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Philadelphia Mass Looting


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1 minute ago, Jeremy Hronek said:


You can significantly curtail it by......


1) Increasing the police budget

2) Increasing the severity of punishment so that criminals *truly* fear the consequences IF they get caught.   

1)I agree to support the poilce. More funding needed. 


2)why not make it legal? it should be people's choice what they do with their bodies.

We could tax it, save lots of money on incarceration, free up our clogged legal system. 

Use that tax money for health care and more importantly on drug education, so that people make better choices and dont drain our health care system

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9 minutes ago, bishopshodan said:

 Legal weed is very important.

Before it was legalised it had 70%support by Canadians.

It has opened up more medical reseach and has reduced a clog on the legal system.

It used to be called a gate-way drug but has also been used to get people off hard drugs, an opposite gate-way. A friend used to do a free ' shake' program out of dispenseries. It was intended for those that needed to ease their pain and hopefully prevent crime. Instead of going out to break into cars to get their fix, they would hopefully be relaxing from smoking the pot and working on their withdrawl from the heavy stuff. 

Yeah I’m pro weed for sure as the benefits greatly outweigh the cons.  The anti weed folks are the ones that have spun the narratives about the gateway drug thing, killing brain cells.. sugar is the OG gateway drug let be honest.. and as far as killing brain cells.. the conservatives who did that experiment back in the mid 1900 forgot that you can’t deprive a living animal of oxygen during testing to see if weed was bad 🤦‍♂️ 

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6 minutes ago, Jeremy Hronek said:


You can significantly curtail it by......


1) Increasing the police budget

2) Increasing the severity of punishment so that criminals *truly* fear the consequences IF they get caught.   

Or make these Asian countries where you live crack down on their own internal issues that allow the manufacturing of things like fentanyl to be shipped around the world. 

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6 minutes ago, Rook said:

the tax dollars alone




It's huge and it hasn't even been done well yet. Has a lot of room to grow. 


Still a lot of money going to the black market due to bad pricing and a few other things by the gov. 

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4 minutes ago, bishopshodan said:

1)I agree to support the poilce. More funding needed. 


2)why not make it legal? it should be people's choice what they do with their bodies.

We could tax it, save lots of money on incarceration, free up our clogged legal system. 

Use that tax money for health care and more importantly on drug education, so that people make better choices and dont drain our health care system


re - 2:  Capital punishment (save lots of money on incarceration, free up our clogged legal system, etc.).   Re-invest tax money elsewhere instead of inordinate amounts of spending on drug education.  

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8 hours ago, Jeremy Hronek said:


So I stand by my original argument.  Neo-liberalism and the radical left have destroyed, and are destroying, North America.  

Yes sure 


Neo liberalism


Not crony capitalism 


The radical left ok.  Not just people who have either had enough or are just opportunistic shite.


I wish I could slap labels on everything because my ignorance wouldn't let me see things in black and white in this world based on my perceived biases 

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Just now, Jeremy Hronek said:


re - 2:  Capital punishment (save lots of money on incarceration, free up our clogged legal system, etc.).   Re-invest tax money elsewhere instead of inordinate amounts of spending on drug education.  


Where is your tax money coming from? how does that free up money from the prison system or free up the courts?

My good buddy is in corrections. He says a large amount of prisoners are drug addicts. Only doing crimes to get their fix. 


People are going to do what they want with their bodies. Education will make for better choices. 

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7 minutes ago, Jeremy Hronek said:


re - 2:  Capital punishment (save lots of money on incarceration, free up our clogged legal system, etc.).   Re-invest tax money elsewhere instead of inordinate amounts of spending on drug education.  



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12 minutes ago, Jeremy Hronek said:

re - 2:  Capital punishment (save lots of money on incarceration, free up our clogged legal system, etc.).   Re-invest tax money elsewhere instead of inordinate amounts of spending on drug education.  


In countries with human rights, capital punishment is far more expensive than life in prison as there are more available appeals (still incarcerated during process, more court time, more lawyers paid).

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3 minutes ago, Jeremy Hronek said:


They should change this law in my opinion.

you know people on death row spend more than 10 years on average in prison.


And you are suggesting this for doing something to their own damn body...

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1 minute ago, Jeremy Hronek said:


No passive aggressive witty response to my 2nd point?    


I want my money back!

I am still trying to get past the belief this is woke neo liberalism at play here and how a human can actually live life believing everything is so simply black and white as they sit in another nation and whinge about a situation and series of countries they no longer have a connection to outside of potentially family.


But whatever since you're so inured to being responded to in this statement or series of statements


I am 100% all for a series of punishments  that benefit the nation/province they occur in.  The idea of work and labour from the prison system has fallen by the way side and criminals now sit locked in cages sucking up tax dollars which is genuine insanity as they have found ways to game the system in to getting whatever they want all with 3 hots and a cot.  We have criminals like the filth who mowed down an innocent muslim family and laughed about it who will now spend the next 14 months in and out of courts barring appeals and then a mere 20 ish years in prison when he should simply be taken out back and shot.  The price of a bullet is under $5 while the price of prison for him with run in to the tens of thousands or more a year.  I see hard working families of 3 struggling on less than the money spent to house a murdering rapist in comfort year by year


So let's not pretend that I am some bleeding heart here because when it comes to criminality I am incredibly ruthless.  Almost as much as some Asian countries people choose to live in.

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4 minutes ago, bishopshodan said:

you know people on death row spend more than 10 years on average in prison.


And you are suggesting this for doing something to their own damn body...

The irony of people that use the terms lefty, leftism, woke.. were the ones during the pandemic saying my body my choice. The hypocrisy has become expected amongst that group

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3 minutes ago, Warhippy said:

I am still trying to get past the belief this is woke neo liberalism at play here and how a human can actually live life believing everything is so simply black and white as they sit in another nation and whinge about a situation and series of countries they no longer have a connection to outside of potentially family.


But whatever since you're so inured to being responded to in this statement or series of statements


I am 100% all for a series of punishments  that benefit the nation/province they occur in.  The idea of work and labour from the prison system has fallen by the way side and criminals now sit locked in cages sucking up tax dollars which is genuine insanity as they have found ways to game the system in to getting whatever they want all with 3 hots and a cot.  We have criminals like the filth who mowed down an innocent muslim family and laughed about it who will now spend the next 14 months in and out of courts barring appeals and then a mere 20 ish years in prison when he should simply be taken out back and shot.  The price of a bullet is under $5 while the price of prison for him with run in to the tens of thousands or more a year.  I see hard working families of 3 struggling on less than the money spent to house a murdering rapist in comfort year by year


So let's not pretend that I am some bleeding heart here because when it comes to criminality I am incredibly ruthless.  Almost as much as some Asian countries people choose to live in.

Well said Hip, can agree with all of this!! We definitely need harsher punishments for those we know are guilty

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2 minutes ago, Rook said:

So with the amount of people that spend years if not decades in jail only to be proven innocent after the fact?  Yeah let’s just kill them all 🤦‍♂️


Legal system needs to be absolutely sure that they have the right guy.


Extreme punishment and consequences will deter a lot of the criminals from attempting to doing it in the first place.  


Does Singapore have any of these issues?  (to the extent that we do in North America?).  What about China?  

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2 minutes ago, Jeremy Hronek said:


1. Change the law (far less time in prison as to avoid clogging cells).  


2. Yes, that is exactly what I'm suggesting.  

Let's suggest a Canuck gets caught with some white powder (pretty popular with rich, young athletes).  You're advocating for the government to execute the player with little to no oversight?

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2 minutes ago, Jeremy Hronek said:


1. Change the law (far less time in prison as to avoid clogging cells).  


2. Yes, that is exactly what I'm suggesting.  


Then we disagree.


Although you wont state the country that you are so proud of. I am guessing that it is one where big brother is watching. Government all over your business. That's not a place I would ever live.

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Let's get back on track here.


The various finger pointing and excuses as to why this looting spree happened are out in force.

Everything from "it's because the cop got off" to the usual social media garbage of "woke liberalism and look at the black folk do the stuff" from the usual camps.


Why is ti nobody seems to factor in that people are simply garbage who are opportunistic?  Why don't people understand that this entire system of crony capitalism has been teetering on life support since the late 90s propped up with endless tax payer funded breaks and subsidies.  That corporations have now priced things beyond the abilities of most to afford or buy.  All while being fed a social media diet of "if you don't have it you're not worth it"


People are literally starving while working multiple jobs to the tune of 60-80 hours a week barely able to feed their kids or keep the lights on because corporations have effectively raised prices of everything to the point they're unaffordable.  The amount of money being spent to subsidize corporations, banks and the wealthy on the backs of the average person is now in the tens of billions per state/province in canada and maybe more federally; and probably closer to the hundred(s) billion mark in places like the US.  All on the backs of the regular $35k a year earning tax payer who can't afford lettuce from the factory farm owned by the same corporation that owns the grocery store they buy it from that just got handed a multi billion incentive to open a store or the like in [insert state here]


People want to blame things myopically like everything is simply black and white.  Oh it's the woke liberalism disease.  Or it's the insane right wingers.  But the truth is it's the system that exists and the fact that over a billion dollars was spent in the US on the last election to ensure that system didn't change at all.


Until an actual reset happens and the laws are rewritten and the endless corptocracy of crony capitalism is balanced out to put actual power and some of the money people earn back in their own hands, this will only get worse.



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