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Why Can't Liberals and Conseravtives Just Sit Down and Talk?

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2 minutes ago, stawns said:

Any actual anti semitic fervour, as far as Jews in general, comes from the far right, not left 


I'm working in my cluttered old garage today and I found a tiki torch.


I'll never look at them the same.

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25 minutes ago, stawns said:


Those are protests against a government actively conducting war crimes against innocent civilians, mainly children.  They are not against the Jewish people.  More people need to speak out about it, not less.


Any actual anti semitic fervour, as far as Jews in general, comes from the far right, not left 


Wrong and wrong, but I'm not going into this with you.

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2 hours ago, RomanPer said:


I can bring you plenty of examples of nazi-like behavior and calls from extreme left as well. There are idiots on both ends of the spectrum. All liberals may not be Antifa but it unfortunately is not a deal breaker for them.

So you've provided two examples half heartedly without really providing an equivalence. How about some examples of liberal leadership promoting policy that support these movements? I'll give you an example from the right. Polliverre has already shown support for the convoy protesters and people opposed to gender affirming care. He has proposed policy in support of these people and their abhorrent behaviour and in doing so he has emboldened the worst of our society. He has offered support to provincial governments like Alberta and Saskatchewan who have enacted archaic policies meant to reverse some of the only protections these children have. In doing so conservatives have essentially made me a single policy voter. There's nothing left to talk about. Any good policy ideas the conservatives might have are rendered moot as I could never knowingly put politics above sound medical advise, or put members of the lgbtq community at risk. 


So I'll ask again, do you have any examples of liberal governments enacting, or even proposing, policies that would put conservative leaning citizens at risk? As far as the anti Israel protests, as you've called them, I have yet to see any liberal government enact or propose policy that would lead me to believe this is a liberal movement. Yes, liberals appear to be much more likely to empathize with the slaughter of innocent Palestinians, but I believe most are also cognizant of the fact that Hamas needs to be wiped from existence. Most of us just hoped that Israel would take a course of action least likely to result in the death of innocent children and Palestinians in general. They haven't. 


Along with this, if it wasn't for the liberals of the world, Russia would have run roughshod over Ukraine and they aren't out of the woods yet. Be careful what you wish for. 



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12 minutes ago, Satchmo said:

I think the concepts of right and left have been put aside for this new fad.

That's just it isn't it. Conservatives often label anything they don't agree with as liberal yet I have yet to see any liberal policy that would lead me to believe they are anti Israel. Weren't these people recently protesting at the DNC? I guess that makes them conservatives now? See how stupid that sounds? 

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3 minutes ago, JoeyJoeJoeJr. Shabadoo said:

That's just it isn't it. Conservatives often label anything they don't agree with as liberal yet I have yet to see any liberal policy that would lead me to believe they are anti Israel. Weren't these people recently protesting at the DNC? I guess that makes them conservatives now? See how stupid that sounds? 

Maybe we should just stop talking to them. 😉

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3 minutes ago, Bob Long said:


Is the stuff said at Columbia a fad, or something much worse?

I'm not sure what was said at Columbia. 'Fad' was just a flippant figure of speech.  I might have said bandwagon. Or trend.  Whatever is grabbing the attention of all these students, I don't think it is necessarily a right or left thing (which was my original point).

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Just now, Satchmo said:

I'm not sure what was said at Columbia. 'Fad' was just a flippant figure of speech.  I might have said bandwagon. Or trend.  Whatever is grabbing the attention of all these students, I don't think it is necessarily a right or left thing (which was my original point).


That's probably true, it'll be something else this fall. 

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4 hours ago, RomanPer said:


I can bring you plenty of examples of nazi-like behavior and calls from extreme left as well. There are idiots on both ends of the spectrum. All liberals may not be Antifa but it unfortunately is not a deal breaker for them.


There are indeed idiots on both ends of the spectrum. Thing is, I don't see centre-left voters condoning or dismissing the actions of extreme left wing idiots. We think they're idiots too. Same with politicians. I don't see any (at least serious) politicians condoning or outright courting lefty idiots like I see happening on the right.


We're not inviting them to our parties. The right is. Just because both sides have them, doesn't mean you get to waive this away as an equivalency. 

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1 minute ago, Bob Long said:


I think you can figure that out on your own.


You made a one word comment, when I pressed you to elaborate you posted a link with no comment, when I ask you to elaborate, again, you deflect.  


You made the judgement, so I ask again, what's extreme about it?

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23 minutes ago, aGENT said:


There are indeed idiots on both ends of the spectrum. Thing is, I don't see centre-left voters condoning or dismissing the actions of extreme left wing idiots. We think they're idiots too. Same with politicians. I don't see any (at least serious) politicians condoning or outright courting lefty idiots like I see happening on the right.


We're not inviting them to our parties. The right is. Just because both sides have them, doesn't mean you get to waive this away as an equivalency. 


I consider myself conservative (primarily from the economic point of view). And I condemn the idiots on the far right. There are plenty of leaders of Republican party in the US who are openly against MAGA. And there are members of congress from the extreme left who call for genocide against Jews ("from the river to the sea" crowd).


I wish we had someone more to the center than Poilievre in Canada, but unfortunately we don't.


Again, the whole point of this discussion was "why 2 sides don't sit down and talk about their differences" and my response was that at present time both sides think that the other side is fully to blame. Somehow it got into "but it's impossible to sit with MAGA", which seems to be proving my point.


When you say "the right is" - don't you think that you are painting the entire right with one brush? And if you can, why can't I paint the entire left with one brush?

Edited by RomanPer
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2 minutes ago, RomanPer said:


I consider myself conservative (primarily from the economic point of view). And I condemn the idiots on the far right. There are plenty of leaders of Republican party in the US who are openly against MAGA. And there are members of congress from the extreme left who call for genocide against Jews ("from the river to the sea" crowd).


I wish we had someone more to the center than Poilievre in Canada, but unfortunately we don't.


Again, the whole point of this discussion was "why 2 sides don't sit down and talk about their differences" and my response was that at present time both sides think that the other side is fully to blame. Somehow it got into "but it's impossible to sit with MAGA", which seems to be proving my point.


When you say "the right is" - don't you think that you are painting the entire right with one brush? And if you can, why can't I paint the entire left with one brush?

Whose that now? You mean all the ones who lost their jobs or retired because of it? The ones openly endorsing Kamala? 

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2 minutes ago, JoeyJoeJoeJr. Shabadoo said:

Whose that now? You mean all the ones who lost their jobs or retired because of it? The ones openly endorsing Kamala? 


Bill Cassidy, Matt Romney, several others. Not many but they do exist. I do expect that the whole MAGA bs will lead to split of the republican party eventually.

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1 minute ago, Satchmo said:

Which ones?  What did they say?


Rashida Tlaib, Ilhan Omar, AOC - all voted against resolution to condemn the "From the river to the sea" slogan. Tlaib proudly displays it on her X account, with some bs about that slogan not being for death but for coexistence, completely ignoring the true meaning that is being put into this slogan by the masses on the ground.

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