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PP is a huge embarrassment to Canada. This kind of behaviour has no place in society yet alone in our house of parliament.


Couple this with their anti sogi position and their true hate filled rage being exposed for the entire world to see

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28 minutes ago, Sapper said:



PP is a huge embarrassment to Canada. This kind of behaviour has no place in society yet alone in our house of parliament.


Couple this with their anti sogi position and their true hate filled rage being exposed for the entire world to see


Believing early polls makes one cocky apparently.

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8 hours ago, Sapper said:

He has already served notice that tommorow he is tabling 2 more non confidence motions 


I get it polls show him leading. This insanity of using polling numbers to demand and end to governments is more a threat to our democracy that anything we have seen in the last decade ... Other than his indorsed klown.konvoy Kids.


If he lives by the same rules ... As soon as he is in power and cuts health programs and or


raises OAS age ( again ) .... He will take a big polling drop. If the libs have replaced Truduea with anyone at all ... They could poll higher than the cons.


Would PP then agree to go to an election ? Hell no


We elect our governments to sever a term. Some things they must do piss off half he country but are needed for the other half. His theatrical temper tantrums are for Soley his personal gain.


No person could govern based on maintaining poll leads... Not even him


The House has voted ... For him to table the exact same thing the day after it but just re worded Is ridiculous and frankly embarrassing on a global level

It undermines Canada's ability to make unpopular decisions when needed .... Another words PP wants us to be a weak country in the eyes of the world 


The vote failed ..... Get your ass back to work PP..... That's my taxes your using to play around instead of being the opposition and working. Run your election campaigns on your dime and time.


His long speech yesterday about the Canadian promise is only viable under a full communist regime. Wages are not going to jump so high to pave the streets in gold  unless it's legislated .... Housing and rent is not collapsing to 1960 rates unless it's legislated 


Food and grocery is not going to become cheaper unless it's legislated 


Everything he's promising requires state legislated price and wage control ... Aka old school USSR 




Yep exactly like Trump recent policies. 

Non of it is possible without actual price control and caps, you know the communist thing he keeps saying Kamala is. 


PP is truly Canada's Trump. 


Glad Mark Cuban spelled it out on Fox. 

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5 minutes ago, Sapper said:

The one that's most terrifying of PP promises is the return to a single parent worker would be able to afford a home ..... That anyone willing to work would be able to afford a home 


That may have been true in 1950 but for that to again be true we would have to have legislated massive wage increases and or a complete collapse of housing prices. The collapse needed would bankrupt over half the country. The economic devastation would be biblical in its consequences 


PP is telling people there current pay with a bit less taxes and no carbon tax would then result in a powerful pay thst could afford housing ( own not rent)


Current housing would have to fall by a minimum of ,2/3 ... 66% in value for that to occur.


That would effectively bankrupt the entire country. 


In reality some of his moves may put more coin in your pocket but when you factor in his cuts most will be worse of not better.  Housing will go down in some markets as it should do ..... But we are not going back 70 years to when one average pay can buy a home and have your wife stay home .....      The leave it to Beaver stuff is literally stories of yesterday 


For seniors loosing Pharmacare and dental and carbon rebates in exchange for dropping carbon tax ... Is going to be the cause of this nuclear winter PP talks about.


You think seniors living in RV's at rest stops is bad now ...... There going to big enough to get town status under PP


he can say anything he wants to right now. His followers love it all, and really don't care about anything other than he's not Justin. 


If we wins, he'll just say some BS like he's now seen "the real books" and he can't keep his promises because Justin. Again his minions won't care.


More middle of the road voters are upset, OK. Well, how many of those were happy with the equity boom? If millennials want to be mad at someone, maybe start with your parents because they were happy to cash in.



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3 minutes ago, Bob Long said:


he can say anything he wants to right now. His followers love it all, and really don't care about anything other than he's not Justin. 


If we wins, he'll just say some BS like he's now seen "the real books" and he can't keep his promises because Justin. Again his minions won't care.


More middle of the road voters are upset, OK. Well, how many of those were happy with the equity boom? If millennials want to be mad at someone, maybe start with your parents because they were happy to cash in.



Lumping 43% of the population into one group of PP “followers” who are only upset at Justin doesn’t sound to me like the actual facts. It sounds more like crying from the left. 

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14 minutes ago, Sapper said:

The one that's most terrifying of PP promises is the return to a single parent worker would be able to afford a home ..... That anyone willing to work would be able to afford a home 


That may have been true in 1950 but for that to again be true we would have to have legislated massive wage increases and or a complete collapse of housing prices. The collapse needed would bankrupt over half the country. The economic devastation would be biblical in its consequences 


PP is telling people there current pay with a bit less taxes and no carbon tax would then result in a powerful pay thst could afford housing ( own not rent)


Current housing would have to fall by a minimum of ,2/3 ... 66% in value for that to occur.


That would effectively bankrupt the entire country. 


In reality some of his moves may put more coin in your pocket but when you factor in his cuts most will be worse of not better.  Housing will go down in some markets as it should do ..... But we are not going back 70 years to when one average pay can buy a home and have your wife stay home .....      The leave it to Beaver stuff is literally stories of yesterday 


For seniors loosing Pharmacare and dental and carbon rebates in exchange for dropping carbon tax ... Is going to be the cause of this nuclear winter PP talks about.


You think seniors living in RV's at rest stops is bad now ...... There going to big enough to get town status under PP

1950?  Like you don’t even have a clue. Just more fear mongering from the left. You could literally buy a house in Vancouver for under a million with one income in 2013. 

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39 minutes ago, Elias Pettersson said:

Lumping 43% of the population into one group of PP “followers” who are only upset at Justin doesn’t sound to me like the actual facts. It sounds more like crying from the left. 


I wasn't doing that. PP minions are probably more like the hard core 30% that always vote con. There's a group of 10-13% that can be brought back to the middle with the right leader/ideas.


Edited by Bob Long
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33 minutes ago, Elias Pettersson said:

Is everyone who is going to vote for the Conservatives a right wing nut job PP “follower”?




Let's be honest, to really like him and think he has good ideas, you do have to be a bit on the koolaid side. He's all hot air to this point, he's really offered nothing and why should he I guess, when "I'm not Justin" nets you 40% in the polls. 


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54 minutes ago, Elias Pettersson said:

1950?  Like you don’t even have a clue. Just more fear mongering from the left. You could literally buy a house in Vancouver for under a million with one income in 2013. 

Your so completely brainwashed you only regurgitate the cons propaganda lines .... 


Take all politics out of this ... Take all propaganda out this.   Look at only facts and math ... Math never lies 


Current average wage is 54k per year in BC ( stats can )


If PP is able to drop your tax burden from the current 18k on wages and your take home goes from 36 k in pocket to 40k in pocket ( that would take a big tax cut but let's say he pulls it off )


An average worker then might see $3333 per month take home


In order to not get into money trouble the MAX and I mean your going to be cutting your budget to the bone .... You should use for housing costs is 40 %>


That means the max monthly mortgage they could pay is $1333.


Based on 5% down that means a maximum mortgage overall in the 100 to 125k after downpayment.


Simple math does not lie.


That wouldn't even get you a 30 year old mobile home in BC let alone something strata or freehold to own. The drop in housing costs would have to historic to get even a single bedroom apartment at that cost 


To be fair all the politicians lie especially come election time.


But I hate to be the one that showed you that you have been fooled .... But the math doest lie

Go ahead and support any party you like. But calling it fear mongering when someone gets the old calculator out and says the math doesn't add up .... Really does mean your running with your party line without checking facts .... And dropping lefty names sprinkled with dropping the words fear and or woke.


I do the same for other parties promises too ( the math )


Always do the math and  ask what they will cut to pay for it. Or in this specific case I'd ask PP what is exact plan to devalue property that step is and what steps if any he is planning to assist those that would be foreclosed on by banks when they find their homes devalued so bad that it's best to just walk away and let the bank have them


But let's leave math here and talk politics now - PP isn't going to destroy our economy by actually doing what he is promising and you should know that. He may in fact have other ideas on balancing housing cost and supports .... That's what he should be sharing and not this fantasy based dream that has no possible chance of being done.  




Let's use my first house purchase as an example as I was an average income earner 


1998 bought a house for 130k. My yearly income was 40k.  That means the house cost was equal to 3.25 years of my total income.


Today that same job pays 60,k per year and the house would sell at 800k


To go back to that affordability one of 2 things would have to happen


First would be housing costs. To again have that house equal to 3.25 years total income value the house could only top out at 195k. That means it must be devalued some how by 605k ( that's a 75% drop in value )


OR it could be wages that  change.  To again age 3.25 years total income pay for it I would need to earn $246k per year in that same job


The math simply doesn't add up and neither will happen 


Take home pay could go up a bit and the value may go down a bit but in any case ..PP knows he is selling a unicorn dream


Edited by Sapper
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2 minutes ago, Bob Long said:




Let's be honest, to really like him and think he has good ideas, you do have to be a bit on the koolaid side. He's all hot air to this point, he's really offered nothing and why should he I guess, when "I'm not Justin" nets you 40% in the polls. 



People are voting for change because according to one study, 25% of the population is living in poverty.  Our debt is now in the trillions with a $45 billion interest payment.  Immigration was completely out of control for a long time.  People aren't just sick of Trudeau, they are also sick of his policies...

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This is a good move imo. We've seen too much of this nonsense lately. 


Bill before Parliament would outlaw residential school 'denialism'

Bill would make it a criminal offence to reject, justify or minimize the damage caused by residential schools





Here's the actual wording of the bill, incase we get the usual "thought police" type arguments against it. I don't see anything here that should upset anyone other than people that want to deny what happened.






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6 minutes ago, Elias Pettersson said:


People are voting for change because according to one study, 25% of the population is living in poverty.


thats pretty suspect. We also know that the CPC isn't gong to do anything to help these people. 


6 minutes ago, Elias Pettersson said:


  Our debt is now in the trillions with a $45 billion interest payment.  Immigration was completely out of control for a long time.  People aren't just sick of Trudeau, they are also sick of his policies...


I'm quite concerned about that number too, it's getting off the rails soon. 


I'd love to be able to discuss policy with you, because thats what I tend to vote for. Please show me some CPC policy. 


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2 minutes ago, Bob Long said:




Let's be honest, to really like him and think he has good ideas, you do have to be a bit on the koolaid side. He's all hot air to this point, he's really offered nothing and why should he I guess, when "I'm not Justin" nets you 40% in the polls. 



When he does offer something (like he did on Pharmacare) it’s far more likely to be a net negative for him so he’s better off sticking to his oldies that play well like #axthetax


Anecdotal but interesting, my buddy took his 93 year old father to the dentist in Chilliwack yesterday and was commenting at the counter that there seemed to be a lot of seniors in the waiting room. He was told that there had been a massive influx of seniors since the dental plan came out. Probably why Andrew Scheer wouldn’t answer when asked if they planned to scale back or cancel the dental plan.

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4 minutes ago, 4petesake said:


When he does offer something (like he did on Pharmacare) it’s far more likely to be a net negative for him so he’s better off sticking to his oldies that play well like #axthetax



its actually so funny its sad to see them all do the little "hand chop" thingy. Cringe. 



4 minutes ago, 4petesake said:



Anecdotal but interesting, my buddy took his 93 year old father to the dentist in Chilliwack yesterday and was commenting at the counter that there seemed to be a lot of seniors in the waiting room. He was told that there had been a massive influx of seniors since the dental plan came out. Probably why Andrew Scheer wouldn’t answer when asked if they planned to scale back or cancel the dental plan.


my mom is registered now as well. 

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10 minutes ago, 4petesake said:


When he does offer something (like he did on Pharmacare) it’s far more likely to be a net negative for him so he’s better off sticking to his oldies that play well like #axthetax


Anecdotal but interesting, my buddy took his 93 year old father to the dentist in Chilliwack yesterday and was commenting at the counter that there seemed to be a lot of seniors in the waiting room. He was told that there had been a massive influx of seniors since the dental plan came out. Probably why Andrew Scheer wouldn’t answer when asked if they planned to scale back or cancel the dental plan.

A Canada wide pharmacare and dental plan would enable retires to settle in rural areas such as Saskatchewan.. where housing is still affordable and br able to afford a decent retirement 


Ending pharmacare as PP has now stated will lock in my seniors to their current location as every province has different drug coverage and wait times to come under it when they move 


The dental and Pharmacare in a fed level from coast to coast would be massive in permitting seniors the ability to move to affordability locations 

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So PP has tabled another non confidence motion less than a day after his last loss


If this one fails as well it is an absolute clear statement that the majority of Canada has voted NON Confidence in PP and the official opposition 


If PP has even a single shred of honor or respect he Must resign if this second motion fails as well


Simply put he and his party would have no credibility in the house or globally left if he stays.


He has asked he house in back to back days basically 'me or Him"


Let's see if PP is real and sincere or a complete phoney

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22 minutes ago, Sapper said:

A Canada wide pharmacare and dental plan would enable retires to settle in rural areas such as Saskatchewan.. where housing is still affordable and br able to afford a decent retirement 



this is actually so true. When we moved my mom out to BC from SK, it cost about 2k more per month for a similar assisted living facility, same types of food, activities, etc. 


We can afford it but I can actually see some people making the decision to do this say in their late 70s when it's still possible to make a move on your own terms. 


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1 hour ago, Bob Long said:




Let's be honest, to really like him and think he has good ideas, you do have to be a bit on the koolaid side. He's all hot air to this point, he's really offered nothing and why should he I guess, when "I'm not Justin" nets you 40% in the polls. 


Does that mean all the left wing nut jobs are in the NDP? Or do they share?

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1 hour ago, Elias Pettersson said:


People are voting for change because according to one study, 25% of the population is living in poverty.  Our debt is now in the trillions with a $45 billion interest payment.  Immigration was completely out of control for a long time.  People aren't just sick of Trudeau, they are also sick of his policies...


I don't think too many people disagree much with these being issues. Problem being that the Cons are going to hurt those "25%" even more when they make cuts to the social programs those very people rely on. How's that helping?


They also likely barely make a dent in that debt as they do their standard tax cuts for wealthy/corporations to "boost the economy". But when those trickle down economics get largely pocketed instead of reinvested in tech/workers, as it's always done anytime, ever.... and fails to materialize as economic growth or increased income tax, we'll be largely right back where we already are for debt. And we'll just lose another NEP, Wheat Board etc to help cover the losses and "balance" the budget.


As for "Trudeau's" policies... I'll remind you that most of the big economic ones, Covid in particular likely the biggest debt accumulator, were agreed to by ALL parties under a minority government.

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