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9 minutes ago, aGENT said:


Nobody in the centre or left are advocating for equal rights to criminals attacking people in washrooms though... People acting poorly, should be dealt with accordingly, within the framework of our existing laws and legal systems. Is anyone suggesting otherwise?


Which makes me very unclear what exactly your opposition to equal rights is.... perhaps you could explain CLEARLY what it is EXACTLY that you oppose to equal rights for everyone?

Good post. I don’t understand how a man (who is clearly a criminal) disguising himself in female clothing to commit crimes is any different than a a man wearing a mask and overalls to rob a bank. Aren’t both criminals who don’t want to be recognized while they commit their crimes?
I just don’t see how some people can confuse criminals wearing disguises with a person who is transgender? Transgender people aren’t dressing the way they do as a disguise to commit crimes. If a criminal wears a gorilla suit to hide his identity while committing a crime does that somehow make gorillas criminals? 
Isn’t this common sense? 


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21 hours ago, stawns said:

When have we ever had a government on the left?  The one influential "far left" politician gave us universal health care


Yep...and ended up being voted "The Greatest Canadian", over the likes of Wayne Gretzky and Terry Fox....(I'm guessing most Albertans vote for Ralph Klein instead)


Imagine the outcry from certain provinces, if a politician tried something like that today....

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6 minutes ago, Optimist Prime said:

In my case, I am in fact partisan. I made a choice to join the liberal party in about 2008 after our mission in Afghanistan was changed to put more Canadian lives at risk and to do less infrastructure build ups and less work on the equality side of life in that nation. About that time the Harper Government was using nations who torture prisoners as a 'work around' to Canada not torturing folks for any reason. Thus we saw a child soldier shipped to the yankee GITMO installation and his death was 'simulated' over 200 times...Canada also turned over prisoners to other nations who routinely torture as a means of collecting intel. The wider intel community generally agrees that information obtained by torture is unreliable at best, as victims tend to tell you anything they think you want to hear to simply make it stop. I digress however...the bile in my throat informed me that it was time to take a political stand in Canada and work to eliminate the CON MEN from power. 


SO yes, I am openly Partisan and I support the Liberal Party of Canada. I have had my share of meetings that included our PM, but I have actually spent more time with PM Harper on a professional level. I like Justin Trudeau as a person, but I understand he is a figurehead Leader of the Liberal movement in Canada, honestly most of the heavy lifting is done by Chrystia Freeland. I like it that way, centralized power is too big a corrupting influence to anyone, and so a team approach to governance works best, i believe. I have had good chats with PM Joe Clarke in more than one decade, which i find funny, flew around the world with PM Harper 'on the job' and have been in many zoom meetings and face to face meetings prior to covid with PM Trudeau. I guess I have had a charmed life or something, lol. Of the lot of them, I like Justin best of all, but if he stepped down and say Chrystia took over, I would be just as happy. 


I agree with the bolded statement and back in the old forum, I used to make the point that CF is the power behind the throne as it were, and is likely more effective in that role....


...but things have changed since then. JT's popularity has cratered, (which will happen after three terms) and will likely lose to Pollievre in a general election. My interest in seeing CF or MJ become leader is purely based on keeping PP out of 24 Sussex....

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6 minutes ago, RupertKBD said:


I agree with the bolded statement and back in the old forum, I used to make the point that CF is the power behind the throne as it were, and is likely more effective in that role....


...but things have changed since then. JT's popularity has cratered, (which will happen after three terms) and will likely lose to Pollievre in a general election. My interest in seeing CF or MJ become leader is purely based on keeping PP out of 24 Sussex....

It's not even a secret.  The biggest successes have her fingerprints all over them: NAFTA renegotiation, disconnecting Russia from SWIFT, and finally removing the Flu Trux Klan from Ottawa.

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25 minutes ago, RupertKBD said:

JT's popularity has cratered, (which will happen after three terms) and will likely lose to Pollievre in a general election. My interest in seeing CF or MJ become leader is purely based on keeping PP out of 24 Sussex....

Ultimately that is my desire as well, keeping the Right Wing out of the West Wing (to borrow a US phrase of course) I am not completely sold on a change of leadership being the answer yet. About twice a Month i set to analyzing the 338 ridings polling aggregates and I really like the work NANOS does on polling as well, gets right down into the demographics breakdowns. on Jan 1st for instance of 2023 the parties were within .5% of where each of them is at now. Only now pundits are calling it a "post national conference bump" for the CONS. Basically it hasn't changed in 9 months is my point. Between Elections traditionally the NDP numbers inflate, and during elections they come down 3 to 5%, along with the CONS onslaught of advertising this summer, while the Liberals kept their powder dry..it has me thinking that if a snap election were called, it would be a hard fought minority government, and the CONS have not done much to broaden their chances of being supported by any other party in the house: which would put JT back in the PM seat. In theory, Pierre Poilievre has to keep his 9 year high polling numbers for the COns up at this level for about 2 more years, which isn't likely without more self inflicted Liberal wounds to help out. In my last paper, a few weeks old now, I concluded that JT would be more succesful than replacement at this point in time in the event of an election, although that gap is shrinking more and more.


We have a potential shift in Manitoba tomorrow in a provincial general election. Nunavut and Northwest Territories later this year. Then in 2024 we have BC, New Brunswick and Saskatchewan. the NDP are pretty safe in BC with the BCUP conservatives trailing substantially in the polls, New Brunswick's conservative Premier has been under attack lately and plummetting in the polls for his anti LGBTQ positions and Moe in Saskatchewan is likely to have a reduced Majority, but again anything can happen, the NDP is the second party in Saskatchewan, and I wouldn't think it out of the question for Premier Smith's allies in the Praries to both be replaced by the time the next Federal Election rolls around. If New Brunswick swings provincially liberal again at the same time, much could change in the political landscape in Canada before JT has to seek a new mandate. Oh and Nova Scotia might even go to the polls before the next federal Election, and could tip back to Liberal from PC control. 

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26 minutes ago, Optimist Prime said:

Ultimately that is my desire as well, keeping the Right Wing out of the West Wing (to borrow a US phrase of course) I am not completely sold on a change of leadership being the answer yet. About twice a Month i set to analyzing the 338 ridings polling aggregates and I really like the work NANOS does on polling as well, gets right down into the demographics breakdowns. on Jan 1st for instance of 2023 the parties were within .5% of where each of them is at now. Only now pundits are calling it a "post national conference bump" for the CONS. Basically it hasn't changed in 9 months is my point. Between Elections traditionally the NDP numbers inflate, and during elections they come down 3 to 5%, along with the CONS onslaught of advertising this summer, while the Liberals kept their powder dry..it has me thinking that if a snap election were called, it would be a hard fought minority government, and the CONS have not done much to broaden their chances of being supported by any other party in the house: which would put JT back in the PM seat. In theory, Pierre Poilievre has to keep his 9 year high polling numbers for the COns up at this level for about 2 more years, which isn't likely without more self inflicted Liberal wounds to help out. In my last paper, a few weeks old now, I concluded that JT would be more succesful than replacement at this point in time in the event of an election, although that gap is shrinking more and more.


We have a potential shift in Manitoba tomorrow in a provincial general election. Nunavut and Northwest Territories later this year. Then in 2024 we have BC, New Brunswick and Saskatchewan. the NDP are pretty safe in BC with the BCUP conservatives trailing substantially in the polls, New Brunswick's conservative Premier has been under attack lately and plummetting in the polls for his anti LGBTQ positions and Moe in Saskatchewan is likely to have a reduced Majority, but again anything can happen, the NDP is the second party in Saskatchewan, and I wouldn't think it out of the question for Premier Smith's allies in the Praries to both be replaced by the time the next Federal Election rolls around. If New Brunswick swings provincially liberal again at the same time, much could change in the political landscape in Canada before JT has to seek a new mandate. Oh and Nova Scotia might even go to the polls before the next federal Election, and could tip back to Liberal from PC control. 

Add in the fact that there's two more years for the bigot running the CPC to show Canada who he truly is.  If Canadians lack the decency to keep that parasite out of power, it might be time to look into a move for me. 

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1 hour ago, the destroyer of worlds said:

The only reason they know is PP isn't Turdope.  They've made F - Trudeau their identity like MAGA made theirs.  If someone replaces JT, they'll just buy F- that person merch from the usual grifters that they obey by parroting the grifters curated comments.  We already had a case of a knuckle dragging moron in Alberta verbally attack Freeland when she was there.  That indicates to me this adversarial identity isn't going away if JT resigns.

Most people I know who don’t like Trudeau don’t go to rallies and wear F Trudeau tshirts or wear MAGA hats. 

They are hard working people who have families, run their own businesses, are high level executives making six figure incomes. 

You are talking about the small extreme group of people who are vocal and unemployed who have the time to protest on the street. The far left also have these groups of people. 

Not everyone who hates Trudeau or is sick of the current economic conditions and wants change from either party is a far right conspiracy theorist. 

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7 minutes ago, Elias Pettersson said:

Most people I know who don’t like Trudeau don’t go to rallies and wear F Trudeau tshirts or wear MAGA hats. 

They are hard working people who have families, run their own businesses, are high level executives making six figure incomes. 

You are talking about the small extreme group of people who are vocal and unemployed who have the time to protest on the street. The far left also have these groups of people. 

Not everyone who hates Trudeau or is sick of the current economic conditions and wants change from either party is a far right conspiracy theorist. 

I MAY have over generalized, but I see numerous lifted pick-up trucks sporting F-Trudeau stickers in my neck of the woods, as well as a substantial number who were all in with the FREEDUMB convoy protests. 


A good number of people I played ball with/against.  Non of them are unemployed.

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2 minutes ago, the destroyer of worlds said:

I MAY have over generalized, but I see numerous lifted pick-up trucks sporting F-Trudeau stickers in my neck of the woods, as well as a substantial number who were all in with the FREEDUMB convoy protests. 


A good number of people I played ball with/against.  Non of them are unemployed.

Where exactly do you live?  I am in Vancouver and I can’t remember the last time I saw a F Trudeau sticker on a vehicle…

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9 minutes ago, Elias Pettersson said:

Where exactly do you live?  I am in Vancouver and I can’t remember the last time I saw a F Trudeau sticker on a vehicle…

Here in Sudbury the F-Trudeau stickers/flags seem common but are a small minority. Part of me thinks it's the Baard-Meinhof phenomenon, where it just seems like I see a lot of this merchandise because it is top of mind when in reality it's not that widespread. Similar to when you buy a new car and suddenly you start seeing that model of car everywhere.

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32 minutes ago, Elias Pettersson said:

Where exactly do you live?  I am in Vancouver and I can’t remember the last time I saw a F Trudeau sticker on a vehicle…


Prince George.  Solidly Reform/CONservative for decades.  Had a pretty decent FREEDUMB convoy protest in the CN Centre parking lot.  So Ya, solidly in F Turdope country.

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59 minutes ago, King Heffy said:

Add in the fact that there's two more years for the bigot running the CPC to show Canada who he truly is.  If Canadians lack the decency to keep that parasite out of power, it might be time to look into a move for me. 

Europe is too far to go, hehe. I am staying put. We can argue and debate and wriggle over the nuances of Canadian Politics, but if you consider the NDP on the far left, the Greens in the left, the liberals left of center and the Cons right of center and the PPC on the far right, that whole space is but an inch on the global political spectrum.

Canada under either party in my lifetime has been the best place on earth. I wouldn't suggest leaving for anywhere else, and I have been a lot of places off continent.

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52 minutes ago, Elias Pettersson said:

Most people I know who don’t like Trudeau don’t go to rallies and wear F Trudeau tshirts or wear MAGA hats. 

They are hard working people who have families, run their own businesses, are high level executives making six figure incomes. 

You are talking about the small extreme group of people who are vocal and unemployed who have the time to protest on the street. The far left also have these groups of people. 

Not everyone who hates Trudeau or is sick of the current economic conditions and wants change from either party is a far right conspiracy theorist. 


Most people I know who don’t like Trudeau don't have any idea why.....besides he was a teacher....he is a communist.....he loves China.

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2 hours ago, RupertKBD said:


I agree with the bolded statement and back in the old forum, I used to make the point that CF is the power behind the throne as it were, and is likely more effective in that role....


...but things have changed since then. JT's popularity has cratered, (which will happen after three terms) and will likely lose to Pollievre in a general election. My interest in seeing CF or MJ become leader is purely based on keeping PP out of 24 Sussex....

I'm not sure why people think a PM is some all powerful role.  Really it is just the face of the party in power, rather than the power itself.

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38 minutes ago, Elias Pettersson said:

Where exactly do you live?  I am in Vancouver and I can’t remember the last time I saw a F Trudeau sticker on a vehicle…

I literally saw 5 stickers and a full on flag yesterday on a 20 minute round trip drive near and around Duncan BC on the island.

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57 minutes ago, Elias Pettersson said:

Most people I know who don’t like Trudeau don’t go to rallies and wear F Trudeau tshirts or wear MAGA hats. 

They are hard working people who have families, run their own businesses, are high level executives making six figure incomes. 

You are talking about the small extreme group of people who are vocal and unemployed who have the time to protest on the street. The far left also have these groups of people. 

Not everyone who hates Trudeau or is sick of the current economic conditions andd wants change from either party is a far right conspiracy theorist. 

But they defacto support far right extremists........and don't bother talking about "far left extremists", because that's just a red herring created to make moderate cons feel better about the extremist wing of their party

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2 hours ago, Optimist Prime said:

In my case, I am in fact partisan. I made a choice to join the liberal party in about 2008 after our mission in Afghanistan was changed to put more Canadian lives at risk and to do less infrastructure build ups and less work on the equality side of life in that nation. About that time the Harper Government was using nations who torture prisoners as a 'work around' to Canada not torturing folks for any reason. Thus we saw a child soldier shipped to the yankee GITMO installation and his death was 'simulated' over 200 times...Canada also turned over prisoners to other nations who routinely torture as a means of collecting intel. The wider intel community generally agrees that information obtained by torture is unreliable at best, as victims tend to tell you anything they think you want to hear to simply make it stop. I digress however...the bile in my throat informed me that it was time to take a political stand in Canada and work to eliminate the CON MEN from power. 


SO yes, I am openly Partisan and I support the Liberal Party of Canada. I have had my share of meetings that included our PM, but I have actually spent more time with PM Harper on a professional level. I like Justin Trudeau as a person, but I understand he is a figurehead Leader of the Liberal movement in Canada, honestly most of the heavy lifting is done by Chrystia Freeland. I like it that way, centralized power is too big a corrupting influence to anyone, and so a team approach to governance works best, i believe. I have had good chats with PM Joe Clarke in more than one decade, which i find funny, flew around the world with PM Harper 'on the job' and have been in many zoom meetings and face to face meetings prior to covid with PM Trudeau. I guess I have had a charmed life or something, lol. Of the lot of them, I like Justin best of all, but if he stepped down and say Chrystia took over, I would be just as happy. 



Must say I am jealous about your political experiences.


  I am a political junkie and have been since 1968 when I met Tommy Douglas when I was 10 years old. I remember walking up to him and saying " sir I want to shake your hand"


I think my Dad was embarrassed lol.


From that point on I was hooked on Politics.


I also remember to listening to David Barretts  acceptance speech on the radio when he became Premier.


Listening to Richard Nixon resign on the radio camping in Long Beach with my parents.


I have a scrapbook of political cartoons from a school assignment where I had to explain each cartoon.


Listen to Rafe Mair...watched Webster.....


Rubbed off on my son who got a Political Science degree at Uvic with straight  A's.


One thing I can say up until now I didn't think it matters who was the party in charge.


Now the right wing in Canada frightens me.



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