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Hamas attacking Israel


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On 1/20/2024 at 12:56 AM, Ilunga said:


Take a look at your promised land 

Your deed is that gun in your hand 

Mt.Zions a minefield


The west bank 

The Gaza strip 

The west bank

The Gaza strip 


Soon to be parking lots for American tourists

And fascist cops, yeah 


Some good Winnipeg boys 


@Optimist Prime 


Check out that song 


Haillie Selassie up your Ass


I think it's right up your alley 


They actually played it the last time I saw them after not playing it live for YEARS. 


Since this is a hockey board... 


Edited by Gnarcore
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8 hours ago, Taxi said:

The fact you are basing your opinion on totally fabricated history and then claiming to be some rational party is just straight up baffling. Didn't you also claim to be the master of discerning which sources should be trusted and not? 



Admitting that the Palestinians are not descended from Philistines should change your view on the matter, but I'm guessing it doesn't. You've just exposed yourself as totally biased.


You can't just admit you were wrong can you. 


Your claim 

 " Are these the mental gymnastics you create for yourself to all ignore all the evidence that shows that the Jews have history in In Israel "


In those 2 posts alone I provided information that Jews have a history in Israel dating back to 957 BC when Solomon built the first temple.

That's me illustrating that the Jews have a 3000 year connection.


You are the person who is clearly losing all credibility.


Just man up and admit you were wrong. 

I did.


Why should any of this change my view that is shared by many Isrealis, themselves as well as many people from around the world, that currently the Isrealis are practicing a form of oppression on the Palestinian people ?

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8 hours ago, Taxi said:

What's the point of this. So what if the Jews asked the Nazis to free the Jews and move them Israel? That seems like a reasonable attempt 


You do realize that the Jews fought with Britain. Look up the Jewish brigade. Meanwhile, the Arabs didn't just try to make a deal with the Nazis:






So instead of helping their people in Europe that where getting slaughtered by the Nazi's in what is considered one of, if not the worst mass murders in history, the the Lehi actually worked with the Nazis ?

I wonder what their fellow Jews who fought and died in the Warsaw ghetto would have thought about that.


You condone anyone working with the Nazis, the most evil regime this world has seen ?

This speaks volumes about you.


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9 hours ago, Taxi said:

What's the point of this. So what if the Jews asked the Nazis to free the Jews and move them Israel? That seems like a reasonable attempt 


You do realize that the Jews fought with Britain. Look up the Jewish brigade. Meanwhile, the Arabs didn't just try to make a deal with the Nazis:






Is this the same official " record " that Netanyahu used to make the false claim that the Grand Mufti suggested the idea of the Holocaust to Hitler. 

The claim that has been rejected by most historians.




Despite this I condemn the Grand Mufti for speaking with Hitler.

There is no excuse for any rational person to want to ally themselves with the worst/ most evil regime in history.

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Why have I continually posted articles and videos about Israelis and Palestinians working together for peace.


Here is one I posted if you don't remember




Here is a new video




Everyone who has been posting in this thread since the beginning know what my biases are.


I continually state them.


That the Isrealis and Palestinians should work together for peace.

That both the Palestinians and Israelis have the right to live in a free and just societies.

They both have the right to self determination. 



I have continually stated that my thoughts are with the families of the victims on both sides of this conflict.



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Guess who is now using the phrase

" From the river to the sea "




Is, he Netanyahu using term in the genocidal sense, that some people claim the Palestinians are when using the same phrase " 


Or what about the Likuds party platform since 1977 


" From the sea to the Jordan (river) there will be only Isreali sovereignty " 





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6 minutes ago, Canuck Surfer said:


What's really sad is that the IDF soldier in the first hand video is heard screaming for a morphine pill, as thousands of Palestinian children are being amputated due to IDF bombs and these children have no morphine - nothing to help their incredible pain. Do we not hear their innocent screams?


Reminds me of that Palestinian girl from Jenin that said "They (IDF) are cowards, their bombs fall on us like water". 


At least those soldiers were on the ground and targetting their enemy - I'll give them that. But it hardly paints the full picture of how the IDF is operating in this war as they rely heavily on the Air campaigns (strikes).



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2 minutes ago, Super19 said:

What's really sad is that the IDF soldier in the first hand video is heard screaming for a morphine pill, as thousands of Palestinian children are being amputated due to IDF bombs and these children have no morphine - nothing to help their incredible pain. Do we not hear their innocent screams?


Reminds me of that Palestinian girl from Jenin that said "They (IDF) are cowards, their bombs fall on us like water". 


At least those soldiers were on the ground and targetting their enemy - I'll give them that. But it hardly paints the full picture of how the IDF is operating in this war as they rely heavily on the Air campaigns (strikes).



Hamas surrenders and then the war stops. The war and suffering is on Hamas. 

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4 hours ago - 31°20′N 34°18′E

Fierce battles are taking place as the IDF launches a new large offensive on the western Khan Younis area in the southern Gaza Strip. Four brigades, led by the 98th Division, are involved in the offensive, which began yesterday with a series of airstrikes on Hamas sites in the area

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3 hours ago, Super19 said:

Hamas surrenders how? That's a tough question to answer isn't it? 

Reach out to the IDF that they will accept to meet at an agreed upon location with the remaining Israeli hostages in exchange for ceasfire and lesser crimes for those that surrender. Help Israel find and identify those members unwilling.


Then we can focus on rebuilding Gaza by having a respected 3rd party to govern and use peace keepers for security until a governmental party is developed that respects Israels right to exist.


Or atleast give up spending all of their aid money on Jihad. Refocus on the economic benefit of religious tourism (3.8 billion people follow an abrahamic religion) and establishing their boarders in exchange.


Until then, we just keep the circle of conflict spinning. The fat cats of Hamas continue the conflict to pocket more aid money while living in luxury in Qatar. While Israel takes more land as a buffer zone to protect themselves from martyrdom.All while the regular Palestinians people suffer and get squeezed by both sides.

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6 hours ago, Optimist Prime said:

It is easy to surrender. You just have to stop supporting jihad and violence against Israel and turn yourself in. Qatar is an easy intermediary for this for those jihadi's inside gaza.


It's easy to stop stealing land from the Palestinians and give the land stolen from them back.


Just do it. 


Don't you believe that this would allievate the fears of many Palestinians and erode their support of Hamas ? 

If they saw the Israelis taking positive action in regards to their being able to form a viable Palestinian state ?

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On 1/22/2024 at 7:11 AM, Bob Long said:


So thats the thing about history, you can't go back and change it no matter how many people chant about colonialism. It's also always open to interpretation. I'm sure there are many Gazan people who love the idea of owning all of Israel. Or vice versa. But so much of it is just useless distraction imo. People today fighting and killing each other over things that happened before they were born is dumb.


What can we do right now to improve things? Who, today, is causing the most harm? To me it's clearly the Iranian leadership who are intent on keeping the hate going all over the ME.


So it's got nothing to do with the Saudis that are involved in all these proxy wars with Iran across the middle east.





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Why not a single state with yes the Israelites in control. However it needs to be a democratic state with freedom of religion and speech. In other words a state that all can live in peace and can evolve peacefully. 

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59 minutes ago, Spur1 said:

Why not a single state with yes the Israelites in control. However it needs to be a democratic state with freedom of religion and speech. In other words a state that all can live in peace and can evolve peacefully. 


I suggested a one state solution way back in this thread.

Palesrael , Irastine. 

The governance would have to be shared. 

As I have consistently posted in this thread, there are Isreali and Palestinians that want to work together for peace.

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20 hours ago, Super19 said:

What's really sad is that the IDF soldier in the first hand video is heard screaming for a morphine pill, as thousands of Palestinian children are being amputated due to IDF bombs and these children have no morphine - nothing to help their incredible pain. Do we not hear their innocent screams?


Reminds me of that Palestinian girl from Jenin that said "They (IDF) are cowards, their bombs fall on us like water". 


At least those soldiers were on the ground and targetting their enemy - I'll give them that. But it hardly paints the full picture of how the IDF is operating in this war as they rely heavily on the Air campaigns (strikes).




I don't begrudge your point.  Its terrible seeing people suffer, morphine also saves lives simply by the amount of trauma it subdues. 


This stat line in Ukraine though is not just false, its farcical. There are over 25,000 unmarked graves North of Mariupol. Like in Gaza, where 85% of all apartment buildings and homes were levelled. Reportedly 10 to 30 average, sometimes 50 who were hiding for shelter under each collapsed apartment building. In some cases 100. So many dead the stench of rotting corpses to be smelled 20 & 30 km's away as Spring became summer in 2022. Yet Katchanvoski in that tweet says only 2224 have been killed by Russia & separatists.


What a track record of preserving human life?  🤮


I do not think you should be trusting Russian Twitter accounts to update the UN. I also remind you Hamas deliberately invited invasion.  This is a war they wanted.

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14 hours ago, Ilunga said:


It's easy to stop stealing land from the Palestinians and give the land stolen from them back.


Just do it. 


Don't you believe that this would allievate the fears of many Palestinians and erode their support of Hamas ? 

If they saw the Israelis taking positive action in regards to their being able to form a viable Palestinian state ?


No, I don't. Percentage of Palestinian population who don't want Jews there at all is much higher than the small number of people that are trying to work for peace. And before you send me a link to some warmongering, Palestinians-hating Israelis - Israel had 5 elections in the last several year, for one simple reason - there's a divide in Israeli society on the topic of how to co-exist with the Palestinians and neither side can claim unanimous victory. The Knesset is constantly split almost in half. The true "hawks" are actually a smaller group, it just so happened that after the last election they became part of the coalition.

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8 hours ago, Spur1 said:

Why not a single state with yes the Israelites in control. However it needs to be a democratic state with freedom of religion and speech. In other words a state that all can live in peace and can evolve peacefully. 


Interesting that @Ilunga liked this post. You don't have to dig deep to find out that this is exactly what the large portion of the right wing in Israel wants 🙂 

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8 hours ago, Spur1 said:

Why not a single state with yes the Israelites in control. However it needs to be a democratic state with freedom of religion and speech. In other words a state that all can live in peace and can evolve peacefully. 


Iran's current leadership would never allow it. 

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Israel lost 24 soldiers, they were prepping a building for a demolition when Hamas struck with RPG’s.

Not sure why you would cram 20 soldiers inside a building full of explosives.

Reminds me of Ukraine holding award ceremony recently very close to Russian troops, which also resulted in large loss of troops when they struck by artillery fire.


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