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29 minutes ago, Jeremy Hronek said:

I'll refrain from the childish name calling that you seem to be so interested in.


Let me ask you a simple question.


Have you actually visited Seattle within the last two years?   Because I was there in September of 2022 for the Seahawks-Broncos game (Seahawks home opener).  I'm not a Republican nor am I a Democrat.  I'm simply a guy that believes in Police, Military, strict Law enforcement, and Science & Technology.  Seriously - go visit Seattle and see for yourself as to what I'm talking about.  Vancouver isn't that far off.  If you enjoy seeing streets littered with homelessness, drug needles, poo, urine, open prostitution, with a beautiful scent of vape and weed, then more power to you.  If you enjoy hearing about leaders of Sikh temples being assassinated and 17 year old kids being stabbed and assaulted on skytrains, then wonderful.  But for me personally?  I'm sick and tired of it.  

Last went down for a concert in May of this year.  A couple of blocks weren't great, just as in literally any city, but I had a great time there.

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24 minutes ago, stawns said:

I really don't have anything to back it up, but I'd bet almost all abusers were victims of some form of abuse themselves.  It doesn't excuse what they"ve done, but it certainly explains it and takes away most of the "evil" factor, imo.


I don't believe people are "just that way".......they're made that way from a prior experience and had they been part of a society that truly cared about mental health, perhaps they could have had a better outcome.

Absolutely false. Gotta love selective Stereo typing. I personally know a handful of people that came from great homes, were great students, played sports, had high school jobs. They chose to dabble in some harder drugs. Then the drugs started bossing them around. When they got to the point where their parents started noticing. Their parents either slapped the shit out of them to set them straight or they kept making excuses for them. Either way, it was up to the individual. It was their choice. I know just as many people “including myself” that woke up one day in a fog and looked in the mirror and said. “I’m done” and live productive lives. My dad killed himself when I was 5 and I lived in extreme poverty my entire childhood. I got into drugs and alcohol bad. I have every excuse in the book to be out there stealing catalytic converters but I chose not to. 

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2 minutes ago, LaBamba said:

Absolutely false. Gotta love selective Stereo typing. I personally know a handful of people that came from great homes, were great students, played sports, had high school jobs. They chose to dabble in some harder drugs. Then the drugs started bossing them around. When they got to the point where their parents started noticing. Their parents either slapped the shit out of them to set them straight or they kept making excuses for them. Either way, it was up to the individual. It was their choice. I know just as many people “including myself” that woke up one day in a fog and looked in the mirror and said. “I’m done” and live productive lives. My dad killed himself when I was 5 and I lived in extreme poverty my entire childhood. I got into drugs and alcohol bad. I have every excuse in the book to be out there stealing catalytic converters but I chose not to. 

Of course everybody "chooses", but there are factors that push people down certain paths.  


You might think they had a "great" childhood, but you have no idea what goes on behind closed doors.


And I agree that some aren't strong enough to make the choice to go down a better path, but that doesn't change the things that happened to them and it doesn't mean they don't deserve empathy because they weren't able to "fix" themselves.  Imo it is a societal failure that they weren't given the help they needed

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1 minute ago, stawns said:

Of course everybody "chooses", but there are factors that push people down certain paths.  


You might think they had a "great" childhood, but you have no idea what goes on behind closed doors.

Explain why all their siblings aren’t with them on the streets? Stop making excuses and start coming up with solutions. That’s the problem with the left people. They’ll just sit there and tell you all the reasons why these people are the way they are with absolutely no solution. Any solution they have clearly isn’t working. The dems have been in charge of the vast majority of metropolitan areas for a long time and it’s getting worse. You could probably graph the increase of social assistance with drug abuse and they’d be just as correlated as the Industrial Revolution and global warming. Making it easier for drug addicted people to do drugs does not solve the problem. How they got there is irrelevant. Excuses aren’t going to get people off the streets. You hippies need to look forward. 

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Tell my how a utopian socialist society would work with a portion of the population doing all the heavy lifting while the other portion of the population lays around their government provided housing with a needle in their arm? Is that really my responsibility? Or should they maybe be accountable for their actions? 

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1 minute ago, LaBamba said:

Explain why all their siblings aren’t with them on the streets? Stop making excuses and start coming up with solutions. That’s the problem with the left people. They’ll just sit there and tell you all the reasons why these people are the way they are with absolutely no solution. Any solution they have clearly isn’t working. The dems have been in charge of the vast majority of metropolitan areas for a long time and it’s getting worse. You could probably graph the increase of social assistance with drug abuse and they’d be just as correlated as the Industrial Revolution and global warming. Making it easier for drug addicted people to do drugs does not solve the problem. How they got there is irrelevant. Excuses aren’t going to get people off the streets. You hippies need to look forward. 

People on the left have many ideas about solving these issues (though I doubt any expects problems to be "solved", just managed better).  The problem is that no government is willing to take the risk of fully funding and implementing those measures.  Instead they pay lip service, without ever actually following through so that they can then turn and say it did t work.


Of course it didn't work, you didn't actually make any effort to do it.


Let me ask you, how have the "solutions" put forward by the neo liberal movement of the last 40 years "solved" anything?  How effective has the war on drugs been?  How about mass incarceration on the prevalence of crime?


Have those measures had any positive outcome?

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4 minutes ago, LaBamba said:

Tell my how a utopian socialist society would work with a portion of the population doing all the heavy lifting while the other portion of the population lays around their government provided housing with a needle in their arm? Is that really my responsibility? Or should they maybe be accountable for their actions? 

Isn't that happening now?

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21 hours ago, Warhippy said:

Small C Conservatives are kind of like Small L Liberals.  We get panned by both camps because w're "centrists" as evidenced by the mocking posts on other threads.  Just because we're moderates and don't agree with much of the policies of the extreme ends of either party.


I have a very significant belief in the importance of social programs and oversight/intervention in corporate overreach.  I also don't for a second believe our money should be spent the way it has been the last 3 decades and that far more oversight is needed on the waste and worthless regulations we see in our government at all reaches.


It's kind of a shame we are the single largest but also the single most neglected voices in our political theater.

I recommend to everyone to read Pierre Burton’s” the depression “a real eye opener for those who don’t understand how we got here.I see a new small c Conservative Party is forming “center ice”,nice to see ,we need more alternatives to the two big “cartels”.i don’t agree with capital punishment as it relies on the legal system to get it right every time.bring Back the work farm like oakalla in Burnaby.cheers

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1 minute ago, stawns said:

People on the left have many ideas about solving these issues (though I doubt any expects problems to be "solved", just managed better).  The problem is that no government is willing to take the risk of fully funding and implementing those measures.  Instead they pay lip service, without ever actually following through so that they can then turn and say it did t work.


Of course it didn't work, you didn't actually make any effort to do it.


Let me ask you, how have the "solutions" put forward by the neo liberal movement of the last 40 years "solved" anything?  How effective has the war on drugs been?  How about mass incarceration on the prevalence of crime?


Have those measures had any positive outcome?

It’s starts when they are children. It starts with discipline and order. My kids aren’t going to be on the streets doing drugs because I tear their asses up when they F up. Kids don’t know WTF they’re doing. We are getting softer and softer with each generation. Single parenthood. Absent parenthood. Schools don’t even fail kids anymore. How are you be prepared for the real world when you’ve been raised in a fictional world? 

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Just now, LaBamba said:

It’s starts when they are children. It starts with discipline and order. My kids aren’t going to be on the streets doing drugs because I tear their asses up when they F up. Kids don’t know WTF they’re doing. We are getting softer and softer with each generation. Single parenthood. Absent parenthood. Schools don’t even fail kids anymore. How are you be prepared for the real world when you’ve been raised in a fictional world? 

You're delusional if you think abusing children leads to stable adulthood 

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4 minutes ago, stawns said:

Isn't that happening now?

Clearly. Why don’t you go on Hastings and pick a random homeless person and personally rehabilitate them? It’s because you know you’re going to be robbed blind.  Deep down you know all this compassion you supposedly have isn’t real. It’s just how you’ve been conditioned to think. 

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2 minutes ago, Sargon said:

I recommend to everyone to read Pierre Burton’s” the depression “a real eye opener for those who don’t understand how we got here.I see a new small c Conservative Party is forming “center ice”,nice to see ,we need more alternatives to the two big “cartels”.i don’t agree with capital punishment as it relies on the legal system to get it right every time.bring Back the work farm like oakalla in Burnaby.cheers

I am 100% on board with a true small c conservative party in the same fashion as the NDP being the other branch on the left in Canada.


It's actually really sad, I saw the BC conservative party at a local market in Penticton last saturday.  I was excited at first as I feel we need more representation until I saw who was hosting it.  An individual with a truck towing anti trudeau anti covid, the gov is communist vaccines are bad literature.


That's not conservative that's stupid.


I want a party that literally stands up and says look.  We all make $200k+ a year with expense accounts don't pay for food or shelter or bills.  We need a pay cut.  Why are we spending $10 million on committees trying to figure out what jets to buy the military. Get 15 pilots in here and ask them what the best plane for our needs are and then buy them.  Why are we spending so much $ subsidizing energy in canada?  They are doubling their profits every quarter on the backs of the tax payers, end that crap now.  Why are we paying the highest amount of mobile and internet in the world when 80% of our population lives an hour from the border?  fix that crap now, more competition.  Westjet and air canada are not respecting their clients and it's cheaper for me to drive to seattle and fly to toronto than it is from vancouver?  more competition fix it.


I want a small c party that cares about how much $ we're wasting, where it's going and spends a great deal less time caring about what people do in their spare time and social media cred.  I want a party that remembers they are managers and elected public servants.  


I'll 100% look in to that book and thanks for the suggestion

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1 minute ago, LaBamba said:

Clearly. Why don’t you go on Hastings and pick a random homeless person and personally rehabilitate them? It’s because you know you’re going to be robbed blind.  Deep down you know all this compassion you supposedly have isn’t real. It’s just how you’ve been conditioned to think. 

So if the world is sh!t under the current system, why wouldn't we want to try a different approach?  I mean, really try it.


I don't know anyone on the left that thinks we can creat some kind of "socialist utopia".  We see that this system we function under isn't working and that there are better ways to manage the issues

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21 minutes ago, LaBamba said:

Explain why all their siblings aren’t with them on the streets? Stop making excuses and start coming up with solutions. That’s the problem with the left people. They’ll just sit there and tell you all the reasons why these people are the way they are with absolutely no solution. Any solution they have clearly isn’t working. The dems have been in charge of the vast majority of metropolitan areas for a long time and it’s getting worse. You could probably graph the increase of social assistance with drug abuse and they’d be just as correlated as the Industrial Revolution and global warming. Making it easier for drug addicted people to do drugs does not solve the problem. How they got there is irrelevant. Excuses aren’t going to get people off the streets. You hippies need to look forward. 

The dem cities sound bad from your pov regarding addiction and street people. 


i read that violent crimes and murder are higher in red states...


Are these problems really a political thing? Seems like both of your sides are a mess. 

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3 minutes ago, bishopshodan said:

The dem cities sound bad from your pov regarding addiction and street people. 


i read that violent crimes and murder are higher in red states...


Are these problems really a political thing? Seems like both of your sides are a mess. 

There are very few cities that are red. Even in red states. 

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1 minute ago, bishopshodan said:

I ran the only liquor store on the east side for a decade.


Some of the nicest people you will meet live down there and some of the worse. Then again, a few of the dudes I worked with in my companies head office were down right psycopaths, only cared about money and didn't care who they hurt in their way. Cruel ass people. So, every demographic has your some evil . 


Your paint brush is too wide and simple

And you don’t? I’m not painting a brush I’m looking at results. 

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Just now, LaBamba said:

There are very few cities that are red. Even in red states. 

yeah, just was honing in on placing the problems of crime on a certain political side. 


i'd rather walk by junkies in a city than experience violence and murder in a rural area of a red state. But thats just me

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3 minutes ago, bishopshodan said:

I ran the only liquor store on the east side for a decade.


Some of the nicest people you will meet live down there and some of the worse. Then again, a few of the dudes I worked with in my companies head office were down right psychopaths, only cared about money and didn't care who they hurt in their way. Cruel ass people. So, every demographic has your some evil . 


Your paint brush is too wide and simple

truly, the worst people I've known in my life have been high level hockey players from "good" wealthy, elite families. Truly despicable people

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1 minute ago, LaBamba said:

And you don’t? I’m not painting a brush I’m looking at results. 


Well i guess my brush is even bigger isn't it?


I painted all demographics of people having some real evil.

As my point about big corps. Evil ass dudes excel in those environments. 



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5 minutes ago, stawns said:

truly, the worst people I've known in my life have been high level hockey players from "good" wealthy, elite families. Truly despicable people

I played with several. By far the worst people I knew growing up and I had friends that went on to become stone cold gangsters. 

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7 minutes ago, stawns said:

I deal with more children in a day than you will in your entire life.  I guarantee you the meanest, most heartless kids come from this kind of home.

How do you know how I execute? Stop. I hold them accountable when they F up and reward them when they excel. They’re 11 and 15. We all take turns cleaning and making dinner. The 15 year old has a job. The 11 year old does chores. I’m in Texas for 2 weeks and I’m home for 2 weeks. They can’t wait for me to come home. I give them stability. Their mom lets them do whatever they want. Explain that? Kids love structure. Responsibility builds their confidence. My job isn’t to coddle them, it’s to prepare them for being on their own. Kids today are coddled. When they grow up they don’t know how to handle the real world. 

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1 minute ago, LaBamba said:

How do you know how I execute? Stop. I hold them accountable when they F up and reward them when they excel. They’re 11 and 15. We all take turns cleaning and making dinner. The 15 year old has a job. The 11 year old does chores. I’m in Texas for 2 weeks and I’m home for 2 weeks. They can’t wait for me to come home. I give them stability. Their mom lets them do whatever they want. Explain that? Kids love structure. Responsibility builds their confidence. My job isn’t to coddle them, it’s to prepare them for being on their own. Kids today are coddled. When they grow up they don’t know how to handle the real world. 

jusy sayin........it's me and my colleagues that deal with the mess of that kind of "structure"

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