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Hamas attacking Israel


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7 hours ago, Ilunga said:


You simply refuse to acknowledge that what the JNF is doing, is in violation of  International Law.


So how can they be legal Roman if they violate international law ?


That's what that article detailed. 


The purchasing of the land breaks international law.


The articles details how they used to hide their activities, because what they were doing is in violation of international law.


Now it seems they don't really care about hiding their actions in regards to breaking international law.


Much like you don't. 


You only seem to want to obey laws when it suits your purpose.



And do you want to address the Annexation of land in the West Bank ?


Like you get really pissed off about Russia Annexing Ukrainian land.

But it's all good when the Isrealis Annex Palestinian land, right ? 


Just be honest with all of us Roman.


You believe that all of Israel, east Jerusalem, the west bank and Gaza belong to Israel.


And going by you referencing the Torah/Talmud, you believe a god gave it to the Isreali people. 


And I thought you weren't going to engage " with me Roman.


It's good to have you back.


Does Australia ensure that it always follows "international law"?  Does any country? 


It's not really that simple. Israel doesn't stand alone in the world on this issue.


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On 4/30/2024 at 12:32 PM, Warhippy said:

Lol "siege"


It's like 20 tents and 30 unwashed idiots.


Bit heavy handed considering what's happening in Gaza and the West bank


But that's none of my business 


It is your business.


Unfortunately you call out the crimes of one side only.  You responded to a post displaying 'protests' that supported murdering & kidnapping of civilians Oct 7. Did not call those out. Its as if those activities we justified.




 Those who want 'peace' for Palestine should also want the release of Israeli civilian hostages. 

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On 4/29/2024 at 12:44 PM, Alflives said:

And this lady is living safely tucked away in her fancy college town US house. It’s interesting how people living these comfortable and safe lives here seem to be experts on what’s happening in Israel and Gaza. Maybe these “experts” should go live a life they seem to be experts on? 




Aside from a few cat slobbering feast memes?  This is a post I am proud of on your behalf; perhaps your finest!

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5 hours ago, HarbularyBattery said:

I guess you could agree with this if you ignore the expulsion of 700 thousand people in 1948 and confiscation of their legally owned homes, the refusal of Israel to let them return despite UN resolution 194 demanding that they be allowed to return, alongside the illegal conquering and occupation of the west bank and the confiscation of the arab owned homes there


seriously people agreeing with the quoted take should take a moment to open a history book, its just embarassing. 




I guess you ignore the expulsion of over 700,000 Jews from the Arab countries in the 50s and confiscation of all their properties and possessions… Do you know what the problem with the history books is? They are usually written by someone with certain agenda.

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5 hours ago, HarbularyBattery said:

If I had time or desire to try to prove anything to you, I could also find links to some really bad things that Palestinians are doing. But you do you. You clearly have one willing audience member - he is also an expert of finding opinions online and presenting them as facts or as acts of the entire country. Also, quite often these “facts” are misrepresented. For example, 3 terrorists attack a settlement, kill one Israeli and are eliminated shortly after. The real news should read “one person killed in a terrorist attack in Israel. Terrorists have been eliminated”. The news on certain sides instead read “3 Palestinian men were killed in the West Bank. One Israeli also died”. See, same “facts”, but oh so different reporting 

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19 minutes ago, RomanPer said:

I guess you ignore the expulsion of over 700,000 Jews from the Arab countries in the 50s and confiscation of all their properties and possessions… Do you know what the problem with the history books is? They are usually written by someone with certain agenda.


the other common thing with history is there's nothing we can do about it. 


We need to focus on the solutions for today, in the context we have now. 

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1 hour ago, Canuck Surfer said:




Aside from a few cat slobbering feast memes?  This is a post I am proud of on your behalf; perhaps your finest!

Agreed, and I think this is the true problem at hand with these protests, why aren’t they protesting for the dismantling of Hamas as well if they really do want peace?  

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38 minutes ago, RomanPer said:

If I had time or desire to try to prove anything to you, I could also find links to some really bad things that Palestinians are doing. But you do you. You clearly have one willing audience member - he is also an expert of finding opinions online and presenting them as facts or as acts of the entire country. Also, quite often these “facts” are misrepresented. For example, 3 terrorists attack a settlement, kill one Israeli and are eliminated shortly after. The real news should read “one person killed in a terrorist attack in Israel. Terrorists have been eliminated”. The news on certain sides instead read “3 Palestinian men were killed in the West Bank. One Israeli also died”. See, same “facts”, but oh so different reporting 

Exactly this, there so much whataboutism going on in here.  

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On 4/30/2024 at 5:56 PM, Ilunga said:


Firstly, are you going to acknowledge you were wrong in regards to your claim that Israel did not help to form and fund Hamas' ?


Or are you going to do what you always do, throw some BS out there and not admit you were wrong when it is debunked. 



You're not even remotely close to the truth. Israel has been at war with Hamas since 1984, when they found out that Yassin was lying about his intention to not be violent. Stop infantilizing the Palestinians. They made the choice to put Hamas in power. They continue to make that choice. 



Isreal does not recognise Palestine as and independent state. Doesn't matter what the rest of the world states, when Isreal occupies the West Bank and East Jerusalem, and blockades Gaza.

Effectively there has never been an independent Palestinian state.

For decades Israel has been working against a two state solution, that is why they helped form Hamas'. 



Aylon, an  ex head of the Shin Bet, who has actually made friends with Palestinians in Isreali jails is advocating for an independent Palestinian state, for the reasons, he, and I, have mentioned in other posts.

rational, logical reasons.



As for your claims about the Palestinians being offered a deal 


Here is an accurate timeline of the various attempts at a peaceful solution




Bottom line 


" The more extreme elements of Israeli and Palestinian society, and their political leaders, have forestalled negotiations at critical moments. "


So it's not only the Palestinians fault. 




Your claims about what neighbours are supposed to do.

Are they supposed to steal your land, and terrorise, kill and injure you ?







These are only a couple of examples from the last month or so.

This has been going on for decades.



Bottom line taxi, none of this justification for the killing of innocent women children.

And causing the condition for starvation/famine, for hundreds of thousands more. 


Also murdering journalists and aid workers.



If this was any other country, civilised countries would be placing sanctions on them.

Just as the Jewish Council of Australia wants us to do.


https://www.jewishcouncil.com.au/media/australia-must-cut-military-ties-sanctions-israel#:~:text=JCA,the escalating violence in Gaza.






Most countries are not placing sanctions on Israel. In fact, there are more governments who support Israel being elected all the time. The "Jewish Council" is not an official organization of any kind. Their website looks like it was made yesterday using Square Space. I can guarantee you they do not represent the majority of Australian Jews. 

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3 hours ago, Gnarcore said:

Sorry pal but neither side has much moral ground left here. Both have some heinous shit that can be pointed out. 




I guess for me, I look at what conditions there are for actual lasting peace. Its with the democracy, imo. I don't see it with the current leaders in Gaza. 


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18 minutes ago, Bob Long said:




I guess for me, I look at what conditions there are for actual lasting peace. Its with the democracy, imo. I don't see it with the current leaders in Gaza. 


Nor the current Dear Leader of the Israelites. 

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3 minutes ago, Bob Long said:


Can he though? It sure sounds to me like people there want him gone. I guess next election we'll see.

Look at what he's survived in the last 10 years alone with the crimes he's committed or been charged with.


Are...you sure?  Politically he's a literal Teflon Don

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15 minutes ago, Warhippy said:

Look at what he's survived in the last 10 years alone with the crimes he's committed or been charged with.


Are...you sure?  Politically he's a literal Teflon Don


Well, I know there's a better chance of getting rid of him than Hamas.

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5 minutes ago, Sharpshooter said:

That’s the problem right there. 

We consider a murderer or child predator in Canada getting 10-15 years as effectively "getting life" through ur justice system.


Not saying Bibi touches kids, just pointing out that after 25-30 ish years; that's a literal lifetime 

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8 minutes ago, Warhippy said:

We consider a murderer or child predator in Canada getting 10-15 years as effectively "getting life" through ur justice system.


Not saying Bibi touches kids, just pointing out that after 25-30 ish years; that's a literal lifetime 

Conflating two issues? 

And ‘mine’? 

What’s mine is UR’s. 

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7 hours ago, Taxi said:


You're not even remotely close to the truth. Israel has been at war with Hamas since 1984, when they found out that Yassin was lying about his intention to not be violent. Stop infantilizing the Palestinians. They made the choice to put Hamas in power. They continue to make that choice. 



Most countries are not placing sanctions on Israel. In fact, there are more governments who support Israel being elected all the time. The "Jewish Council" is not an official organization of any kind. Their website looks like it was made yesterday using Square Space. I can guarantee you they do not represent the majority of Australian Jews. 


This post illustrates you have no credibility whatsoever.





" Hamas, for its part, is alleged to have the Israeli financed Islamist movement in Gaza, with Israels then military governor Brig. Gen. Yitzhak Segev disclosing that in 1981 that he had been given a budget to for funding Palestinian Islamists to counter the rising power of  Palestinian secularists. Hamas a spinoff of the Palestinian branch of the Muslim Brotherhood, was formerly established with Israels support soon after the first Intifada flared in 1987 against the Isreali occupation of Palestinian lands. "


There in black and white taxi.

Hamas founded with Isreals support.


" Isreals objective was twofold; to split the nationalist Palestinian movement led by Arafat, and more fundamentally to thwart the implementation of a two state solution for resolving the protracted Israeli - Palestinian conflict. By aiding the rise of an Islamist group whose charter rejected recognising the state of Israel, Israel sought to undermine the idea of a two state solution, including western support for an independent Palestinian homeland. 


Israel spy agency mossad played a role in this divide and rule game in the occupied territories. In a 1994 book, " The Other Side of Deception" Mossad whistleblower Victor Ostrovsky contended that aiding Hamas meshed with " Mossads general plan " for an Arab world " run by fundamentalists " that would " reject any negotiations with the west " thereby leaving Isreal as " the only democratic, rational country in the region ". Avner Cohen a former Isreali religious affairs official involved in Gaza for over two decades told a newspaper interviewer in 2009 that, " Hamas to my great regret, is Israels creation. " 


Israel by contrast persisted with its covert nexus with Hamas. With the consent of Isreal, Qatar, a long time sponsor of jihadi groups funnelled $1.8 billion to Hamas just between 2012 and 2019 according to the Haaretz newspaper. 


Israeli prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, who has been in power for much of the last decade and a half, told a meeting of his Likud party's Knesset members in 2019 that " anyone who wants to thwart the establishment of a Palestinian state has to support bolstering Hamas and transferring money to Hamas " adding " this is part of our strategy - to isolate Palestinians in Gaza from Palestinians in the West Bank ". 


Those are facts taxi.  


Here is a fact checking/ bias organisations assessment of my source 




Factual reporting High

Least biased

High credibility rating


Unlike you, who is continually proved to be wrong.

And when you are presented with evidence that proves you are wrong, you don't have the courage to admit you are wrong.

You double down with your lies.



As for sanctions, I never stated that Isreal had sanctions placed on them.


I stated that I agreed with the Jewish Council of Australia when it stated, that we, Australia should place sanctions on them. 


And where did I say that the JCA speaks for all Jewish Australians ?


I didn't.


They speak for Jewish Australians who have a conscience.





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9 hours ago, RomanPer said:

I guess you ignore the expulsion of over 700,000 Jews from the Arab countries in the 50s and confiscation of all their properties and possessions… Do you know what the problem with the history books is? They are usually written by someone with certain agenda.


This is pure gold coming from you. 


You don't have the courage to tell us what your believe in regards to who has what rights, to what land, in Isreal, the occupied territories and Gaza.


Again Roman, your thoughts on Isreal annexing Palestinian land, and Russia annexing Ukrainian land ?

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