy to pay a bit extra in taxes if it helps those less fortunate than I....


The fact that armchair pretends he is concerned about those funds resulting in "starving children in Canada" is rather hard to believe....especially considering that he's already stated he is "taking his wealth" out of the country and moving somewhere.... (supposedly a country that will allow his to keep his wealth, in the form of lower taxation)


It doesn't take a degree in Economics to understand that lower taxation means less of a social safety net. The plight of the "starving children" will certainly get worse under a government that cuts taxes. It will also get worse for people struggling with paying for childcare, looking for assistance in upgrading their education and a myriad of other socioeconomic issues facing low income Canadians.


There's an old saying that conservatives love to cite....something to the effect of "The younger you are the more liberal you are and the older you get, the more conservative you become".... I see that sort of thing posted often in political forums....but for me, the evolution has been the exact opposite. I voted for Mulroney. I voted for Bennett.....


Now, I feel like I am my brother's keeper......and I can't help but look at these people who rail on about high taxation (while simultaneously humble bragging about their wealth) as selfish assholes, who pretend to care about poor folks and people who can't afford to buy a home, but really only care about their own wallets....



Ever think that if our govt showed some fiduciary responsibility with our tax money and didn’t spend like drunken trust fund babies we wouldn’t have to increase taxes? But so many are like you who just don’t care, so they don’t care and the endless cycle of higher taxation continues. 

On “greedy”


1. have you ever started a business? Have you ever maxed out 3 credit cards, lived on ramen at 40 years old, remortgaged your house, feared bankruptcy every night because you’re trying to create wealth?


2. are you aware of how many entrepreneurs fail numerous times, destroy their families and wealth before they make it? Is the govt or you there to be “generous when they do?”


3. then when they finally make it. After a decade or more of fighting for it, and they EMPLOY people, give them good jobs, pensions, opportunity 


they’re greedy for wanting to keep the wealth THEY EARNED 


You are not entitled to the fruits of others struggles champ


That one word just told me everything about your attitude 


you should move to China, it’s more your style 

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2 minutes ago, ArmchairGM22 said:



Ever think that if our govt showed some fiduciary responsibility with our tax money and didn’t spend like drunken trust fund babies we wouldn’t have to increase taxes? But so many are like you who just don’t care, so they don’t care and the endless cycle of higher taxation continues. 

On “greedy”


1. have you ever started a business? Have you ever maxed out 3 credit cards, lived on ramen at 40 years old, remortgaged your house, feared bankruptcy every night because you’re trying to create wealth?


2. are you aware of how many entrepreneurs fail numerous times, destroy their families and wealth before they make it? Is the govt or you there to be “generous when they do?”


3. then when they finally make it. After a decade or more of fighting for it, and they EMPLOY people, give them good jobs, pensions, opportunity 


they’re greedy for wanting to keep the wealth THEY EARNED 


You are not entitled to the fruits of others struggled champ


That one word just told me everything about your attitude 


you should move to China, it’s more your style 


I happy right where I am....I'm not the one whining about the government stealing my hard earned money. I'm not the one saying that I'm taking my money and leaving....



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2 minutes ago, RupertKBD said:


I happy right where I am....I'm not the one whining about the government stealing my hard earned money. I'm not the one saying that I'm taking my money and leaving....



Yes because you probably benefit from people like me carrying you


go earn it yourself and maybe you’ll see how hard it is 


then you’ll see how “greedy” we are


you think people owe you money it’s unbelievable 

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