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4 minutes ago, ArmchairGM22 said:

Yes because you probably benefit from people like me carrying you


go earn it yourself and maybe you’ll see how hard it is 


then you’ll see how “greedy” we are


you think people owe you money it’s unbelievable 


Nobody owes me any money.... I'm doing just fine....

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5 minutes ago, ArmchairGM22 said:

Yes because you probably benefit from people like me carrying you


go earn it yourself and maybe you’ll see how hard it is 


then you’ll see how “greedy” we are


you think people owe you money it’s unbelievable 

I am so very impressed by how many people on this board you think don't work or pay their own way.

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41 minutes ago, ArmchairGM22 said:

Yes because you probably benefit from people like me carrying you


go earn it yourself and maybe you’ll see how hard it is 


then you’ll see how “greedy” we are


you think people owe you money it’s unbelievable 



Stop attacking people

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It's like Schroedingers government.


On one hand they're stealing your money to give to other nations while Canadians are in need.  On the other hand they're stealing your money to feed the poor who aren't pulling their own weight and just need to pull themselves up by their boot straps and that's socialism

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1 hour ago, ArmchairGM22 said:



Ever think that if our govt showed some fiduciary responsibility with our tax money and didn’t spend like drunken trust fund babies we wouldn’t have to increase taxes? But so many are like you who just don’t care, so they don’t care and the endless cycle of higher taxation continues. 

On “greedy”


1. have you ever started a business? Have you ever maxed out 3 credit cards, lived on ramen at 40 years old, remortgaged your house, feared bankruptcy every night because you’re trying to create wealth?


2. are you aware of how many entrepreneurs fail numerous times, destroy their families and wealth before they make it? Is the govt or you there to be “generous when they do?”


3. then when they finally make it. After a decade or more of fighting for it, and they EMPLOY people, give them good jobs, pensions, opportunity 


they’re greedy for wanting to keep the wealth THEY EARNED 


You are not entitled to the fruits of others struggled champ


That one word just told me everything about your attitude 


you should move to China, it’s more your style 

And I thought I was Arrogant.....

Edited by The Arrogant Worms
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1 hour ago, Optimist Prime said:

that is enough of the personal stuff guys, it is really simple, follow will smiths advice: keep each others names out of each others mouths. But also no slapping. 

Will Smith has played a doctor at least twice.  His characters would have known that sometimes the removal of a small dangerous mole can greatly benefit the body as a whole.  Now, I'm not really suggesting anything here.  Just going off topic to discuss Will Smith's illustrious film history. 

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3 minutes ago, 112 said:

Apparently the program in Ghana was started under Harper and ended in 2019.


^Note it says "Operational," so I'm unsure if that means there was an extension under Trudeau or what.


Well done.

The last $500,000 was disbursed in 2019 at the end of the project.




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3 minutes ago, 4petesake said:


Well done.

The last $500,000 was disbursed in 2019 at the end of the project.




Damned Conservatives paying to keep people from pooping in peace on a beach somewhere.  how dare Trudeau not renew that program which allowed for people to poop peacefully where they wanted in their own nation.  it's a waste of tax dollars to not continue such a quality conservative enacted program

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2 minutes ago, Warhippy said:

Damned Conservatives paying to keep people from pooping in peace on a beach somewhere.  how dare Trudeau not renew that program which allowed for people to poop peacefully where they wanted in their own nation.  it's a waste of tax dollars to not continue such a quality conservative enacted program


Now if we could just teach the freedom convoy people…

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4 minutes ago, ArmchairGM22 said:



See some of us care about waste and not partisanship 

It's very obvious by you complaining about poop on a beach that you care about waste....😉

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6 minutes ago, ArmchairGM22 said:


Who cares who started it, end it 


and anything else like it 


waste is waste - if trudy is better he would have ended it right?


See some of us care about waste and not partisanship 


It is ended. It ended June 30, 2019.

It even has the end date on your op.


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1 minute ago, 4petesake said:

It is ended. It ended June 30, 2019.

It even has the end date on your op.


But Justin didn't end it immediately upon taking office in 2015.....ergo, he's stealing that money directly from Armchair's bank account....

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2 hours ago, RupertKBD said:


Hmmm....seems to me that you have "reported" several posters just recently for less than this....:classic_unsure:


BTW, I don't believe you actually reported anyone, but on the off chance that you did, I don't think those reports are going to work out the way you hoped.....


Oh, he did.

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I gotta say, dealing with armchair for the past week has me truly appreciating the diverse opinions from all our good members in here. The comparison between someone I respect but disagree with and that guy is night and day. 


I wanted to double back here to thank every one of our usual members in this forum for great conversations and good points to ponder over the time we have spent here. 
Don't let armchair chill the chat, he was a one off wild card that we gave plenty of room to, and freedom to post his thoughts. It was inevitable that he would go too far and he did, many times before making the dupe account to then put all of his enemies on blast with. I don't normally comment on moderation efforts but in this case, I wanted to assure every one of our usual commenters here that by and large you are all great members of our community: by all means continue the discussion unabated. 

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Polls open today in an important Ontario by-election which some say will be the perfect metric as to whether the Liberals have any hope at all in a riding they've held for decades.


People interviewed had interesting comments about not trusting Poiliverre but also how they felt the Liberals were a lost cause under Trudeau and how he needs to step down

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15 minutes ago, Optimist Prime said:

Don't let armchair chill the chat,


I can't speak for any of the other members here, but I will say that he hasn't chilled the chat for me, just that having seen the craziness that ensued and the relative quiet since has had the same effect as having toiled at length on a project or running an endurance race, and now that it's over, the mind/body/soul needs the time for some rest and recovery.  That's the kind of state I'm in at the moment, but I won't assume that there are others in this thread who share the feeling.


Thanks for the moderation efforts, I know it's a fine line you guys walk every day.  🍻

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31 minutes ago, Warhippy said:

Polls open today in an important Ontario by-election which some say will be the perfect metric as to whether the Liberals have any hope at all in a riding they've held for decades.


People interviewed had interesting comments about not trusting Poiliverre but also how they felt the Liberals were a lost cause under Trudeau and how he needs to step down


As most of us have already said (and more than a few have repeatedly reminded us) I believe that a Conservative win is a forgone conclusion. There are many things to criticize Justin Trudeau for, but IMO the biggest one is not seeing the writing on the wall and stepping aside. Right after the split with Sophie, was the ideal opportunity....


What I'm hoping is that Pollievre's style turns enough voters off that it results in a minority government where the Bloc and the NDP can (hopefully) curb the worst of Pierre's policies.


Of course, OTOH, I'm going to enjoy right after the election when gas prices plummet, inflation goes down to zero and my Mortgage rate drops to 1.5%.....

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16 minutes ago, RupertKBD said:


As most of us have already said (and more than a few have repeatedly reminded us) I believe that a Conservative win is a forgone conclusion. There are many things to criticize Justin Trudeau for, but IMO the biggest one is not seeing the writing on the wall and stepping aside. Right after the split with Sophie, was the ideal opportunity....


What I'm hoping is that Pollievre's style turns enough voters off that it results in a minority government where the Bloc and the NDP can (hopefully) curb the worst of Pierre's policies.


Of course, OTOH, I'm going to enjoy right after the election when gas prices plummet, inflation goes down to zero and my Mortgage rate drops to 1.5%.....

There is still every chance that the Liberals lean on the NDP to get some sort of electoral reform done.  if nothing else to remove the first past the post laws that give leading majorities such a leg up in elections.


There is also the chance that the party decides their long term health is more important than Trudeau's ego.


But there is some serious bad air around the party right now so I agree and I have said it a few times.  The Conservatives will most certainly be the next leading party in canada and Pierre the PM.  Which is why asking how or why they will be better and what their plan is to make things better than "oil, screw provincial rights, corporate tax breaks, axe the carbon tax" will be


I might also add that in BC and a few other places; "axing the tax" will do literally nothing as our carbon tax is provincial and has been in place since around 2006 or 2008.  The suggestion that things will get cheaper because oil producers or fuel importers won't be taxed federally is a joke.  The prices at the pump here will not change because any amount of savings that a federal carbon tax repeal will garner will not be passed on to us peasants, but instead remain and just become yet more profit for oil and gas companies

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