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smithers joe

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2 hours ago, gwarrior said:

Then I'm going to start trying to develop my own rub.


When I was competing, I met a guy that had once created his own bbq sauce based on his familly recipe from Japan.


It made him a millionaire, many times over. His house was one of the coolest homes Ive seen. He had a private dojo...the floor would retract to expose an indoor pool underneath.

Edited by bishopshodan
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19 minutes ago, Optimist Prime said:

This is kind of silly, kind of on brand maybe, but I am passionate about progressive politics. I do work for free to advance the interests of the people around me. Seniors, First Nations, the disabled. I think we are a rich nation by global standards and we can do more for the worst off amongst us. I would like to see every senior lifted out of poverty: for our elders are those who built what now take for granted in the first place. First Nations folks living poor is disgusting considering all we have is at their original expense. 
The Disabled poor are not only suffering at no fault of their own, but have no way to change that outcome for themselves either. We absolutely need to raise those who suffer from disabilities above the 'poverty line' at the very least. 

If we tackle those three cohorts, we will have largely eradicated poverty in Canada. 

If I had to say I was passionate about anything it is certainly the politics that keep the Right at bay. Greedy self centered "i got mine" crowd are going to be just fine, they don't need anyone's help and they detest giving help to anyone, so I focus on the progressives and give of my time, money and expertise to effect what change I can. 

It isn't that I am noble: it is largely the selfish gene at play: I will be a senior one day, i do have disabilities, and so many people close to my heart are living on reserve or off reserve in relatively poor conditions. If my tribe is well off, I am by association doing okay. So lets protect the most vulnerable among our society and thereby elevate our society to epic levels. 

wow, powerful. i once wrote a short story called a race for tomorrow. it was about my metis ancestors.

so many metis scattered and were afraid to identify with the native side of our families. afraid of the consequences after louie riel's  hanging as a traitor.

metis people were being traded badly and even murdered. we need people like you to stand up for native or other marginal members of society. cudos



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9 minutes ago, smithers joe said:

wow, powerful. i once wrote a short story called a race for tomorrow. it was about my metis ancestors.

so many metis scattered and were afraid to identify with the native side of our families. afraid of the consequences after louie riel's  hanging as a traitor.

metis people were being traded badly and even murdered. we need people like you to stand up for native or other marginal members of society. cudos



That last bit is it, for me. Marginalized: fringe. IN nature and pretty much all of reality, those closest to the fringes of any ecosystem or social unit are the 'pawns' that are sacrificed first. In Gazelles is it the sick, lame and old, in business it is the corporations that fail to respond to market trends, in Canada it is literally the elderly, the frail and the downtroden. Addictions too but that feels to me to be a whole other kettle of fish that I can't speak to well enough to make a difference. I lean a bit right on addicted homeless: I think we could outlaw being a drug addicted homeless person and 'punish' it by forced confinement in a rehab center..but that costs a LOT of dough and human rights may be played to the supreme court to outlaw it, it is not my area of expertise but i am for harsh forced conditions to rehabilitate homeless junkies. That takes the shine off my earlier statements, i know, but more freedom to ruin neighbourhoods is not working for homeless addicts. Just a side rant of mine. 

Addressing poverty in general will reduce the homeless addicts cohort over time, but so is the rise of overdosing I guess. 

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6 minutes ago, Optimist Prime said:

That last bit is it, for me. Marginalized: fringe. IN nature and pretty much all of reality, those closest to the fringes of any ecosystem or social unit are the 'pawns' that are sacrificed first. In Gazelles is it the sick, lame and old, in business it is the corporations that fail to respond to market trends, in Canada it is literally the elderly, the frail and the downtroden. Addictions too but that feels to me to be a whole other kettle of fish that I can't speak to well enough to make a difference. I lean a bit right on addicted homeless: I think we could outlaw being a drug addicted homeless person and 'punish' it by forced confinement in a rehab center..but that costs a LOT of dough and human rights may be played to the supreme court to outlaw it, it is not my area of expertise but i am for harsh forced conditions to rehabilitate homeless junkies. That takes the shine off my earlier statements, i know, but more freedom to ruin neighbourhoods is not working for homeless addicts. Just a side rant of mine. 

Addressing poverty in general will reduce the homeless addicts cohort over time, but so is the rise of overdosing I guess. 

did you watch the movie, things we lost in the fire? touched me a lot, the same as the breakfast club when i worked with young offenders. about people caring.

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19 minutes ago, smithers joe said:

did you watch the movie, things we lost in the fire? touched me a lot, the same as the breakfast club when i worked with young offenders. about people caring.

Heard of it, never watched Things We Lost in the Fire. Breakfast club is a classic, i can't count how often I have seen it. 

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3 hours ago, smithers joe said:

i agree, i think everything we do is for selfish reasons. i'm sure mine was but it helps make us who we are. good or bad. thanks for sharing.


Yes sir, and thank you for starting the conversation.

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2 hours ago, -dlc- said:

In line with this topic, are there any things that are on your bucket list? Potential/developing "passions"?


I really want to do some kind of rowing and that's one of my "to do's" when my job winds down.


I also miss water skiing and want to find a way to get back out there on the water.


I plan on learning to crochet (and make something for my kids). Old lady stuff.


I'm getting into gardening and want to learn more.


I'm writing a children's poetry book (think Shel Silverstein) or songs (Charlotte Diamond?)...we'll see what develops there. I've always had a natural talent to freestyle rhyme without much effort and so am putting stuff together. I road rage in rhyme...it feels a bit kinder than all out rage. Helps me vent.


Something like (just random off the top of my head, how I do it):


Move to the right

You're such an ass

Can't you see we're

Trying to pass?

But there you are 

Just blocking the lane

Filing your nails and

feeling no shame

Oblivious, brainless?

Don't you know

To move to the right

When you're going so slow.



I'd be singing something like this rather than just getting totally steamed. Helps me to manage my anger if I sing it. It's so silly.


Maybe I'll make a road rage album.


i have always wanted a base guitar and amp/headphones. The base is the first and best thing i hear in any music and some of the greats have me wishing I could do what they do. My only musical training was a year of piano and two years of percussion in junior high.

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