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1 hour ago, bolt said:

Trudeau is toxic who has resorted to division and fear because he has nothing else going for him.

What in Canadian Politics is more divisive and fear inducing than: "Canada is Broken (FEAR).....and it is THEIR fault (DIVISION)"

Literally the entire Poilievre pitch for the last 10 months...lol 

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6 minutes ago, Optimist Prime said:

He wants to do what is right, not what benefits him the most. I know people have made up their minds but that is the honest end of it. 

What politician 'in it for themselves' would build a time bomb into their tenure by announcing a progressive tax on green house gas emissions that will be more hated and more reviled by the upper class and upper middle class as time goes on? The Carbon Tax and its steady planned increases in cost are legitimately causing Canadians to make more renewable energy choices, the 'profits' from the tax are then used to offer rebates on those choices, like heat pump rebates and Electric Car rebates while also funding projects to add scrubbers to smoke stacks and such at the industrial level..but the people paying that tax, particularly your sociati's the upper middle and more wealthy Canadians who are the de facto voter and donor base behind politics in Canada will continue to bristle at the higher and higher carbon tax rates... Thus I present my proof that Justin is in it to make a difference on the subjects he cares most about. Another for instance is the boil water advisories on reserves as well as the move to reconciliation. Both expensive projects that will not win him many votes. The first nations are leary of any P.M. and their promises, and the taxpayers are wondering why so many billions are being spent on relatively so few. The answer is because it is the right thing to do. Reducing Canada's GHG emissions is the right thing to do. We are at the leading edge of global change on GHG's and we lead our fellow western nations in human rights and indigenous rights. It is far from perfect but we are moving the progressive needle. 
Both of these high profile flagship policies result in very few votes coming to Justin Trudeau however, which kind of proves my point that he wants to do what is right, not what is politically expedient. See SNC Lavalin, the right thing to do was to save 5 to 7 thousand Canadian jobs and use a very legal method of punishing the company in another way for its misdeeds in Gadhafi's Libya, (where nothing ever happened without bribes, to be clear, regardless of what company and what nation was involved), and the political fallout from trying to do what was right by Canadian Jobs, the PM lost two highly trusted and high profile female cabinet ministers and public trust in the fallout of that. I think a big part of the polling numbers today are from attempting to do what is right rather than attempting to do what is politically perfect for re-election chances. 
if that isn't the case, the Carbon Tax, aiding the smallest number of Canadian Voters in reaching for their full rights in our country and losing a big piece of the puzzle in Judy Wilson-Raybould's justice ministry are all just friendly fire sinking the Liberal Ship for naught. Again this is how I believe the proof is shown, the tough things are being done because they are right, not because it will make Canadians love the PM.


Thanks. I would add taking over TMP when it looked like it wouldn’t be built knowing it would probably cost him votes in BC with the progressive green side of his base without gaining a single vote across the O&G’land.

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13 minutes ago, bishopshodan said:


Strange take for a a guy that 'staged an unsuccessful run for the party leadership in 2013 ' and that 'Trudeau dropped him from cabinet completely after the 2021 election.'




Everyone including PP supporters knows the country isn't broken, but they say that stupid line anyway.


I'd like to send them to an actual broken country for a few weeks. Probably come back crying and kissing the ground.


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3 minutes ago, bolt said:

I looked over violent crime rates in Canada when you first mentioned it.  Yes, it has risen largely due to gang violence and American guns.

Leave it to the National Post (and you) to work in the line 'risen since Harper' as if that really had anything to do with it.


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42 minutes ago, Optimist Prime said:

one thing advisors are urging Trudeau is to fill vacant judicial roles quickly, as he has been reluctant to thus far. 


34 minutes ago, 4petesake said:


Why the reluctance to fill these roles more quickly in your opinion?


It seems counterintuitive when see what’s going on with our southern neighbours.


19 minutes ago, Bob Long said:


He's been following a fair process, for anyone paying attention.


I'm loathe to start playing that game, but it would be naive to think Skippy won't. Everything he does is from the US right songbook.


I'm curious to know - if the process is in fact fair - where the bottleneck is?

If it's a policy issue, then that's something that government can easily address.

If it's a procedural issue, then maybe the civil servants tasked with coming up with the process needs to re-think the process.

If it's a personnel issue (advisory committee side), then maybe consideration should be made to expand the number of committees or the number of personnel within the committees to ensure there's regular attention to appointment files.  Keep files moving, folks!

If it's a personnel issue (appointees side), then we're fucked.


The bigger concern toward identifying and fixing the bottleneck is that with all the cases stuck in the court system and more backlogged waiting to get court attention, many and more will be looking at Jordan rule stays of proceedings for situations where the defendant would have otherwise been ruled guilty.

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14 minutes ago, bolt said:

Gotcha so not 


"Trudeau's Crime Wave"


As you put it


But Crime In Canada


The devil being in the details I am sure you totally just forgot to point that difference out.


Amazingly, the report shows that numerous issues with the court and justice system have improved dramatically under the current government.  But also shows that provinces (9 of which are Conservative run and no less than 8 have been since trudeau took power) are not charting crime data or rates of recidivism.


It also, if you look at the MLI reports it indicates that much of the criminal activities are provincial jurisdiction and while gun crime has not decreased as the population grows it suggests that rates are in fact lower per capita than they were even 6 years ago.


But then, this neglects the fact that this story is NOT in fact a credible journalistic piece, but again an OPINION COLUMN (why can't you or your camp post credible data that is not an opinion?) and in fact is tied directly to crime statistics and not the reasons behind them.


Small facts again, you must have totally just missed in your rush to defame the vermin trudeau

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Looks like sober second thought in the french system of having run offs has paid off. 

Looks like the country is moving left of center after all with the left wing alliance taking most of the seats, macron's centrist alliance taking the 2nd  most seats and the Right Wing RN party trailing and looking to take between 115 to at most 155 seats in the 577 seat government benches. 

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1 hour ago, bolt said:

Keeping Trudeau is the equivalent of retaining Benning because you're too scared someone else would be worse. 


Turned out getting rid of Benning was good for the canucks, the same as it will be good for Canada to get rid of Trudeau.


Not if we replace him with Millbury instead of Rutherford/Allvin. Which, let's be clear, is what you're suggesting.

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14 minutes ago, Optimist Prime said:

What in Canadian Politics is more divisive and fear inducing than: "Canada is Broken (FEAR).....and it is THEIR fault (DIVISION)"

Literally the entire Poilievre pitch for the last 10 months...lol 

This is what I laugh at and why


Division in the Conservative camp or for their supporters is : LGBTQ rights.  More immigrants.  More supports for the vulnerable.  Kids learning about gender based issues.  The alt right being called out for shitting on women and minoirites and for their disgusting views and of course; PEOPLEKIND!


That is what they deem to be divisive.


Meanwhile this comes from the camp that states:


Trudeau is stealing your money.  Trudeau is going to commit the great reset and steal your money.  Trudeau made it impossible for you to own a home.  Trudeau is the reason gas is expensive.  Trudeau is why you can't afford food after it doubled in price in 2-3 years.  Look at all the immigrants Trudeau brought in.  Covid happened because of Trudeau.  Canada is broken, it's Trudeau's fault.  Everyone is laughing at us because of Trudeau.  Trudeau hates Alberta, Oil & Gas and Energy.  Trudeau is trying to make your kids gay and refuses to allow you to raise them the way you want.  Trudeau destroyed Canada and finally




It is abundantly clear that Trudeau is the reason for division in this nation and is the root of all evil and why people can not afford food, fuel or rent.  He is also the reason our nation is a laughing stock that everyone hates, nobody respects, why we have zero freedoms and why it is totally broken and utterly destroyed.

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5 minutes ago, Optimist Prime said:

Looks like sober second thought in the french system of having run offs has paid off. 

Looks like the country is moving left of center after all with the left wing alliance taking most of the seats, macron's centrist alliance taking the 2nd  most seats and the Right Wing RN party trailing and looking to take between 115 to at most 155 seats in the 577 seat government benches. 

Still need the dust to settle in France to know what is going to happen.


They have a history of "cohabitation between a difference in parties holding control of the government (pm) and state (presidency) but that does not always work out well.  In this instance though, it is entirely possible that the left and centrists might work together if only short term to right the proverbial ship and allow for existence during times of uncertainty like now

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Posted (edited)
1 hour ago, Optimist Prime said:

He wants to do what is right, not what benefits him the most.

Trudeau wants to do what is right?  Is he trying something different this time?  Maybe he should resign if he believes in doing something right.  

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Posted (edited)
38 minutes ago, Optimist Prime said:

Looks like sober second thought in the french system of having run offs has paid off. 

Looks like the country is moving left of center after all with the left wing alliance taking most of the seats, macron's centrist alliance taking the 2nd  most seats and the Right Wing RN party trailing and looking to take between 115 to at most 155 seats in the 577 seat government benches. 

Are the Ndp and the Liberals going to merge to protect democracy?  The French extreme left parties chose to collude to stop the extreme right? 

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41 minutes ago, Warhippy said:

Still need the dust to settle in France to know what is going to happen.


They have a history of "cohabitation between a difference in parties holding control of the government (pm) and state (presidency) but that does not always work out well.  In this instance though, it is entirely possible that the left and centrists might work together if only short term to right the proverbial ship and allow for existence during times of uncertainty like now

love this image from a CBC story on the French Election:

A person wears a road sign that signal no right turn during a demonstration.

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1 hour ago, bolt said:

Keeping Trudeau is the equivalent of retaining Benning because you're too scared someone else would be worse.


Your analogy doesn't work.....


It's more a case of retaining Benning, flawed though he may be, because the guy applying for the job is a former ECHL assistant coach, who's never showed an ability to manage a Hot Dog Stand, let alone a professional sports franchise....

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1 hour ago, bolt said:

Smart immigration is making sure our resources and services can be sustainable for all people including citizens and new comers.  What's the Liberal track record on that? 


"Smart immigration"......I wonder if skin tone has anything to do with how "smart" it is.....

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2 minutes ago, RupertKBD said:


Your analogy doesn't work.....


It's more a case of retaining Benning, flawed though he may be, because the guy applying for the job is a former ECHL assistant coach, who's never showed an ability to manage a Hot Dog Stand, let alone a professional sports franchise....

Exactly.  The phrase we're looking for is "Out of the frying pan and into the fire".

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1 hour ago, bolt said:

Sorry to tell you Trudeau already destroyed it that's why people are calling for his resignation.


More garbage posting.....the country isn't "destroyed" FFS....:picard:

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1 hour ago, bolt said:



We can rebuild it from the destruction.  Most qualified Liberal cabinet ministers were either fired or stepped down because they couldn't fathom working under the narcissist child we have in charge.  Refuses to resign for what reasons? Trudeau is our version of Trump.


Somebody saw the word "Narcissist" somewhere....didn't know what it meant, but it sounded cool, so he decided throw it out there every other post....:classic_rolleyes:

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2 hours ago, 6of1_halfdozenofother said:




I'm curious to know - if the process is in fact fair - where the bottleneck is?

If it's a policy issue, then that's something that government can easily address.

If it's a procedural issue, then maybe the civil servants tasked with coming up with the process needs to re-think the process.

If it's a personnel issue (advisory committee side), then maybe consideration should be made to expand the number of committees or the number of personnel within the committees to ensure there's regular attention to appointment files.  Keep files moving, folks!

If it's a personnel issue (appointees side), then we're fucked.


The bigger concern toward identifying and fixing the bottleneck is that with all the cases stuck in the court system and more backlogged waiting to get court attention, many and more will be looking at Jordan rule stays of proceedings for situations where the defendant would have otherwise been ruled guilty.


Not sure about the backlog, but this is our current process: https://www.canada.ca/en/department-justice/news/2023/08/new-measures-announced-to-make-federal-judicial-appointments-process-more-efficient.html



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1 hour ago, RupertKBD said:


More garbage posting.....the country isn't "destroyed" FFS....:picard:

These people will tell you Canada has been destroyed but then tell you to go take a look around when you ask for proof because they have none.  

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1 hour ago, RupertKBD said:


"Smart immigration"......I wonder if skin tone has anything to do with how "smart" it is.....

No the amount of homes and doctors nice trying to paint me as a racist.  That's your first thought? shame on you

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1 minute ago, Pears said:

These people will tell you Canada has been destroyed but then tell you to go take a look around when you ask for proof because they have none.  

The kids are still playing at the playground, it's not broken yet.

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