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Hamas attacking Israel


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9 hours ago, RomanPer said:

If I had time or desire to try to prove anything to you, I could also find links to some really bad things that Palestinians are doing. But you do you. You clearly have one willing audience member - he is also an expert of finding opinions online and presenting them as facts or as acts of the entire country. Also, quite often these “facts” are misrepresented. For example, 3 terrorists attack a settlement, kill one Israeli and are eliminated shortly after. The real news should read “one person killed in a terrorist attack in Israel. Terrorists have been eliminated”. The news on certain sides instead read “3 Palestinian men were killed in the West Bank. One Israeli also died”. See, same “facts”, but oh so different reporting 



Where do I label some Isrealis actions, as representative as Isrealis as a whole  ?


I don't.


And in fact by quoting Isreali/Jewish sources, I am illustrating that all Isrealis/ Jewish people don't think the same. 


You really don't think before you post do you.



That's the thing Roman, most of us point out, and condemn the " bad things " Palestinians do.

And condemn them.


You, and many others only focus on Hamas and the crimes against humanity they commit. 



I have yet to see any regular supporter of Isreal condemn the acts of violence and terror, that Israeli settlers have been perpetrating in the west bank for decades. 


I don't count @Canuck Surfer amongst those.

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Secular Israelis using religion as the basis for their claim to Isreal/Palestine 


Danny Dannon Israels ambassador to the United Nations, brandishing a bible, stating, " this is the deed to our land " 





David Ben Gurion another secular Israeli, the " God Father of Israel "




" In 1936, there was a mass riot throughout the land of Israel. The British government, which at that time controlled the land sent out a committee of to hear out the  representatives of both sides and try and resolve the Arab - Jewish conflict. 


The chairman of the committee was Lord Peel and one of the witnesses to testify before the Peel commission was the chairman of the Jewish agency: David Ben Gurion. 


Ben Gurion spoke on the right of the Jews to the land of Israel. When he finished, Lord Peel turned to him and asked, " Mr Ben Gurion where were you born ? ", " in Plonsk Poland ", he answered. 


Lord Peel continued, " if a man lives in a house for many years and suddenly, someone else appears and claims ownership of the house, international law dictates that the burden of proof rests on the claimant, not the occupant. Mr Ben Gurion dou you have a deed or a contract of sale that gives you the right to take the place of native Arabs who have lived here for generations ? ".


On the witness stand was a copy of the bible, upon which the witnesses had sworn. Ben Gurion suddenly picked up the bible in his hand and declared, " This is our Kushan " 

( A Kushan is a certificate of registration ). " 



Then there are the religious nutjobs like this guy 






What are our avowed anti religious posters thoughts on this ?



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47 minutes ago, Elias Pettersson said:

Do these people know that if they were living in Palestine, they would be thrown off of the rooftops?  




I have already debunked this claim.


Reuters fact Check 


" Video of people thrown from roof shows punishment by IS not Hamas.




Now all can find about a killing in regards to a gay man in Gaza and the occupied territories is this, and it wasn't in Gaza, it was in the West Bank.

And it was horrific, he was decapitated.

The Palestinian police did arrest a suspect. 


" Palestinian police have arrested a suspect in the killing of a 25 year old man after his body was found decapitated in the west bank. "




I expect better from you brother.


What did you think about the Isreali ministers comments about homosexuality being a greater threat to Israel than ISIS, Hezbollah and Hamas'  ?


Me I condemn all forms of predjudice.


If you actually want an insight into what LGBTQ peoples lives are like in Gaza, check it this article




Some heartbreaking stories in there.


One guy stating 


" My biggest regret is not kissing this one guy, he died two days back. We had told how much we like each other and I was too shy to kiss last time.

He died in the bombing. I think a big part of me died to. And soon I will be dead. To Younus I will kiss you in heaven. " 


So I ask you brother, who is murdering gay men in Gaza right now ?







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13 hours ago, Gnarcore said:

Sorry pal but neither side has much moral ground left here. Both have some heinous shit that can be pointed out. 

I think the us is a mic drop for you buddy’

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On 5/1/2024 at 10:25 PM, Ilunga said:


Alf, you really should stop drinking mate.


Yeah blah blah Hamas is evil.


What about the Isreali settlers who murder Palestinians, and commit acts of terror against them Alf ?


Are they evil ? 


And they might not throw " gay ", as you so quaintly put it, people of roofs in Isreal, however LGBTQ's people's rights are under threat there.


" Israeli protestors fear for the future of the country's precarious LGBTQ rights revolution " 






" One MK ( member of Knesset ) declared in June that homosexuality " poses a more dangerous threat to Israel than ISIS, Hezbollah or Hamas "


And where did I make it " about " the poster.

Your comments of blah blah blah just show you only will accept people with your Same views.   Alf while he is not everyone’s cup of tea based on his posts, he  Deserves respect! It’s getting ridiculous how much you go at people.  Myself included.  Instead of taking my posts for what they are you challenge my integrity by asking what I’ve been through to challenge my word.  

yes, I’ve been in “rumbles” as you call them, I been shot at, been jumped 10-1, and I’ve fought a lot just to be able to have the street cred a kid needs living in a very violent neighborhood.  You don’t know us as people so again I emplore you to get off your high horse that you think you’ve seen more and experienced more than the rest of us.  Contrary to your beliefs some of us more boisterous folks not only walk the walk we also talk it.  You’ve obviously never been around real thugs like you claim or you would never. Have said that.  Shit talk is just part of the game. The difference is we are able to accept that and handle business accordingly.  As far as your “expertise” regarding veterans, I work with them everyday, and sadly say goodby to more of them every day.  The one thing they have always discussed with me is the importance of our flag as a symbol of freedom.  Keep your Aussie crap to yourself, you have no clue what it means to be a Canadian!!

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15 hours ago, Taxi said:

Israel has been at war with Hamas since 1984, when they found out that Yassin was lying about his intention to not be violent. Stop infantilizing the Palestinians. They made the choice to put Hamas in power. They continue to make that choice. 



They also had a choice in 1948.  Popular opinion says Israel ran 700,000 out of the country and displaced them taking over to create Israel



22 hours ago, HarbularyBattery said:

I guess you could agree with this if you ignore the expulsion of 700 thousand people in 1948 and confiscation of their legally owned homes, the refusal of Israel to let them return despite UN resolution 194 demanding that they be allowed to return, alongside the illegal conquering and occupation of the west bank and the confiscation of the arab owned homes there


seriously people agreeing with the quoted take should take a moment to open a history book, its just embarassing. 






Israel, however was formed by joint treaty resolution 181, by the UN & Britain; Britain who controlled British Palestine, including what is Jordan, large swaths of Syria, Iraq. 


Palestinians were part of these discussions.  And these 700,000 Palestinians did get displaced. Large, PALESTINIAN, populations ended up in the Jordanian Kingdom as part of treaties & agreements. Jordan was formed in 1947. Palestinian in Jordan & Syrian administrations were awarded the largest properties. Those displaced were separated, or not represented in discussions depending on with whom u talk.  Further, they were largely moved by Egyptian & Jordanian leaders. Who also had eyes on these territories. Not moved militarily by newly formed Israel.


Even at that, Palestinians groups were also offered both in 1947 & 1948 tracks of more than 1/2 of what is now Israel.  This was rejected, demanding Jewish leave altogether. Just as Hamas now, perhaps they are trying to relinquish while getting their asses kicked again, in 2006/7 and several times in-between.


What really happened in 1948 is mathematically & semantically impossible to argue; Palestinians, allied with Jordan, the Saudi, Iraqi, Egypt and Syria attacked the newly formed state of Israel. All whom wanted their mitts on the holy land. Nobody blames Arabs for these displacements, but they were all complicit? Rather than negotiate, or form a co-habitat ant two state solution? These allies tried to wipe Israel off the planet & divide the spoils. This is history, well documented that Israel was surrounded & attacked. Israel calls it the war of independence. Palestine the Nakba; both are narrative of the same facts.  


Palestinians & their allies got their arses whooped. 


80 years later its still a tragedy?  It is, but you can only go back so far. My grandfather came from a family of ten brothers and sisters. Their family farm was lost in WWI; to our knowledge Gigi may have had a surviving sister whom he never met again. Can we go back to Ukraine & kick the Russians who displaced them out? Cough...


40,000,000 people were wandering around without a place to live surrounding WWII. Yet Palestinians should get back what they lost, in a pocket of war they started. 


I apologize for all tragedy, I also have time for accountability of crimes against but Palestinians also need to come to the table. Palestinians also serve up crime; see Oct 7. For 80 years they have taught their children they were robbed, rebuttal. Nothing said of how failed conquests, lack of compromise or reason is part of current circumstance.


Accept some responsibility. Accept some form of Jewish state. 


Then ask for help?








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Bin Salman from Saudi Arabia is reaching out to Palestinian Authority today I read, not Hamas, regarding how to administer West Bank in particular. Also Gaza.  Putting pressure on both Hamas with terms that include Arab controls & Israel to do a ceasefire deal rather than attack Rafah; Netanyahu's loudly vocalized plan regardless of a ceasefire. Mahmoud Abbas, PA leader, who Hamas tried to assassinate 6 months ago, after Oct 7, suddenly has an important backer. 


An Arabian / Muslim solution, help for Palestinians or the Kingdom taking advantage of the spoils falling apart? All of these are long past ideals of humanity I would have preferred. Regardless, I did not expect Israel to offer Hamas any security underneath Gaza in tunnels. 


Now we are seeing the big dogs posturing.  Not all of them are nice dogs.


But we may see an agreement.



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5 hours ago, Ilunga said:


My comments blah blah blah, were a reference to Alf's repetitive " Hamas is evil " every second post. 

That has been his contribution for much of this thread.


It starts to get tedious.


He actually accused me, in a backhanded way of being an anti - semite.

That really pisses me off.

As I have stated, one of the few things I hate is racism.



And I am sorry if I offended you, that was never my intention.


Thanks for informing me about your life.

I don't know what 10 - 1 means, but would like to know. 

I am sorry to hear you were shot.

And if you have been shot, it's incomprehensible to me that you promote violence. 




Shit talk wasn't part of our " game ".

We just fought, no mouthing off, apart from a couple of people, who like I stated, mouthed off and were nowhere to be seen when the shit hit the fan.

And we certainly never called it business.

Fights are brutal, violent, scary things.



I am not on any high horse, just telling you my life experience, and explaining, as I  have many times on this board, that after using violence as an answer to problems, and seeing that only caused more problems, I now promote peaceful means to solve our problems.


You are claiming I am bullshiting  ?


Well this is me mate, a brief life story, I never asked for this, other people wanted to tell my story 



And as the title states, I was angry, being adopted, the BS system. 


I learnt my lesson and grew as a person.


Its admirable that you work with/ help veterans.

That sounds like rewarding work.

And I never claimed to have expertise, I stated I used to talk to veterans about war. 


And why are you so angry ?


As I stated in a previous post, we might not agree but we can still be friends.


And what's with the Aussie crap ? 

Have you ever spent time in Australia ?

Do you know many Australians ?


I have actually spent quite a bit of time in your country.

I also spend a fair of time with Canadian friends of mine here in Australia that married Aussie girls.

So I do know what it means to be a Canadian.


The irony of you stating that 

" I am on my high horse " 

" And I know nothing about peoples lives "


And then you make statements like that.


You state in regards to what happened to the Isrealis, if that happened to you, you would come hard, or  some such things.


 Well what about the acts of violence and terror that Isreali settlers have committed inflicted on Palestinian in the west bank for decades.


What are your thoughts on  those ?





I was just watching that video again.

The ski gear I am wearing is covered in Farsi.

Inspirational quotes by Marilyn Monroe, Albert Einstein amongst others.






Thanks for sharing my friend, I’m not angry, I’m just extremely passionate, for better, but often times for worse.  I think the wording of your posts made me misunderstood you, and where you were coming from.  I think if we met in a bar we would probably be great m8s.  It doesn’t help that the subjects we discuss are often weighing heavy on our own hearts, so our words may not be as thoughtful of the others feelings as much as we would like.  I’m thankful you found skiing and an outlet!! I found being a dad as mine.  I had a very violent childhood and then as a teenager is when I started pushing back.  Not having a real male role model when I was young, I struggled to find that connection I needed, and just like you, never in a gang, but I rolled with thugs.  1-10 was the time I was jumped defending a young girl who was assaulted. Steel toed boots to the head nearly killed me. Thankfully I found music, and that gave me solid ground to stand on. But I still had that warriors heart and would get off stage, put a staff shirt on, and ensured the men who protected me, felt just as protected as I did. As a father of five and a Grandpa at a young age, I find solace in that, and have been able to come to terms with all that I have experienced. Thanks again for sharing bud, sometimes it takes knowing where someone is coming from to understand these dry words we put on a forum to complete strangers. 

im completely with you on the acts of settlers, it is not right what they do in regards to their vigilante way of doing things.  I like you just want this world to be peaceful, and never want people to go through the things I have, and hearing your story, what you have endured as well.  

much love my new friend!

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10 hours ago, Canuck Surfer said:



They also had a choice in 1948.  Popular opinion says Israel ran 700,000 out of the country and displaced them taking over to create Israel





Israel, however was formed by joint treaty resolution 181, by the UN & Britain; Britain who controlled British Palestine, including what is Jordan, large swaths of Syria, Iraq. 


Palestinians were part of these discussions.  And these 700,000 Palestinians did get displaced. Large, PALESTINIAN, populations ended up in the Jordanian Kingdom as part of treaties & agreements. Jordan was formed in 1947. Palestinian in Jordan & Syrian administrations were awarded the largest properties. Those displaced were separated, or not represented in discussions depending on with whom u talk.  Further, they were largely moved by Egyptian & Jordanian leaders. Who also had eyes on these territories. Not moved militarily by newly formed Israel.


Even at that, Palestinians groups were also offered both in 1947 & 1948 tracks of more than 1/2 of what is now Israel.  This was rejected, demanding Jewish leave altogether. Just as Hamas now, perhaps they are trying to relinquish while getting their asses kicked again, in 2006/7 and several times in-between.


What really happened in 1948 is mathematically & semantically impossible to argue; Palestinians, allied with Jordan, the Saudi, Iraqi, Egypt and Syria attacked the newly formed state of Israel. All whom wanted their mitts on the holy land. Nobody blames Arabs for these displacements, but they were all complicit? Rather than negotiate, or form a co-habitat ant two state solution? These allies tried to wipe Israel off the planet & divide the spoils. This is history, well documented that Israel was surrounded & attacked. Israel calls it the war of independence. Palestine the Nakba; both are narrative of the same facts.  


Palestinians & their allies got their arses whooped. 


80 years later its still a tragedy?  It is, but you can only go back so far. My grandfather came from a family of ten brothers and sisters. Their family farm was lost in WWI; to our knowledge Gigi may have had a surviving sister whom he never met again. Can we go back to Ukraine & kick the Russians who displaced them out? Cough...


40,000,000 people were wandering around without a place to live surrounding WWII. Yet Palestinians should get back what they lost, in a pocket of war they started. 


I apologize for all tragedy, I also have time for accountability of crimes against but Palestinians also need to come to the table. Palestinians also serve up crime; see Oct 7. For 80 years they have taught their children they were robbed, rebuttal. Nothing said of how failed conquests, lack of compromise or reason is part of current circumstance.


Accept some responsibility. Accept some form of Jewish state. 


Then ask for help?









It was not the Israelis that started that war. Israel also absorbed about 700k Jews from the surrounding Arab and Muslim states. 

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Posted (edited)
4 hours ago, Rook said:

Mic drop meaning nothing more needs to be said, nailed it

I know what a mic drop is...the rest of that sentence had me wondering your exact intended statement was. 



I think the us is a


Edited by Gnarcore
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7 hours ago, Rook said:

Thanks for sharing my friend, I’m not angry, I’m just extremely passionate, for better, but often times for worse.  I think the wording of your posts made me misunderstood you, and where you were coming from.  I think if we met in a bar we would probably be great m8s.  It doesn’t help that the subjects we discuss are often weighing heavy on our own hearts, so our words may not be as thoughtful of the others feelings as much as we would like.  I’m thankful you found skiing and an outlet!! I found being a dad as mine.  I had a very violent childhood and then as a teenager is when I started pushing back.  Not having a real male role model when I was young, I struggled to find that connection I needed, and just like you, never in a gang, but I rolled with thugs.  1-10 was the time I was jumped defending a young girl who was assaulted. Steel toed boots to the head nearly killed me. Thankfully I found music, and that gave me solid ground to stand on. But I still had that warriors heart and would get off stage, put a staff shirt on, and ensured the men who protected me, felt just as protected as I did. As a father of five and a Grandpa at a young age, I find solace in that, and have been able to come to terms with all that I have experienced. Thanks again for sharing bud, sometimes it takes knowing where someone is coming from to understand these dry words we put on a forum to complete strangers. 

im completely with you on the acts of settlers, it is not right what they do in regards to their vigilante way of doing things.  I like you just want this world to be peaceful, and never want people to go through the things I have, and hearing your story, what you have endured as well.  

much love my new friend!


Yes I am passionate to.

They called me " intense " at Mt.Hotham.


I am sorry to hear about your childhood.

Every child should have parents who love and cherish them.


I had the best parents in the world, they actually chose me to be their son.

Gave me heaps of love and support, a great education, and yet I still managed to fuck things up after I left high school.


There is nothing wrong with being passionate, I wear my heart on my sleeve and I am happy to do so.

You are very similar. 


My dad was not only a veteran, he lived through the blitz.

In particular the fire bombing of Coventry.

He took us back there in 1975, and you could still see some of the damage that had been done, 30 years later.

I know exactly how he would feel about what the IDF have done to Gaza.


Standing up for women is one of the best things a man can do. Big time respect for you, for that.


I did the same in regards to a guy I know who used to beat his girlfriend.

He was a way better fighter than me, however I couldn't stand by and watch it happen.

Copped a few punches to the head, and was told to mind my own business.


I own what I have done, both good and bad.

I am a strong willed person, I made those choices. 

For sure our lives are shaped by events, some we have control over, some we don't.

But bottom line, we choose to be the people we are. 


Being a dad was the best thing that has ever happened to me.

I never thought I could love a person the way I love my son. 


Our kids give us our greatest joy, conversely they give us our greatest pain.


Music has always been a big part of my life for 50 years.

My friend, who is from Kelowna originally, and I, went to see NOFX for their very last gig in Australia back in January, and we were saying, that other things have come and gone in out lives, but punk rock has been there since punk basically started.

I can still vividly remember walking the streets of London in 1975, an 11 year old kid, seeing all the punks, being old enough to know the scene wasn't just about the music.

A couple of years later bought, never mind the bollocks heres the sex pistols, been a punk rocker ever since.


Thanks for your post.


I call people brother/sister because I really believe that we are all connected in some way. 


You can always find what you look for in a person.

We all have good and bad in us.

All we can do is strive to be better.



Much love to you my friend.

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27 minutes ago, Ilunga said:


Yes I am passionate to.

They called me " intense " at Mt.Hotham.


I am sorry to hear about your childhood.

Every child should have parents who love and cherish them.


I had the best parents in the world, they actually chose me to be their son.

Gave me heaps of love and support, a great education, and yet I still managed to fuck things up after I left high school.


There is nothing wrong with being passionate, I wear my heart on my sleeve and I am happy to do so.

You are very similar. 


My dad was not only a veteran, he lived through the blitz.

In particular the fire bombing of Coventry.

He took us back there in 1975, and you could still see some of the damage that had been done, 30 years later.

I know exactly how he would feel about what the IDF have done to Gaza.


Standing up for women is one of the best things a man can do. Big time respect for you, for that.


I did the same in regards to a guy I know who used to beat his girlfriend.

He was a way better fighter than me, however I couldn't stand by and watch it happen.

Copped a few punches to the head, and was told to mind my own business.


I own what I have done, both good and bad.

I am a strong willed person, I made those choices. 

For sure our lives are shaped by events, some we have control over, some we don't.

But bottom line, we choose to be the people we are. 


Being a dad was the best thing that has ever happened to me.

I never thought I could love a person the way I love my son. 


Our kids give us our greatest joy, conversely they give us our greatest pain.


Music has always been a big part of my life for 50 years.

My friend, who is from Kelowna originally, and I, went to see NOFX for their very last gig in Australia back in January, and we were saying, that other things have come and gone in out lives, but punk rock has been there since punk basically started.

I can still vividly remember walking the streets of London in 1975, an 11 year old kid, seeing all the punks, being old enough to know the scene wasn't just about the music.

A couple of years later bought, never mind the bollocks heres the sex pistols, been a punk rocker ever since.


Thanks for your post.


I call people brother/sister because I really believe that we are all connected in some way. 


You can always find what you look for in a person.

We all have good and bad in us.

All we can do is strive to be better.



Much love to you my friend.

You too brother! 

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17 hours ago, Gnarcore said:

I know what a mic drop is...the rest of that sentence had me wondering your exact intended statement was. 



*this is a* stupid phone in the Florida heat hates me 😝 

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On 5/3/2024 at 2:12 AM, Canuck Surfer said:



They also had a choice in 1948.  Popular opinion says Israel ran 700,000 out of the country and displaced them taking over to create Israel





Israel, however was formed by joint treaty resolution 181, by the UN & Britain; Britain who controlled British Palestine, including what is Jordan, large swaths of Syria, Iraq. 


Palestinians were part of these discussions.  And these 700,000 Palestinians did get displaced. Large, PALESTINIAN, populations ended up in the Jordanian Kingdom as part of treaties & agreements. Jordan was formed in 1947. Palestinian in Jordan & Syrian administrations were awarded the largest properties. Those displaced were separated, or not represented in discussions depending on with whom u talk.  Further, they were largely moved by Egyptian & Jordanian leaders. Who also had eyes on these territories. Not moved militarily by newly formed Israel.


Even at that, Palestinians groups were also offered both in 1947 & 1948 tracks of more than 1/2 of what is now Israel.  This was rejected, demanding Jewish leave altogether. Just as Hamas now, perhaps they are trying to relinquish while getting their asses kicked again, in 2006/7 and several times in-between.


What really happened in 1948 is mathematically & semantically impossible to argue; Palestinians, allied with Jordan, the Saudi, Iraqi, Egypt and Syria attacked the newly formed state of Israel. All whom wanted their mitts on the holy land. Nobody blames Arabs for these displacements, but they were all complicit? Rather than negotiate, or form a co-habitat ant two state solution? These allies tried to wipe Israel off the planet & divide the spoils. This is history, well documented that Israel was surrounded & attacked. Israel calls it the war of independence. Palestine the Nakba; both are narrative of the same facts.  


Palestinians & their allies got their arses whooped. 


80 years later its still a tragedy?  It is, but you can only go back so far. My grandfather came from a family of ten brothers and sisters. Their family farm was lost in WWI; to our knowledge Gigi may have had a surviving sister whom he never met again. Can we go back to Ukraine & kick the Russians who displaced them out? Cough...


40,000,000 people were wandering around without a place to live surrounding WWII. Yet Palestinians should get back what they lost, in a pocket of war they started. 


I apologize for all tragedy, I also have time for accountability of crimes against but Palestinians also need to come to the table. Palestinians also serve up crime; see Oct 7. For 80 years they have taught their children they were robbed, rebuttal. Nothing said of how failed conquests, lack of compromise or reason is part of current circumstance.


Accept some responsibility. Accept some form of Jewish state. 


Then ask for help?








Actually your timeline of what happened in 1948 is wrong and provably so. Framing the Arab response to Israel's declaration of independence as a bloodthirsty and unprovoked act of violence is also wrong. 


Israel declared independence on May 15 1948. Heres a few things that happened before that:


January 4th 1948- Lehi (Jewish terrorists) detonate a truck bomb civilians in Jaffa

April 25th 1948- Irgun bombs Jaffa

April 27th- Haganah invades the villages east of Jaffa

May 14th- 95% of the Arab population had fled for their lives

May 15th- Israel declares independence


The same events happened weeks earlier in Haifa, and in several other cities and towns that had majority arab populations that would eventually be cleansed of most of their arab populations. 


Israel took many cities by force, and while yes, rolling back history and sending everyone back to where they came from is ridiculous dumb and impossible, your blame of the displacement of those civilians on the bloodthirsty arabs is a gross rewriting of history. 


People try to play the same game in 1967, framing it as Arab aggression, when it was Israel who invaded Egypt, not the other way around. In that war, Israel illegally took more Palestinian territory, and still holds it to this day. Why is nobody calling on Israel to unconditionally return it/stop building settlements on it before further negotiations take place?


Im also curious which of the proposed compromises you considered to be fair? Why should they have taken any deal in 1948 that did not include them being able to go back to their homes? Or any year for that matter? 


If you were thrown out of your house by force, would you accept any deal that didn't include being able to come back?


The idiot (and there are many out there) think that this is a fight between evil bloodthirsty primitives vs innocents. It isn't. 


The cycle of violence we see today has a specific and clear injustice at its root. Address that, and work outwards from there, and thats how this conflict is solved.

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On 5/2/2024 at 8:41 AM, RomanPer said:

I guess you ignore the expulsion of over 700,000 Jews from the Arab countries in the 50s and confiscation of all their properties and possessions… Do you know what the problem with the history books is? They are usually written by someone with certain agenda.

Some nice whataboutism to respond to me calling out your obvious lie. Reminder, this is what you said:


"And I will also add to it Israel - vast majority of land/properties now being claimed as “stolen by Jews” were in fact legally purchased from the previous owners. But that doesn’t fit into anti-Israeli narratives, so it’s usually being ignored by our Australian friend."


My response was to clearly disprove that. 


Anyone who wants to go home should have the right to do so - whether Jewish, Arab, European, Indigenous, etc etc. Including those people who fled and were expelled from Arab countries. 


Ive read enough of your posts though to know toxic nonsense when i see it, consider yourself blocked 🙂

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4 hours ago, HarbularyBattery said:

Actually your timeline of what happened in 1948 is wrong and provably so. Framing the Arab response to Israel's declaration of independence as a bloodthirsty and unprovoked act of violence is also wrong. 


Israel declared independence on May 15 1948. Heres a few things that happened before that:


January 4th 1948- Lehi (Jewish terrorists) detonate a truck bomb civilians in Jaffa

April 25th 1948- Irgun bombs Jaffa

April 27th- Haganah invades the villages east of Jaffa

May 14th- 95% of the Arab population had fled for their lives

May 15th- Israel declares independence


The same events happened weeks earlier in Haifa, and in several other cities and towns that had majority arab populations that would eventually be cleansed of most of their arab populations. 


Israel took many cities by force, and while yes, rolling back history and sending everyone back to where they came from is ridiculous dumb and impossible, your blame of the displacement of those civilians on the bloodthirsty arabs is a gross rewriting of history. 


People try to play the same game in 1967, framing it as Arab aggression, when it was Israel who invaded Egypt, not the other way around. In that war, Israel illegally took more Palestinian territory, and still holds it to this day. Why is nobody calling on Israel to unconditionally return it/stop building settlements on it before further negotiations take place?


Im also curious which of the proposed compromises you considered to be fair? Why should they have taken any deal in 1948 that did not include them being able to go back to their homes? Or any year for that matter? 


If you were thrown out of your house by force, would you accept any deal that didn't include being able to come back?


The idiot (and there are many out there) think that this is a fight between evil bloodthirsty primitives vs innocents. It isn't. 


The cycle of violence we see today has a specific and clear injustice at its root. Address that, and work outwards from there, and thats how this conflict is solved.

Oh, how convenient to only bring up the facts that show your side as “victims” and completely ignoring myriad of events that led to the ones you are bringing up and twisting the truth about the majority of them. If I learn anything in this thread - people like you are not willing to learn all the facts. Good bye.

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Posted (edited)
11 hours ago, Rook said:

*this is a* stupid phone in the Florida heat hates me 😝 

Ok, I thought so...but thought maybe forgot to capitalize US or something and was missing what you were putting down 😉 

Edited by Gnarcore
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