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7 minutes ago, the destroyer of worlds said:

And, many of those lived through the Holodomor.  Imagine you lived through family, friends, neighbours starved to death due to Soviet policies.  

I mean it's kind of what half the world is eishing on the Russians today 

Edited by Ryan Strome
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17 minutes ago, Ryan Strome said:

I mean it's kind of what half the world is eishing on the Russians today 

Russia has more than enough food to do so.  If the Russian people have to exterminate their government to be fed, that's on them and I support giving them the tools to do so.

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1 hour ago, Ryan Strome said:

So then what does that make the Eastern Europeans that didn't join up with the Nazis? Really Heroic? That sounds like to me you are making an excuse for them. That's not good!

Nope, just pointing out that some of the non German fighters that fought for the Nazis did so against their will.  Not saying these guys did, but some did.

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7 hours ago, JIAHN said:

I don't come to this thread often, but as a socially liberal, fiscally conservative, voter. I peep in here and see what you wankers are talking about. IMO, I don't think these issues are absolute......I think it is easy to have personally conflicting views, which I have many, and still pick the side of right. (Or rather my opinion of the right side! LOL)


For instance Trudeau having a personal view against abortion, yet a party view of pro-choice, only means he respects the views of Canadians over his own views. (I see nothing wrong with that!) Now, that is not to say, that the reason may be more slanted towards votes than actual personal views, but I have not met many politicians that would not sell their mother for a majority vote on an issue.


I think for the most part, it totally depends on which side of the argument you are on, and whether, you are pro or con, in that the argument dictates whether you see the opinion as that of a nut job or a hero.


For the most part, I think people have forgotten that majority rules, and that as a society, we agree to follow the rules, whether we like them or not. Now following and speaking out against them are 2 entirely different things, and which society seems to have forgotten. The right to an opinion should be absolute, even if it is hate. It is up to us whether we give those types the time of day. (which society seems to have a problem with)


I hate all the political parties, but yet, we live in one of the best ran countries in world. I always ask people who dump on Trudeau, to name me 5 world leaders that are better. Most, if not all, can not. It is exactly the same, when looking at the political parties. Name me 5 in the world that are better. LOL Again, most can not.


These freedom fighters, who I have personal disagreement with, have the right to voice their opinion, but they do not have the right to block highways, they have the right to stand on any corner in Canada and as long as they are not obstructing anyone driving or walking, and shout their lungs out, as long as it does not disrupt business, or the law.


Nasi's have the right to their views. Even though I detest them. IMO, "IF" over 50% of Canadians voted for a Nasi government, then I guess, we have over 50% of the people believing that. It is not my right to disallow a persons personal views, no matter how much I may detest them. This, whether we like it of not is democracy.


Now actions, are an entirely different thing. Personal space is a different thing, etc...........


In saying all this, I am conflicted as to when and where, my opinions conflict with my own personal values. When does another's personal views, interfere with my personal views and right?


Like I said, I am conflicted.

For an occasional viewer of the thread, your post was incredibly well said, heck better than almost any posts, my own included that I have read here so far. 

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18 minutes ago, Optimist Prime said:

Similar sense of things regarding the guy in the House of Commons being "honoured for fighting commies in Ukraine". 


The subtle nuances of history are lost on most people so it isn't worth trying to explain that it is incredibly unlikely that he himself was a Nazi or wanted to exterminate the jews, some small part of my brain thinks the Hulka last name may even be of jewish origin, but I think it likely  that he joined the side that was fighting his enemy: the Reds. 


In Finland about the time of WW1 and the russian revolution and all that turn of the century violence that helped shape who we all are now: the Finns who wanted nothing to do with communism in a lot of ways also worked for Germany, pre Nazi germany, but the same expansionist zeitgeist. I don't think the Finns were pro german so much as Anti Communist Russian. Taking on a powerful ally who was also anti Communist Russian was a natural move by the White Finns during the civil war with the Red Finns. My grandfather was a teenage warrior in many battles in that conflict. He was not a German sympathizer, he was anti Communist. 


For me it is easier to see the nuances of this 98 year old dude who was a young lad in the war and joined the team that wanted to push commies out of Ukraine. I get it. 


I also get that he absolutely should not have been fetted in the House. That was a terrible outcome and Rota had to step down because of it. Do i think it is any bigger deal than that? No i really don't. 

Great post.  Holding their noses and working with the Germans is very, very similar to what we did with the Russians.  After what the Soviets did to the Ukrainians, and considering that it would be reasonable for them to distrust anything said about the Germans due to lack of access to legitimate news, and it's very understandable why this man made the choice that he did.


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8 hours ago, Ryan Strome said:

I think I did admit that I didn't write it as accurately as I could have but made clear that he didn't support abortion. Again, this is me telling you I didn't write it as clear as I could have but I was not attempting to manipulate anything. So do better and call out those that say all conservatives are against abortion. If you need to find the articles just look in this thread but I don't see you calling those people out. when they are absolutely misleading! I wonder why or wait Actually I think it's quite clear..


Yes, you have a tendency to "not write as accurately as you could have". You'll have to forgive some of us for taking that trend as purposeful...


Say what you mean and mean what you say.


I'm not sure why we're making this about me (or other posters) now? You incorrectly posted information that painted JT as something he wasn't. He is, and always has been (as far as we know), pro choice. Period.


As for other posters... I'm assuming you mean comments from the likes of Heffy? Heffy has an "over the top schtick" style of posting that I personally don't take overly seriously. Is that how you'd like your posting characterized? "Schtick" to be largely dismissed, and not taken seriously? You're wish may soon be granted at this rate 🤣


As for the Conservatives and abortion... I don't think I've seen anyone (even over the top types) saying the ENTIRE party is pro life. But there's certainly an element (and an evidentlly increasing one) of openly pro-life MP's in the party (among other archaic social policies). This shouldn't be a secret to you.

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29 minutes ago, aGENT said:


Yes, you have a tendency to "not write as accurately as you could have". You'll have to forgive some of us for taking that trend as purposeful...


Say what you mean and mean what you say.


I'm not sure why we're making this about me (or other posters) now? You incorrectly posted information that painted JT as something he wasn't. He is, and always has been (as far as we know), pro choice. Period.


As for other posters... I'm assuming you mean comments from the likes of Heffy? Heffy has an "over the top schtick" style of posting that I personally don't take overly seriously. Is that how you'd like your posting characterized? "Schtick" to be largely dismissed, and not taken seriously? You're wish may soon be granted at this rate 🤣


As for the Conservatives and abortion... I don't think I've seen anyone (even over the top types) saying the ENTIRE party is pro life. But there's certainly an element (and an evidentlly increasing one) of openly pro-life MP's in the party (among other archaic social policies). This shouldn't be a secret to you.

Old furry Alf is definitely pro life. I think many people are pro life. But those people still will not vote for a political party’s local riding member if their party leader is Poo Poo. That guy is scum. And just because he says he’s in-line with one personal view (IMHAO he’s a liar anyway, so his word means nothing) he is still why this old furry assed alien won’t vote for a local candidate from that party. 

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I do not deserve an opinion about Pro Life / Pro Choice.


Women's body.... so i say let them  decide. 


Strange to see a room full of   older white male politicians discussing what woman should or should not be able to do with their bodies...  Let the WOMEN make that decision. 

Edited by moosehead
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1 hour ago, Warhippy said:

Are we arguing about which PM or potential PM hopeful is more pro life or pro choice?


If so I'd like to weigh in on a truth 


Have at'er man. The entire premise originally brought up by Strome is ridiculous.

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2 hours ago, stawns said:

Depends on what I think is it important at that election time.  Generally NDP or Green

Right, so if they've done something stupid that doesn't make you complicit in it though, does it? Like for example, I'm going to assume you don't support Going to see prostitutes for a massage even though there was an NDP leader that did do that.

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57 minutes ago, JoeyJoeJoeJr. Shabadoo said:

Do you really think this is only a left wing issue? I've seen many high profile right wingers, including politicians, calling the left nazis and fascists. 

Well I'll tell you right now that I think that it would be just as ridiculous for them to say it as well, if they have. It really discredits what naziism and fascism really was imo.


But if we were to just use this forum as our example, I'm not sure I've seen anybody that's anything but admitted left winger calling others Nazis.

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2 minutes ago, Ryan Strome said:

Right, so if they've done something stupid that doesn't make you complicit in it though, does it? Like for example, I'm going to assume you don't support Going to see prostitutes for a massage even though there was an NDP leader that did do that.

What? Who did what? And when? 

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57 minutes ago, JoeyJoeJoeJr. Shabadoo said:

Do you really think this is only a left wing issue? I've seen many high profile right wingers, including politicians, calling the left nazis and fascists. 

Or labeling us pinko, commie, Marxist, socialist, baby killing, anti-christian, pedos.  Am I missing any.  

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3 minutes ago, Ryan Strome said:

Well I'll tell you right now that I think that it would be just as ridiculous for them to say it as well, if they have. It really discredits what naziism and fascism really was imo.


But if we were to just use this forum as our example, I'm not sure I've seen anybody that's anything but admitted left winger calling others Nazis.

evidence to support your claims? 

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26 minutes ago, aGENT said:


Have at'er man. The entire premise originally brought up by Strome is ridiculous.

Well no doubt you will find it ridiculous because you absolutely support the guy you've made that clear over various posts. I mean you point out that you didn't vote for him but you come to his defense. I think it's important to note that he at one time in his life did not support abortion if we are going to point out conservatives potentially not supporting abortion. I mean you guys sit and jump all over conservatives that you don't even know if they do or don't support it, but say nothing about the guy that previously didn't support it. I do think that's important. If you think it's ridiculous, feel free not to respond. If you feel it's worth responding to which you have, but you're only doing it in a complete defense of Trudeau while not recognizing that it's somehow okay to just blanket statement All conservatives are against abortion or a woman's right to choose.


I will point out though it might not be you personally saying it, but if I go through these threads or the threads in the former forum I don't see you ever correcting these blanket statements, but yet you come out to defend Trudeau do you see the point I'm getting at?

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4 minutes ago, Alflives said:

What? Who did what? And when? 

Jack Layton. And truthfully, though, I would never vote NDP, it was probably my favorite federal leader in my life. I will have to trust him when he said he thought he was just going for a normal massage through the back door and down to the basement lol

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On 9/28/2023 at 3:13 PM, moosehead said:

Freedumb / Anti Vax / Anti Sogi  / Qanon crackpots.      Sometimes you have to laugh at how poorly  informed so many Canadians are in these new social media times......

Laughter is better than anger or sadness.....




Yes, the Okanagan Skaha school district has laid in a stock of kitty litter.


No, it’s not that the district has embraced diversity to the point of allowing students to use separate bathrooms complete with litter boxes, if they identify as a cat — as some have suggested on social media.


Rather, it’s useful to have on hand during the wintertime when added traction is needed on frozen surfaces.



I'm curious, honest question. Where do you get informed from? Your first line is a strip of insults and suggests not a liberal open mind, but a closed angry resentful one. I am asking an honest question here based on your post.


Do you realize much of the things you've called conspiracy (or allude to) has been proven true, and that main stream media has consistently lied, been proven to lie after some time, and yet people still somehow trust them. To me this is odd..if your partner cheats on you, says they won't ever again, yet you catch them 4 more times, would you still believe them?

If you'd like a list of times the main stream media has lied and has been been proven as such, I'd be happy to provide it...but I have in the past so don't really want the "band of bros" to scream facts aren't facts again, so would prefer not to repeat myself.

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Just now, Ryan Strome said:

Jack Layton. And truthfully, though, I would never vote NDP, it was probably my favorite federal leader in my life. I will have to trust him when he said he thought he was just going for a normal massage through the back door and down to the basement lol

I liked that guy too. Seemed like he was okay. Could you post a link to that article? 

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