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48 minutes ago, stawns said:

it always boggles my mind that these small government conservatives are actually the ones wanting the government to intervene in the things they don't like.

I'd really love to see an attempt at an argument for how drug prohibition is consistent with small government.

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4 hours ago, Coconuts said:


There is quite a pushback, we saw it with the recent march, there were plenty of counter-protests. Now, I am not going to paint those who vote conservative with the same brush because homophobia and anti-trans rhetoric are not exclusive to any one political faction, but those sentiments certainly exist amongst the fringe right. This is part of why I believe a more center right party would be beneficial, at least a healthy one. What that would do is create more of a split amongst those who vote conservative, hopefully for the better. 


I don't think gay marriage is in any danger but while one has to take the culture war with a grain of salt it can't exactly be ignored either. The fact that there's been so much discussion of what's gone on in Nova Scotia speaks to that, some folks go out of their way to attack pronouns and the like as "woke" but pronouns and whatnot are important to the LGBTQ+ community. It boils down to being able to treat individuals with respect, I don't care what pronoun someone wants me to refer to them as, it's a simple courtesy that costs me absolutely nothing. I'm not keen on religion in general but much of my immediate family is religious, I am capable of honoring those differences. Mudslinging has been a thing in politics for a long time, it's not new, culture wars aren't new either, but it's worth paying attention to who is saying what when folks are in positions of influence and power. Politicians are not above saying this or that to score political points, even if it's marginalized communities who pay the price. For example, John Rustad. https://bc.ctvnews.ca/outrageous-b-c-premier-slams-conservative-leader-s-first-question-in-legislature-1.6587632


On one level it's the game of politics, but at the same time these politicians impact real human lives. If Trudeau is washy on abortion idk, I won't pretend to have paid close attention to that, but I suppose as long as he's not actively trying to interfere with folks ability to get an abortion it may not be the end of the world. 


I do think media has to be taken with a grain of salt, it does exacerbate division but politicians also play to the media on that front. On a macro level on has to question who owns x, and if who's catering to who via what media channels. It's a lot to ponder, even more to stay on top of. In the age of social media there's more of a battle than ever to influence what people consume and believe. But that's a rabbit hole, I'll simply say I wouldn't be surprised if the media in what's probably a center left leaning country also leans more left. 


It's interesting to think about, and I suppose I have to going forward. The person is political after all, give it another year or two and I'll have to navigate systems directly impacted by politics and policies. 


Trudeau said something along the lines of "as a catholic abortion isn't something I would choose, but I am pro choice" and I am massively paraphrasing, he basically affirmed there is a possible two or three choices in being pro choice. Keep, abort, birth/adopt out.

It isn't like some poster above set it up to look.

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6 hours ago, Optimist Prime said:

Trudeau said something along the lines of "as a catholic abortion isn't something I would choose, but I am pro choice" and I am massively paraphrasing, he basically affirmed there is a possible two or three choices in being pro choice. Keep, abort, birth/adopt out.

It isn't like some poster above set it up to look.

No need to paraphrase I posted the article lol


I can tell where it's going though. It's okay because he actually supports it. He just was confused. Can't blame Trudeau lol.

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1 hour ago, Ryan Strome said:

No need to paraphrase I posted the article lol


I can tell where it's going though. It's okay because he actually supports it. He just was confused. Can't blame Trudeau lol.


Here's what you posted:


15 hours ago, Ryan Strome said:

For example, it was Trudeau that was against a woman's right to choose as he admitted he didn't support abortion...


Here's what you're article says:


"Trudeau said Friday he has moved on from his previously held stance of being against abortion itself but supporting a woman’s right to choose."


"Where it's going" (not for the first time) is you purposely misconstruing information,  context and nuance, in order to suit a narrative.


Do better.

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12 minutes ago, aGENT said:


Here's what you posted:



Here's what you're article says:


"Trudeau said Friday he has moved on from his previously held stance of being against abortion itself but supporting a woman’s right to choose."


"Where it's going" (not for the first time) is you purposely misconstruing information,  context and nuance, in order to suit a narrative.


Do better.

I don't think I was trying to manipulate anything and while it looks powerful with what you bolded if you look just under it I clearly wrote he doesn't support abortion


Edit. The hilarious part is all conservatives are against abortion and a woman's right to choose, but yet you and so many have no proof of any of that. But we seem to paint all conservatives at the same brush. I get the wording messed up but actually do very clearly admit to what he did say. So I'm not manipulating nothing and yet I get attacked for it and told to do better yet we have post after post pointing out how conservatives with no proof are against abortion.

Do better my friend. Call that sort of stuff out

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1 minute ago, Ryan Strome said:

I don't think I was trying to manipulate anything and while it looks powerful with what you bolded if you look just under it I clearly wrote he doesn't support abortion


*Didn't. Personally. It's right there in your article.


He always supported a women's right to choose. Unlike what you posted.


Again, do better. Maybe start by admitting you were wrong.



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13 minutes ago, bolt said:



Was it Rota's fault again?  Before celebrating a Nazi in Parliament, the Liberal's gave a different Nazi the most prestigious award in Canada.

Considering Canada brought in something like 2,000 Nazis after world war II, I think the government of the day so today is the liberals need to explain exactly why this happened. 

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2 minutes ago, aGENT said:


*Didn't. Personally. It's right there in your article.


He always supported a women's right to choose. Unlike what you posted.


Again, do better. Maybe start by admitting you were wrong.



I think I did admit that I didn't write it as accurately as I could have but made clear that he didn't support abortion. Again, this is me telling you I didn't write it as clear as I could have but I was not attempting to manipulate anything. So do better and call out those that say all conservatives are against abortion. If you need to find the articles just look in this thread but I don't see you calling those people out. when they are absolutely misleading! I wonder why or wait Actually I think it's quite clear..

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On 9/24/2023 at 9:05 PM, aGENT said:

The Liberals tried to "Norway" decades ago. You guys accused them of trying to rip you off and you told them they could freeze in the dark.

@LaBamba is from salmon arm Is salmon arm in Alberta now? I mean if we're going to annex a place maybe we could do better..


Also only you and warhippy are the only two people that I've ever heard say Trudeau's national energy program was a good thing. Those who worked on it in his own government pointed out how it was a failure lol.

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9 hours ago, aGENT said:


Yes, maybe you should have. I've noticed it's a recurring theme you have. Might want to work on misconstruing information to suit an agenda. It only weakens your position. If you can't stand by your ideals with the full context and nuance of information, what exactly are you standing by?


I personally have zero issue with the distinction. I can simultaneously be largely opposed to abortion personally while realizing it's not my final call to make, and that all women should freely, safely, have that choice available. Now and always.


Not supporting abortion personally does mean you're opposed to a woman's right to choose. It simply requires emotional intelligence, compassion and empathy.

Very well said. This is the same approach that should be had with the LGBTQ+ community.  We don’t have to understand it.. but we should certainly be supportive, understanding and compassionate towards them

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39 minutes ago, Ryan Strome said:

I don't think I was trying to manipulate anything and while it looks powerful with what you bolded if you look just under it I clearly wrote he doesn't support abortion


Edit. The hilarious part is all conservatives are against abortion and a woman's right to choose, but yet you and so many have no proof of any of that. But we seem to paint all conservatives at the same brush. I get the wording messed up but actually do very clearly admit to what he did say. So I'm not manipulating nothing and yet I get attacked for it and told to do better yet we have post after post pointing out how conservatives with no proof are against abortion.

Do better my friend. Call that sort of stuff out

Not all conservatives think that way, but by supporting a party who panders to the people who do, you are implicitly guilty of the same thing

Edited by stawns
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42 minutes ago, Ryan Strome said:

@LaBamba is from salmon arm Is salmon arm in Alberta now? I mean if we're going to annex a place maybe we could do better..


Also only you and warhippy are the only two people that I've ever heard say Trudeau's national energy program was a good thing. Those who worked on it in his own government pointed out how it was a failure lol.

The Liberal government hasn’t performed very well. If it did, they’d site the improvement over the past 8 years. Instead they go to these theoretical scenarios where they scare everyone into thinking CPC would be the modern day Nazi party.
It’s how insecure husbands threaten their wives. “If you leave your life will be a mess” They’re basically doing the same thing. 

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4 minutes ago, LaBamba said:

The Liberal government hasn’t performed very well. If it did, they’d site the improvement over the past 8 years. Instead they go to these theoretical scenarios where they scare everyone into thinking CPC would be the modern day Nazi party.
It’s how insecure husbands threaten their wives. “If you leave your life will be a mess” They’re basically doing the same thing. 

If it wasn't a risk, they wouldn't have made PP the leader.

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10 minutes ago, LaBamba said:

The Liberal government hasn’t performed very well. If it did, they’d site the improvement over the past 8 years. Instead they go to these theoretical scenarios where they scare everyone into thinking CPC would be the modern day Nazi party.
It’s how insecure husbands threaten their wives. “If you leave your life will be a mess” They’re basically doing the same thing. 


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I don't come to this thread often, but as a socially liberal, fiscally conservative, voter. I peep in here and see what you wankers are talking about. IMO, I don't think these issues are absolute......I think it is easy to have personally conflicting views, which I have many, and still pick the side of right. (Or rather my opinion of the right side! LOL)


For instance Trudeau having a personal view against abortion, yet a party view of pro-choice, only means he respects the views of Canadians over his own views. (I see nothing wrong with that!) Now, that is not to say, that the reason may be more slanted towards votes than actual personal views, but I have not met many politicians that would not sell their mother for a majority vote on an issue.


I think for the most part, it totally depends on which side of the argument you are on, and whether, you are pro or con, in that the argument dictates whether you see the opinion as that of a nut job or a hero.


For the most part, I think people have forgotten that majority rules, and that as a society, we agree to follow the rules, whether we like them or not. Now following and speaking out against them are 2 entirely different things, and which society seems to have forgotten. The right to an opinion should be absolute, even if it is hate. It is up to us whether we give those types the time of day. (which society seems to have a problem with)


I hate all the political parties, but yet, we live in one of the best ran countries in world. I always ask people who dump on Trudeau, to name me 5 world leaders that are better. Most, if not all, can not. It is exactly the same, when looking at the political parties. Name me 5 in the world that are better. LOL Again, most can not.


These freedom fighters, who I have personal disagreement with, have the right to voice their opinion, but they do not have the right to block highways, they have the right to stand on any corner in Canada and as long as they are not obstructing anyone driving or walking, and shout their lungs out, as long as it does not disrupt business, or the law.


Nasi's have the right to their views. Even though I detest them. IMO, "IF" over 50% of Canadians voted for a Nasi government, then I guess, we have over 50% of the people believing that. It is not my right to disallow a persons personal views, no matter how much I may detest them. This, whether we like it of not is democracy.


Now actions, are an entirely different thing. Personal space is a different thing, etc...........


In saying all this, I am conflicted as to when and where, my opinions conflict with my own personal values. When does another's personal views, interfere with my personal views and right?


Like I said, I am conflicted.

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On 9/18/2023 at 10:34 PM, LaBamba said:

There is no “right” wing government in Canada. If the Canadian conservatives were a party in the US they’d be called socialists. 

The most healthy government is a centre Government. That actually use to be the Liberal party. They were the common ground between NDP and Conservatives.

Now the liberals have gone too far to the left and don’t represent the majority of Canadians. 

I am politically Centre. Ive voted liberal and I’ve voted conservative. However if I honestly look at what JT has accomplished over the past 8years I can’t find anything tangible that impacts my life positively in any way. 

I understand that Covid has planted the seeds for this infatuation debacle and no government has any policies that insulted it during this storm. We all understand that. I just don’t see any kind of plan or policy from the Trudeau government that helped soften the blow or repair the damage. 

it’s time to restore the balance. Even if you don’t agree with some of the conservative views we need to try something different to repair our standard of living. There will be enough seats in parliament from the NDP and Liberals to keep the policies in the Centre and appease the majority of Canadians. 

Could not agree more with this entire post.

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