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9 minutes ago, stawns said:

I'm just messing with you and I'm sure your kids are star spangled awesome.

Listen to this story. I was dating a girl who had a punk kid who was failing, disruptive and disrespectful to the teachers. She gets his report card and doesn’t lose it on her son, calls the school and losses it on them. He is in 10th grade so we are talking about multiple teachers here. So they schedule a meeting to resolve this issue. She goes crazy on them, making all these excuses. They end up giving him special permission to have his AirPods in during class, so he can listen to Lil Uzi and not the teachers lesson. They ended up giving him straight 50’s and passing him on. How is that helping this boy? These are the seeds of anarchy. We are starting to yield results from this lack of accountability in the education system and at home. It’s starts when they’re born. The people who looted Philly have no respect for authority. 

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2 minutes ago, Warhippy said:

So before the hammer starts approaching.


Gonna ask the forum for the same levels of respect that hockey players afford each other and for no less.




This is a new forum and rules/boundaries are still being felt out but wives, children/parenting should 100% be left out of the conversation out of basic human decency.  One can agree/disagree and argue points to their satisfaction but come on 


Let's be better than this.


Tell Kelly I said hi.




(Just kidding! I agree with your post)

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36 minutes ago, Warhippy said:

So before the hammer starts approaching.


Gonna ask the forum for the same levels of respect that hockey players afford each other and for no less.




This is a new forum and rules/boundaries are still being felt out but wives, children/parenting should 100% be left out of the conversation out of basic human decency.  One can agree/disagree and argue points to their satisfaction but come on 


Let's be better than this.

I feel responsible for using my kids in an anecdote. I’ll refrain from that. I’m sure @stawns didn’t actually mean it literally. Although, it did surprise me lol. 

thanks @6of1_halfdozenofother lol

Edited by LaBamba
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Just now, LaBamba said:

I feel responsible for using my kids in an antidote. I’ll refrain from that. I’m sure @stawns didn’t actually mean it literally. Although, it did surprise me lol. 

Hey man, no harm no foul to me.  A person could and should take some pride in their offspring.  


I just pointed out that we need to have some basic respect for each other and that some things should in fact be off limit

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1 minute ago, Warhippy said:



Just know we're all skirting some sort of attention the last few days.  We've a lot more freedom now than we had in the last 2 years back in our other house but eventually the moderators will start putting up some guidelines that will find us all on the wrong side of things.

for better or worse this new forum is more lively, entertaining and by far more engaging than our former. home had been for over 3 years after the moderation limits and rules were expanded.


I like this FAR better and I'd hate to become an echo chamber with the same 15 people locked in to an "adult club" because we couldn't stop breaking the rules of basic respect or decency towards our fellow posters.

I was a casualty of that era lol. 

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1 minute ago, LaBamba said:

I was a casualty of that era lol. 

We lost a lot of great posters in a 9 month period and it got quite dull in short order


I'd like to see this one stay open and viable for a lot of posters 


If nothing else to make Canucks brass see what a mistake they made by evicting us and shutting down cdc

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3 hours ago, LaBamba said:

Well my kid is on the honour roll, so obviously I’m doing something wrong.
I just want to apologize in advance for giving my kids responsibilities and structure. I’m sorry for supporting the teachers and coaches authority. I know my tyranny will inevitably put them on the streets and put a strain on our society. I should have made more excuses and let them feel amazing regardless of their behaviour. Good job “moth” 

I commend you for being the strong hand in your family.  What you don’t realize is the thing that’s working is the dynamic you described yourself.  Not unlike the situation in our home.. I’m a bit of a hardass (very caring and loving, my kids open up to me about everything and I’m a safe space for them). And my wife is the east going one.  Good cop bad cop works well for parenting as well.  I think what @stawns is referring to is those homes where they don’t get the gentle hand.  I can tell you from experience.. it’s not a heathy environment to grow up in and does more harm than good. 


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11 minutes ago, Rook said:

I commend you for being the strong hand in your family.  What you don’t realize is the thing that’s working is the dynamic you described yourself.  Not unlike the situation in our home.. I’m a bit of a hardass (very caring and loving, my kids open up to me about everything and I’m a safe space for them). And my wife is the east going one.  Good cop bad cop works well for parenting as well.  I think what @stawns is referring to is those homes where they don’t get the gentle hand.  I can tell you from experience.. it’s not a heathy environment to grow up in and does more harm than good. 


I think the problem is that the original comment can easily be interpreted as an admission of physical assault instead of proper discipline.

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16 minutes ago, Rook said:

I commend you for being the strong hand in your family.  What you don’t realize is the thing that’s working is the dynamic you described yourself.  Not unlike the situation in our home.. I’m a bit of a hardass (very caring and loving, my kids open up to me about everything and I’m a safe space for them). And my wife is the east going one.  Good cop bad cop works well for parenting as well.  I think what @stawns is referring to is those homes where they don’t get the gentle hand.  I can tell you from experience.. it’s not a heathy environment to grow up in and does more harm than good. 



the poster I was referring to was making value judgements about a group of people without any understanding of the generational issues that plague that marginalized community of people.  


Stereotyping people without knowing anything about them can lead to creating marginalized and at-risk individuals. When we judge someone solely based on their appearance, ethnicity, or any other superficial factor, we're essentially putting them in a box and making assumptions about their life experiences. This can lead to exclusion and discrimination because we're not taking the time to understand their unique background and circumstances.


Not looking at people with empathy only worsens the situation. Empathy means putting ourselves in someone else's shoes, trying to understand their feelings and challenges. When we lack empathy, we're more likely to treat others as if their problems don't matter or as if they're somehow less important than us. This can lead to dehumanizing behavior, where we view them as mere stereotypes rather than as individuals with their own dreams, struggles, and potential.


I don't know anything about him, his children or about his parenting abilities, but I do know he certainly didn't enjoy being stereotyped, having his parenting style judged or being put in a box based on nothing but a superficial value judgement.  Everyone deserves some empathy and compassion before we judge them and their actions.


That's the point I was making

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5 hours ago, stawns said:

Psychedelics saved my life.  I needed to find out what was going on before I was past the point of no return and LSD was the tool I used to get to the core of it .......effectively.


Again, my empathy for people doesn't excuse destructive behavior nor do I think that there shouldn't be consequences.  I just think there needs to be more help extended to those individuals along side of the consequences.  Pure punishment does nothing but add to the issue.



Apologies in advance for dropping memes in a serious discussion but it fits well with your comment.

Or  maybe I should have left in the God thread…





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44 minutes ago, stawns said:


the poster I was referring to was making value judgements about a group of people without any understanding of the generational issues that plague that marginalized community of people.  


Stereotyping people without knowing anything about them can lead to creating marginalized and at-risk individuals. When we judge someone solely based on their appearance, ethnicity, or any other superficial factor, we're essentially putting them in a box and making assumptions about their life experiences. This can lead to exclusion and discrimination because we're not taking the time to understand their unique background and circumstances.


Not looking at people with empathy only worsens the situation. Empathy means putting ourselves in someone else's shoes, trying to understand their feelings and challenges. When we lack empathy, we're more likely to treat others as if their problems don't matter or as if they're somehow less important than us. This can lead to dehumanizing behavior, where we view them as mere stereotypes rather than as individuals with their own dreams, struggles, and potential.


I don't know anything about him, his children or about his parenting abilities, but I do know he certainly didn't enjoy being stereotyped, having his parenting style judged or being put in a box based on nothing but a superficial value judgement.  Everyone deserves some empathy and compassion before we judge them and their actions.


That's the point I was making

No, you said I was an abusive parent because I have structure in my household. You stereotyped me as an overbearing father. Then you explained how you have to “unravel” my abuse to properly educate kids like mine. Now you come out and act like this was some type of social experiment conducted by you to teach me a lesson. Haha. 

There is absolutely 100% a line where too much empathy becomes detrimental. Too much empathy use to be called spoiling your kids. At some point you need to be accountable. You can hold someone accountable with compassion. All you really need to do is acknowledge it. We don’t even do that anymore. Kids are never wrong, they never do wrong and they have no idea how to handle real life. When you see a 6 year old call his mom a B!tch for not buying him Pokémon cards. Then you see the mom apologizing, making alternative promises and begging him not be mad. You really wonder if empathy was overused in that household. 

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1 hour ago, King Heffy said:

I think the problem is that the original comment can easily be interpreted as an admission of physical assault instead of proper discipline.

I’ve never, ever, hit my kids. I don’t need to. Hitting your kids is a display of weakness. It means you have no control of your own emotions. I’ve grabbed them by their arm mid tantrum to take them to their room when they were little but that’s about it. Saying you’re “going to tear up their ass” or whatever I said is clearly a figure of speech. You should know by know that I go over the top when I’m trying to prove a point. Everyone just ASSUMES the worst possible outcome cause they know everything about my life from one single comment. 

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3 minutes ago, LaBamba said:

I’ve never, ever, hit my kids. I don’t need to. Hitting your kids is a display of weakness. It means you have no control of your own emotions. I’ve grabbed them by their arm mid tantrum to take them to their room when they were little but that’s about it. Saying you’re “going to tear up their ass” or whatever I said is clearly a figure of speech. You should know by know that I go over the top when I’m trying to prove a point. Everyone just ASSUMES the worst possible outcome cause they know everything about my life from one single comment. 

Greatly appreciate the clarification.  I have to admit that my brain did initially assume the worst.

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3 minutes ago, LaBamba said:

I’ve never, ever, hit my kids. I don’t need to. Hitting your kids is a display of weakness. It means you have no control of your own emotions. I’ve grabbed them by their arm mid tantrum to take them to their room when they were little but that’s about it. Saying you’re “going to tear up their ass” or whatever I said is clearly a figure of speech. You should know by know that I go over the top when I’m trying to prove a point. Everyone just ASSUMES the worst possible outcome cause they know everything about my life from one single comment. 


No not really. I assume from your comments that you’re a good parent who gets involved and tries to raise kids that take responsibility. I’m glad that you have, and  can afford to take the time to be involved. I am guessing you realize that some absolve themselves of their responsibility but most are too busy working several jobs at substandard or minimum wage  just to try and put food on the table and keep a roof over their heads.


What I don’t understand is why you see that as liberals/dems/socialists causing the problem when in fact those are the very groups that are fighting for raising minimum wage, supporting unions, school lunches, social programs…etc. You know, things that would help give parents more time and tools to spend on good parenting. Then we’d have whole communities of kids who learned how to take responsibility growing into adults that do the same.


The problem isn’t participation trophies and a kid who identifies as a moth…


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2 hours ago, LaBamba said:

No, you said I was an abusive parent because I have structure in my household. You stereotyped me as an overbearing father. Then you explained how you have to “unravel” my abuse to properly educate kids like mine. Now you come out and act like this was some type of social experiment conducted by you to teach me a lesson. Haha. 

There is absolutely 100% a line where too much empathy becomes detrimental. Too much empathy use to be called spoiling your kids. At some point you need to be accountable. You can hold someone accountable with compassion. All you really need to do is acknowledge it. We don’t even do that anymore. Kids are never wrong, they never do wrong and they have no idea how to handle real life. When you see a 6 year old call his mom a B!tch for not buying him Pokémon cards. Then you see the mom apologizing, making alternative promises and begging him not be mad. You really wonder if empathy was overused in that household. 

I was stereotyping you based on little to no actual information about you, but based on a "type" of parent.  You absolutely did not like being stereotyped and put into a box.......which was my point

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2 hours ago, 4petesake said:


No not really. I assume from your comments that you’re a good parent who gets involved and tries to raise kids that take responsibility. I’m glad that you have, and  can afford to take the time to be involved. I am guessing you realize that some absolve themselves of their responsibility but most are too busy working several jobs at substandard or minimum wage  just to try and put food on the table and keep a roof over their heads.


What I don’t understand is why you see that as liberals/dems/socialists causing the problem when in fact those are the very groups that are fighting for raising minimum wage, supporting unions, school lunches, social programs…etc. You know, things that would help give parents more time and tools to spend on good parenting. Then we’d have whole communities of kids who learned how to take responsibility growing into adults that do the same.


The problem isn’t participation trophies and a kid who identifies as a moth…


Look around. None of this is working. Canada and the USA have been moving  away from right wing capitalism for decades and society has deteriorated in perfect harmony. Show me the data that any of this helps. Not theoretically, like actual stimulus. 

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4 hours ago, stawns said:


the poster I was referring to was making value judgements about a group of people without any understanding of the generational issues that plague that marginalized community of people.  


Stereotyping people without knowing anything about them can lead to creating marginalized and at-risk individuals. When we judge someone solely based on their appearance, ethnicity, or any other superficial factor, we're essentially putting them in a box and making assumptions about their life experiences. This can lead to exclusion and discrimination because we're not taking the time to understand their unique background and circumstances.


Not looking at people with empathy only worsens the situation. Empathy means putting ourselves in someone else's shoes, trying to understand their feelings and challenges. When we lack empathy, we're more likely to treat others as if their problems don't matter or as if they're somehow less important than us. This can lead to dehumanizing behavior, where we view them as mere stereotypes rather than as individuals with their own dreams, struggles, and potential.


I don't know anything about him, his children or about his parenting abilities, but I do know he certainly didn't enjoy being stereotyped, having his parenting style judged or being put in a box based on nothing but a superficial value judgement.  Everyone deserves some empathy and compassion before we judge them and their actions.


That's the point I was making

We need a 💯 emoji!! I’m with you buddy

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9 minutes ago, LaBamba said:

Look around. None of this is working. Canada and the USA have been moving  away from right wing capitalism for decades and society has deteriorated in perfect harmony. Show me the data that any of this helps. Not theoretically, like actual stimulus. 

Several posters have already pointed out the dangers of the rise of unfettered capitalism in this thread, including @aGENT, @Warhippy and others. IMHO we could be in the end days of capitalism if corporate greed goes unchecked. If you want to guarantee looting like we saw in Philly we are going about it the right way. When people can’t earn enough to have any prospect of living a decent life eventually they opt out of the social contract that my generation was so fortunate to be part of. It’s not liberalism/drugs/lgbtq+ or any of the other bogeymen that’s causing people to opt out.

So you don’t think that a young couple with children would be better able to parent properly if they were actually making a living wage? Also why is a living wage considered liberalism? What makes you able to parent well? It’s not just the lessons that you teach your children, it’s you having the time to teach  them. Time costs money. 

I can almost guarantee that if I couldn’t get ahead by working my ass off I’d say f* it and get what I need another way. 

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