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1 minute ago, Bure_Pavel said:

Yeah not asking for a lot, that's pretty much it. Just pay less taxes or pay same amount of taxes (removed scheduled increases) and for the government to stop pissing away money/have a balanced budget. Maybe better immigration policies that factor in stuff like the supply of available housing, but might be asking too much. Some hard decisions will need to be made in the near future to get government spending under control, we need a government that can make calculated decisions through cost and benefit analysis. As much as people wont like it, some programs will have to go, not many options to reduce current overspending as any government will be unlikely to reduce government wages. 


Governments adjust based on the same quarterly and annual reports that everyone else sees. No government of any stripe has a crystal ball.


Take the tfw issue, it overshot, now it's being adjusted. 


Perfect programs don't exist, they are always over or under by some amount. Same is true in the private sector.

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35 minutes ago, Bob Long said:


Governments adjust based on the same quarterly and annual reports that everyone else sees. No government of any stripe has a crystal ball.


Take the tfw issue, it overshot, now it's being adjusted. 


Perfect programs don't exist, they are always over or under by some amount. Same is true in the private sector.

Its not their projections that are way off, its the necessary infrastructure needed to support new entries that is almost completely overlooked. Canada does not have the available housing at the moment to add an extra 500,000 permanent residents each year. Especially due to only roughly 57% of new entries were considered for economic reasons. 

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32 minutes ago, Bure_Pavel said:

Its not their projections that are way off, its the necessary infrastructure needed to support new entries that is almost completely overlooked. Canada does not have the available housing at the moment to add an extra 500,000 permanent residents each year. Especially due to only roughly 57% of new entries were considered for economic reasons. 

Yes, too many people have been let in to Canada in the last few years. Yes, that is a factor in our housing crunch. Yes, the government is now changing the rules in order to have fewer people to come in.  Yes, this policy change is a reaction to a plan whose flaws can be seen in retrospection.  Most governments work that way - they react to things as much or more than they plan for things.


Where the Cons?  Where were their voices as this all unfolded?  Why were they so silent at the time the actions were taken yet are so loud now in reaction?

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2 hours ago, Bure_Pavel said:

Yeah not asking for a lot, that's pretty much it. Just pay less taxes or pay same amount of taxes (removed scheduled increases) and for the government to stop pissing away money/have a balanced budget. Maybe better immigration policies that factor in stuff like the supply of available housing, but might be asking too much. Some hard decisions will need to be made in the near future to get government spending under control, we need a government that can make calculated decisions through cost and benefit analysis. As much as people wont like it, some programs will have to go, not many options to reduce current overspending as any government will be unlikely to reduce government wages. 


If your stuck in the binary voting options of Liberal/Cons, you're basically voting for those dollars to be "wasted" on your own citizens, programs and infrastructure, as well as corporations and CEOs under the Liberals. Or almost exclusively, frequently foreign owned, corporations and CEOs under the Cons. 


Pick your poison. 


As imperfect as they are, personally I'd rather see at least some of my tax dollars actually benefiting my fellow Canadians and helping maybe help lift some out of poverty. I get it, fiscal Conservatives salivate over slashing "wasteful government spending" whenever the Cons get in. But in reality, actual Canadians never see those dollars saved. It all goes to tax cuts for the wealthy/corporations that don't need them. And the slashed funding to social programs just ends up costing us more in police, health, court etc costs... Hence why we vote the Liberals back in 😂 And round and round we go!


Maybe we should get off the Neo Con/Neo Lib 2 party merry go round eh?



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RBC's Dave McKay says Canada is on the 'wrong path' and needs to strengthen ties with U.S. (msn.com)


RBC's Dave McKay says Canada is on the 'wrong path' and needs to strengthen ties with U.S.


Canada has to get “in sync” with the United States and do a better job of plugging into its larger neighbour’s economic system in order to improve struggling productivity at home, says the head of this country’s biggest bank.


Royal Bank of Canada chief executive Dave McKay told a lunchtime crowd in Toronto on Tuesday that “very senior people” in the U.S. have told him they don’t believe Canada is creating enough value, economically.


“One very senior person said to us recently, in a group of CEOs, ‘You are not serious people,’” he said in reference to addressing the issues facing the two countries.

The chief executive, speaking at the Canadian Club Toronto, added that Canada’s economic situation is “not bad now, but we’re definitely on the wrong path and we’ve got to start making some fundamental change to get back.”


Canada’s productivity levels and its gross domestic product (GDP) per capita have lagged in recent years.


McKay said it’s important for Canada to figure out “what the U.S. needs” and derive value through that process.


As an example, he said the U.S. would need to rely on Canada’s natural resources , such as the metals required for the energy transition. But Canada’s regulatory process is “slowing us down,” he said. It currently takes several years to build a mine in this country due to the checks and balances involved.


He also referenced the energy sector and the importance of Canada’s role in defending the Arctic.


“We are out of sync with the U.S.,” McKay said. “If you think about what the U.S. needs, it actually lines up really well with what we are good at; we are just not getting it done. The U.S. needs less rhetoric from Canada and just more getting stuff done.”


Canada also needs a more competitive tax system, one that rewards risk takers and encourages companies to grow big instead of selling out to the U.S., he said.

“Recent tax policy has penalized risk takers,” he said. “We start companies, but then we sell really early. We sell to the Americans, who come up and get this amazing intellectual property for free.”


McKay said the Canadian government and businesses need to work together to deliver the economic outcomes the U.S. requires instead of having a division where business is viewed as the villain and government as the protector.


The current situation has also led to an increase in unemployment among Canada’s youth , which has further hurt the economy, he said.


“Our youth have 10 per cent unemployment. They are being left out,” he said. “They are disengaging from our economy. They are worried about climate, they don’t have a job, they don’t think they are going to own a home. They are tired of what’s going on and they are looking elsewhere.”

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15 minutes ago, aGENT said:


If your stuck in the binary voting options of Liberal/Cons, you're basically voting for those dollars to be "wasted" on your own citizens, programs and infrastructure, as well as corporations and CEOs under the Liberals. Or almost exclusively, frequently foreign owned, corporations and CEOs under the Cons. 


Pick your poison. 


As imperfect as they are, personally I'd rather see at least some of my tax dollars actually benefiting my fellow Canadians and helping maybe help lift some out of poverty. I get it, fiscal Conservatives salivate over slashing "wasteful government spending" whenever the Cons get in. But in reality, actual Canadians never see those dollars saved. It all goes to tax cuts for the wealthy/corporations that don't need them. And the slashed funding to social programs just ends up costing us more in police, health, court etc costs... Hence why we vote the Liberals back in 😂 And round and round we go!


Maybe we should get off the Neo Con/Neo Lib 2 party merry go round eh?



For me as far as the government goes less is more, there has to be some responsibility to formulate a budget and stick to it. If you are going to add you need to subtract some where else. The current government tries to do way way too much and has not executed when it comes to implementation. The next guy is going to have a hell of a mess to clean up. 


Debt Service Charges: Not the Main Type of Service We Should Be Funding –  IEDM/MEI

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2 hours ago, Bure_Pavel said:

Its not their projections that are way off, its the necessary infrastructure needed to support new entries that is almost completely overlooked. Canada does not have the available housing at the moment to add an extra 500,000 permanent residents each year. Especially due to only roughly 57% of new entries were considered for economic reasons. 


which infrastructure in particular? 

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1 minute ago, Bure_Pavel said:

The main one is obviously housing.


thats mainly the responsibility of the universities and provinces who were asking for them. The feds aren't there to monitor UBC e.g. to see if they have the housing capacity in place. I guess you could argue that the feds should have asked, but that was never an issue before. 


Again, we had a probelm, its being corrected. 

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6 minutes ago, Bob Long said:


thats mainly the responsibility of the universities and provinces who were asking for them. The feds aren't there to monitor UBC e.g. to see if they have the housing capacity in place. I guess you could argue that the feds should have asked, but that was never an issue before. 


Again, we had a probelm, its being corrected. 

The responsibility is on the Federal government as they are the ones who set the immigration policy and targets for the number of new permanent residents. They also more than enough data to make the necessary assessment. 

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9 minutes ago, Bure_Pavel said:

The responsibility is on the Federal government as they are the ones who set the immigration policy and targets for the number of new permanent residents. They also more than enough data to make the necessary assessment. 


nope its shared: https://lop.parl.ca/sites/PublicWebsite/default/en_CA/ResearchPublications/202005E#a3


The feds consult with the provinces on their goals and targets.


I know people want to blame Trudeau, but think about what this means. PP actually can't solve this on his own, so if thats what you belive is going to happen, please read the link. 


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20 minutes ago, Bob Long said:


nope its shared: https://lop.parl.ca/sites/PublicWebsite/default/en_CA/ResearchPublications/202005E#a3


The feds consult with the provinces on their goals and targets.


I know people want to blame Trudeau, but think about what this means. PP actually can't solve this on his own, so if thats what you belive is going to happen, please read the link. 


If you suggesting the federal government does not have the power to adjust immigration targets, I would have to strongly disagree with you there. 

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Just now, Bure_Pavel said:

If you suggesting the federal government does not have the power to adjust immigration targets, I would have to strongly disagree with you there. 


No I didn't say that, I said it's a shared responsibility.


We overshot the targets coming out of covid.


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9 minutes ago, Bure_Pavel said:

For me as far as the government goes less is more, there has to be some responsibility to formulate a budget and stick to it. If you are going to add you need to subtract some where else. The current government tries to do way way too much and has not executed when it comes to implementation. The next guy is going to have a hell of a mess to clean up. 


Debt Service Charges: Not the Main Type of Service We Should Be Funding –  IEDM/MEI


That's great but that's not what the Cons actually do when in power. They slash funding only to give that "saved" money to corporations in the name of growing the economy. Except we have 40+ years of history that shows those trickle down economics don't work. The rich/corporations largely save that money, they don't reinvest it in to the economy. 


And all the cuts just cost us even more tax dollars in additional policing, prison, court, health care etc costs. Then to "balance" the budget, they sell off a NEP or wheat board, or privatize health care or... Further worsening our long term economics. I mean how nice would an NEP have been the last 40 years if the Conservatives hadn't sold it off for pennies on the dollar, largely to the very same wealthy Americans who convinced Canadian conservative voters Ottawa was "ripping them off"?

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19 minutes ago, aGENT said:


That's great but that's not what the Cons actually do when in power. They slash funding only to give that "saved" money to corporations in the name of growing the economy. Except we have 40+ years of history that shows those trickle down economics don't work. The rich/corporations largely save that money, they don't reinvest it in to the economy. 


And all the cuts just cost us even more tax dollars in additional policing, prison, court, health care etc costs. Then to "balance" the budget, they sell off a NEP or wheat board, or privatize health care or... Further worsening our long term economics. I mean how nice would an NEP have been the last 40 years if the Conservatives hadn't sold it off for pennies on the dollar, largely to the very same wealthy Americans who convinced Canadian conservative voters Ottawa was "ripping them off"?

We will have to agree to disagree in my opinion the economy has performed a lot better when the conservatives have been in power, as they promote capital investment, invest in infrastructure, and use a much more fiscally responsible approach. For me they just seem to bring in a better support team then the liberals usually do, more business professionals. Time will tell how things turn out, current bar set very low. 

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48 minutes ago, Bure_Pavel said:

We will have to agree to disagree in my opinion the economy has performed a lot better when the conservatives have been in power, as they promote capital investment, invest in infrastructure, and use a much more fiscally responsible approach. For me they just seem to bring in a better support team then the liberals usually do, more business professionals. Time will tell how things turn out, current bar set very low. 


*Some companies "perform better" since they get a bunch of extra tax breaks, subsidies and the like. And it's not like those large corporations/industries haven't already been posting annual record profits under the Liberals. Do they need to do better than consecutive record profits? Like really? All while actual Canadians do worse, particularly the poor/disabled/veterans/elderly/working families etc. And there's a metric crap tonne of evidence that the vast majority of that money does NOT get re-invested infrastructure, innovation etc. Again, 40 years of history clearly showing that is not the case. Trickle down economics are a scam the rich have sold you. Just like they sold you that rich Americans ripping you off for Canada's oil is better than Ottawa "ripping you off" (AKA selling it to your fellow Canadians).


And how is it "fiscally responsible" to slash social services that end up costing us more long term in police/court/prison/medical etc costs while also offloading many costs on to working families?


You're "idea" of what the Conservatives are and what they actually do in reality, don't seem to jive.

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If you believe in freedom- you can not vote for the Conservative party of Canada.

Their leader has just announced he will put a cap on population growth.

Not a limit on how many, and when we allow immigrants in, but on population growth.

This moron thinks he can limit how many kids you have.

fuckers don't want access to abortion, and at the same time want to limit population growth.

Assholes can't even pick a lane.


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11 minutes ago, Gurn said:

If you believe in freedom- you can not vote for the Conservative party of Canada.

Their leader has just announced he will put a cap on population growth.

Not a limit on how many, and when we allow immigrants in, but on population growth.

This moron thinks he can limit how many kids you have.

fuckers don't want access to abortion, and at the same time want to limit population growth.

Assholes can't even pick a lane.



He can try and stop this growth:


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12 minutes ago, Gurn said:

If you believe in freedom- you can not vote for the Conservative party of Canada.

Their leader has just announced he will put a cap on population growth.

Not a limit on how many, and when we allow immigrants in, but on population growth.

This moron thinks he can limit how many kids you have.

fuckers don't want access to abortion, and at the same time want to limit population growth.

Assholes can't even pick a lane.



Skippy is always a week behind. The feds have aleady decided to cut back on temp workers and students. 

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23 minutes ago, aGENT said:


*Some companies "perform better" since they get a bunch of extra tax breaks, subsidies and the like. And it's not like those large corporations/industries haven't already been posting annual record profits under the Liberals. Do they need to do better than consecutive record profits? Like really? All while actual Canadians do worse, particularly the poor/disabled/veterans/elderly/working families etc. And there's a metric crap tonne of evidence that the vast majority of that money does NOT get re-invested infrastructure, innovation etc. Again, 40 years of history clearly showing that is not the case. Trickle down economics are a scam the rich have sold you. Just like they sold you that rich Americans ripping you off for Canada's oil is better than Ottawa "ripping you off" (AKA selling it to your fellow Canadians).


And how is it "fiscally responsible" to slash social services that end up costing us more long term in police/court/prison/medical etc costs while also offloading many costs on to working families?


You're "idea" of what the Conservatives are and what they actually do in reality, don't seem to jive.

The poor/disabled/veterans/working families these people are all doing terrible right now, usage at food banks is at an all time high and anyone who doesn't own a home, isn't in the top 30% of earners in the country, or is in line for an inheritance has no chance to build any kind of significant wealth. While the wealth gap has widened faster than it ever has, this government has not been a champion to those in poverty or the middle class as you are suggesting. Instead of increasing taxes on the rich and corporations they imposed fuel taxes which affect all basic goods. While the rich are scooting around in Tesla's making 10-15% annually on their real estate portfolios.     

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1 hour ago, Bure_Pavel said:

The poor/disabled/veterans/working families these people are all doing terrible right now, usage at food banks is at an all time high and anyone who doesn't own a home, isn't in the top 30% of earners in the country, or is in line for an inheritance has no chance to build any kind of significant wealth. While the wealth gap has widened faster than it ever has, this government has not been a champion to those in poverty or the middle class as you are suggesting. Instead of increasing taxes on the rich and corporations they imposed fuel taxes which affect all basic goods. While the rich are scooting around in Tesla's making 10-15% annually on their real estate portfolios.     


Again, I'm not suggesting you vote Liberal, as I've posted numerous times, they also pander to corporations and wealthy (but at least somewhat support us pleebs with social programs). If you think those things are bad under the Liberals, why would you vote to make them even worse under the Conservatives? I don't see the logic.


FYI, subsidizing modern industries is exactly how you hurry adaptation to said new technology so that it can compete sooner with existing technologies for the un-rich. And FYI, you can easily buy an electric/hybrid car for the average price of a new car in Canada. They're not just toys for the wealthy.


And again, this has been explained many times but most poor-middle class people either break even or net gain on the carbon tax. It's one of the best "Conservative" economic levers for encouraging less carbon intense purchases. 

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Man wanted in sexual assault tried to grab child from mother at Scarborough pool: TPS


The Toronto Police Service (TPS) is searching for a man who allegedly tried to grab a child from their mother and sexually assaulted another youth while at a community centre swimming pool in Scarborough.


It’s alleged a man and the victims were in a community centre swimming pool when the suspect approached a child and tried to engage them in a conversation.


Police said the suspect grabbed the child and tried to pull them away, but the mother intervened.



The same man then approached a second child, struck up a conversation, and sexually assaulted the youth. He then fled in an unknown direction.


The man is described as 20-30 years old, with short black hair shaved on the side and a black beard. He was last seen wearing sunglasses, a Lionel Messi Argentina soccer jersey and black shorts.







These creeps are getting brazen...

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'I'm not going to listen to you': Singh claps back at Poilievre ahead of House return

MONTREAL — A battle is heating up between Pierre Poilievre and Jagmeet Singh ahead of the return of the House of Commons next week, as the Conservatives challenge the NDP to help them bring down the governmen
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U.S. border patrol reports record number of encounters with migrants at the Canadian border

Experts say organized smugglers are taking advantage of lax Canadian screening


U.S. Customs and Border Protection says it recorded a record-high number of encounters with migrants between border posts on the Canada-U.S. border between October 2023 and July of this year.


It's a pattern experts say could be a problem for Prime Minister Justin Trudeau's government as the question of illegal immigration heats up in a close-fought U.S. election.


U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) records an "encounter" in its database when it comes across someone who is inadmissable to the U.S., or when border patrol officers find someone who has illegally crossed the border into the U.S. between border posts.


CBP reported encountering 19,498 migrants between border posts on the northern border between October 2023 and July 2024 — 15,612 of them in the Swanton Sector, which runs along the Quebec's border with New York and Vermont.


While the numbers still pale in comparison with the U.S southern border, that's more than twice as many as the 7,630 encountered between border posts during the same time period the previous year.


The year before that, CBP reported encountering only 2,238 migrants between border posts at the northern border.


"Part of the problem is as the southern border has gotten tighter, the coyotes (smugglers) are telling people to come to Canada and then they try to smuggle them into the United States," said Washington State immigration lawyer Greg Boos.


"(It's) quite alarming when you consider that is more than the past 10 years combined, even probably longer than that," Cozine said. "Given the recent arrest of the Pakistani national in Canada, who was plotting to carry out some sort of attack on the anniversary of October 7, it is alarming."


According to U.S. CBP statistics, the source nationality accounting for the largest number of Border Patrol encounters at the border has been India: 9,742 of the 19,498 migrants stopped between October and July were from that country.


Poirier said the RCMP used to see more migrants from Mexico until new visa requirements curbed the traffic.


"For the past few months, what we're seeing is a lot of people landing at international airports, so either Montreal or Toronto," he said. "And then within a few hours of their arrival, we catch them at the border, either attempting to cross or they've already successfully crossed."


"The Americans are well aware that Canada's capacity to screen people is really limited, if at all even existent," he said. "I mean, we do screen, kind of, but we don't do a proficient or effective job. The Americans are well aware of this, so they can't trust our system."


While Canada is part of the Five Eyes alliance of countries that cooperate on security and intelligence, Canada is considered the "lazy eye," said Sundberg.


NDP immigration critic Jenny Kwan said changes to Canada's immigration policy have helped fuel an exodus to the U.S. of students and temporary foreign workers.




The bolded is exactly what I was trying to say the other day. We look silly in all this...

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3 minutes ago, Ricky Ravioli said:

U.S. border patrol reports record number of encounters with migrants at the Canadian border

Experts say organized smugglers are taking advantage of lax Canadian screening


U.S. Customs and Border Protection says it recorded a record-high number of encounters with migrants between border posts on the Canada-U.S. border between October 2023 and July of this year.


It's a pattern experts say could be a problem for Prime Minister Justin Trudeau's government as the question of illegal immigration heats up in a close-fought U.S. election.


U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) records an "encounter" in its database when it comes across someone who is inadmissable to the U.S., or when border patrol officers find someone who has illegally crossed the border into the U.S. between border posts.


CBP reported encountering 19,498 migrants between border posts on the northern border between October 2023 and July 2024 — 15,612 of them in the Swanton Sector, which runs along the Quebec's border with New York and Vermont.


While the numbers still pale in comparison with the U.S southern border, that's more than twice as many as the 7,630 encountered between border posts during the same time period the previous year.


The year before that, CBP reported encountering only 2,238 migrants between border posts at the northern border.


"Part of the problem is as the southern border has gotten tighter, the coyotes (smugglers) are telling people to come to Canada and then they try to smuggle them into the United States," said Washington State immigration lawyer Greg Boos.


"(It's) quite alarming when you consider that is more than the past 10 years combined, even probably longer than that," Cozine said. "Given the recent arrest of the Pakistani national in Canada, who was plotting to carry out some sort of attack on the anniversary of October 7, it is alarming."


According to U.S. CBP statistics, the source nationality accounting for the largest number of Border Patrol encounters at the border has been India: 9,742 of the 19,498 migrants stopped between October and July were from that country.


Poirier said the RCMP used to see more migrants from Mexico until new visa requirements curbed the traffic.


"For the past few months, what we're seeing is a lot of people landing at international airports, so either Montreal or Toronto," he said. "And then within a few hours of their arrival, we catch them at the border, either attempting to cross or they've already successfully crossed."


"The Americans are well aware that Canada's capacity to screen people is really limited, if at all even existent," he said. "I mean, we do screen, kind of, but we don't do a proficient or effective job. The Americans are well aware of this, so they can't trust our system."


While Canada is part of the Five Eyes alliance of countries that cooperate on security and intelligence, Canada is considered the "lazy eye," said Sundberg.


NDP immigration critic Jenny Kwan said changes to Canada's immigration policy have helped fuel an exodus to the U.S. of students and temporary foreign workers.




The bolded is exactly what I was trying to say the other day. We look silly in all this...

To begin it’s not a “close” flight US election. Harris is dominating and will clearly win in a landslide. And to add Poo Poo and the Con-artists have no chance up here. Losers will lose. And that’s Trump and Poo Poo.  

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