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Just now, StrayDog said:

You have my sympathies, and my wish it had never happened to you. I know that many abusers are abused themselves, but for whatever reason they choose to continue the hurt instead of breaking the cycle as you did, and I admit I find it hard to be sympathetic to them.

But there are also those who are not prior victims, and I have less empathy for them.

I really don't have anything to back it up, but I'd bet almost all abusers were victims of some form of abuse themselves.  It doesn't excuse what they"ve done, but it certainly explains it and takes away most of the "evil" factor, imo.


I don't believe people are "just that way".......they're made that way from a prior experience and had they been part of a society that truly cared about mental health, perhaps they could have had a better outcome.

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1 minute ago, bishopshodan said:


I'm not apsychologist so I dont know. My sister is one, I will ask on the weekend if there are any success stories that she has heard of.


I know it's gross to think of helping the worst of society, but we are also helping oursleves and the safety of children to get these awful humans figured out.


We don't leave them in jail to rot, we dont kill them. Maybe we should but that is not the system we live in. So what do we do when they have done their time? ignoring them and not providing resources is burying our head in the sand and could lead to hurt. 


I don't believe they should be released. Pedophiles found guilty should serve a lifetime sentence. I realize that won't happen anytime soon, but it is how I feel.

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20 minutes ago, JoeyJoeJoeJr. Shabadoo said:

Seattle residents describing the dystopian hellscape they live in. I guess we know what news station old smokie watches. 



I'll refrain from the childish name calling that you seem to be so interested in.


Let me ask you a simple question.


Have you actually visited Seattle within the last two years?   Because I was there in September of 2022 for the Seahawks-Broncos game (Seahawks home opener).  I'm not a Republican nor am I a Democrat.  I'm simply a guy that believes in Police, Military, strict Law enforcement, and Science & Technology.  Seriously - go visit Seattle and see for yourself as to what I'm talking about.  Vancouver isn't that far off.  If you enjoy seeing streets littered with homelessness, drug needles, poo, urine, open prostitution, with a beautiful scent of vape and weed, then more power to you.  If you enjoy hearing about leaders of Sikh temples being assassinated and 17 year old kids being stabbed and assaulted on skytrains, then wonderful.  But for me personally?  I'm sick and tired of it.  

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Just now, StrayDog said:

I don't believe they should be released. Pedophiles found guilty should serve a lifetime sentence. I realize that won't happen anytime soon, but it is how I feel.

I know that's how you feel.

I understand. It totally makes sense. 


But the point I am making, is that we dont put mmany of them in for life....


So, here we are....in the current reality.


Do you support counselling to potentially deter any reoffending? 

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2 minutes ago, stawns said:

I don't believe people are "just that way".......they're made that way from a prior experience and had they been part of a society that truly cared about mental health, perhaps they could have had a better outcome.

This is where we disagree. You're right about ensuring better mental health for everyone, but I do believe some folks are "born bad" (and I hate that term, but I currently don't have an alternative)

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1 minute ago, Jeremy Hronek said:

I'll refrain from the childish name calling that you seem to be so interested in.


Let me ask you a simple question.


Have you actually visited Seattle within the last two years?   Because I was there in September of 2022 for the Seahawks-Broncos game (Seahawks home opener).  I'm not a Republican nor am I a Democrat.  I'm simply a guy that believes in Police, Military, strict Law enforcement, and Science & Technology.  Seriously - go visit Seattle and see for yourself as to what I'm talking about.  Vancouver isn't that far off.  If you enjoy seeing streets littered with homelessness, drug needles, poo, urine, open prostitution, with a beautiful scent of vape and weed, then more power to you.  If you enjoy hearing about leaders of Sikh temples being assassinated and 17 year old kids being stabbed and assaulted on skytrains, then wonderful.  But for me personally?  I'm sick and tired of it.  

Every city on the planet, in all of history, has those areas.  That's simply the nature of large population centres.  


The vast majority of Vancouver is amazing, but you choose to focus on one small sliver of the city and make a value judgement based on that small part.


To me, that says more about you looking at the glass half empty than it does about the city.  

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1 minute ago, Jeremy Hronek said:


If a medical Doctor has prescribed it to a patient for medicinal-related purposes, then I would not have a problem.  


You would kill a person for enjoying something very harmless.


Not sorry to say, that is absolutely F**cked. 


What has the country you live in done to you? Maybe you aren't allowed to say, even on the internet, that recreational Marijuana is ok. For all i know, you might be worried they are monitoring your cpu.

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Just now, StrayDog said:

This is where we disagree. You're right about ensuring better mental health for everyone, but I do believe some folks are "born bad" (and I hate that term, but I currently don't have an alternative)

I'm sure there are some, but I work in the public education system and I see every kind of kid go through and, in my experience, almost none of them.are just naturally "bad".  Almost every child who acts out in a destructive way does so in response to their life situation.

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2 minutes ago, bishopshodan said:

I know that's how you feel.

I understand. It totally makes sense. 


But the point I am making, is that we dont put mmany of them in for life....


So, here we are....in the current reality.


Do you support counselling to potentially deter any reoffending? 

I do support it, and I really do wish I could believe that it would work. Sadly I don't, and I accept that that's on me. Maybe because I don't think I've seen any evidence that it works. 


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1 minute ago, stawns said:

Every city on the planet, in all of history, has those areas.  That's simply the nature of large population centres.  


The vast majority of Vancouver is amazing, but you choose to focus on one small sliver of the city and make a value judgement based on that small part.


To me, that says more about you looking at the glass half empty than it does about the city.  


Maybe but I can only comment on what I see and what I hear on the news.  So far during my time here, I haven't heard or seen anything other than Taxi drivers deliberately over-charging foreigners with cab fare (and escort services which the government is cracking down on).  

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3 minutes ago, stawns said:

I'm sure there are some, but I work in the public education system and I see every kind of kid go through and, in my experience, almost none of them.are just naturally "bad".  Almost every child who acts out in a destructive way does so in response to their life situation.

My wife works for the MCFD.


I hear ya.

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Just now, StrayDog said:

I do support it, and I really do wish I could believe that it would work. Sadly I don't, and I accept that that's on me. Maybe because I don't think I've seen any evidence that it works. 


Thank you.

So you understand my point.


Churches, etc...should be open to providing a space for the worst of us, for the betterment of all of us. 

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7 minutes ago, StrayDog said:

I do support it, and I really do wish I could believe that it would work. Sadly I don't, and I accept that that's on me. Maybe because I don't think I've seen any evidence that it works. 


I get that and I often feel that way.  But I also see, from working with kids, how our society completely fails it's citizens.  As teachers, we see and identify the issues earlier than anyone else and we take the necessary steps to help those at risk children.  However, the system is so underfunded that it can take 2-3 years after a psych referral for that child to get any kind of help........ especially if they are low income families.  


We half ass education and we half ass health care and then we wonder why neglected children grow into destructive adults.

Edited by stawns
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2 minutes ago, stawns said:

I'm sure there are some, but I work in the public education system and I see every kind of kid go through and, in my experience, almost none of them.are just naturally "bad".  Almost every child who acts out in a destructive way does so in response to their life situation.

True, and I do believe that. I think there is an overly-cynical part of my brain that feels that some people can "turn". As a case in point, there was a pedophile teacher that admitted guilt. My understanding is there was nothing in his childhood that would bring him to that; he was just an arrogant pr**k who thought rules didn't apply to him...

And yeah, maybe that is a different part of his upbringing, but there's a difference between "I'm an a**hole" and "I'm a pedophile"

To add to my anger, he pled down from what should have been a 40 year sentence to 4.....

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Just now, StrayDog said:

True, and I do believe that. I think there is an overly-cynical part of my brain that feels that some people can "turn". As a case in point, there was a pedophile teacher that admitted guilt. My understanding is there was nothing in his childhood that would bring him to that; he was just an arrogant pr**k who thought rules didn't apply to him...

And yeah, maybe that is a different part of his upbringing, but there's a difference between "I'm an a**hole" and "I'm a pedophile"

To add to my anger, he pled down from what should have been a 40 year sentence to 4.....

In my opinion, as a survivor, that individual just dissociates from past trauma.  I know I did and I still have huge chunks of missing time from my childhood........until I was willing to dig to the bottom of that hole, I might never have known why I was the way I was.

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26 minutes ago, stawns said:

I'm not sure what people expect at this stage of "capitalism".  You can't erase hope for generation after generation and not expect blowback.


Crime is a symptom of the sickness, not the sickness itself.

We need to stop blaming capitalism. Go to Salt Lake City or Glendale Arizona. Capitalism is just as much a part of those cities and they’re clean and safe. It’s starts with personal accountability. The more excuses people make for this kind of behaviour the more enabling it is. 
Philly has been run by the kind hearted democrats for decades. There is no punishment anymore. It’s easier to just steal and do drugs then it is to go to work and be responsible.
Look At Vancouver it’s more socialist than any other city in the USA. Most of the people on the streets are white. How are they oppressed? What is their excuse? 

Edited by LaBamba
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3 minutes ago, stawns said:

In my opinion, as a survivor, that individual just dissociates from past trauma.  I know I did and I still have huge chunks of missing time from my childhood........until I was willing to dig to the bottom of that hole, I might never have known why I was the way I was.

I applaud your courage to look into those recesses. I know there are a lot of people, myself included, that wouldn't

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19 minutes ago, Jeremy Hronek said:

I'll refrain from the childish name calling that you seem to be so interested in.


Let me ask you a simple question.


Have you actually visited Seattle within the last two years?   Because I was there in September of 2022 for the Seahawks-Broncos game (Seahawks home opener).  I'm not a Republican nor am I a Democrat.  I'm simply a guy that believes in Police, Military, strict Law enforcement, and Science & Technology.  Seriously - go visit Seattle and see for yourself as to what I'm talking about.  Vancouver isn't that far off.  If you enjoy seeing streets littered with homelessness, drug needles, poo, urine, open prostitution, with a beautiful scent of vape and weed, then more power to you.  If you enjoy hearing about leaders of Sikh temples being assassinated and 17 year old kids being stabbed and assaulted on skytrains, then wonderful.  But for me personally?  I'm sick and tired of it.  

You don't live here so stop whining about it.


You keep suggesting singapore.  it's like 700 sq kms.  One of the most insanely high costs of living/real estate on the planet and is almost still totally beholden to china in almost all things including numerous police and government stations china has established there.


I was in Seattle last March.  Will be there again in 10 days.  It's literally no different than anywhere else in North America right now.  End stage crony capitalism has crushed the dreams of many and made it almost unlivable for the rest.  Balance will be struck and it will be ugly.  Your having removed yourself from the area and situation and your endless whining about it is literally just worthless to any conversation because you're not a part of it anymore.


You're suggesting kicking in the doors of private citizens and jailing them as a good thing while living apart from it which totally highlights your ignorance to it as again, you are reoved from it.  So take that horse you rode in on and fantasize about the boot on your neck somewhere else because we're still here and we're still getting by

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Just now, StrayDog said:

I applaud your courage to look into those recesses. I know there are a lot of people, myself included, that wouldn't

Psychedelics saved my life.  I needed to find out what was going on before I was past the point of no return and LSD was the tool I used to get to the core of it .......effectively.


Again, my empathy for people doesn't excuse destructive behavior nor do I think that there shouldn't be consequences.  I just think there needs to be more help extended to those individuals along side of the consequences.  Pure punishment does nothing but add to the issue.

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On 9/27/2023 at 8:20 AM, Jeremy Hronek said:


I think gun violence is related to many things (both conservatism and liberalism are to blame).  Conservatives typically support the right to bear arms which often leads to school shootings, etc. Liberals typically tend to want a smaller police budget (which obviously gives way to more crime).  So no, I don't think gun violence is solely a liberal problem.  


And yes - I think legalizing weed was a colossal mistake because now that the envelope has been pushed, people will want to continue to push the envelope further. What's next?  Making Oxy over-the-counter?  Legalizing cocaine?   Less stringent rules, enforcement, and accountability.  Now we see people in Vancouver 'shooting up' on public transportation.   

Not that I agree with this or you, Just bring you into the loop…


https://www2.gov.bc.ca/gov/content/overdose/decriminalization#:~:text=Under this exemption%2C adults (18,Crack and powder cocaine

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17 minutes ago, Jeremy Hronek said:


Maybe but I can only comment on what I see and what I hear on the news.  

I have a friend who listened to the news.  OAN, Newsmax.  FOX.  They believe Bill Gates is trying to get us and Trump won the election so I guess it proves that the lower the intellect the more easily mislead people are.  When you derive and cement an opinion on something you are not a part of or affected by from across the globe based on what you're watching on the news and not for being in the actual situation day in and day out there's a word for that.

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