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Hamas attacking Israel


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2 hours ago, Alflives said:

It’s clear these protesters have a deep passion for what they believe. Being expelled from school will free them up to go to the region they have this passion for and make a difference. 


the closest these kids will get to Gaza is a falafel wrap at Freshii.


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1 hour ago, Sabrefan1 said:

Child:  That's it, I'm running away from home!!!


Parent:  Ok, I'll be here when you come back home hungry around dinner time.




Columbia Protestors: 



Fuck around. Find Out. 

It’s fine to believe in a righteous cause. 

I think it makes ‘people’ better people. However, if you’re an entitled brat and think the world is going to give you a ‘pass’ then you should have learned a lot of life lessons prior to your current situation. 

Ask Iran to feed you now. 

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7 hours ago, Taxi said:


Firstly, the Palestinians have a state. The Palestinian state is recognized by 2/3 of UN member states as the government of a Palestinian state. The issue is what land the Palestinian state controls.


Palestinians were offered a state on 100% of the Gaza Strip and 95%  (plus land swaps) of the West Bank. They instead voted Hamas into power soon after. Hamas has sworn to totally destroy Israel and stated any deals they make with Israel will be temporary at best while they prepare for Israel's total destruction.


When you have a state, responsibilities also come with that. You can't just act like a terrorist organization and constantly attack your members. Any single attack is an act of war.


Firstly, are you going to acknowledge you were wrong in regards to your claim that Israel did not help to form and fund Hamas' ?


Or are you going to do what you always do, throw some BS out there and not admit you were wrong when it is debunked. 


Isreal does not recognise Palestine as and independent state. Doesn't matter what the rest of the world states, when Isreal occupies the West Bank and East Jerusalem, and blockades Gaza.

Effectively there has never been an independent Palestinian state.

For decades Israel has been working against a two state solution, that is why they helped form Hamas'. 



Aylon, an  ex head of the Shin Bet, who has actually made friends with Palestinians in Isreali jails is advocating for an independent Palestinian state, for the reasons, he, and I, have mentioned in other posts.

rational, logical reasons.



As for your claims about the Palestinians being offered a deal 


Here is an accurate timeline of the various attempts at a peaceful solution




Bottom line 


" The more extreme elements of Israeli and Palestinian society, and their political leaders, have forestalled negotiations at critical moments. "


So it's not only the Palestinians fault. 




Your claims about what neighbours are supposed to do.

Are they supposed to steal your land, and terrorise, kill and injure you ?







These are only a couple of examples from the last month or so.

This has been going on for decades.



Bottom line taxi, none of this justification for the killing of innocent women children.

And causing the condition for starvation/famine, for hundreds of thousands more. 


Also murdering journalists and aid workers.



If this was any other country, civilised countries would be placing sanctions on them.

Just as the Jewish Council of Australia wants us to do.


https://www.jewishcouncil.com.au/media/australia-must-cut-military-ties-sanctions-israel#:~:text=JCA,the escalating violence in Gaza.






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2 hours ago, Sharpshooter said:

Fuck around. Find Out. 

It’s fine to believe in a righteous cause. 

I think it makes ‘people’ better people. However, if you’re an entitled brat and think the world is going to give you a ‘pass’ then you should have learned a lot of life lessons prior to your current situation. 

Ask Iran to feed you now. 


With all this BS about what's happening in Universities in North America, it makes me want to bring up what I saw on the ABC world news last night. 


Do you know Israel has destroyed over 80 percent of the schools in Gaza ?


The report then went on to detail how a teacher is travelling around Gaza running " out door " classes for the children.

When one of the kids was asked why he wants to go back to school, he answers he wants to find out if his friends are still alive. 


Can you imagine if this was your beautiful little girl ? 


Hundreds of thousands of children are starving, they have no access to an education, yet the narrative is about what a few extremists are doing in North American educational institutions. 







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6 hours ago, Sharpshooter said:

Fuck around. Find Out.


After taking care of business at Columbia, the NYPD then went about 15-20 blocks north of Columbia to City College NY and made multiple arrests and cleared that campus out and put the US flag back on the flag pole where students had taken another US flag down and put the Palestinian flag up instead.




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1 hour ago, Sabrefan1 said:


After taking care of business at Columbia, the NYPD then went about 15-20 blocks north of Columbia to City College NY and made multiple arrests and cleared that campus out and put the US flag back on the flag pole where students had taken another US flag down and put the Palestinian flag up instead.





Taking care of " illegal " business ?


The United States, a place where " SWAT teams " " Illegally " ( campus bylaws require that faculty vote to approve of any deployment of NYPD on campus, this vote did not occur )enter places of learning to arrest what are mainly peaceful demonstrations.

Columbia has a history of doing this, in regards to the 700 arrests that were made in 1968 in regards to protest about the Vietnam war.  


The University has since denounced it's decision to do this. 




I wonder this decision will be viewed in the future.


This seems incomprehensible to an Aussie.


Our Universities, at least for now, are stating they support the rights of staff and students to peacefully protest in line with Australian law.






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20 minutes ago, Ilunga said:


Taking care of " illegal " business ?


The United States, a place where " SWAT teams " " Illegally " ( campus bylaws require that faculty vote to approve of any deployment of NYPD on campus, this vote did not occur )enter places of learning to arrest what are mainly peaceful demonstrations.

Columbia has a history of doing this, in regards to the 700 arrests that were made in 1968 in regards to protest about the Vietnam war.  


The University has since denounced it's decision to do this. 




I wonder this decision will be viewed in the future.


This seems incomprehensible to an Aussie.


Our Universities, at least for now, are stating they support the rights of staff and students to peacefully protest in line with Australian law.





The University can make all of the faculty voting rules that they want to.  It does not have the force of law.  Thus it is not as you say, "illegal" for the NYPD to respond to ongoing felony crimes there.  They were likely commanded by the mayor of NYC to do so.


The Columbia protests started out less than peaceful and the damaging of and takeover of the building didn't bode well for the near future.  This needed to be nipped in the bud before it spread and got worse.


The university can denounce it all that they want to.  They've had quite some time to get their campus under control and it only got worse.


Your Universities in Australia likely aren't as chock full of coddled twits as the ones in NYC and other parts of the US. 


The younger people in my generation as well as the older Millennials did a poor job in too many aspects in raising the Gen Z'ers as a whole in the US.  They don't like the idea of facing consequences for their actions now that they are legally adults.  The students in NYC are now learning that lesson the hard way.

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10 hours ago, Sabrefan1 said:

Child:  That's it, I'm running away from home!!!


Parent:  Ok, I'll be here when you come back home hungry around dinner time.




Columbia Protestors: 



From the River to the Sea, please send us some KFC…

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Posted (edited)
1 hour ago, Ilunga said:


Taking care of " illegal " business ?


The United States, a place where " SWAT teams " " Illegally " ( campus bylaws require that faculty vote to approve of any deployment of NYPD on campus, this vote did not occur )enter places of learning to arrest what are mainly peaceful demonstrations.

Columbia has a history of doing this, in regards to the 700 arrests that were made in 1968 in regards to protest about the Vietnam war.  


The University has since denounced it's decision to do this. 




I wonder this decision will be viewed in the future.


This seems incomprehensible to an Aussie.


Our Universities, at least for now, are stating they support the rights of staff and students to peacefully protest in line with Australian law.






Don’t think a peaceful protest involves taking down the flag of the country that is its homeland by another regime?  Doesn’t sound too peaceful to most of us.  Maybe y’all don’t have as much care for your own flag?  For most of us the flag is a sacred thing.. to take it down and fly another is a direct attack on our flag, which represents us as a country.  Next you are gonna tell us they should be catered food and drink for said protest. If thee people want to protest I say fly to Palestine and protest against Hamas, instead of being a speaker for their deranged beliefs. 

do you really feel that a place of learning is the place for protests? Or is it just low hanging fruit?

Edited by Rook
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Posted (edited)
2 hours ago, Sabrefan1 said:



The University can make all of the faculty voting rules that they want to.  It does not have the force of law.  Thus it is not as you say, "illegal" for the NYPD to respond to ongoing felony crimes there.  They were likely commanded by the mayor of NYC to do so.


The Columbia protests started out less than peaceful and the damaging of and takeover of the building didn't bode well for the near future.  This needed to be nipped in the bud before it spread and got worse.


The university can denounce it all that they want to.  They've had quite some time to get their campus under control and it only got worse.


Your Universities in Australia likely aren't as chock full of coddled twits as the ones in NYC and other parts of the US. 


The younger people in my generation as well as the older Millennials did a poor job in too many aspects in raising the Gen Z'ers as a whole in the US.  They don't like the idea of facing consequences for their actions now that they are legally adults.  The students in NYC are now learning that lesson the hard way.


 " Illegally " 

That's why I used quotation marks. 


Why did that article I posted, state mainly peaceful.


We, here in Aus don't have a history of shooting protesting students.

Sending heavily armed police into our educational institutions. 

As I stated, it's incomprehensible to me.


Amazing how one generation blames another.

The generation blame game.


The young generation blames the old generation for problem's.


The older generations bullshit on about how young people just don't have any respect.


I am 60.

Watching people from my " generation " make the same complaints that the generation before us did.

And so on, and so on.






" He said long hairs and skinheads have ruined his game 

Remember the days when we all looked the same 

That fella called Ringo and his mates are to blame

But I guess I'm wasting me breath on you sonny 

Young people these days don't have the pride 

Grooming and manners have taken a slide 

Well the world to the old man had grown a bit strange 

So I bought a few tallyho's and tipped him the change "


In my 60 years of life experience, there's dickheads in every generation.



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Posted (edited)
6 hours ago, Ilunga said:


Firstly, are you going to acknowledge you were wrong in regards to your claim that Israel did not help to form and fund Hamas' ?


Or are you going to do what you always do, throw some BS out there and not admit you were wrong when it is debunked. 


Isreal does not recognise Palestine as and independent state. Doesn't matter what the rest of the world states, when Isreal occupies the West Bank and East Jerusalem, and blockades Gaza.

Effectively there has never been an independent Palestinian state.

For decades Israel has been working against a two state solution, that is why they helped form Hamas'. 



Aylon, an  ex head of the Shin Bet, who has actually made friends with Palestinians in Isreali jails is advocating for an independent Palestinian state, for the reasons, he, and I, have mentioned in other posts.

rational, logical reasons.



As for your claims about the Palestinians being offered a deal 


Here is an accurate timeline of the various attempts at a peaceful solution




Bottom line 


" The more extreme elements of Israeli and Palestinian society, and their political leaders, have forestalled negotiations at critical moments. "


So it's not only the Palestinians fault. 




Your claims about what neighbours are supposed to do.

Are they supposed to steal your land, and terrorise, kill and injure you ?







These are only a couple of examples from the last month or so.

This has been going on for decades.



Bottom line taxi, none of this justification for the killing of innocent women children.

And causing the condition for starvation/famine, for hundreds of thousands more. 


Also murdering journalists and aid workers.



If this was any other country, civilised countries would be placing sanctions on them.

Just as the Jewish Council of Australia wants us to do.


https://www.jewishcouncil.com.au/media/australia-must-cut-military-ties-sanctions-israel#:~:text=JCA,the escalating violence in Gaza.






I’ve learned a lot about you as a person, much of which I highly respect. But you cannot sit here and say that the Palestinian people don’t hold any accountability for the way things are.  


It seems in many ways that you blame the IDF for the problems in Gaza.  I’m sorry bud, but I’m sure you have learned through all your learning that is Canadians, when pushed to it are the most caring and nurturing people around.  But fuck with us and we will end you by all means necessary.  The  only way for this to ever end is for the Palestinians to rise up, as Georgians are now, against the tyranny that controls their fate.


The problem is, there are too many of them that support the cause which makes this such a complex issue.   Where are the hostages that are still wing held some 7 months later.  If you wanna blame anyone, blame the terrorists!! I would hope that if you had your family taken from you that you would stop at nothing, and I mean nothing to return them to their families.  

Dont even get me started on all the North American protests where they are pledging allegiance to Hamas and supporting their cause!   All those people should be locked up or deported for supporting terrorism. 

Edited by Rook
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16 minutes ago, Rook said:

Don’t think a peaceful protest involves taking down the flag of the country that is its homeland by another regime?  Doesn’t sound too peaceful to most of us.  Maybe y’all don’t have as much care for your own flag?  For most of us the flag is a sacred thing.. to take it down and fly another is a direct attack on our flag, which represents us as a country.  Next you are gonna tell us they should be catered food and drink for said protest. If thee people want to protest I say fly to Palestine and protest against Hamas, instead of being a speaker for their deranged beliefs. 

do you really feel that a place of learning is the place for protests? Or is it just low hanging fruit?


Seriously ?

You see taking down a flag as an act of violence ?


The definition of violence


" Behaviour involving physical force with the intention to, hurt, damage, or kill someone or something. 


And I certainly don't believe the appropriate response, is for heavily armed police to enter an educational institution on the basis of anything to do with a flag.


I can guarantee you that would not happen here in Aus.


You use the word sacred.

You know what is sacred to me ?

Human life.

The wellbeing of women and children.


I not only believe, it is our right to protest for what we believe in. 

There is a long history of student protests in western Universities.


Or do you want us to be a place like Iran, where people can't protest at all ?


So you don't believe students had the right to protest the Vietnam war ?


Are you an American ?


Didn't you guys used to burn British flags back in the day ?

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15 minutes ago, Rook said:

I’ve learned a lot about you as a person, much of which I highly respect. But you cannot sit here and say that the Palestinian people don’t hold any accountability for the way things are.  


It seems in many ways that you blame the IDF for the problems in Gaza.  I’m sorry bud, but I’m sure you have learned through all your learning that is Canadians, when pushed to it are the most caring and nurturing people around.  But fuck with us and we will end you by all means necessary.  The  only way for this to ever end is for the Palestinians to rise up, as Georgians are now, against the tyranny that controls their fate.


The problem is, there are too many of them that support the cause which makes this such a complex issue.   Where are the hostages that are still wing held some 7 months later.  If you wanna blame anyone, blame the terrorists!! I would hope that if you had your family taken from you that you would stop at nothing, and I mean nothing to return them to their families.  

Dont even get me started on all the North American protests where they are pledging allegiance to Hamas and supporting their cause!   All those people should be locked up or deported for supporting terrorism. 


Where have I stated the Palestinians don't hold any accountability ?


I have continually stated that this is a circle of hatred that both sides contribute to.

Long before this thread was started. 


What I blame the Isreali regime for, is murdering thousands of women and children.

And causing the conditions for starvation/famine for hundreds of thousands more.

For murdering 3 quarters of the journalists killed in the world last year, in Gaza.

For murdering aid workers, one of them a beautiful Australian woman. 



This is not how a civilised, humane country responds to events like October 7.



And I don't have to research anything about Canada, I have spent lots of time in your country.

Canadians are much the same as Australians.


A good, decent people on the whole. 


Again you state they should rise up, would you if you had a young family ?


I have already stated I would not.

My families safety is my first priority.


Even if was a young bloke, I used to put myself in very violent situations, with racist skin heads, bikers, other guys that loved a fight like we did.

I have been shot, stabbed and beaten with various weapons.

I still don't know if I would have the courage to attack Hamas' if I was a young Palestinian if I was young and single.


And you know what the families of the hostages want ?

They want a ceasefire 


18 hours ago.





How do you feel about the terror groups that helped form the state of Isreal ?

The Stern Gang, the Irgun.

Some of their leaders went on to be leaders of Isreal.


How do you feel about the acts of terror the Jewish settlers commit on Palestinians' in the west bank.

Often aided and abbetted by the IDF ?


Me I condemn them all, both Palestinian and Israeli. 


I have posted articles about both Palestinians and Isrealis who have forgiven the other for killing their loved ones.


The Israeli who formed this organisation did so after Hamas' killed one of his relatives.




This organisation drives Palestinians to Israeli hospitals.


I sincerely hope I could be a person like this.


I certainly know what it is like to carry hate in my heart - guy who shot me - .

It ate me up from the inside.

It was only when I forgave him that I could move on with my life. 


I don't carry anger in my heart for anyone, especially on this board.

I make it a point to never make it personal.


I have learnt about you to.

I have respect for you, as I do for everyone on this board, even the people I don't agree with. 


Respect costs you nothing, and it goes a long way.

Just because we don't agree doesn't mean we can't be friends. 


I often think of this song about discussions on this board 





House on the Hill 

 Brilliant record.

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3 hours ago, Ilunga said:


Seriously ?

You see taking down a flag as an act of violence ?


The definition of violence


" Behaviour involving physical force with the intention to, hurt, damage, or kill someone or something. 


And I certainly don't believe the appropriate response, is for heavily armed police to enter an educational institution on the basis of anything to do with a flag.


I can guarantee you that would not happen here in Aus.


You use the word sacred.

You know what is sacred to me ?

Human life.

The wellbeing of women and children.


I not only believe, it is our right to protest for what we believe in. 

There is a long history of student protests in western Universities.


Or do you want us to be a place like Iran, where people can't protest at all ?


So you don't believe students had the right to protest the Vietnam war ?


Are you an American ?


Didn't you guys used to burn British flags back in the day ?

Taking down the flag with the express purpose of replacing it with another sovereign flag is an act of aggression and possibly treason. While not directly violent, it does announce intent.

Americans probably do hold the flag dearer than an Aussie. Our flag is soaked in the blood of patriots that fought for a free nation (and before you take your jabs about America not living up to its standards - I agree, but we are getting there). Australia did not fight for its independence, so perhaps doesn't hold the flag in the same regard? 

Students have every right to protest; every citizen does. However, once you start damaging property, taking over buildings, and generally disrupting operations of a place you lose that right. Your right to protest does not give you the right to commit crimes.

Yeah, we did used to burn British flags. As mentioned above, we were at war then.

And as an aside, for someone who goes on a lot about how bad nationalism is, you spend a LOT of time comparing everything to how things are so much better is Australia. Sounds very nationalistic to me.

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6 hours ago, Sabrefan1 said:



The University can make all of the faculty voting rules that they want to.  It does not have the force of law.  Thus it is not as you say, "illegal" for the NYPD to respond to ongoing felony crimes there.  They were likely commanded by the mayor of NYC to do so.


The Columbia protests started out less than peaceful and the damaging of and takeover of the building didn't bode well for the near future.  This needed to be nipped in the bud before it spread and got worse.


The university can denounce it all that they want to.  They've had quite some time to get their campus under control and it only got worse.


Your Universities in Australia likely aren't as chock full of coddled twits as the ones in NYC and other parts of the US. 


The younger people in my generation as well as the older Millennials did a poor job in too many aspects in raising the Gen Z'ers as a whole in the US.  They don't like the idea of facing consequences for their actions now that they are legally adults.  The students in NYC are now learning that lesson the hard way.

Reading more about Hamas involvement with the student protest movement across the USA and Canada. 

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35 minutes ago, StrayDog said:

Taking down the flag with the express purpose of replacing it with another sovereign flag is an act of aggression and possibly treason. While not directly violent, it does announce intent.

Americans probably do hold the flag dearer than an Aussie. Our flag is soaked in the blood of patriots that fought for a free nation (and before you take your jabs about America not living up to its standards - I agree, but we are getting there). Australia did not fight for its independence, so perhaps doesn't hold the flag in the same regard? 

Students have every right to protest; every citizen does. However, once you start damaging property, taking over buildings, and generally disrupting operations of a place you lose that right. Your right to protest does not give you the right to commit crimes.

Yeah, we did used to burn British flags. As mentioned above, we were at war then.

And as an aside, for someone who goes on a lot about how bad nationalism is, you spend a LOT of time comparing everything to how things are so much better is Australia. Sounds very nationalistic to me.


You mustn't have noticed how I also criticise my societies actions.

Our treatment of our first nations people.

The War crimes committed by Aussie " special " forces in Afghanistan.

Our treatment of refugees and asylum seekers,under right wing nut job governments. 

Just to name some.


I criticise without fear or favour.



You know what blood your flag is soaked in, the blood of the first nations people who the British and Europeans committed genocide upon when they came to the Americas.

An estimated 10,000,000 first nations people when Europeans first got to the Americas.

300,000 left by 1900.


What comes to mind when I think about Americans and their flags, is those moron Trump supporters. Driving around in their big ass trucks, flying their American flags, with their make America great again BS.

Which leads me to Trump.

That this idiot, this self confessed sexual assaulter.

Serial con man, pathological liar, has a really good chance at being your next president.

Like our leaders ain't much, however they are mental giants and pillars of society compared to that guy.


I guess this is normal for you.

You live in a place where mass shootings happen on a daily basis, on average.

Police pull their guns when they pull over a car.

It's just another normal day when heavily armed police storm and educational institution. 

After all, you have a history of shooting unarmed students. 

Driving while black, is well you know.


It's not nationalism to point out how things are better in the society that I live in compared to yours.


Here is the definition of nationalism


" Identification with ones own nation and supports for its interests especially to the exclusion or detriment of the interests of other nations. 


I don't identify with my nation as you well know.

As I keep stating, I, indentify as a human being.

And I certainly don't support my " nations " interests to the exclusion and detriment of others.



Like it's so fucking ridiculous that people get upset about a flag being lowered, and an appropriate response to that, is an heavily armed response. 


But I guess, in America, the gun has, and will always be the answer to your problems.




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5 hours ago, Ilunga said:

 " Illegally " 

That's why I used quotation marks.


That's an odd spin on a technically lawful action by the NYPD.  They could have done this shortly after the protests started when the Jewish students were being abused.



" Behaviour involving physical force with the intention to, hurt, damage, or kill someone or something. 


When they went in, this was no longer the case with those students, but had been earlier in the protest.  The concern was that with these new actions, the situation would flare up and get worse again.



And I certainly don't believe the appropriate response, is for heavily armed police to enter an educational institution on the basis of anything to do with a flag.


That was at CCNY a couple miles to the north, not Columbia.  The flag thing was not the impetus to the response.  They were still in the early stages compared to Columbia.  The thing about CCNY is that it's a publicly owned school on public property.  It's not private like Columbia is.


CCNY students had been told many times that they were trespassing, were told to leave, but they were hellbent on getting attention by forcing the police to remove them and that's what happened. 



We, here in Aus don't have a history of shooting protesting students.


Kent State was 54 years ago.  The people responsible for it are mostly dead now.  Even the students that were there are in their mid 70's.



Sending heavily armed police into our educational institutions. 

As I stated, it's incomprehensible to me.


For me, it would have been foolish for those police not to have been in their riot gear.  That truck that you saw was just an armored box truck with a built in ramp that makes it so the police don't have to break down doors to get into a building.



Amazing how one generation blames another.

The generation blame game.


The young generation blames the old generation for problem's.


The older generations bullshit on about how young people just don't have any respect.


If you read what I wrote, I blamed mostly my generation (gen X) for the sh*t job that we've collectively done raising Generation Z.  They are unprepared for the realities that life is bringing them.  With the state of the country that we're leaving them, it's only going to get crappier and harder and more challenging.



Watching people from my " generation " make the same complaints that the generation before us did.

And so on, and so on.


Here in the US, the only real complaints about my generation growing up was our love of hard rock and pop music during the 80's (rap was still mostly in black neighborhoods then).  That and they weren't thrilled with our attitude of apathy towards many things.


Other than that the baby boomers, silent, and WW2 generations really didn't have much to say about us. 




To finish off the post, the one thing that I didn't like was the NYPD keeping the press from doing their jobs while they were locking down the area.  I get locking an area down, but the press is afforded rights that need to be observed.

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21 minutes ago, Boudrias said:

Reading more about Hamas involvement with the student protest movement across the USA and Canada. 


When you have some time, give us a primer on what you find when you've worked through it. 

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51 minutes ago, Ilunga said:


You know what blood your flag is soaked in, the blood of the first nations people who the British and Europeans committed genocide upon when they came to the Americas.

An estimated 10,000,000 first nations people when Europeans first got to the Americas.

300,000 left by 1900.



You pull this statement a lot about America. I find it amusing coming from someone growing non-native plants on stolen land in Australia. Yes, I know, your family legally purchased it. By that logic pretty much every American (or Canadian for that matter) are not living on stolen land since it was bought in the recent past or currently. Or you can accept the fact that purchasing something that was stolen doesn't make it less stolen; it just means you, personally, didn't steal it. I can certainly admit that I live on land that was stolen by people who were here before my ancestors and then sold it to them. 

The rest of your response is your usual condescending bashing with a side of holier-than-thou attitude, so I won't bother replying to it.

But I'm digressing too much from the thread so I'll leave off this line of conversation.


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1 hour ago, Ilunga said:


You mustn't have noticed how I also criticise my societies actions.

Our treatment of our first nations people.

The War crimes committed by Aussie " special " forces in Afghanistan.

Our treatment of refugees and asylum seekers,under right wing nut job governments. 

Just to name some.


I criticise without fear or favour.



You know what blood your flag is soaked in, the blood of the first nations people who the British and Europeans committed genocide upon when they came to the Americas.

An estimated 10,000,000 first nations people when Europeans first got to the Americas.

300,000 left by 1900.


What comes to mind when I think about Americans and their flags, is those moron Trump supporters. Driving around in their big ass trucks, flying their American flags, with their make America great again BS.

Which leads me to Trump.

That this idiot, this self confessed sexual assaulter.

Serial con man, pathological liar, has a really good chance at being your next president.

Like our leaders ain't much, however they are mental giants and pillars of society compared to that guy.


I guess this is normal for you.

You live in a place where mass shootings happen on a daily basis, on average.

Police pull their guns when they pull over a car.

It's just another normal day when heavily armed police storm and educational institution. 

After all, you have a history of shooting unarmed students. 

Driving while black, is well you know.


It's not nationalism to point out how things are better in the society that I live in compared to yours.


Here is the definition of nationalism


" Identification with ones own nation and supports for its interests especially to the exclusion or detriment of the interests of other nations. 


I don't identify with my nation as you well know.

As I keep stating, I, indentify as a human being.

And I certainly don't support my " nations " interests to the exclusion and detriment of others.



Like it's so fucking ridiculous that people get upset about a flag being lowered, and an appropriate response to that, is an heavily armed response. 


But I guess, in America, the gun has, and will always be the answer to your problems.





is the response ridiculous? we can see what the ideology in this conflict brings to other regions. The ME is bat shit crazy in how they treat each other far too much, we don't need this crap taking root in North America. 



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6 hours ago, Ilunga said:


Seriously ?

You see taking down a flag as an act of violence ?


The definition of violence


" Behaviour involving physical force with the intention to, hurt, damage, or kill someone or something. 


And I certainly don't believe the appropriate response, is for heavily armed police to enter an educational institution on the basis of anything to do with a flag.


I can guarantee you that would not happen here in Aus.


You use the word sacred.

You know what is sacred to me ?

Human life.

The wellbeing of women and children.


I not only believe, it is our right to protest for what we believe in. 

There is a long history of student protests in western Universities.


Or do you want us to be a place like Iran, where people can't protest at all ?


So you don't believe students had the right to protest the Vietnam war ?


Are you an American ?


Didn't you guys used to burn British flags back in the day ?

My grandfather fought for the maple leaf and is sacred to me and many others like me, I would have walked up and taken it down myself instead of waiting for police. How do you think the protesters would have responded, yeah it would get ugly fast, definition of not being peaceful.. and who the F are those losers to fly that flag in our nation? Disgusting behaviour, they are terrorist sympathizers, they proven it with their chants, many supporting Hamas. While I worry about the innocent of Palestine, it’s not my problem to sort out, nor is it yours.  Those people need to take accountability for allowing Hamas to stay in power. You act as if nobody has ever overthrown a government before, the problem is there are too many that sympathize with Hamas.  Why are you so worried about just the Palestinian children?  What about the ones kidnapped that those barbarians refuse to release.  Trust me, take my people and I will level your whole block to get them back. No questions asked

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2 hours ago, Rook said:

My grandfather fought for the maple leaf and is sacred to me and many others like me, I would have walked up and taken it down myself instead of waiting for police. How do you think the protesters would have responded, yeah it would get ugly fast, definition of not being peaceful.. and who the F are those losers to fly that flag in our nation? Disgusting behaviour, they are terrorist sympathizers, they proven it with their chants, many supporting Hamas. While I worry about the innocent of Palestine, it’s not my problem to sort out, nor is it yours.  Those people need to take accountability for allowing Hamas to stay in power. You act as if nobody has ever overthrown a government before, the problem is there are too many that sympathize with Hamas.  Why are you so worried about just the Palestinian children?  What about the ones kidnapped that those barbarians refuse to release.  Trust me, take my people and I will level your whole block to get them back. No questions asked

"I'd murder hundreds of people to get my people back"


thats probably why the police handle kidnappings and not vigilantes with liam neeson delusions. 



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