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Why Can't Liberals and Conseravtives Just Sit Down and Talk?

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8 minutes ago, D.B Cooper said:

Word on the street is she is a pretty great shop teacher though


Really? not for safety. 

I just googled a pic of her at a machine...no safety glasses, hair hanging over the saw...


Not a good teacher imo

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3 minutes ago, Bob Long said:


That's what I said, it was about a persons rights, not the individual.


Social media took it and extremists on both sides got clicks.

There we go.   
Thanks homie.  
My whole point of this ridiculous shit was an example of the left going further left.   
Yes it’s social media making the noise, but you’d be hard pressed to find many right wingers supporting this lady.  

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Just now, D.B Cooper said:

There we go.   
Thanks homie.  
My whole point of this ridiculous shit was an example of the left going further left.   
Yes it’s social media making the noise, but you’d be hard pressed to find many right wingers supporting this lady.  


Sure but I can raise you some other extreme right nutter. And who cares these people are assholes.


Social media is a cancer in our society now, but its like cigarettes. We know it's bad for us but we do it anyway.

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1 minute ago, Bob Long said:


Sure but I can raise you some other extreme right nutter. And who cares these people are assholes.


Social media is a cancer in our society now, but its like cigarettes. We know it's bad for us but we do it anyway.

Right extremes are just a gross as the left.    
One side is full of raging assholes. 
One side is delusional pussies.  
Social media is absolutely the skid mark on the underpants of society. 
The cigarettes analogy is good I think.  
Good thing about that, is we are seeing less and less people smoking.  
Maybe we should start putting a subscription fee/tax on social media, with the proceeds going to mental health programs. 

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10 minutes ago, bishopshodan said:


Really? not for safety. 

I just googled a pic of her at a machine...no safety glasses, hair hanging over the saw...


Not a good teacher imo

I think she is a fucking mess of a human. 
It wasn’t coming from me, it was coming from the school board. 

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8 minutes ago, Bob Long said:

Social media is a cancer in our society now, but its like cigarettes. We know it's bad for us but we do it anyway.


Perhaps one of the best things I have done for myself is stick to just this site for social media.

I am soo happy I have never done FB, Insta, Twit, etc...


I literally mean ' soo happy' . I dont have the stress that I see many other folks have. My 79 yr old mum even. She'll often say 'did you see that thing?' with worry on her face. But most all my acquaintances do some form of it...did you see this, did you see that, are you concerned, this is bullshit, that is stupid..


Very few empowering or good stories.


If its a big deal, i'll hear about it. The rest is noise and I dont care enough. 

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The whole purpose of a multi-party system is that people have different ideas on what the government should do.  If parties were able to just sit down and talk, that would theoretically defeat the whole idea of a multi-party system. It kind of would defeat what democracy is all about.


That being said, parties will sometimes sort things out in the advent that it turns a minority government into a majority government (ie. the Liberals and the NDP). This in itself could even be deemed as controversial depending on how you look at it.

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8 minutes ago, Gurn said:

Too funny

Wish people could pick a lane

Free speech- nah let's tax, or control speech for the damage it does

next day/same day

don't limit my free speech.




This isn’t limiting free speech.  
It’s taxing or charging for the use of an app.   
Governments shouldn’t have a say in the stupid things that come out of our mouths. 

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38 minutes ago, D.B Cooper said:

This isn’t limiting free speech.  
It’s taxing or charging for the use of an app.   
Governments shouldn’t have a say in the stupid things that come out of our mouths. 


Yep we already have hate speech laws for that.


That's one of the red herrings the right threw out there about the social media law, it doesn't change our charter.


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A big part of the problem is that there is very little interest in actual discussion, most of the time people from both sides are much more interested in trying to piss each other off as much as possible rather than genuine good hearted discussion, let's face it nobody wants too have a conversation with someone who they know or even just suspect is going to be doing it in bad faith. Me personally I would be fine with discussing politics with somebody who I disagree with if I know for a fact they were interested in a genuine good hearted discussion but that is so far from a guarantee these days.

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16 hours ago, stawns said:


I used to vote Green, now I vote NDP.  I understand that the NDP will likely never win government, but I think of the three main leaders, Singh would be the best PM


At best I think Singh is largely "ineffective"... not a huge fan, but yeah compared to PM toxic and run his course, and Timbit Trump... He's probably the best of the three.


1 hour ago, bishopshodan said:


Brings up an interesting thing though...

Why can men be half naked around kids? Why can they show their nipple?


I once considered joining yoga but decided I dont like the group setting. One of the things I hate is the sweaty dudes taking off their shirts. It just seems the wrong environment. I supposed the women could too but they have more respect, maybe or just go with tradition.


I dont want nipples around kids. But that is because I am old and see the female nipple in perticular as sexual due to my upbringing in this culture.

BUT, we have to move towards proper equal rights...


so what do we do?


I've been doing yoga for 15+ years. Don't think I've ever seen a guy take his top off, other than in a change room.

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10 minutes ago, CaribouCanuck said:

A big part of the problem is that there is very little interest in actual discussion, most of the time people from both sides are much more interested in trying to piss each other off as much as possible rather than genuine good hearted discussion, let's face it nobody wants too have a conversation with someone who they know or even just suspect is going to be doing it in bad faith. Me personally I would be fine with discussing politics with somebody who I disagree with if I know for a fact they were interested in a genuine good hearted discussion but that is so far from a guarantee these days.


Most of the time it's developed in to people trying to score points and "gotchas" vs actually discussing thing to come to a consensus.


Not helped with one side being allergic to science. If we can't agree on basic verifiable facts, science, experts etc...





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Just now, aGENT said:

I've been doing yoga for 15+ years. Don't think I've ever seen a guy take his top off, other than in a change room.


Different places I guess.


Checked out a place in Van and it was that way.


A spot in that 'shitty little town' seems like that too. I see dudes walking out in bicycle shorts and thats about it. Its near my gym. For some reason, a lot of them think its ok to wear bath robes afterwards too, guys and gals.


Put some clothes on yogi's!


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Just now, bishopshodan said:


Different places I guess.


Checked out a place in Van and it was that way.


A spot in that 'shitty little town' seems like that too. I see dudes walking out in bicycle shorts and thats about it. Its near my gym. For some reason, a lot of them think its ok to wear bath robes afterwards too, guys and gals.


Put some clothes on yogi's!



Weird. Like I said 15 years... In Richmond, North Van, Ladner,  Nanaimo... Literally never seen it. Feel free to PM me for the location I go to in South Nanaimo 😂

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7 minutes ago, aGENT said:


Weird. Like I said 15 years... In Richmond, North Van, Ladner,  Nanaimo... Literally never seen it. Feel free to PM me for the location I go to in South Nanaimo 😂


Oh I beleive you.

Maybe its changed since I was looking in Van and I am just making assumptions about the dudes I see locally.


It was a thing though...



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25 minutes ago, bishopshodan said:


Oh I beleive you.

Maybe its changed since I was looking in Van and I am just making assumptions about the dudes I see locally.


It was a thing though...




I also don't do hot yoga (risks of over stretching ligaments etc). So I suppose that could be the difference. 

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8 minutes ago, aGENT said:


I also don't do hot yoga (risks of over stretching ligaments etc). So I suppose that could be the difference. 


I did a bit of a google and found a forum discussing the topic. It is a thing, even in non-hot yoga. Some people care, some dont.

I think what is important is that you and I have shown that people wary of group yoga, and those that practice it can in fact have rational 'sit down and talk'.


We're bridging gaps my friend. 

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8 minutes ago, bishopshodan said:


I did a bit of a google and found a forum discussing the topic. It is a thing, even in non-hot yoga. Some people care, some dont.

I think what is important is that you and I have shown that people wary of group yoga, and those that practice it can in fact have rational 'sit down and talk'.


We're bridging gaps my friend. 


Yay us 😂


To be fair, I don't think I'd really care if someone did, I just haven't ever come across it.

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3 hours ago, bishopshodan said:


Brings up an interesting thing though...

Why can men be half naked around kids? Why can they show their nipple?


I once considered joining yoga but decided I dont like the group setting. One of the things I hate is the sweaty dudes taking off their shirts. It just seems the wrong environment. I supposed the women could too but they have more respect, maybe or just go with tradition.


I dont want nipples around kids. But that is because I am old and see the female nipple in perticular as sexual due to my upbringing in this culture.

BUT, we have to move towards proper equal rights...


so what do we do?

Today's Hottest Human Rights Movement—Free The Nipple

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I used to feel exactly the same way as the OP when it comes to the political mess that democracy has found itself in of late. It often feels that we are wasting the potential forward process of our species on antiquated tribalism... and we are. 
However, If you actually look at how the '2 party system' has grown to work in 'fair democratic states' the swing for the right to left general forms an actual balancing of values over time, with more extreme swings counterbalancing each other with conservative ideals tempering the forward motion of liberal ideals breaking new ground too quickly and vice verse. An interesting observation is that it mirrors many natural systems like tidal movement and seasonality etc.
I still believe it's not ideal, but if you look at cases over the last 100 years where extreme left and right have allowed to progress unchecked in a particular direction it almost always ended up in chaos and disaster ( communism, fascism etc ) So care has to be taken when looking to break the status quo of western democracy. 
I feel the biggest problems with the democratic progress in Western countries such as Canada and the US right now are : 
1. Financial waste involved in campaigning - which also allows for dollars to incur future favors from the elected parties. 
2. An overt focus on individual figureheads over key issues and political focus
3. Tribal encampment in ideals without an understanding of the issues that actually need addressing 
4. Post-truth B.S. 
5. Connection of financial promises to political agenda. Financial engineering is an issue of such complexity any wild promise can be made with a sleight of hand of taking anything given back with the other hand. EG Promise to drop tax by 2%... 3 months later raise tariffs on oil and other major utilities or commodities by 5%  - the voter ends up poorer as a result. Sadly a lot of voters will cast their vote specifically on how much better they initially will end up as a result of a change in power - which is fair enough we live in a capitalist society.
The final key problem with political 'centralism' is the mass voting population is too uneducated or sadly just not intelligent enough to be able to vote based on what social issues need addressing and their own preference on a solution or focus on those issues - so it always comes back to a popularity contest off the back of a tidal movement on left vs right political perspective. 
As Dave Mustain once said - 'If there's a new way, I'll be the first in line... but it better work this time' - Peace Sells but Who's Buying 
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RE:  The original posted question.


Todays left is absolutely not innocent of furthering the divide.  They have engaged in some things that rightly have riled folks up.




When the things they have engaged in that have pissed people off the most are basic human rights, equality and not allowing people to hate or discriminate others based on skin colour, religion, sexual orientation or identity there's a problem.


When you are automatically "the enemy" based on who you voted for or your personal beliefs.  You can not have a conversation


When one side promises to legislate you out of existence because of who you are or how you were born you can not have a conversation.


When one side promises to strip away vital programs that keep people alive or from committing suicide because of their other forms of legislation, you can not have a conversation.


Todays right has essentially weaponized partisanship by making anyone who is not a Conservative essentially an enemy.  That is not something you can discuss.  Until the social aspect of todays right is expelled from the party en masse and made persona non grata and the religious social politicking is thrown to the way side there can not be a conversation of any sort.


It's sad really but this is the truth of it all.  It's impossible to talk about something when one side essentially wants to remove you from the board because of what you believe in how you look or who you love.

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