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stupid and dangerous.

smithers joe

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I did some stuff a long while ago. Looking back, I'm very lucky that I didn't OD. I would've been embarrassed even in death if my parents found out. I did grow from it, so the experiences were not in vain. I won't judge someone wishing to do something I did, but I also wish for them to learn what they're putting into their systems. Moreover, life is extremely precious and my experiences have confirmed that for me. This attitude has carried over to my other aspects of life, so I'm also not reckless when I drive and I'm not uncontrollably angry anymore if some idiot drives like a maniac.

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When I was a kid there was nothing I wouldn't climb. Trees, up onto rooftops, tightrope walking on top of chain link fences. Those were precarious enough, but the dumbest thing I ever did was when they were building Swangard Stadium in Burnaby. The back of the roof structure is supported by massive cement girders that rise at a 45 degree angle and are topped with a square block of concrete that has four massive bolts and nuts to anchor the steel girders. The bolts are probably 15 metres off the ground. So I climbed up to the top, then, like an idiot, stood on top of the bolts. Even thinking about it now makes my stomach flip.

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2 hours ago, Ilunga said:

I am not ashamed of anything


Me niether.


I said 'not much I can share' 


I regret nothing. Everything I have ever done, every moment, had to be that way to create the reality I have now. 

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I was vacationing in Utah with my family.  We were hiking in an area in canyon lands park with a massive Boulder called the whale(or something like that)  my sons hat flew off in the wind and landed on the side of Boulder.  Rather than abandon it I crab walked on the Boulder and managed to recover the hat.  It was probably 75 feet down had I slid down the Boulder.  I'm still here.

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3 hours ago, bishopshodan said:


Me niether.


I said 'not much I can share' 


I regret nothing. Everything I have ever done, every moment, had to be that way to create the reality I have now. 


Exactly my friend.


We all make mistakes, it's what we do afterwards that defines us.

Also how we deal with the hard times in our lives. 


But you know what brother, at the end of the day, our lives, it's not what we've done, it's what we've been.

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8 hours ago, Curmudgeon said:

When I was a kid there was nothing I wouldn't climb. Trees, up onto rooftops, tightrope walking on top of chain link fences. Those were precarious enough, but the dumbest thing I ever did was when they were building Swangard Stadium in Burnaby. The back of the roof structure is supported by massive cement girders that rise at a 45 degree angle and are topped with a square block of concrete that has four massive bolts and nuts to anchor the steel girders. The bolts are probably 15 metres off the ground. So I climbed up to the top, then, like an idiot, stood on top of the bolts. Even thinking about it now makes my stomach flip.

carleton school boys could do a lot of crazy things.

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One of the dumber things I've done was use the saw at work while my mind was clearly not on task, I had found out a couple days earlier that my cousin had passed, and I don't really remember that day at work. It was all a blur. How I didn't lose a finger or worse is beyond me.

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21 hours ago, 112 said:

Another thing: I hitchhiked to Montreal back in 2018. It was fun. 🙂

You’re lucky you didn’t get chopped into a hundred pieces by a deranged lunatic. Thankfully you’re alive to tell about it. 

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2 hours ago, Snoop Hogg said:

You’re lucky you didn’t get chopped into a hundred pieces by a deranged lunatic. Thankfully you’re alive to tell about it. 

Little do they know: I was the deranged lunatic...

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