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8 minutes ago, Elias Pettersson said:

I agree. Why bother. If the people who are making the rules are also benefiting from the rules, then those rules will never get changed. 

“The system is rigged”. 

Do you really think your darling politicians actually give a rats ass about the “peasants”?  Give it some deep thought and get back to me on that one. 

You're the one in this thread defending low tax rates or the ability for the wealthy to hide their taxes, not politicians 



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4 hours ago, Elias Pettersson said:

So maybe tell those other guys not to mock my religion and then I won't mock PP coming for them either...


go ahead and mock all you want, its you go... its your secular constitutional right. 


I have zero issues with your personal beliefs. Count numbers, wear special undies, deny yourself stuff. Whatever floats your boat. Just don't try to make it my religion, otherwise I'll push back, and so will many others. 


How far are the god boys in the US e.g. willing to push it? if their psychotic 2025 plan is any indication, quite far. They are inviting a violent response if they really try to implement that thing.


But thats a lot of the history of our world isn't it, organized religion trying to force people to do stuff?



Edited by Bob Long
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13 minutes ago, Elias Pettersson said:


No Joey, last summer I was vacationing on a gorgeous beach. So they definitely did not depict that. 

Also, if it was debunked and they weren’t actually mocking the last supper then why did the Olympic organizing committee apologize for it?  Can you explain that?  Why apologize for something you didn’t do? 

Reputable news organizations?  You mean the same ones that told you Joe Biden was totally normal and in great health just 2 months ago?  Those news organizations?  

Did they really though? They apologized to anyone that took offense. To me that's the same as saying I'm sorry you're such an idiot and not really an apology. 

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1 minute ago, JoeyJoeJoeJr. Shabadoo said:

Did they really though? They apologized to anyone that took offense. To me that's the same as saying I'm sorry you're such an idiot and not really an apology. 

And it literally came from the French


You absolutely know it was phrased as an apology because people are stupid not because they were worried they offended anyone for having an Olympic opening ceremony that honoured a 3000 year old Grecian event focused on Greco-Roman mythological events

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13 minutes ago, Warhippy said:

And it literally came from the French


You absolutely know it was phrased as an apology because people are stupid not because they were worried they offended anyone for having an Olympic opening ceremony that honoured a 3000 year old Grecian event focused on Greco-Roman mythological events

The fact of the matter is the whole incident is a nothingburger and has been thoroughly debunked, yet conservatives still trot it out as facts. How do you argue with such wilful ignorance?

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30 minutes ago, Elias Pettersson said:


No Joey, last summer I was vacationing on a gorgeous beach. So they definitely did not depict that. 

Also, if it was debunked and they weren’t actually mocking the last supper then why did the Olympic organizing committee apologize for it?  Can you explain that?  Why apologize for something you didn’t do? 

Reputable news organizations?  You mean the same ones that told you Joe Biden was totally normal and in great health just 2 months ago?  Those news organizations?  

They apologized because of all the fuss.  They never commented on whether the fuss was warranted or not.  They just apologized due the unexpected reaction.


I never would have thought of the Last Supper when I saw that clip.   I'm still amazed people did.  There weren't even 13 people there which is a must for Last Supper parodies (at least for the few I've seen). Neither were they arranged in threes on each side of whoever was supposed to be being Jesus.  The only similarity was they were all on one side of a table.  This seating arrangement can often be seen on stage and screen.  Why were the the cast of the Big Bang Theory always facing the viewer as they sat around their table?  Coincidence?  I don't think so.  It must be blasphemy!


Maybe they should have gone with cancan girls from Les Folies Bergeres and some French Chippendale dancers instead of drag queens.  It would all have been ok then.


Rhetorical question - WTF is the Joe Biden comment doing here?

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48 minutes ago, Elias Pettersson said:

if it was debunked and they weren’t actually mocking the last supper then why did the Olympic organizing committee apologize for it


They apologised   'to anyone who was offended'


They didn't apologise for it depicting the Last Supper... because it didn't. 




Thomas Jolly, the artistic director behind the flamboyant opening ceremony, said the scene had not been inspired by "The Last Supper" and depicted a pagan feast linked to the gods of Olympus.

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2 minutes ago, bishopshodan said:


They apologised   'to anyone who was offended'


They didn't apologise for it depicting the Last Supper... because it didn't. 




Thomas Jolly, the artistic director behind the flamboyant opening ceremony, said the scene had not been inspired by "The Last Supper" and depicted a pagan feast linked to the gods of Olympus.


why do we care if a bunch of god boys are "offended"? good be offended. Why are we giving them so much say in things again, it can't lead to anything good, it never has.


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6 hours ago, bishopshodan said:


Damn it.


It will be us Agnostics trying to talk sense into everyone....again.


Quite the burden. 


6 hours ago, bishopshodan said:


I'm a star. A compassionate vegetarian ( I worry about all 'God' s creatures), a non drinker, that is helping save the world by not breeding. Oh I also serve  in a job that I dont need ( i could retire)  that takes care of our lowest, the broken, the lost.


If there is a god, I'm up for a promotion. 


Now, you smarten up or else I wont save you a seat on my cloud. 




I used to think the way you do. 


Used the excuse of overpopulation as one of the reasons not to have a child. 


You already know the reasons why I did and being a dad is the best thing that has ever happened to me.

Even though it has brought me a lot of pain as well. 


As people told me, and I will tell you, if good, kind, empathetic people like you don't raise good, kind empathetic people, then who is going to ?


I thought being successful myself made me feel good, watching my son succeed was the greatest feeling I have ever had.


Also from an economic standpoint, many countries are facing an ageing population base with an economic burden being placed upon a shrinking younger demographic. 


I have had some incredibly high moments in my life and none of them compare to being a dad. 


I don't want to sound like smart arse however you have missed out the greatest feeling a person can have.


I thought I couldn't love anyone more than my mum and dad, my ex, my friends.

The love I feel for my son blows me away.

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55 minutes ago, Bob Long said:


why do we care if a bunch of god boys are "offended"? good be offended. Why are we giving them so much say in things again, it can't lead to anything good, it never has.



I dont.


I'm just offering my fact checking services to good ol'Petey. 🙂

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5 minutes ago, Ilunga said:



I used to think the way you do. 


Used the excuse of overpopulation as one of the reasons not to have a child. 


You already know the reasons why I did and being a dad is the best thing that has ever happened to me.

Even though it has brought me a lot of pain as well. 


As people told me, and I will tell you, if good, kind, empathetic people like you don't raise good, kind empathetic people, then who is going to ?


I thought being successful myself made me feel good, watching my son succeed was the greatest feeling I have ever had.


Also from an economic standpoint, many countries are facing an ageing population base with an economic burden being placed upon a shrinking younger demographic. 


I have had some incredibly high moments in my life and none of them compare to being a dad. 


I don't want to sound like smart arse however you have missed out the greatest feeling a person can have.


I thought I couldn't love anyone more than my mum and dad, my ex, my friends.

The love I feel for my son blows me away.



It's not an excuse. It's a small thing that helped my wife and I make the decision. We realised the world doesn't need more humans. Our species has doomed the planet. But if it's not and theres still hope... there is no better way to reduce ones carbon footprint than not breeding. 


I am ignorant to the joys of having a child.


You are ignorant to never having one. The joys I have, going into my 50's. My wife and I are soo very happy...we still have so many dreams and things to accomplish


I also would not do the tough job I do if I had a kid. Not a chance.

I do it as a small repayment for the great life Canada has given me. 




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13 minutes ago, bishopshodan said:



It's not an excuse. It's a small thing that helped my wife and I make the decision. We realised the world doesn't need more humans. Our species has doomed the planet. But if it's not and theres still hope... there is no better way to reduce ones carbon footprint than not breeding. 


I am ignorant to the joys of having a child.


You are ignorant to never having one. The joys I have, going into my 50's. My wife and I are soo very happy...we still have so many dreams and things to accomplish


I also would not do the tough job I do if I had a kid. Not a chance.

I do it as a small repayment for the great life Canada has given me. 





It took me nearly 50 years to become a dad.

So in the end, most of my life I won't have been a dad.

I do know that feeling.

I was still ski-bumming into my mid 40's, I was the ultimate kid myself.


Even though I loved some of my friends kids dearly, and they loved me, I never felt the urge to become a dad.


When the person you love the most, your partner, is crying and stating, all I want is to have your child, well my love was that deep I just wanted to make her happy.

I was scared of becoming a dad, especially at nearly 50 years old.


That all changed the moment they cut her belly open, I cut the cord, they wrapped him up, put him in my arms and I looked into his eyes. 


I can tell you what the world needs, more people like you in it. 



Please don't take this as any criticism of you, or your wife. 

I really did feel the way you do.

My mum and dad never believed they would be grandparents in their wildest dreams. 



From someone that felt like you for nearly 50 years of his life, I can't stress enough how life changing that moment was. 


In a few weeks, it will be a year since I have seen my beautiful son. 

My ex has been committing to children abuse, Parental Alienation.

Telling our son I am not his dad because he is an IVF child.

It's getting harder to face each day.

However I am still so grateful to have had the good times with my son.

They can't be taken away from me.

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1 hour ago, bishopshodan said:



It's not an excuse. It's a small thing that helped my wife and I make the decision. We realised the world doesn't need more humans. Our species has doomed the planet. But if it's not and theres still hope... there is no better way to reduce ones carbon footprint than not breeding. 


I am ignorant to the joys of having a child.


You are ignorant to never having one. The joys I have, going into my 50's. My wife and I are soo very happy...we still have so many dreams and things to accomplish


I also would not do the tough job I do if I had a kid. Not a chance.

I do it as a small repayment for the great life Canada has given me. 





You just can't know what the other path might bring. Maybe it would be joyful. Maybe you and your kid wouldn't like each other. Maybe it splits up your marriage or something else tragic happens. 


If you are happy it's always a good choice imo.


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5 hours ago, Warhippy said:

You're the one in this thread defending low tax rates or the ability for the wealthy to hide their taxes, not politicians 



I didn’t set any rules. The politicians did. I only follow what my accountant tells me to do. If it’s legal and within the rules I do it. Period. 

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10 hours ago, Elias Pettersson said:

I don't really get triggered about religion, I just don't understand what's so funny about it.  But I guess if I was non religious that would change things, so I get it to some degree.  If you've been religious your whole life like me then you would understand where I am coming from.  Trust me, it'[s hard to explain unless you have lived it your whole life.


I was raised and am a "confirmed" Catholic. I even still to this day occasionally study biblical philosophy as a hobby.


Organized religion, and the people that willfully follow corrupt zealots, with zero critical thought, is just as ridiculous as Bob and others rightly point out.


5 hours ago, Bob Long said:


No one is truly "self made". I've never actually met a successful person that believes that. I guess they might be out there somewhere. 


And yes there are good people in Canada's public service. You can try to pretend that there aren't, but then you'd have to explain to us why Canada has one of the highest qualities of life on the planet and do it by proving government wasn't a big part of that. 



It's like there's no benefit to a safe, free country, full of infrastructure, educated,  skilled and well paid workers, to build successful businesses from...

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26 minutes ago, Elias Pettersson said:

I didn’t set any rules. The politicians did. I only follow what my accountant tells me to do. If it’s legal and within the rules I do it. Period. 


And you want people to vote those same politicians in because...?

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54 minutes ago, Elias Pettersson said:

No, I’m not telling anyone to vote for Trudeau.  

The conservatives are just as much a part of that last 40 years of history. If anything, they hasten that race to the bottom when in power.

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9 hours ago, aGENT said:


I was raised and am a "confirmed" Catholic. I even still to this day occasionally study biblical philosophy as a hobby.


Organized religion, and the people that willfully follow corrupt zealots, with zero critical thought, is just as ridiculous as Bob and others rightly point out.



It's like there's no benefit to a safe, free country, full of infrastructure, educated,  skilled and well paid workers, to build successful businesses from...


It's really simple. People should be free, and are, to pursue whatever personal beliefs they choose.


Just don't force it on others. That's always the problem when too many zealots get organized.


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49 minutes ago, Bob Long said:


It's really simple. People should be free, and are, to pursue whatever personal beliefs they choose.


Just don't force it on others. That's always the problem when too many zealots get organized.



As I like to say, I like people that are religious *hands facing inward, up and down their own body* not religious *hands pressing outward in all directions at other people*

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2 minutes ago, aGENT said:


As I like to say, I like people that are religious *hands facing inward, up and down their own body* not religious *hands pressing outward in all directions at other people*


best people I knew who were religious just lived it, didn't need to yap about it or push it. The loud ones... giant pain in the ass. One of the big reasons I couldn't leave SK fast enough. 

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10 hours ago, aGENT said:

I was raised and am a "confirmed" Catholic. I even still to this day occasionally study biblical philosophy as a hobby.


As was I. I "left" the church as a young adult. It just all seemed so pointless to me.....


All Catholics will know what I'm talking about. Sit....stand.....kneel.....stand again..... Say "Lord have mercy" and "Amen" over and over.....finally, go up to the front and eat your little circle of cardboard.....say "amen" one more time....


I just can't buy into the theory that God, (if He exists) cares about whether I stand or kneel at a certain time, or make the sign of the cross, or say "Lord have mercy".....Why should I say that? It's not like I killed somebody.....or flew a drone over a soccer field.....


As I see it, God (if He exists and if He truly knows what's in my heart) knows that I'm a pretty decent person and that I actually care about my fellow human beings. I daresay, I care more than a lot of so-called "religious" folks, who pretend to follow the teachings of Jesus, but still complain about "their tax dollars" being used to help those less fortunate.....or those who demonize immigrants.....

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