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Philadelphia Mass Looting


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Just now, King Heffy said:

child abusers.

They never get forgiven. 


I recommend the book Mad Blood Stirring



When Pedo's get out they get no support. In the book it talks about how counsellors will set up groups under aliases so that they can meet and help these sick, sick people. They usually will tell a church that they are an AA group and secretly have meetings to discuss their problems and get support. These groups always get found out and tossd from the venues. It results in the pedo ex-cons having nowhere to go for help, they end up often reoffending.


Sad shit.



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5 minutes ago, Jeremy Hronek said:


Follow the same system that they use in Singapore.  Even China.

We would need a different government system to enforce it.


I already said, I would never live in a country with the gov that far up my ass. My body, my choice!

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5 minutes ago, Playoff Beered said:



Don't get me wrong.


I'm from Canada and am Canadian - and proud.  


I'm extremely unhappy over what's going in North America, and am particularly disgusted by what I'm seeing on the West Coast.  


Seriously, take a trip to Seattle and you'll see what I'm talking about.  Vancouver isn't that far off from Seattle in terms of its problems and that makes me sad as a Canadian.  


Yes I'm living in an Asian country right now and I'm not trying to speak from a high horse. They have their own sets of problems....many of which we are superior at.  I can only comment on what I see unfortunately.  


If I make a statement that the Tampa Bay Lightning are better at hockey than the Vancouver Canucks, and cite concerns over our defensive depth, that doesn't mean I dislike Vancouver or am waving the pompoms of the Tampa Bay Lightning (from a high horse).  


Have a great day gentlemen.

Edited by Jeremy Hronek
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7 minutes ago, Jeremy Hronek said:

Don't get me wrong.


I'm from Canada and am Canadian - and proud.  


I'm extremely unhappy over what's going in North America, and am particularly disgusted by what I'm seeing on the West Coast.  


Seriously, take a trip to Seattle and you'll see what I'm talking about.  Vancouver isn't that far off from Seattle in terms of its problems and that makes me sad as a Canadian.  


Yes I'm living in an Asian country right now and I'm not trying to speak from a high horse. They have their own sets of problems....many of which we are superior at.  I can only comment on what I see unfortunately.  


If I make a statement that the Tampa Bay Lightning are better at hockey than the Vancouver Canucks, and cite concerns over our defensive depth, that doesn't mean I dislike Vancouver or am waving the pompoms of the Tampa Bay Lightning (from a high horse).  


Have a great day gentlemen.



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1 hour ago, Warhippy said:

Oh my dude I can argue from the left like the best of them but I keep reminding people I am a small C type conservative and this is what I mean.


I've debated punishments for fitting crimes for years.


I dont give a rats arse about keeping people alive if they're guilty.  Hell get 300 of the most guilty individuals without cause for review or doubt, slap them on a set of bleachers for the super bowl and slap two gigawatts through it.  300 done in one shot, turn on a fan get the hot dog smell out of the room.  Province by province or nation wide.  Just do it.  We have enough career criminals, violent ones and ones we know without a shred of doubt are guilty of crimes against kids or women.


One set of bleachers, one big old jolt done.


More so, we have a system that is slowly starting to match that of the US in that we are warehousing the problem instead of fixing or solving it.  In Penticton we have a career addict who has a list of over 100 charges.  He recently went to prison for 8 months.  He was dropped off at a wet facility for his "rehab" with his same group of buddies and addicts.  4 days later he was on main st flailing around assaulting a couple of teenagers high on meth.


There's an easy solution to all of them through the prison system similar to what portugal does.  


drug and non violent offenders


1st offense.  6 months prison.  State/province/federal enforced labour on large projects (like kinder morgan line) and mandatory counselling and rehabilitation treatment.  1/4 of all work or criminal labour to be spent cleaning graffiti, needles in drug affected areas of cities.  Cleaning urine and human filth and helping at soup and meal kitchens 


2nd offense.  1 year in prison Same as above with more emphasis on urban cleaning and exposure to the environment they came from.  less amenities in prison as in no tv pool and toys or entertainment.


3rd offense.  3 years mandatory same as above.  Zero toys zero entertainment no rewards for criminality heavy full emphasis on counselling and rehab


4th offense.  Career criminal, labour camp for life or mandatory institutionalization due to mental deficiencies 


This shouldn't be debatable.  We cater far FAR to much to the problem instead of trying to solve it.  It's been a situation in which we deal with criminals the same way we do kids who are noisy, hand them an ipad or a distraction and send them on their way hoping the problem fixes itself.


Harsher punishments is one thing, we need actual solutions.

Over the ten years we’ve been chatting I’ve come to know you and I see the world very much the same. Although it’s getting harder for us Moderate conservatives to cope with the views from that side of the fence.. the line has moved quite a bit and a lot of us might now be considered liberal 🤢 just kidding my liberal friends!! 😘 

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20 minutes ago, Rook said:

Over the ten years we’ve been chatting I’ve come to know you and I see the world very much the same. Although it’s getting harder for us Moderate conservatives to cope with the views from that side of the fence.. the line has moved quite a bit and a lot of us might now be considered liberal 🤢 just kidding my liberal friends!! 😘 

Small C Conservatives are kind of like Small L Liberals.  We get panned by both camps because w're "centrists" as evidenced by the mocking posts on other threads.  Just because we're moderates and don't agree with much of the policies of the extreme ends of either party.


I have a very significant belief in the importance of social programs and oversight/intervention in corporate overreach.  I also don't for a second believe our money should be spent the way it has been the last 3 decades and that far more oversight is needed on the waste and worthless regulations we see in our government at all reaches.


It's kind of a shame we are the single largest but also the single most neglected voices in our political theater.

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40 minutes ago, Warhippy said:

Small C Conservatives are kind of like Small L Liberals.  We get panned by both camps because w're "centrists" as evidenced by the mocking posts on other threads.  Just because we're moderates and don't agree with much of the policies of the extreme ends of either party.


I have a very significant belief in the importance of social programs and oversight/intervention in corporate overreach.  I also don't for a second believe our money should be spent the way it has been the last 3 decades and that far more oversight is needed on the waste and worthless regulations we see in our government at all reaches.


It's kind of a shame we are the single largest but also the single most neglected voices in our political theater.

Couple years ago, I think it was @Gurn  ( but could be someone else) posted a questionaire to find out where you fall on the political spectrum. If i remember correctly both he and I fell dead center.


i admit I was a bit surprised. I assumed I was left leaning but this analysis said centrist. I think it was not just because a lot of my views fall in the middle but also that I might have some extreme views that land far apart. I have bits of extreme left and extreme right...so they cancelled each other out maybe?


Since then I have stopped bothering what to call myself. I intend to do what a strong polically minded poster once suggested, research my local reps and party platforms and go with whichever resonates for me.Thanks for that. 

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4 hours ago, Jeremy Hronek said:


You can significantly curtail it by......


1) Increasing the police budget

2) Increasing the severity of punishment so that criminals *truly* fear the consequences IF they get caught.   

If that were the case, tyered be no murder in states with capital punishment, no?

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2 hours ago, Warhippy said:

Small C Conservatives are kind of like Small L Liberals.  We get panned by both camps because w're "centrists" as evidenced by the mocking posts on other threads.  Just because we're moderates and don't agree with much of the policies of the extreme ends of either party.


I have a very significant belief in the importance of social programs and oversight/intervention in corporate overreach.  I also don't for a second believe our money should be spent the way it has been the last 3 decades and that far more oversight is needed on the waste and worthless regulations we see in our government at all reaches.


It's kind of a shame we are the single largest but also the single most neglected voices in our political theater.

You nailed it my friend!!

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2 hours ago, bishopshodan said:

Couple years ago, I think it was @Gurn  ( but could be someone else) posted a questionaire to find out where you fall on the political spectrum. If i remember correctly both he and I fell dead center.


i admit I was a bit surprised. I assumed I was left leaning but this analysis said centrist. I think it was not just because a lot of my views fall in the middle but also that I might have some extreme views that land far apart. I have bits of extreme left and extreme right...so they cancelled each other out maybe?


Since then I have stopped bothering what to call myself. I intend to do what a strong polically minded poster once suggested, research my local reps and party platforms and go with whichever resonates for me.Thanks for that. 

Centrist is what I’ve been calling myself as well lately.. I just can’t call myself either, but I suppose that’s a good thing.. we shouldn’t be labelled by a party anyways.  An open mind can accomplish a lot more in life.

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4 hours ago, Warhippy said:

Oh my dude I can argue from the left like the best of them but I keep reminding people I am a small C type conservative and this is what I mean.


I've debated punishments for fitting crimes for years.


I dont give a rats arse about keeping people alive if they're guilty.  Hell get 300 of the most guilty individuals without cause for review or doubt, slap them on a set of bleachers for the super bowl and slap two gigawatts through it.  300 done in one shot, turn on a fan get the hot dog smell out of the room.  Province by province or nation wide.  Just do it.  We have enough career criminals, violent ones and ones we know without a shred of doubt are guilty of crimes against kids or women.


One set of bleachers, one big old jolt done.


More so, we have a system that is slowly starting to match that of the US in that we are warehousing the problem instead of fixing or solving it.  In Penticton we have a career addict who has a list of over 100 charges.  He recently went to prison for 8 months.  He was dropped off at a wet facility for his "rehab" with his same group of buddies and addicts.  4 days later he was on main st flailing around assaulting a couple of teenagers high on meth.


There's an easy solution to all of them through the prison system similar to what portugal does.  


drug and non violent offenders


1st offense.  6 months prison.  State/province/federal enforced labour on large projects (like kinder morgan line) and mandatory counselling and rehabilitation treatment.  1/4 of all work or criminal labour to be spent cleaning graffiti, needles in drug affected areas of cities.  Cleaning urine and human filth and helping at soup and meal kitchens 


2nd offense.  1 year in prison Same as above with more emphasis on urban cleaning and exposure to the environment they came from.  less amenities in prison as in no tv pool and toys or entertainment.


3rd offense.  3 years mandatory same as above.  Zero toys zero entertainment no rewards for criminality heavy full emphasis on counselling and rehab


4th offense.  Career criminal, labour camp for life or mandatory institutionalization due to mental deficiencies 


This shouldn't be debatable.  We cater far FAR to much to the problem instead of trying to solve it.  It's been a situation in which we deal with criminals the same way we do kids who are noisy, hand them an ipad or a distraction and send them on their way hoping the problem fixes itself.


Harsher punishments is one thing, we need actual solutions.


I think of criminality in two ways. Either it's predatory or its not. 


If the criminal has committed predatory acts, they must be dealt with in a different way than non predatory criminals. These are the folks that pose the most dangerous risk to our society. 


Quick example:

A guy who gets into a bar fight to defend someone is not necessarily predatory, but the guy that goes to the bar every weekend looking to beat someone up is.


Guy one probably needs probation. Guy two shouldn't be released into the public until there is a long proven record that the predatory behaviour has been corrected. In many cases, I don't believe it can be corrected. 


I don't believe in capitol punishment, simply because a society that condones killing as a punishment implicitly condones it for the individual. That makes for a truly fucked up world. But predators can't be allowed out in society. So Far Northern work camps? Something of that nature? With a sliding scale of conditions?


The nonpredators:

Drug addicts, the desperate, the mentally ill, those raised with a broken moral code, etc. - Are potentially fixable. these are the ones that get the lions share of the rehabilitation budget. 





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3 hours ago, Warhippy said:

Small C Conservatives are kind of like Small L Liberals.  We get panned by both camps because w're "centrists" as evidenced by the mocking posts on other threads.  Just because we're moderates and don't agree with much of the policies of the extreme ends of either party.


I have a very significant belief in the importance of social programs and oversight/intervention in corporate overreach.  I also don't for a second believe our money should be spent the way it has been the last 3 decades and that far more oversight is needed on the waste and worthless regulations we see in our government at all reaches.


It's kind of a shame we are the single largest but also the single most neglected voices in our political theater.

I don’t think anyone wants to see their tax dollars wasted regardless of political leanings. 

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5 hours ago, Warhippy said:

Oh my dude I can argue from the left like the best of them but I keep reminding people I am a small C type conservative and this is what I mean.


I've debated punishments for fitting crimes for years.


I dont give a rats arse about keeping people alive if they're guilty.  Hell get 300 of the most guilty individuals without cause for review or doubt, slap them on a set of bleachers for the super bowl and slap two gigawatts through it.  300 done in one shot, turn on a fan get the hot dog smell out of the room.  Province by province or nation wide.  Just do it.  We have enough career criminals, violent ones and ones we know without a shred of doubt are guilty of crimes against kids or women.


One set of bleachers, one big old jolt done.


More so, we have a system that is slowly starting to match that of the US in that we are warehousing the problem instead of fixing or solving it.  In Penticton we have a career addict who has a list of over 100 charges.  He recently went to prison for 8 months.  He was dropped off at a wet facility for his "rehab" with his same group of buddies and addicts.  4 days later he was on main st flailing around assaulting a couple of teenagers high on meth.


There's an easy solution to all of them through the prison system similar to what portugal does.  


drug and non violent offenders


1st offense.  6 months prison.  State/province/federal enforced labour on large projects (like kinder morgan line) and mandatory counselling and rehabilitation treatment.  1/4 of all work or criminal labour to be spent cleaning graffiti, needles in drug affected areas of cities.  Cleaning urine and human filth and helping at soup and meal kitchens 


2nd offense.  1 year in prison Same as above with more emphasis on urban cleaning and exposure to the environment they came from.  less amenities in prison as in no tv pool and toys or entertainment.


3rd offense.  3 years mandatory same as above.  Zero toys zero entertainment no rewards for criminality heavy full emphasis on counselling and rehab


4th offense.  Career criminal, labour camp for life or mandatory institutionalization due to mental deficiencies 


This shouldn't be debatable.  We cater far FAR to much to the problem instead of trying to solve it.  It's been a situation in which we deal with criminals the same way we do kids who are noisy, hand them an ipad or a distraction and send them on their way hoping the problem fixes itself.


Harsher punishments is one thing, we need actual solutions.

As a person with indigenous heritage how do you feel about restorative justice?

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4 hours ago, PhillipBlunt said:

Amazing how folks can use a tragedy to justify being a parasite.


No doubt.  Buffalo had a huge and deadly blizzard this past winter.  After they started plowing the streets, the East Side parasites struck the discount stores in their neighborhood.


Bleeding hearts over the internet and in the community used the excuse that they were hungry after being locked in their houses for almost a week.  Anyone with half a brain knew that was bullcrap.  So my nephew was like, "So they want to make excuses for criminals".  He hopped into his truck, drove to those neighborhoods and filmed the parasites stealing TV's and plenty of other non-food items.  That cell phone film made it's way around social media (he originally posted it on Facebook and others copied it and reposted it on Twitter, TikTok, etc.).


After the Tops supermarket mass shooting, people on the East Side of Buffalo were concerned about that area becoming a "food desert".  There's a reason why nobody else has wanted to open a supermarket there for decades now.  They were fortunate, Tops decided to do a remodel of the store and re-open it.  I'd imagine the city or state had to chip in more than a few bucks.

Edited by Sabrefan1
fix spelling
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3 hours ago, Warhippy said:

Small C Conservatives are kind of like Small L Liberals.  We get panned by both camps because w're "centrists" as evidenced by the mocking posts on other threads.  Just because we're moderates and don't agree with much of the policies of the extreme ends of either party.


I have a very significant belief in the importance of social programs and oversight/intervention in corporate overreach.  I also don't for a second believe our money should be spent the way it has been the last 3 decades and that far more oversight is needed on the waste and worthless regulations we see in our government at all reaches.


It's kind of a shame we are the single largest but also the single most neglected voices in our political theater.

Red Tories died out when MacKay stuck a shiv in Joe Clark's back.😉

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45 minutes ago, JoeyJoeJoeJr. Shabadoo said:

As a person with indigenous heritage how do you feel about restorative justice?

As a person of indigenous heritage I feel it's important to recognize the wrongs committed in the past and the still evident and obvious ones today.  I feel this nation makes a ton of lip service statements but very little actual headway in fixing things.


That being said.


I also worry that too much money has been thrown at our first nations councils with little oversight or actual care for what happens to the money which has lead to some evident and obvious corruption.


My ancestral band was forcibly removed from their land twice.  I know full well the histories being the son of a residential school survivor.  Restorative justice can be essential in repairing some damage, but by and large I feel it's just like the warehouse solution I spoke of in which money is thrown at the problem and hands are washed of the issue until it's an issue again.

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When I speak of capital punishment and my disgust with why the system that exists infuriates me and the suggestion of no cause for appeal for criminals who commit violent crimes with zero possibility of denial regardless of motive


This is what I mean


Why the absolute hell was he allowed to plead not guilty?  The trial will cost hundreds of thousands.  Jailing him will cost close to an estimated $115,000 a year which does not include the cost of wages for guards or utilities and maintenance on a building he will be housed in.


$4 bullet.  Period.  I will dig the shallow hole he deserves to be put in


The cause of death for the four members of a Muslim family who were killed after they were struck by a pickup truck in London, Ont., on June 6, 2021, was "multiple trauma."

At the trial of Nathaniel Veltman, 22, jurors in Ontario Superior Court in Windsor were told Wednesday that lawyers for the defence and prosecution agree on how the Afzaals died and that the accused drove the truck that struck them.  The accused was arrested in the hours following the attack. He's charged with four counts of first-degree murder, one count of attempted murder and terrorism counts, and has pleaded not guilty.

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