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Canadian Politics Thread


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1 hour ago, Sapper said:

Interesting... Team PP social media fan club ( the klown Konvoy and axe the tax ) is again rebranding and the protest is now - take back Canada 


Also they call on patriots to boycott Canada celebrations and head to their Rallies.  Seems they feel it's a bad idea to mix in any groups where non believers are are present 


That's starting to sound very much like old school communism 


Take it back from who? 

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4 minutes ago, Warhippy said:

I hate this.


It's Canada day and all I see are people waving flags and my mind immediately goes to, are you celebrating or just fucking stupid?


This is what happens when you allow zealots to co-opt a symbol of a nation


Different feel completely out here in the Maritimes. This is the first time in a few years that you could tell the flag wavers had no agenda other than loving their country. Digby was in full bloom today.




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Just now, 4petesake said:


Different feel completely out here in the Maritimes. This is the first time in a few years that you could tell the flag wavers had no agenda other than loving their country. Digby was in full bloom today.




Here in Penticton in the Okanagan, there's a huge group (huge being 50-60) of the convoy people holding a rally a block away from Canada day festivities where kids and families are gathering.  Flying their upside down flags and F trudeau stuff

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18 minutes ago, Warhippy said:

Here in Penticton in the Okanagan, there's a huge group (huge being 50-60) of the convoy people holding a rally a block away from Canada day festivities where kids and families are gathering.  Flying their upside down flags and F trudeau stuff

Nothing but fun and games and music here at Transfer Beach.

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1 hour ago, Warhippy said:

Here in Penticton in the Okanagan, there's a huge group (huge being 50-60) of the convoy people holding a rally a block away from Canada day festivities where kids and families are gathering.  Flying their upside down flags and F trudeau stuff


went for a lovely walk around Stanley Park today, just to enjoy how awesome Canada is. 


It occurred to me that our problems are ones of being too successful. We are not "broken" like PP and his sad little minions would like us to believe.


Have pity on the convoy dummies, they have no idea how lucky they are to be here. 


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Unfortunately they still use our flag as their colors for the PP klown Konvoy group ....  

But can't let hate win so flew it today anyway .....


Long after PP becomes nothing more than a shit stain in our history books the maple leaf and Canada will still be here....


Happy Canada Day to everyone ... No matter your political affiliation......  


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7 minutes ago, Whorvat said:

Yes waiving a Canada flag on Canada day, wonder what kind of ulterior motives these radicals must have?!?


Give your damn head a shake.


my damn head? 


Did you read Hip's post or just have an instant reaction to it? what were the people he mentioned up to?


I doubt you'll answer, but does an upside down flag mean "respect" to you?



Edited by Bob Long
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2 minutes ago, Bob Long said:


my damn head? 


Did you read Hip's post or just have an instant reaction to it? what were the people he mentioned up to?


I doubt you'll answer, but does an upside down flag mean "respect" to you?



Oh no a Canada flag, they must hate everyone, including the country


Am I doing this right? 


Maybe we should just make Canada day a pride celebration so everyone can get blowies in the streets and the lefties will rejoice

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2 minutes ago, Whorvat said:

Oh no a Canada flag, they must hate everyone, including the country


Am I doing this right? 


no, you're avoiding the question like I thought. 


Explain to me what an upside down flag means. 


2 minutes ago, Whorvat said:

Maybe we should just make Canada day a pride celebration so everyone can get blowies in the streets and the lefties will rejoice


so now you're anti-pride too?


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Just now, Bob Long said:


no, you're avoiding the question like I thought. 


Explain to me what an upside down flag means. 



so now you're anti-pride too?


People can display the flag however they want. Its you that has an issue with how its being done.


I can play this game too...


So you're saying you're for blow jobs in the streets in front of children?? Mighty lefty of you

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Just now, Whorvat said:

People can display the flag however they want. Its you that has an issue with how its being done.


I can play this game too...


no your'e defecting. 


Explain what it means. 


Just now, Whorvat said:

So you're saying you're for blow jobs in the streets in front of children?? Mighty lefty of you


no thats your weird little fantasy. 


So much hate out of folks like you. And for what? living in the best country on the planet, and you go looking for the hateful stuff. It's kind of pathetic. 


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Just now, Bob Long said:


no your'e defecting. 


Explain what it means. 



no thats your weird little fantasy. 


So much hate out of folks like you. And for what? living in the best country on the planet, and you go looking for the hateful stuff. It's kind of pathetic. 


So its a free country until someone does something you disagree with. Mhm


No fantasy, just facts. This is the kind of stuff you're into I guess





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