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Philadelphia Mass Looting


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34 minutes ago, LaBamba said:

Look around. None of this is working. Canada and the USA have been moving  away from right wing capitalism for decades and society has deteriorated in perfect harmony. Show me the data that any of this helps. Not theoretically, like actual stimulus. 

Oh just stop dude, you make it sound like the world is ending.. give it up.  There will always be problems as populations grow. If it was because of us moving away from the right, well the The far right would be the epitome of perfection which is far from the truth.  But I’m sure you’ll just blame those folks problem on the lefties 🤦‍♂️ 

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1 hour ago, 4petesake said:

Several posters have already pointed out the dangers of the rise of unfettered capitalism in this thread, including @aGENT, @Warhippy and others. IMHO we could be in the end days of capitalism if corporate greed goes unchecked. If you want to guarantee looting like we saw in Philly we are going about it the right way. When people can’t earn enough to have any prospect of living a decent life eventually they opt out of the social contract that my generation was so fortunate to be part of. It’s not liberalism/drugs/lgbtq+ or any of the other bogeymen that’s causing people to opt out.

So you don’t think that a young couple with children would be better able to parent properly if they were actually making a living wage? Also why is a living wage considered liberalism? What makes you able to parent well? It’s not just the lessons that you teach your children, it’s you having the time to teach  them. Time costs money. 

I can almost guarantee that if I couldn’t get ahead by working my ass off I’d say f* it and get what I need another way. 

Literally, if we could all have beers, have all of y’all and yes even you @LaBamba put the collective mind together we could fix this!! Without just saying everyone is either left or right!! I’m with @Warhippy and this whole Small C thing.  Extreme capitalism as I call it is the main issue with our society. (And partisan politics) Nothing is enough anymore. It’s all about who can stack the largest stack. I’m hoping that we see a shift, and I already see the start after Covid where I live, that now is the time for small businesses to thrive.  I’ve even started focusing on more by using smaller suppliers or if they are a corporate entities, they are more about the end user rather than just profit. 

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11 hours ago, Warhippy said:



Just know we're all skirting some sort of attention the last few days.  We've a lot more freedom now than we had in the last 2 years back in our other house but eventually the moderators will start putting up some guidelines that will find us all on the wrong side of things.

for better or worse this new forum is more lively, entertaining and by far more engaging than our former. home had been for over 3 years after the moderation limits and rules were expanded.


I like this FAR better and I'd hate to become an echo chamber with the same 15 people locked in to an "adult club" because we couldn't stop breaking the rules of basic respect or decency towards our fellow posters.

Yes being officially tied to a (much beloved) franchise comes with necessary restrictions. Now we can voice our opinions freely... for now 

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10 hours ago, 4petesake said:

Several posters have already pointed out the dangers of the rise of unfettered capitalism in this thread, including @aGENT, @Warhippy and others. IMHO we could be in the end days of capitalism if corporate greed goes unchecked. If you want to guarantee looting like we saw in Philly we are going about it the right way. When people can’t earn enough to have any prospect of living a decent life eventually they opt out of the social contract that my generation was so fortunate to be part of. It’s not liberalism/drugs/lgbtq+ or any of the other bogeymen that’s causing people to opt out.

So you don’t think that a young couple with children would be better able to parent properly if they were actually making a living wage? Also why is a living wage considered liberalism? What makes you able to parent well? It’s not just the lessons that you teach your children, it’s you having the time to teach  them. Time costs money. 

I can almost guarantee that if I couldn’t get ahead by working my ass off I’d say f* it and get what I need another way. 

More fantasy and baseless banter. Calling on warhippy to help bail you out. Making capitalism the excuse for looting. There is a labour shortage from coast to coast, north and south. Stop making excuses for people that are lazy and breaking the law. If you have 2 legs and a pulse you can get a job. Hell, you can get 2 if you’d like. 

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8 hours ago, aGENT said:


That's not empathy, that's failed parenting. Empathy and structure, accountability etc are not mutually exclusive. 



I wish I could upvote that more than once.



We haven't been moving away from capitalism...if anything it's the right and their corporate overlords race to the bottom, shrinking middle class, increasing poverty, wages not keeping pace, people living on margins that are the problem. It's getting worse because the "lib-tards" only have so many fingers to stuff in the holes in the damn that the right keeps making.

There is a labour shortage but increased poverty levels. Is that capitalism or lazyism? What other excuses can we make for these poor looters? I bet they had a tough childhood and it’s not their fault. Good job. 

Any of you communists ever scratch your head and put all of this together? Why am I seeing more people on the streets and a labour shortage concurrently? If capitalism is your scapegoat this doesn’t make any sense. Wages are increasing due to the labour shortage. It’s a key metric used in monetary policy.  

On other threads you have people going around saying inflation isn’t their left government’s fault then you’ll have another thread where it’s capitalism. hahaha. How can we be moving more towards capitalism with liberal governments on both sides of the boarder? 
every single thing you said here is completely baseless. It’s complete fantasy. It’s as real as Harry Potter. Nobody can ever show me actual substance. Look at BC, been NDP for a while now. Can someone show me any increase strength in any social metric that was a direct result of increased social spending? Anywhere in North America? 

Edited by LaBamba
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1 hour ago, LaBamba said:

There is a labour shortage but increased poverty levels. Is that capitalism or lazyism? What other excuses can we make for these poor looters? I bet they had a tough childhood and it’s not their fault. Good job. 

Any of you communists ever scratch your head and put all of this together? Why am I seeing more people on the streets and a labour shortage concurrently? If capitalism is your scapegoat this doesn’t make any sense. Wages are increasing due to the labour shortage. It’s a key metric used in monetary policy.  

On other threads you have people going around saying inflation isn’t their left government’s fault then you’ll have another thread where it’s capitalism. hahaha. How can we be moving more towards capitalism with liberal governments on both sides of the boarder? 
every single thing you said here is completely baseless. It’s complete fantasy. It’s as real as Harry Potter. Nobody can ever show me actual substance. Look at BC, been NDP for a while now. Can someone show me any increase strength in any social metric that was a direct result of increased social spending? Anywhere in North America? 


People on the streets are largely disabled and unemployable. They need assistance and support to leave their derelict lifestyle. Any type of labour shortage has little effect on the bottom line here. There's not enough social housing to go around.

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2 hours ago, LaBamba said:

Look at BC, been NDP

I know I am not addressing your post but you made me remember something.


BC NDP posted a surplus.


As a money guy, do you think they did alright...?



Despite unprecedented spending to support people and businesses, B.C. ended the 2021-22 fiscal year with a $1.3-billion surplus as the province’s economy outperformed both public- and private-sector forecasts.

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1 hour ago, LaBamba said:

There is a labour shortage but increased poverty levels. Is that capitalism or lazyism? What other excuses can we make for these poor looters? I bet they had a tough childhood and it’s not their fault. Good job. 

Any of you communists ever scratch your head and put all of this together? Why am I seeing more people on the streets and a labour shortage concurrently? If capitalism is your scapegoat this doesn’t make any sense. Wages are increasing due to the labour shortage. It’s a key metric used in monetary policy.  

On other threads you have people going around saying inflation isn’t their left government’s fault then you’ll have another thread where it’s capitalism. hahaha. How can we be moving more towards capitalism with liberal governments on both sides of the boarder? 
every single thing you said here is completely baseless. It’s complete fantasy. It’s as real as Harry Potter. Nobody can ever show me actual substance. Look at BC, been NDP for a while now. Can someone show me any increase strength in any social metric that was a direct result of increased social spending? Anywhere in North America? 



Because housing is unaffordable and people are exhausted from working two jobs. We have a labour (and housing) shortage due largely to demographics and runaway capitalism.


The Dems aren't actually "Liberal" FYI. More than the Republicans...sure. They're still run by the same corporate overlords (the exact power and money hungry people referenced earlier in this thread). And Liberals still want capitalism FYI, we just want it fairly regulated so it's not all profits over people, with a solid social safety net to support everyone, particularly people on the margins.


I'm sure someone could show you some numbers...though they'd likely be skewed by a global pandemic and runaway capitalism, inflation etc. So I'm not sure what value anyone could glean from them. Those programs would likely be making bigger dents if the push from all those other areas wasn't so intense and multi faceted.


Again, it's like you're working against a team of engineers trying to fix a leaky damn...all while standing there an poking more holes in it. Supporting people on the margins, regulated capitalism, high tax/large social safety nets work. See: Nordic countries for the evidence you're looking for.

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15 minutes ago, aGENT said:



Because housing is unaffordable and people are exhausted from working two jobs. We have a labour (and housing) shortage due largely to demographics and runaway capitalism.


The Dems aren't actually "Liberal" FYI. More than the Republicans...sure. They're still run by the same corporate overlords (the exact power and money hungry people referenced earlier in this thread). And Liberals still want capitalism FYI, we just want it fairly regulated so it's not all profits over people, with a solid social safety net to support everyone, particularly people on the margins.


I'm sure someone could show you some numbers...though they'd likely be skewed by a global pandemic and runaway capitalism, inflation etc. So I'm not sure what value anyone could glean from them. Those programs would likely be making bigger dents if the push from all those other areas wasn't so intense and multi faceted.


Again, it's like you're working against a team of engineers trying to fix a leaky damn...all while standing there an poking more holes in it. Supporting people on the margins, regulated capitalism, high tax/large social safety nets work. See: Nordic countries for the evidence you're looking for.

I did nazi that coming 

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4 minutes ago, aGENT said:



Because housing is unaffordable and people are exhausted from working two jobs. We have a labour (and housing) shortage due largely to demographics and runaway capitalism.


The Dems aren't actually "Liberal" FYI. More than the Republicans...sure. They're still run by the same corporate overlords (the exact power and money hungry people referenced earlier in this thread). And Liberals still want capitalism FYI, we just want it fairly regulated so it's not all profits over people, with a solid social safety net to support everyone, particularly people on the margins.


I'm sure someone could show you some numbers...though they'd likely be skewed by a global pandemic and runaway capitalism, inflation etc. So I'm not sure what value anyone could glean from them. Those programs would likely be making bigger dents if the push from all those other areas wasn't so intense and multi faceted.


Again, it's like you're working against a team of engineers trying to fix a leaky damn...all while standing there a poking more holes in it. Supporting people on the margins, regulated capitalism, high tax/large social safety nets work. See: Nordic countries for the evidence you're looking for.

The trap was set for more metaphors and fear and you took the bait. 
imagine how bad it would’ve been if they didn’t spend money on social programs. Ahahaha this is my All time favourite rebuttal. Just completely baseless. 

You know what makes wealthy people and corporations wealthier? A robust middle class. Stop watching Star Wars bro. The supply  chain and labour shortages are causing wages to increase and when wages increase the cost of the end product increases.

Everything is entwined. If you were to raise minimum wage to like $30 an hr, you would basically end small business. The only business that can handle unionization and large increases in minimum wages are giant corporations. All of your goods and services will be consolidated into a few giant corporations under this utopian socialist society. There will be no free market and enterprise. Everything will be controlled by the government and these superpower corporations. 

Now, how does baseless fear mongering look when I do it? Pretty stupid isn’t it? That’s how you look when you make up scenarios that have nothing backing them to someone who isn’t a socialist. 

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30 minutes ago, 112 said:


People on the streets are largely disabled and unemployable. They need assistance and support to leave their derelict lifestyle. Any type of labour shortage has little effect on the bottom line here. There's not enough social housing to go around.

Let’s see data. I’m not responding to anything made up to prove your point. 

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3 hours ago, LaBamba said:

More fantasy and baseless banter. Calling on warhippy to help bail you out. Making capitalism the excuse for looting. There is a labour shortage from coast to coast, north and south. Stop making excuses for people that are lazy and breaking the law. If you have 2 legs and a pulse you can get a job. Hell, you can get 2 if you’d like. 


I didn’t call on Hippy or anyone else to “bail me out” but nice gratuitous cheap shot. Simply pointed out two posters that had made the corporate greed posts already.

2 if you like? That is exactly the point isn’t it because that’s what it takes (and more) to keep a roof over your head and food on the table for many. Doesn’t leave a whole lot of time and energy for that expert parenting you’re hoping for. I never said capitalism was an excuse for looting so not sure why you think that is some kind of trump card. I said unfettered, runaway corporate greed. Not sure why it’s easier for people to believe that 150,000,000 Americans are lazy rather than a few hundred Americans are greedy wealth hoarders.


I made no excuse for looters. I gave reasons that this could get much worse.

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12 minutes ago, 4petesake said:


I didn’t call on Hippy or anyone else to “bail me out” but nice gratuitous cheap shot. Simply pointed out two posters that had made the corporate greed posts already.

2 if you like? That is exactly the point isn’t it because that’s what it takes (and more) to keep a roof over your head and food on the table for many. Doesn’t leave a whole lot of time and energy for that expert parenting you’re hoping for. I never said capitalism was an excuse for looting so not sure why you think that is some kind of trump card. I said unfettered, runaway corporate greed. Not sure why it’s easier for people to believe that 150,000,000 Americans are lazy rather than a few hundred Americans are greedy wealth hoarders.


I made no excuse for looters. I gave reasons that this could get much worse.

All I am saying is that if you have the legs and back to walk into a store and carry out merchandise. You have the legs and back to get a job. Corporate greed does not change that. 

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15 minutes ago, LaBamba said:

All I am saying is that if you have the legs and back to walk into a store and carry out merchandise. You have the legs and back to get a job. Corporate greed does not change that. 

That’s one thing we agree on, I hate looters and never made any excuse for them. I responded to your post on parenting.


However corporate greed unchecked will contribute to more people opting out and people who have done that don’t feel bound by any of the societal norms we are used to. That’s not a liberal idea, it’s just history repeating.

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3 minutes ago, 4petesake said:

That’s one thing we agree on, I hate looters and never made any excuse for them. I responded to your post on parenting.


However corporate greed unchecked will contribute to more people opting out and people who have done that don’t feel bound by any of the societal norms we are used to. That’s not a liberal idea, it’s just history repeating.

Capitalism is relatively new to civilization. There is no collapse that has happened due to the direct effects of capitalism. Could that be happening now? Possibly, but as far as history repeating itself there are no examples. The Great Depression could be an Example but that wasn’t a complete societal collapse. There are countless examples of socialist regimes collapsing however. The only history that could potentially repeat itself would be that. 

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22 minutes ago, LaBamba said:

Capitalism is relatively new to civilization. There is no collapse that has happened due to the direct effects of capitalism. Could that be happening now? Possibly, but as far as history repeating itself there are no examples. The Great Depression could be an Example but that wasn’t a complete societal collapse. There are countless examples of socialist regimes collapsing however. The only history that could potentially repeat itself would be that. 


When enough people don’t view the system as serving their needs it leads to rebellion/revolution, whatever the system is. Whether a capitalist system has led to revolution is not arguable IMO. Cuba for one.

Capitalism has served us quite well until recently. My parents were able to raise a family on one job. My generation probably had it best even though it mostly took two. Now it can barely be done with two jobs for many.  The point isn’t to do away with capitalism, it’s to fix it.




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2 minutes ago, 4petesake said:


When enough people don’t view the system as serving their needs it leads to rebellion/revolution, whatever the system is. Whether a capitalist system has led to revolution is not arguable IMO. Cuba for one.

Capitalism has served us quite well until recently. My parents were able to raise a family on one job. My generation probably had it best even though it mostly took two. Now it can barely be done with two jobs for many.  The point isn’t to do away with capitalism, it’s to fix it.




The old saying goes, Hard times make stronger people. Stronger people make better times. Better times make softer people and softer people make harder times.
That’s basically the history repeating itself theory summarized. The 100 year cycle. 

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On 9/29/2023 at 11:06 AM, LaBamba said:

The old saying goes, Hard times make stronger people. Stronger people make better times. Better times make softer people and softer people make harder times.
That’s basically the history repeating itself theory summarized. The 100 year cycle. 

so are you saying we are all soft then since things are looking like they are moving too harder times?

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On 9/26/2023 at 11:52 PM, Jeremy Hronek said:


People have a right to express their opinion and I don't mind if people disagree with what I've said, but what exactly will their defence be?   Take a look at the city of Vancouver (of which used to be my hometown).  Gangs, violence, people 'shooting up' and doing drugs on public transit, the embarrassment of East Hastings, legalized marijuna use, vaping, and just all around pure stupidity.   


Philadelphia is a perfect example of why we need to #RefundThePolice.  Neo-liberalism and this entire stupid "woke" movement has crippled, and is crippling, North America.   




I have always voted NDP and Green, with some Liberals in there but what's happened in the last 5 years on the left has been a sharp turn towards outright stupidity.  


We have seen far-left lunatics taking over and deeming people that are center-left as some sort of right-wingers.  



I think that Neo-liberalism is a perfect term for it.  Classical liberals would not be pounding their fists and demanding wars and limiting people's freedom of speech.  


Defunding the police has been a spectacular disaster.  I visited Portland earlier this year, which used to be one of my favourite cities and it's a not pretty down there. 

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On 9/29/2023 at 9:05 AM, LaBamba said:

This is an excellent mind blowing post. Everyone needs to upvote the crap out of this. 
Thank you for sharing, I personally did not realize how high the percentage of people had intellectual disabilities. That is honestly heartbreaking. 

The resources are there, and I fully support these resources. The problem lies in the group of people who are capable of working. They are diluting the potency of these programs and making them less impactful for the people who need them.

All we really need to do is figure out how to control the substance abuse and a lot of this will fall into place. 

Western society in general needs to prioritize mental health. 

excellent post. 


Interesting perspective by @112


This is one of the best talks I've seen on this topic.  




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On 9/27/2023 at 12:42 AM, Jeremy Hronek said:


America and Canada are turning into 3rd world trash countries.    Senseless crime, liberalization, homelessness, decriminalization, #defundthepolice, lax drug policies, etc., etc.  





It has more to do with the economy than anything else. Printing money completely distorts and destroys society. 

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