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1 hour ago, 6of1_halfdozenofother said:


Good for them?  Maybe even give them a golf clap? :classic_rolleyes:


I'm not talking about 10 years ago.  In my other post where I produced examples from an online job postings website, there were over 1000 job postings over a couple of weeks old that remained open and presumably unfilled.  This demonstrates that it's clearly not simply a matter of "jobs not available" for local students or youth (whether it be due to TFWs or not).  That's the point I'm making.

Not what I was talking about...

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1 hour ago, Coconuts said:


It's affecting all sectors, it's often spoken about in regards to trades as well. Mixed feelings on it because portrayal matters, more sensationalistic takes have it pegged as being a "grey tsunami", but there's some truth to it. It's fascinating, if not a tad depressing, to dig into. Folks tend to utilize healthcare systems more as they age, it's just how things go. The youngest boomers are what.. 60 now? The oldest are almost 80? The demands on current healthcare systems aren't going to diminish. 


It goes further than that though, and I've spoken about it before, it's going to be really interesting to see how both Canada and the US address healthcare facets such as nursing homes and long-term care facilities, each of which can be quite expensive on a month to month basis. Covid put a bit of a spotlight on it, but there are staffing issues and quality of care issues associated with these things as well. How provincial and federal government spend in regards to it's older generations going forward is going to be interesting. 


Some of it's a numbers game too, as you've said, but another problem is the retention of the young to middle aged staff who are in place, particularly in less populated regions. Attracting staff is it's own bit too. How many Canadian educated doctors head down to the US to earn more money? How do rural and less populated regions attract and retain staff? 


One of my good friends works as a psyche nurse down in the lower mainland, she recently told me Northern Health is offering 30k incentives for nurses to move up this way and that she's considering it. Will we see more funding allocated to attract and retain talent in underserved regions? Not just for doctors and nurses, but for other professions like pharmacists as well? 


Part of the nuance is also how professionals engage with the concepts of aging and ageism, for example one bit I can across while digging through academic literature for papers earlier this year read "social workers are one of the major professionals serving for older adults. However, social work students often rank gerontology at the bottom of their future professional practice. Studies show that students have negative attitudes about, and perceptions of older adults and aging. Such stereotypes result in social work students considering practice areas other than gerontological social work.", the source was from 2022. This ain't unique to social work, other healthcare students and professions wrestle with these things as well, ongoing education will be necessary to help temper negative views of aging and older adults, and to temper some of the resentment held by younger generations towards older generations. 


Now, interventions and education are pieces of how such things are addressed, hence the aging class as part of my bachelors, but the rabbit holes of age, aging, ageism, and how society perceives and treats it's elderly are things society is going to have to wrestle with going forward as well, and not just in regards to professionals and the services they provide. Generally the connotations associated with aging aren't positive. 



Making education more accessible would help, these programs aren't typically just competitive, they're very expensive too. 


One thing I'd like to see is a further expansion of loan forgiveness for professionals working in more remote regions. There are programs in place, there should be more of them though.




There's some encouraging movement on this, social workers will be eligible for student loan forgiveness as well, at rates likely comparable to nurses. That's long overdue. 




What does that look like?




But it should go beyond loan forgiveness, we should be seeing more in the way of scholarships, grants, and whatnot. 


I think free tuition for anyone who completes those public service programs in post secondary on the condition that they stay in province for a given amount of time, say 10 years.  Then provide more incentives for various postings, ie:remote places 


Working on education, I can assure people there are many, many smart kids who simply can't afford that kind of education, but would be a huge benefit to our society 

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1 hour ago, aGENT said:


That was exactly my point. Though one party has a clear history of pushing Neo Liberal policies even harder than the other. Liberals = moderate erosion, Cons = massive erosion.


And yet again, Canadians appear to be on the precipice of ousting the moderately Neo Liberal economic policies for far more heavy handed Conservative Neo Liberal policies to "fix" the (*check notes*) economic problems caused by Neo Liberal economic policies.


Maybe it will work this time guys?!...




what was the real alternative, considering our trade situation? 

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2 hours ago, Elias Pettersson said:


Nobody ever said there was never inflation.  However, when a family can't even go to McDonald's anymore because it is too expensive, you know things are out of control.  When generation z has no hope of ever owning a home in their lifetimes, you know things are out of control.  When people can't even afford to pay rent on a one-bedroom condo, you know things are out of control.


The worst part about all of this is it doesn't seem like anybody has the answers on how to fix this mess.  Nobody.  


Yesterday I went for a coffee, and was offered a five dollar McDouble meal with fries and a drink. I didn't realize the average family can't afford five bucks to eat out at McD's.

I didn't realize that as the boomers die off their homes would disappear rather than be bought up by up and coming families.

I didn't realize all the one bedroom condos were vacant, that will surely lower the price eh?


So yeah in light of those three 'facts' i guess fug trudy eh?

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2 hours ago, Bob Long said:


I thought you said Joe was pushed out 😉


I do agree tho, Justin has run his race.


Interesting thing about the polls is the CPC polls a lot higher than PP himself. That means people don't want Trudeau more than they like PP. There's an opportunity there if the libs can change leaders .


I fully expect a CPC majority tho, unless the libs make a change.

if the PM resigns, that is fine, if he does not, he was elected to fill a mandate that expires next october. I am good till then. Our party was in third place when he took over and we are currently running the country and in 'second place' if you want to really lean into mid cycle polling. He has the controls, as they say in star trek, and will until he steps down. It is incredibly weird to me that 10 years of hacks saying things like "nice hair" and "fancy socks" finally has taken its toll though. I am not sold on Carney as the answer, Ignatieff echos with parachuting into the country to run to led it will be a fail, imo. I like our Deputy PM a LOT and would personally side with her to take over, but I have not heard or seen a sliver of a note from the Prime Minister that he is considering leaving office. 

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15 minutes ago, Bob Long said:


what was the real alternative, considering our trade situation? 


This strikes me as a bit of the economic version of "If Neo Liberals jumped off a bridge..." 😝


Yes, we compete in a global economy where other "Western" countries (particularly our giant neighbours to the South) also have Neo Liberal economic policies. No we can't realistically do 100% of what some "lefty" economic theory suggests, particularly given those realities.


I think you're deluding yourself though that it's all "pie in the sky", or there isn't a better happy medium to find, or that Neo Liberal economics haven't been without their own risks and clear economic damage (the evidence is pretty clear). I think the Nordic countries show that a better balance is indeed possible without castrating yourself economically.


Mostly though, I was trying to illustrate to Petey that trying to fix economic problems driven from Neo Liberalism, by going from a moderately Neo Liberal - Liberal government to an extremely Neo Liberal - Conservative government, is a bit like taking a shotgun to your head to "cure" your cancer.

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5 minutes ago, Optimist Prime said:


Yesterday I went for a coffee, and was offered a five dollar McDouble meal with fries and a drink. I didn't realize the average family can't afford five bucks to eat out at McD's.

I didn't realize that as the boomers die off their homes would disappear rather than be bought up by up and coming families.

I didn't realize all the one bedroom condos were vacant, that will surely lower the price eh?


So yeah in light of those three 'facts' i guess fug trudy eh?

I'm assuming that was through the McDonald's app? Without that offer the same meal costs $8. Now times that by 4. For a bloody mcdouble meal... 


For families on a tight budget, you used to be able to feed a family for $20 pretty easy. That is no longer the case



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1 minute ago, Ricky Ravioli said:

I'm assuming that was through the McDonald's app? Without that offer the same meal costs $8. Now times that by 4. For a bloody mcdouble meal... 


For families on a tight budget, you used to be able to feed a family for $20 pretty easy. That is no longer the case




While I agree that McD's has gotten expensive (I don't know why people ate there before, I CERTAINLY don't now), there's always been a lot cheaper ways to feed a family of 4 (far better and healthier food no less).

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2 hours ago, aGENT said:


That was exactly my point. Though one party has a clear history of pushing Neo Liberal policies even harder than the other. Liberals = moderate erosion, Cons = massive erosion.


And yet again, Canadians appear to be on the precipice of ousting the moderately Neo Liberal economic policies for far more heavy handed Conservative Neo Liberal policies to "fix" the (*check notes*) economic problems caused by Neo Liberal economic policies.


Maybe it will work this time guys?!...




The problem with your analogy is that the Liberal party of today isn't the same as the Liberal party of Jean Chretien or Paul Martin.  Justin Trudeau's party is left wing, basically an extension of the NDP.  Which is why a right-wing party like the current Cons can have such a massive lead in the polls.


The Liberal party needs to get to the centre to have any hope of ever governing again.  Which is why I keep telling anyone who will listen that Trudeau has to resign and let a more moderate candidate take his place.  Mark Carney or Dominic LeBlanc, who worked directly with Jean Chretien, would be the ideal choices.

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1 minute ago, aGENT said:


While I agree that McD's has gotten expensive (I don't know why people ate there before, I CERTAINLY don't now), there's always been a lot cheaper ways to feed a family of 4 (far better and healthier food no less).

I was going to say Rotten Ronnies is a treat, not a block on the food and diet pyramid. Nor is it a right to pig out for five bucks, lol. Anywho, grasping at fries instead of realizing the over the overtop rhetoric of the guy I was replying to was insincere at best and completely ficticious at worst is the real headline. 
Enjoy your evening folks. 

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6 minutes ago, Ricky Ravioli said:

I'm assuming that was through the McDonald's app? Without that offer the same meal costs $8. Now times that by 4. For a bloody mcdouble meal... 


For families on a tight budget, you used to be able to feed a family for $20 pretty easy. That is no longer the case



remind me- what was the minimum wage, back when $20 could feed a family at Ronnies?

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5 minutes ago, Ricky Ravioli said:

I'm assuming that was through the McDonald's app? Without that offer the same meal costs $8. Now times that by 4. For a bloody mcdouble meal... 


For families on a tight budget, you used to be able to feed a family for $20 pretty easy. That is no longer the case



How old are you?  It has been a very long time since you could feed a family of four for $20. 

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1 minute ago, aGENT said:


While I agree that McD's has gotten expensive (I don't know why people ate there before, I CERTAINLY don't now), there's always been a lot cheaper ways to feed a family of 4 (far better and healthier food no less).

I mean I don't disagree but also sometimes life happens. Maybe mom and dad didn't have time to make dinner for w.e reason. It was at least a cheap viable option for families who needed it. 


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Just now, Elias Pettersson said:


The problem with your analogy is that the Liberal party of today isn't the same as the Liberal party of Jean Chretien or Paul Martin.  Justin Trudeau's party is left wing, basically an extension of the NDP.  Which is why a right-wing party like the current Cons can have such a massive lead in the polls.


The Liberal party needs to get to the centre to have any hope of ever governing again.  Which is why I keep telling anyone who will listen that Trudeau has to resign and let a more moderate candidate take his place.  Mark Carney or Dominic LeBlanc, who worked directly with Jean Chretien, would be the ideal choices.

Ahhh yesteryear, the saviour of the future. 


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Just now, Gurn said:

remind me- what was the minimum wage, back when $20 could feed a family at Ronnies?

Uhhhh probably like $13 an hour? Wasn't that long ago... Especially with the coupon deals they used to have compared to now. The average cost for 2 big Mac meals in 2019 was roughly $14. Throw in a couple happy meals and you are what? $25 after tax? Now it's roughly $20 for the same 2 big Mac meals without even including happy meals.

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1 minute ago, Elias Pettersson said:


The problem with your analogy is that the Liberal party of today isn't the same as the Liberal party of Jean Chretien or Paul Martin.  Justin Trudeau's party is left wing, basically an extension of the NDP.  Which is why a right-wing party like the current Cons can have such a massive lead in the polls.


The Liberal party needs to get to the centre to have any hope of ever governing again.  Which is why I keep telling anyone who will listen that Trudeau has to resign and let a more moderate candidate take his place.  Mark Carney or Dominic LeBlanc, who worked directly with Jean Chretien, would be the ideal choices.


We're talking economics here, not which bathroom you can use Petey. And no, the Liberals are still pretty centrist economically and little n, little l, neo liberals. The same basic (if less heavy handed) economic policies as the NEO LIBERAL Conservatives. 


Those Neo Liberal policies of both parties are the reason for our shrinking middle class, wage gaps, unaffordability and general economic malaise we find ourselves in. Marc Carney is from the same club FWIW. Tell me more about how voting out the moderate Neo Lib-Liberals for the more extreme Neo Lib-Cons is going to fix problems caused by Neo Liberal economic policies? Tell me more about how voters doing that EXACT thing the past 40+ years has worked so well to fix problems caused by Neo Lib economic policies?


Like seriously man, wake the fuck up 🤣

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The "Canada is borked" narrative is wearing thin really. Who here is homeless right now or facing it next month? Who here didn't eat yesterday, McD's value menu included...lol.

I know not everyone is as fortunate as some others, i am firmly middle class myself. My housing costs me 13% of my monthly income. I don't carry debt month to month because if i can't afford something I do without it until i can. I have six months of income in the bank for emergencies. Minimum wage full time is roughly $35,500 a year. Two folks can intertwine their lives, even if they are minimum wage earners and have a household income of $71,000.

we all seem to be discussing this mythical family that can't find a one bedroom apartment and cant go to McD's for 20 bucks every so often... I know poverty exists, I work to reduce wherever possible, in my comings and goings, but None of us here really sit in that stinging poverty that the right side of politics and Peppe Le Pew want us to believe is enveloping our neighbours on both sides and coming for us next. Hyperbole has run rampant in the Canadian zeitgeist. 
it is absurd in some context that is presented here on the boards. 

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18 minutes ago, Optimist Prime said:


Yesterday I went for a coffee, and was offered a five dollar McDouble meal with fries and a drink. I didn't realize the average family can't afford five bucks to eat out at McD's.

I didn't realize that as the boomers die off their homes would disappear rather than be bought up by up and coming families.

I didn't realize all the one bedroom condos were vacant, that will surely lower the price eh?


So yeah in light of those three 'facts' i guess fug trudy eh?


McDonald’s Menu & Prices in Canada – 2024 – Menu Prices Canada


A McDouble meal is $9.79 on the website.  I'm assuming you had a coupon for a discount?  Also, nice that you picked out the cheapest item bundle on the menu.  The Big Mac meal is almost $15, which is exactly what I said it was.  That's $60 for 4 people.  So, no the average family can't afford to spend $60 for dinner.


So, generation z is basically going to wait it out until their parents croak before they get into the market?  Is that a new housing plan from Trudeau?  Don't worry kids, your parents are going to kick the bucket at some point, so you'll get your down payment eventually.  What about all of the kids who don't have parents with homes?  Parents do get divorced, go bankrupt, you know life does happen.


Not sure what you mean by vacant condos.  Inventory is almost at 0%, which is why the rents are so high.  Gonna be tough for the young folks to make a life for themselves moving forward that is for sure...

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2 minutes ago, Elias Pettersson said:


McDonald’s Menu & Prices in Canada – 2024 – Menu Prices Canada


A McDouble meal is $9.79 on the website.  I'm assuming you had a coupon for a discount?  Also, nice that you picked out the cheapest item bundle on the menu.  The Big Mac meal is almost $15, which is exactly what I said it was.  That's $60 for 4 people.  So, no the average family can't afford to spend $60 for dinner.


So, generation z is basically going to wait it out until their parents croak before they get into the market?  Is that a new housing plan from Trudeau?  Don't worry kids, your parents are going to kick the bucket at some point, so you'll get your down payment eventually.  What about all of the kids who don't have parents with homes?  Parents do get divorced, go bankrupt, you know life does happen.


Not sure what you mean by vacant condos.  Inventory is almost at 0%, which is why the rents are so high.  Gonna be tough for the young folks to make a life for themselves moving forward that is for sure...

I was aiming at your over the top rhetoric like "no one can afford a one bedroom condo" which would literally mean every one bedroom condo is currently vacant... i think i am wasting my time though. You do you. I mean that. You do you. enjoy  I take that back..its too close to something i would moderate. My apologies. 

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24 minutes ago, Optimist Prime said:

if the PM resigns, that is fine, if he does not, he was elected to fill a mandate that expires next october. I am good till then. Our party was in third place when he took over and we are currently running the country and in 'second place' if you want to really lean into mid cycle polling. He has the controls, as they say in star trek, and will until he steps down. It is incredibly weird to me that 10 years of hacks saying things like "nice hair" and "fancy socks" finally has taken its toll though. I am not sold on Carney as the answer, Ignatieff echos with parachuting into the country to run to led it will be a fail, imo. I like our Deputy PM a LOT and would personally side with her to take over, but I have not heard or seen a sliver of a note from the Prime Minister that he is considering leaving office. 


Unfortunately JT has become the story, it doesn't matter what the government does. I'm sure social media and angry millennial boys are a big part of that. 


I don't think Carney would be Iggy 2.0, he has so much more credibility. 

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Just now, Bob Long said:


Unfortunately JT has become the story, it doesn't matter what the government does. I'm sure social media and angry millennial boys are a big part of that. 


I don't think Carney would be Iggy 2.0, he has so much more credibility. 

but no canadian address.

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