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Hamas attacking Israel


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Just in the last hour:


Israeli army Navy: we destroyed at least 2 boats with dozens of militants that were masking as “fishing boats” near Zikim beach ,a group of divers-militants was killed and another group that attempted to damage the border fence with a tractor was killed as well


High tension between ISF and Hezbollah operatives at Northern Israel borders/ Blue Line. ISF opened gunfire at a group of Hezbollah operatives riding motorcycles and approached the Technical Fence; No injuries reported

Israeli aviation launches a series of new air strikes on the Gaza Strip


Sderot: Gunfight in the last hour near the police station - large forces are pouring into the area

Airplanes target agricultural land behind the Jabalia refugee camp market in the northern Gaza Strip

Palestinians at an apparently deserted Israeli army base near the border with Gaza earlier today- seemingly a Namer heavy APC (Seems to have Trophy fitted) and a Merkava Mk. 4 tank left behind

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8 hours ago, Sabrefan1 said:

Now, they're driving through Sderot and gunning down civilians on the street and in their homes. 


I'd post the video and pictures, but they're very graphic and some people here would definitely complain.

I saw those videos, the same Russians are doing in Ukraine- killing civilians on roads, in cars, absolutely no difference .

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United Nations Special Coordinator for the Middle East Peace Process: I vehemently condemn the multi-front assault against Israeli towns & cities near Gaza, & barrage of rockets reaching across central Israel by Hamas militants. These are heinous attacks targeting civilians & must stop immediately

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2 hours ago, RomanPer said:


“If Palestinians put down their weapons - there will be peace. If Israelis put down their weapons - there will be no Israel” Golda Meir. Look at who is cheering on these attacks - Iran, Russia. What more do you need to know on who is on the right side of history here?


My nephew was just called up in Israel, my sister is constantly crying. I hope he kills as many these bastards as he can.

Just talked to my friend in Haifa

His two sons are called up

I don’t think it is a coincidence that this war started on huilo’s birthday

It is Hamas gift to him

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1 minute ago, Optimist Prime said:

My initial feeling is that Hamas just orchestrated not only murder and mayhem against israeli forces, but citizens and farmers and civilians as well, and the end result will be that hundreds or thousands of Palestinians will die, their infrastructure pounded into rubble and for what? So Hamas can point to how oppressed they are and how mean Israel is for firing defensive rockets at the appartment rooftops that Hamas uses as their rocket launching pads. 


it is disgusting for these terrorists to have no regard for their own people let alone the civilians on the other side. I am not talking about the politicis leading to this day, I am specifically talking about todays Hamas led war strikes on Israel. No chance of winning, just death and dismemberment and jail for the survivors to score international sympathy points. 

I think a question to ask is who funds Hamas and why are they acting now? Clearly it is Iran who funds Hamas and influences their actions. The current peace talks between Israel and Saudi Arabia are probably giving Tehran the shakes. Tehran has just spent over a year stamping out political opponents in Iran. Their grasp on power is on the ebb. As a weapons supplier to Russia they probably realize that Israel and Saudi Arabia might hit them hard. Their options to prevent this are limited. Utilizing Hamas and the Palestinians has always been a convenient option. 

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just an 'around the world' bits from various nations/people on a CNN timeline scroll:


Here's what's being said in the Middle East:

Egypt: Often the mediator between the two sides, Egypt is already trying to find a way to stop the bloodshed. Foreign Minister Sameh Shoukry said he is in “intensive” communication with peers and international officials to "halt the ongoing escalation," the ministry said in a statement.

Turkey: Speaking at a political conference, Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan said his country calls on "the parties to act with restraint in light of the events in Israel this morning and to stay away from impulsive steps that will escalate tension."

Saudi Arabia: The Kingdom said it is closely following the “unprecedented” situation and called on “both sides to immediately stop the escalation. The Saudi Foreign Miinstry said in a statement that it is repeating its "previous repetitive warnings of the dangers of the situation blowing up as a result of the continuing occupation and depriving the Palestinian people of their legitimate rights."

Iran: An adviser to Iran’s Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei expressed support for the Palestinian militant attack on Israelis on Saturday, Iranian state-affiliated ISNA said.

Here's how European Union officials have reacted:

Ursula von der Leyen: The President of the European Commission said on X, previously known as Twitter, that she "unequivocally" condemns the attack. "It is terrorism in its most despicable form. Israel has the right to defend itself against such heinous attacks.” 

Charles Michel: The President of the European Councila also condemned the “indiscriminate attacks launched against Israel and its people this morning inflicting terror and violence against innocent citizens. My thoughts are with all the victims. EU stands in solidarity with Israeli people in this horrific moment.” 

What some European leaders are saying on X:

French President Emmanuel Macron: "I strongly condemn the terrorist attacks which are currently hitting Israel. I express my full solidarity with the victims, and their families and loved ones."

German Chancellor Olaf Scholz: “Shocking news reaches us today from Israel. The rocket fire from Gaza and the escalating violence shock us deeply. Germany condemns these Hamas attacks and stands by Israel.” 

UK Prime Minister Rishi Sunak: “I am shocked by this morning's attacks by Hamas terrorists against Israeli citizens. Israel has an absolute right to defend itself. We're in contact with Israeli authorities, and British nationals in Israel should follow travel advice.” 

Dutch Prime Minister Mark Rutte: “Appalling images from Israel. Terror organisation Hamas is waging an unprecedented attack on Israel. Innocent civilians are being attacked by terrorists. This violence must stop; Israel has every right to defend itself.”

Russia and Ukraine weigh in:

Both sides in the Ukraine war have also commented.

Russia’s deputy foreign minister and Middle East envoy Mikhail Bogdanov told RIA Novosti on Saturday that Russia is in contact with Israeli and and Palestinian officials and calls on both sides for an immediate ceasefire. 

Ukraine’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs said in a statement that Ukraine “strongly condemns the ongoing terrorist attacks against Israel, including rocket attacks against the civilian population in Jerusalem and Tel Aviv.” 

“We express our support for Israel in its right to defend itself and its people,” it added. 


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I mean who didn't think there would be retaliation?  I don't condone the killing of civilians, but it's been less than just over a year since Israel started forceably started removing Palestinians from their homes 

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comparisons to Russia seem bizarre. One is a global power or used to be I guess. The other is a ragtag group trying to defend the land that was stolen from them built on and occupied. All these innocent people being massacred is heartbreaking, but the ones who can solve this problem are the Israelis.

Edited by Ryan Strome
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24 minutes ago, Scottish Canuck 2.0 said:

Look at what Israel has done and continues to do. It isn’t a stretch to call it an apartheid regime and the illegal, expansionist settler policy should have been more widely criticised by the international community a long time ago.


That in now way justifies what Hamas did this morning, but there is no right side of history in this situation.

Of course It's not a stretch because it's completely factual.

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Statement from President Joe Biden Condemning Terrorist Attacks in Israel


This morning, I spoke with Prime Minister Netanyahu about the horrific and ongoing attacks in Israel.  The United States unequivocally condemns this appalling assault against Israel by Hamas terrorists from Gaza, and I made clear to Prime Minister Netanyahu that we stand ready to offer all appropriate means of support to the Government and people of Israel. Terrorism is never justified. Israel has a right to defend itself and its people. The United States warns against any other party hostile to Israel seeking advantage in this situation.  My Administration’s support for Israel’s security is rock solid and unwavering.
Jill and I are keeping in our prayers all of the families who have been hurt by this violence. We are heartbroken by the lives that have been tragically cut short and hope for a swift recovery for all those who have been wounded.
My team and I are tracking this situation closely, and I will remain in close touch with Prime Minister Netanyahu.

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7 hours ago, RomanPer said:


“If Palestinians put down their weapons - there will be peace. If Israelis put down their weapons - there will be no Israel” Golda Meir. Look at who is cheering on these attacks - Iran, Russia. What more do you need to know on who is on the right side of history here?



This was bound to happen. Thousands upon thousands of innocent Palestinians have been dying at the hands of Israel illegal occupation. This is the reality of war over there. 

Stop the occupation of Palestine.


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My heart goes out to all those blue jeans and tshirt wearing guys and some women who ran through the fence into Israeli territory outside gaza screaming Allah Akbar, 'god is great' while picking up bricks and rocks to attack the modern army of the IDF with. They are being misled and abused and 'martyred' for a leadership group whose only existence, by their own admission is the total and complete destruction of Israel. 


My heart bleeds for the willing idiots who are now dying or maimed for that jihadi cult. 

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23 minutes ago, Odd. said:

This was bound to happen. Thousands upon thousands of innocent Palestinians have been dying at the hands of Israel illegal occupation. This is the reality of war over there. 

Stop the occupation of Palestine.


Both sides have zealots and the war won't end until one side is dead. Simple.

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1 hour ago, Odd. said:

This was bound to happen. Thousands upon thousands of innocent Palestinians have been dying at the hands of Israel illegal occupation. This is the reality of war over there. 

Stop the occupation of Palestine.



The Middle East issues, this a fair issue you suggest, won't be solved probably in our lifetime.


 I support the concept of Israel, also a Palestinian state & freeing occupied territories. A free and fair Lebanon as a home for its people.  


Zealots and warlords head Middle Eastern states. Yazidi & Kurdish peoples are also displaced, slaughtered and manhandled by Turkish, Iraqi & Syrian states.  Have been for centuries.  There is indirect war, but make no mistake war & on a much bigger scale than just erupted here, in many regard larger than Ukraine between Saudi and Iranian backed sides in Yemen. Civil war in Libya, Sudan, etc., etc. Those same warlords fight over Iraq, and in reality Afghanistan, Pakistan.  These same factions would be fighting over these area's, without without Israel and the West.


 Freeing the occupied territories also won't happen while Hamas funded by Iran is launching missiles from these territories. Even if Israel left, which they should. They wont while there are PLO, militant Hezbollah and Hamas, ETC.. Who are only part, even pawns of a bigger problem.

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