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3 minutes ago, Elias Pettersson said:

If you've been religious your whole life like me then you would understand where I am coming from. 


I respect this.


I have been doing some courses in the last 6 months at work. A lot of the teaching is trying to understand the upbringing of people in our care and custody, so that we can help them better.


I'll keep trying to help you.😉


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9 minutes ago, 4petesake said:


The capital gains tax is a start but brings in nothing until the capital gain is realized. A wealth tax is in the here and now. 

Sure money can move wherever it wants but an ever-widening wealth disparity is not sustainable, desirable or healthy, and a wealth tax is always dismissed with a hand wave. One way or another that gap has to shrink.



Why do we allow Bay Street to convince us that it’s better to have a tax system that advantages the rich by cutting corporate taxes and taxing labour at a much higher rate than capital gains? 





Because the people making all the decisions are rich themselves and don't want to pay higher taxes.  As a certain ex-President in the USA likes to say, "the system is rigged"...

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27 minutes ago, Elias Pettersson said:


That's because Skippy and Trudy are a part of that 1%.  As are many other politicians.  They don't want to pay any more in taxes than anyone else.  And people think politicians are on their side and for the people.  Even Jagmeet drives a BMW and wears a rolex watch...


You’re not wrong, but I would argue that at least the Liberals are coming around on the problem, whether for actual beliefs or that poll numbers are forcing it on them. Wall Street and Bay Street have way too much pull in politics and Main Street pays the price.



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9 minutes ago, Elias Pettersson said:


Because the people making all the decisions are rich themselves and don't want to pay higher taxes.  As a certain ex-President in the USA likes to say, "the system is rigged"...


It is rigged but that ex-President doesn’t care other than he’s in the wrong section of the Venn diagram. He wants to be in charge of the rigging.

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5 hours ago, bishopshodan said:

I thought it was supposed to be Dionysus?


5 hours ago, Bob Long said:

Why waste a good opportunity to feign being offended tho? Pfft, facts.


Yep. Bacchanalia, according to the article that I read. (although I'm not sure why the French were featuring a Roman festival in their Opening Ceremonies)


Also, the beheaded woman was obviously Marie Antoinette.....apparently not many history buffs among the offended masses. :classic_rolleyes:


Oh yes, there was also the "Satanic" performance by Gojira. FTR, the guys in the band laughed at how stupid that characterization was.

Edited by RupertKBD
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15 hours ago, the destroyer of worlds said:

You said what I was.  I'll add.


America put men on the Moon and fought a war and invested in infrastructure with those high taxes on the rich. 


The ratio between CEO and average worker pay was a lot smaller than today.


Oh, and the middle class could actually live.  Do you think a shoe salesman could afford a house, stay at home wife, 2 kids and a dog.  That dream died when the fever dreams of Regean, Mulroney, and Thatcher took over CON brains.


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19 hours ago, 6of1_halfdozenofother said:

I also believe that it's not so much that we have exceedingly stellar standards - if anything, I would say it's more of a "localist protectionism" effect of the licensing organizations such as APEG, College of Nurses, College of Physicians and Surgeons, Law Society, etc.  They make the requirements so difficult and so unnecessarily onerous as to prevent newly-arrived professionals who other otherwise qualified from getting into the field of their training.


Here's a timely piece that explains a lot of why I included APEGBC in the list above.



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1 hour ago, Elias Pettersson said:


Do you think people making over $2 million per year DON'T use accounting tricks?  Is setting up a corporation and paying only 15% income taxes instead of 50% an accounting trick?  How about using family members as employees for write off purposes?  Is that also an accounting trick?


The more tax you throw at rich people the more accounting tricks they are going to use.  That's just a simple fact of life...

We all know that anyone who makes large amounts of money do it by theft of some sort. They keep it by 'accounting tricks' apparently. They obviously don't pull their weight in the taxes paid department. On top of that they are mostly stupid! There are so many more valuable Canadians sitting on the sidelines because they just cannot access financing. People are more than comfortable having the Liberal Party investing $10's billions into battery plants as most major car companies cut back on their EV production. 

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16 hours ago, the destroyer of worlds said:

You said what I was.  I'll add.


America put men on the Moon and fought a war and invested in infrastructure with those high taxes on the rich. 


The ratio between CEO and average worker pay was a lot smaller than today.


Oh, and the middle class could actually live.  Do you think a shoe salesman could afford a house, stay at home wife, 2 kids and a dog.  That dream died when the fever dreams of Regean, Mulroney, and Thatcher took over CON brains.



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1 hour ago, Elias Pettersson said:


Do you think people making over $2 million per year DON'T use accounting tricks?  Is setting up a corporation and paying only 15% income taxes instead of 50% an accounting trick?  How about using family members as employees for write off purposes?  Is that also an accounting trick?


The more tax you throw at rich people the more accounting tricks they are going to use.  That's just a simple fact of life...

Might as well not even bother trying to do anything I guess.

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12 minutes ago, Boudrias said:

We all know that anyone who makes large amounts of money do it by theft of some sort. They keep it by 'accounting tricks' apparently. They obviously don't pull their weight in the taxes paid department. On top of that they are mostly stupid! There are so many more valuable Canadians sitting on the sidelines because they just cannot access financing. People are more than comfortable having the Liberal Party investing $10's billions into battery plants as most major car companies cut back on their EV production. 


Alot of rich people are self-made millionaires.  Daddy didn't give them the money.  They didn't rip anyone off to get it.  So, they did everything legally and by the book.  But according to Hippy, these people need to write checks and give their hard-earned money back to the government because they need it in order to pay off the debt that they created as well as for social programs.  On top of that, these rich people ended up "cheating" the system" and paid less tax than they were supposed to because they hired a smart accountant who found all the loopholes that, again, the government created, in order to keep more of their hard-earned money.


Do you see a pattern here?  Seems like the ones who are screwing up the system and causing all the problems aren't actually the rich people at all.  It's the people living and working in Ottawa that are pretending to care about the people they are supposing to be helping.  Who creates all the tax laws with all the loopholes?  Who is responsible for creating our $45 billion per year interest payment on the debt?  

We all know the answer to these questions.  But somehow rich people are the problem and must be punished...

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38 minutes ago, bishopshodan said:


Have you met Bob and Hip?!

I dont think anyone could tell them what to do.


The thing about mocking religion is ....why do you take it so hard?


Speaking of MMA...I have been around some of the toughest dudes around.

One thing i notice about the toughest of them, is that they dont get triggered too easy. They know that they can take care of themselves, its really hard to drag them into a fight. The reason is they have complete faith  in their abilities.


Why dont religious people have that faith? why do they get so triggered so easy? If they are destined for heaven, wouldnt they just smile and feel sorry for those heading to hell or whatever we are supposed to fear?


BTW, religion is very easy to make fun of. The bible reads like a D&D module. If you were not religious I bet you would have some pretty good zingers yourself, you like to poke fun. 


I always remember a story my brother told me about his Karate Sensei....


His name was Glen Hamilton and he was a smaller than average guy, with glasses. The dojo was a converted storefront right downtown in PG, in an area with a couple of seedy bars close by.


As they were leaving after class, some drunken clown decided to pick a fight with Glen. As my brother described it, he just kept dodging and blocking punches, as he tried to think of a way to diffuse the situation without putting the drunk to sleep. You could see him trying to figure it out, as he was defending himself, according to my brother.


Finally, after a few minutes, it didn't appear as though the drunk was going to tire out or give up, Glen decided that he just needed to end the situation.....which he did, with what my brother called a perfect roundhouse right to the temple.....:classic_laugh:

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2 hours ago, Elias Pettersson said:

You better hope that Trudeau resigns and Mark Carney takes over. Cause if he doesn’t then PP will be the next Prime Minister. If that happens watch out. If I were an Athiest I’d be worried. But I’m sure you will “deal with it” at that time. 

I'm a Heathen, so I guess I should be ok then

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19 minutes ago, Elias Pettersson said:


Alot of rich people are self-made millionaires.  Daddy didn't give them the money.  They didn't rip anyone off to get it.  So, they did everything legally and by the book.  But according to Hippy, these people need to write checks and give their hard-earned money back to the government because they need it in order to pay off the debt that they created as well as for social programs.  On top of that, these rich people ended up "cheating" the system" and paid less tax than they were supposed to because they hired a smart accountant who found all the loopholes that, again, the government created, in order to keep more of their hard-earned money.


Do you see a pattern here?  Seems like the ones who are screwing up the system and causing all the problems aren't actually the rich people at all.  It's the people living and working in Ottawa that are pretending to care about the people they are supposing to be helping.  Who creates all the tax laws with all the loopholes?  Who is responsible for creating our $45 billion per year interest payment on the debt?  

We all know the answer to these questions.  But somehow rich people are the problem and must be punished...


Yes, and a lot did inherit it from daddy.


Who said rich people are the problem and need to be punished? They need pay their share of the debt and for social programs just like you and I, to sustain the system in which they are so richly profiting. That’s called fairness not punishment. 







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4 hours ago, Elias Pettersson said:

What does the “Christian right” have to do with what I said?  Why do you always bring religion into the conversation?  I know religion is funny to you. You definitely got a laugh out of the French people mocking the last supper. It’s always a smart idea to piss off 2.4 billion people. Samsung thought it was so funny they pulled their $1 billion in advertising. 

So a few thousand people wouldn’t get rich again. Okay. That’s a huge difference. I guess we should start with the wealth redistribution then. Maybe we will start at the Bob household first. 

Did they though? Or were you sucked in by more right wing propaganda on twitter? The fact that you still think it depicted the last summer tells me your "news" is incredibly biased and borderline fictitious. This was debunked and reported by many reputable news organizations worldwide, and yet somehow you missed it? You're in a rabbit hole. Get out.

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3 hours ago, Elias Pettersson said:


Do you think people making over $2 million per year DON'T use accounting tricks?  Is setting up a corporation and paying only 15% income taxes instead of 50% an accounting trick?  How about using family members as employees for write off purposes?  Is that also an accounting trick?


The more tax you throw at rich people the more accounting tricks they are going to use.  That's just a simple fact of life...

So why bother right Petey?  


That's literally what you're saying.


Let them keep increasing their wealth because they can.  But the peasants can pay because they can't.



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5 minutes ago, Warhippy said:

So why bother right Petey?  


That's literally what you're saying.


Let them keep increasing their wealth because they can.  But the peasants can pay because they can't.




Well, I mean, the guy works in real estate.  Who's got money for real estate these days?  Them wealthy folk.


Of course he ain't gonna bite the hand that feeds him.  Better to rah-rah-rah for them than the rest of us cheap-ass peasants, because we ain't payin' for his steak dinners and $800 car washes.  :classic_rolleyes:

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2 hours ago, Boudrias said:

We all know that anyone who makes large amounts of money do it by theft of some sort. They keep it by 'accounting tricks' apparently. They obviously don't pull their weight in the taxes paid department. On top of that they are mostly stupid! There are so many more valuable Canadians sitting on the sidelines because they just cannot access financing. People are more than comfortable having the Liberal Party investing $10's billions into battery plants as most major car companies cut back on their EV production. 

Interesting comment on a hockey forum where the league minimum is what $750k US. Are the players stealing?

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1 hour ago, JoeyJoeJoeJr. Shabadoo said:

Did they though? Or were you sucked in by more right wing propaganda on twitter? The fact that you still think it depicted the last summer tells me your "news" is incredibly biased and borderline fictitious. This was debunked and reported by many reputable news organizations worldwide, and yet somehow you missed it? You're in a rabbit hole. Get out.


No Joey, last summer I was vacationing on a gorgeous beach. So they definitely did not depict that. 

Also, if it was debunked and they weren’t actually mocking the last supper then why did the Olympic organizing committee apologize for it?  Can you explain that?  Why apologize for something you didn’t do? 

Reputable news organizations?  You mean the same ones that told you Joe Biden was totally normal and in great health just 2 months ago?  Those news organizations?  

Edited by Elias Pettersson
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1 hour ago, Warhippy said:

So why bother right Petey?  


That's literally what you're saying.


Let them keep increasing their wealth because they can.  But the peasants can pay because they can't.



I agree. Why bother. If the people who are making the rules are also benefiting from the rules, then those rules will never get changed. 

“The system is rigged”. 

Do you really think your darling politicians actually give a rats ass about the “peasants”?  Give it some deep thought and get back to me on that one. 

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4 hours ago, 4petesake said:


Why do we allow Bay Street to convince us that it’s better to have a tax system that advantages the rich by cutting corporate taxes and taxing labour at a much higher rate than capital gains? 



I'm not sure that we are. We have fairly high corporate taxes compared to the rest of the G20. 

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3 hours ago, Elias Pettersson said:


Alot of rich people are self-made millionaires.  Daddy didn't give them the money.  They didn't rip anyone off to get it.  So, they did everything legally and by the book.  But according to Hippy, these people need to write checks and give their hard-earned money back to the government because they need it in order to pay off the debt that they created as well as for social programs.  On top of that, these rich people ended up "cheating" the system" and paid less tax than they were supposed to because they hired a smart accountant who found all the loopholes that, again, the government created, in order to keep more of their hard-earned money.


Do you see a pattern here?  Seems like the ones who are screwing up the system and causing all the problems aren't actually the rich people at all.  It's the people living and working in Ottawa that are pretending to care about the people they are supposing to be helping.  Who creates all the tax laws with all the loopholes?  Who is responsible for creating our $45 billion per year interest payment on the debt?  

We all know the answer to these questions.  But somehow rich people are the problem and must be punished...


No one is truly "self made". I've never actually met a successful person that believes that. I guess they might be out there somewhere. 


And yes there are good people in Canada's public service. You can try to pretend that there aren't, but then you'd have to explain to us why Canada has one of the highest qualities of life on the planet and do it by proving government wasn't a big part of that. 


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