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Philadelphia Mass Looting


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2 minutes ago, King Heffy said:

Let's suggest a Canuck gets caught with some white powder (pretty popular with rich, young athletes).  You're advocating for the government to execute the player with little to no oversight?


Give him a fair trial.  If he is found guilty beyond a reasonable doubt, then yes absolutely.  While tragic, doing something like this would send shockwaves throughout the country at first.  In a short amount of time however, how many young rich athletes (and regular people for that matter), will dare to get caught with this white powder?

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20 minutes ago, Warhippy said:

The idea of work and labour from the prison system has fallen by the way side


Has it?


I know Nanaimo has a few work programs. Min security right now but expanding to all levels next year. I am in the middle of being recruited. Hope to work on the farm detail  one day with the productive inmates.


Edit: they help with the wildfires too...


Edited by bishopshodan
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4 minutes ago, Jeremy Hronek said:


Give him a fair trial.  If he is found guilty beyond a reasonable doubt, then yes absolutely.  While tragic, doing something like this would send shockwaves throughout the country at first.  In a short amount of time however, how many young rich athletes (and regular people for that matter), will dare to get caught with this white powder?


I am curious why you hate drugs so much. So much that you want to kill those that use.


Will you be killing those that abuse perscriptions or get unintentionally addicted to some of the legal opioids?



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1 minute ago, bishopshodan said:


I am curious why you hate drugs so much. So much that you want to kill those that use.


Will you be killing those that abuse perscriptions or get unintentionally addicted to some of the legal opioids?




I don't hate drugs as much as I strongly dislike many people in North America having little to no respect for the police and for the laws in our countries.  


In both Canada and America, we need


1) A few bigger police budget

2) Far stricter laws

3) Far stricter punishment.  


As for your last question, that's not a black or white issue.  It's a grey issue obviously and that's something that the courts would have to decide.  My only hope that is whatever the courts decide,


1) The wait for trial will be far less

2) Far less people in our prison systems wasting tax payers dollars

3) A right to a fair trial, making absolutely sure someone is guilty, and then giving them very severe punishment.  


Something similar to what they do in Singapore and China.  

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1 minute ago, King Heffy said:

I'd hate to see his music playlist if he's excluding anyone who's ever done drugs.


Lots of popular bands and musical talents in China and Singapore that many people over there admire.  Ditto for Japan and South Korea.  


The Mass majority of those artists have never done drugs.  Within their respective countries at least.  

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4 minutes ago, Rook said:

Well said Hip, can agree with all of this!! We definitely need harsher punishments for those we know are guilty

Oh my dude I can argue from the left like the best of them but I keep reminding people I am a small C type conservative and this is what I mean.


I've debated punishments for fitting crimes for years.


I dont give a rats arse about keeping people alive if they're guilty.  Hell get 300 of the most guilty individuals without cause for review or doubt, slap them on a set of bleachers for the super bowl and slap two gigawatts through it.  300 done in one shot, turn on a fan get the hot dog smell out of the room.  Province by province or nation wide.  Just do it.  We have enough career criminals, violent ones and ones we know without a shred of doubt are guilty of crimes against kids or women.


One set of bleachers, one big old jolt done.


More so, we have a system that is slowly starting to match that of the US in that we are warehousing the problem instead of fixing or solving it.  In Penticton we have a career addict who has a list of over 100 charges.  He recently went to prison for 8 months.  He was dropped off at a wet facility for his "rehab" with his same group of buddies and addicts.  4 days later he was on main st flailing around assaulting a couple of teenagers high on meth.


There's an easy solution to all of them through the prison system similar to what portugal does.  


drug and non violent offenders


1st offense.  6 months prison.  State/province/federal enforced labour on large projects (like kinder morgan line) and mandatory counselling and rehabilitation treatment.  1/4 of all work or criminal labour to be spent cleaning graffiti, needles in drug affected areas of cities.  Cleaning urine and human filth and helping at soup and meal kitchens 


2nd offense.  1 year in prison Same as above with more emphasis on urban cleaning and exposure to the environment they came from.  less amenities in prison as in no tv pool and toys or entertainment.


3rd offense.  3 years mandatory same as above.  Zero toys zero entertainment no rewards for criminality heavy full emphasis on counselling and rehab


4th offense.  Career criminal, labour camp for life or mandatory institutionalization due to mental deficiencies 


This shouldn't be debatable.  We cater far FAR to much to the problem instead of trying to solve it.  It's been a situation in which we deal with criminals the same way we do kids who are noisy, hand them an ipad or a distraction and send them on their way hoping the problem fixes itself.


Harsher punishments is one thing, we need actual solutions.

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1 minute ago, Jeremy Hronek said:


I don't hate drugs as much as I strongly dislike many people in North America having little to no respect for the police and for the laws in our countries.  


In both Canada and America, we need


1) A few bigger police budget

2) Far stricter laws

3) Far stricter punishment.  


As for your last question, that's not a black or white issue.  It's a grey issue obviously and that's something that the courts would have to decide.  My only hope that is whatever the courts decide,


1) The wait for trial will be far less

2) Far less people in our prison systems wasting tax payers dollars

3) A right to a fair trial, making absolutely sure someone is guilty, and then giving them very severe punishment.  


Something similar to what they do in Singapore and China.  


You're asking more from the courts while expecting the wait time to be less. 

As posted, so that they can do their due diligence, to get a fair trail and process ...10 years for death row.

More police budget

These ideas would cost a lot


Do all drug users get killed in your world. Gotta be careful about those gray areas though right? addicted to opioid due to perscriptions and pain ....now on death row?

If you dont hate drugs then why target users? if it wasn't illegal then they aren't criminals.



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I feel like we're running around in circles with these arguments and so I'll post one final thought before returning to the magic world of the Vancouver Canucks.


People in Canada and America do not respect authority and the police nearly as much as they should.  The laws need to be stricter in all facets. There needs to be a significant change.   Otherwise, you'll see more bullshit looting in places like Philadelphia.  But hey - if you guys are happy with higher crimes, cities smelling like vape, weed, toilet bowls, while littered with drug needles and "tent cities," then more power to you.  Perhaps it's ignorance on my part, but I don't see any of these issues going on in places like South Korea, Singapore, and China.   


#DefundThePolice #Weed4Lyfe 



Edited by Jeremy Hronek
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2 minutes ago, Warhippy said:

Oh my dude I can argue from the left like the best of them but I keep reminding people I am a small C type conservative and this is what I mean.


I've debated punishments for fitting crimes for years.


I dont give a rats arse about keeping people alive if they're guilty.  Hell get 300 of the most guilty individuals without cause for review or doubt, slap them on a set of bleachers for the super bowl and slap two gigawatts through it.  300 done in one shot, turn on a fan get the hot dog smell out of the room.  Province by province or nation wide.  Just do it.  We have enough career criminals, violent ones and ones we know without a shred of doubt are guilty of crimes against kids or women.


One set of bleachers, one big old jolt done.


More so, we have a system that is slowly starting to match that of the US in that we are warehousing the problem instead of fixing or solving it.  In Penticton we have a career addict who has a list of over 100 charges.  He recently went to prison for 8 months.  He was dropped off at a wet facility for his "rehab" with his same group of buddies and addicts.  4 days later he was on main st flailing around assaulting a couple of teenagers high on meth.


There's an easy solution to all of them through the prison system similar to what portugal does.  


drug and non violent offenders


1st offense.  6 months prison.  State/province/federal enforced labour on large projects (like kinder morgan line) and mandatory counselling and rehabilitation treatment.  1/4 of all work or criminal labour to be spent cleaning graffiti, needles in drug affected areas of cities.  Cleaning urine and human filth and helping at soup and meal kitchens 


2nd offense.  1 year in prison Same as above with more emphasis on urban cleaning and exposure to the environment they came from.  less amenities in prison as in no tv pool and toys or entertainment.


3rd offense.  3 years mandatory same as above.  Zero toys zero entertainment no rewards for criminality heavy full emphasis on counselling and rehab


4th offense.  Career criminal, labour camp for life or mandatory institutionalization due to mental deficiencies 


This shouldn't be debatable.  We cater far FAR to much to the problem instead of trying to solve it.  It's been a situation in which we deal with criminals the same way we do kids who are noisy, hand them an ipad or a distraction and send them on their way hoping the problem fixes itself.


Harsher punishments is one thing, we need actual solutions.



oooh you're so edgy


I didn't read all of it though, got to the bleacher fantasy  and it made me hungry

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Just now, Jeremy Hronek said:

I feel like we're running around in circles with these arguments and so I'll post one final thought before returning to the magic world of the Vancouver Canucks.


People in Canada and America do not respect authority and the police nearly as much as they should.  The laws need to be stricter in all facets.   Otherwise, you'll see more bullshit looting in places like Philadelphia.  But hey - if you guys are happy with higher crimes, cities smelling like vape, weed, toilet bowls, while littered with drug needles and "tent cities," then more power to you.  #DefundThePolice #Weed4Lyfe 



As you're obviously in an area like China with a far overreaching government lemme just fill you in on the most simple difference.


In north america we still have freedom of thought and expression.  We can actually exercise our opinion without being shoved in to a black van and made to disappear.


Stop upholding the ideals of a truly state run communistic nation like that of the CCP and pretending that it is somehow magically better than that of the north american one.

While we do have issues, we also have freedoms that come with it and while we may work to a solution we also get the opportunity to work towards it instead of the government telling us it's all fine and to just get back to work.


If you're that enamoured with state control cool.  We aren't.

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22 minutes ago, bishopshodan said:


Has it?


I know Nanaimo has a few work programs. Min security right now but expanding to all levels next year. I am in the middle of being recruited. Hope to work on the farm detail  one day with the productive inmates.


Edit: they help with the wildfires too...



First let me say that I’m all for work/labor programs in the prison system as long as it’s in conjunction with some sort of trades and apprenticeship training. Absolutely not though in any country with a for profit prison system. Then it’s nothing more than modern day slavery.


Which corporations lobby the hardest against marijuana legalization? Pharmaceuticals, alcohol & tobacco, police unions, and surprise…private prison corporations.




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Just now, bishopshodan said:



oooh you're so edgy


I didn't read all of it though, got to the bleacher fantasy  and it made me hungry

Nothing to do with being edgy.  Don't need the dismissive note.


This is simply my opinion on what is turning in to a failed attempt at controlling or warehousing criminals in our nation and that of the US by pretending the problem will go away if we just warehouse it and then look the other way.

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Just now, 4petesake said:


First let me say that I’m all for work/labor programs in the prison system as long as it’s in conjunction with some sort of trades and apprenticeship training. Absolutely not though in any country with a for profit prison system. Then it’s nothing more than modern day slavery.


Which corporations lobby the hardest against marijuana legalization? Pharmaceuticals, alcohol & tobacco, police unions, and surprise…private prison corporations.





Privatization in the USA is digusting

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1 minute ago, Warhippy said:

Nothing to do with being edgy.  Don't need the dismissive note.


This is simply my opinion on what is turning in to a failed attempt at controlling or warehousing criminals in our nation and that of the US by pretending the problem will go away if we just warehouse it and then look the other way.

I'm just teasing you. I know you have thick enough skin.

You wrote a whole fantasy about scorcing up 300 people and referring to the smell like hotdogs. I'll dismiss that all day long, as it's just gross. 


I agree there should be more work detail for inmates. Having them sit in a cell for all but 2 hr a day makes them worse.

My bud works Wilki for years. Had a guy that was a little stabby so he was always in seg. My bud campaigned to get this dude double work duties as it was the only time the man would calm down. the inmate made strides and now refrains from his penetrating ways.


Nanaimo is one of the prisons doing it right from the little I know. The Guthrie house is a big part of rehab.

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2 minutes ago, bishopshodan said:

I'm just teasing you. I know you have thick enough skin.

You wrote a whole fantasy about scorcing up 300 people and referring to the smell like hotdogs. I'll dismiss that all day long, as it's just gross. 


I agree there should be more work detail for inmates. Having them sit in a cell for all but 2 hr a day makes them worse.

My bud works Wilki for years. Had a guy that was a little stabby so he was always in seg. My bud campaigned to get this dude double work duties as it was the only time the man would calm down. the inmate made strides and now refrains from his penetrating ways.


Nanaimo is one of the prisons doing it right from the little I know. The Guthrie house is a big part of rehab.

With 8 billion on the planet.  I see little reason to house shelter and feed individuals unquestionably guilty of serious and violent crimes.  My comment about doing it on a bleacher and 300 at once is simply expediting the situation as opposed to a single bullet and a hole in the ground.  


Warehousing the situation is not has not and will not help.  Continuing down that road as we are is just exacerbating the problem which will only get worse as people break mentally and physically due to the external pressure of the world as it exists.

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Just now, Warhippy said:

With 8 billion on the planet.  I see little reason to house shelter and feed individuals unquestionably guilty of serious and violent crimes.  My comment about doing it on a bleacher and 300 at once is simply expediting the situation as opposed to a single bullet and a hole in the ground.  


Warehousing the situation is not has not and will not help.  Continuing down that road as we are is just exacerbating the problem which will only get worse as people break mentally and physically due to the external pressure of the world as it exists.

Id like to reduce the population too.

License the breeders.


I agree completely that the prison system should be better. The courts are a joke, need harsher sentences for the hard crimes. Yet many also complain about warehousing too much, but also not punishing some criminals enough. Perspective I guess.


Anyway, more rehab like Nanaimo and more work programs for sure. If we are not just killing all the criminals ( im against CP) then we must rehab them, they must be ready to re-enter society properly.


Does Canada have any private prisons like the US? 

I hope not. That system is awful. 


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8 minutes ago, Warhippy said:

With 8 billion on the planet.  I see little reason to house shelter and feed individuals unquestionably guilty of serious and violent crimes.  My comment about doing it on a bleacher and 300 at once is simply expediting the situation as opposed to a single bullet and a hole in the ground.  


Warehousing the situation is not has not and will not help.  Continuing down that road as we are is just exacerbating the problem which will only get worse as people break mentally and physically due to the external pressure of the world as it exists.

My problem with doing it all at once is that it gets a little too close to an Austrian painter for my liking.  That being said, I'm all for executing clearly guilty murderers, rapists, and child abusers.

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10 hours ago, Sabrefan1 said:




Update.  Apparently some of the criminals are claiming that the dismissed charges against a cop was the reason for their looting.


However that attempt at an excuse isn't holding water since the charges were dismissed without prejudice and the DA refiled them earlier today well before the looting.


Criminals to this day like to think that they are smarter than they actually are.

Amazing how folks can use a tragedy to justify being a parasite.

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29 minutes ago, bishopshodan said:


You're asking more from the courts while expecting the wait time to be less. 

As posted, so that they can do their due diligence, to get a fair trail and process ...10 years for death row.

More police budget

These ideas would cost a lot


Do all drug users get killed in your world. Gotta be careful about those gray areas though right? addicted to opioid due to perscriptions and pain ....now on death row?

If you dont hate drugs then why target users? if it wasn't illegal then they aren't criminals.




Follow the same system that they use in Singapore.  Even China.

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