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Hamas attacking Israel


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10 hours ago, Playoff Beered said:



300,000 civilians killed in Aleppo during civil war, between various Jihadists & Warlords.  MILLIONs displaced. Since 2011.  Gaza & the West Bank are tragic! 


This post above does put a scale, and call to question why such uproar?    Post below documents tragedy in Gaza. 






Kurdish tragedy?  100,000 died in Iraq.  100,000 in Syria.  40,000 dead and MILLIONS, as many 3 million displaced in Turkey alone since 1978.  Have also lost land in Azerbaijan, Iran.


There has been civil war in Sudan, Egypt, Iraq, Libya, Ethiopia, Tunisia?


Do Islamic nations all just want Israel for themselves?  (Honest question)





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In a census of Syria’s Al-Hasakah Governorate, Kurds, 120,000 who cannot prove their residence in Syria prior to 1945 and those who fail to participate are stripped of their citizenship, rendering them stateless and unable to travel. These Kurds and their descendants are unable to vote, own property or businesses, or legally marry. In April 2011, amid an intensifying uprising, President Bashar al-Assad promises some “unregistered” Kurds citizenship.


Syrian President Hafez al-Assad waves as he walks out of the Omayyades mosque in Damascus in October 1973. AFP/Getty

Syrian leader Hafez al-Assad establishes a so-called Arab belt along the border with Turkey, displacing Syrian Kurds. The move is designed to weaken Kurdish dominance of resource-rich areas. Assad, a Baathist, seized power in 1970, seven years after the party came to power in a coup.



More than one million Kurds flee to Turkey and Iran, and hundreds of thousands of others are internally displaced, triggering a humanitarian catastrophe. 



Working toward EU membership, Turkey introduces legislative and constitutional reforms that expand Kurdish political and cultural rights, such as permitting the use of the Kurdish language in national television broadcasts. In 2009, Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan’s Justice and Development Party (AKP) government announces a “Kurdish Initiative” with plans for further reforms, which wavers in response to nationalist backlash.



A father and an infant lay dead on the street. Both were killed in a chemical attack carried out by Saddam Hussein on the city of Halabja, in northeastern Iraq, in March 1988.
A father and an infant are killed in a chemical attack carried out by Saddam on Halabja, in northeastern Iraq, in March 1988. IRNA/AFP/Getty Images

From February to September, Saddam carries out the al-Anfal (“the spoils”) campaign, known as the Kurdish Genocide, which includes mass killings, the destruction of thousands of villages, and the use of chemical weapons against civilians. An estimated 50,000 to 180,000 Iraqi Kurds are killed and tens of thousands displaced. On March 16, as many as five thousand Kurds are killed in a sarin and mustard-gas attack on the town of Halabja.

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6 hours ago, Canuck Surfer said:


China or Chinese leaders?


That Gorgeous flippin 3 damned project displaced more people than there is in Gaza, Israel combined also for that matter. 14 Million? Where are these Chinese being helped; Uyghur, Taiwan, Hong Kong, Tiananmen square ///


They built cities for them & got ghosted...



I meant that, as in with keeping their people in line.  Be that propaganda, show of strength, or creating public works. iirc this was towards keeping ethnic Han Chinese believing in government.

I don’t remember the course’s take on most ethnic minority groups - but I remember the idea that Chinese leaders want Taiwan back more than just about anything.  

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Is this really  how peace is made..?  Just more human suffering. ...



Hamas says 266 Palestinians have been killed in the past 24 hours, including 117 children. Israel says it killed "dozens of terrorists" overnight


It's two weeks since Hamas launched its assault on Israel, killing more than 1,400 people.


Palestinian officials in Gaza say more than 4,600 have been killed since then




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On 10/17/2023 at 12:41 PM, Optimist Prime said:

I can not see if this is true or not true, however a wide angle shot of a Hamas Rocket misfire has been recorded, and it appears to be moments before the Hospital is kaboom'd.



Well it took five days or so but various Intel communities around the globe including Canada's now officially today conclude it was a Hamas Rocket misfire that hit the parking lot at the hospital. My guess is the extra time was due to referencing satellite data and correlating multiple data points and sources. Quotting myself seems gauche, but I wanted the timestamp.

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1 hour ago, moosehead said:

Is this really  how peace is made..?  Just more human suffering. ...



Hamas says 266 Palestinians have been killed in the past 24 hours, including 117 children. Israel says it killed "dozens of terrorists" overnight


It's two weeks since Hamas launched its assault on Israel, killing more than 1,400 people.


Palestinian officials in Gaza say more than 4,600 have been killed since then





Sorry if I don’t believe the words of Palestinian Hamas officials.

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9 minutes ago, RomanPer said:


Sorry if I don’t believe the words of Palestinian Hamas officials.

No need to apologize, we have yet to see any evidence of the 500 dead and over 1000 wounded in that hospital parking lot. 


Edit, it is important to make that distinction between Hamas and the civilians in Gaza, thank you.

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1 minute ago, moosehead said:

Of course, I personally do not trust the words of either Hamas or Israeli government officials.  


It has become common practice for parents in Gaza to write their children’s names on their legs to help identify them, should either they or the children be killed. CNN’s journalist filmed a toddler and three children who had been killed, with their names written in Arabic on their calves. All four were seen lying on stretchers placed on the floor in an overfilled room. It was unclear whether their parents were also killed.



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I have spoken a lot about the crimes of Israel here.  Voiced less specific but overring concern over Hamas & other militant administrations in the Middle East.


5 days a go a strike killed Ayman Nafal.  Who had escaped an Egyptian jail for participating in planned bomb attacks.  I support Sikh's in Canada for example.  Not those who execute people in a passenger airplane over Scotland.


Meanwhile In 2011 1027 Hamas associated 'prisoners of war,' most honestly valid as violent criminals against Israel, were released for one soldier Gilat Shalit. A hostage held 5 years.  Among them Hamas strongman Abu Ayish, Muhammad Agmiyan Jama'a. Who killed three Israeli's, but also 20 Palestinian citizens accused of relations with Israel.    al-Jaaba, Fadi Muhammad Ibrahim, in jail for a bus bombing killing 30 & injuring 50 more.   al-Nasser-Yataima, Nasir Sami Abd al-Razzaq Ali mastermind of the Passover massacre, injuring and killing 170. Other released terrorists were behind further attacks in 2014, 2015 & includes those involved in planning attacks 10 days ago & current Hamas leader since 2017 Yehiya Sinwar.





Combined, responsible directly for 569 Israeli deaths, as well as similar other victims & countless more unknown.


Its no wonder Hamas like taking hostages.  Also why it may be less expensive to go to war I have heard opinion among hard lineers? Rather than negotiating even regarding civilians. 


My point is Hamas are seriously bad.  This is not just a an issue of Israeli current and historical oppression of Palestinians. 



Edited by Canuck Surfer
2011 prisoner release, quoted wrong date in typo
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4 hours ago, Optimist Prime said:

Well it took five days or so but various Intel communities around the globe including Canada's now officially today conclude it was a Hamas Rocket misfire that hit the parking lot at the hospital. My guess is the extra time was due to referencing satellite data and correlating multiple data points and sources. Quotting myself seems gauche, but I wanted the timestamp.



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As the world watches Gaza, the violence against Palestinians in the occupied West Bank has skyrocketed. Days before the 7 October attack, armed Israeli settlers, reportedly from the settlement of Esh Kodesh, stormed the Palestinian village of Qusra, which stands south-west of the city of Nablus. Settlers fired at residents who had gathered, unarmed, to protect their village. That night, under the cover of darkness, settlers returned to destroy cars and electricity lines.



In the following days, settlers cut off the road leading to the village, only to return on 11 October with Israeli occupation forces in tow. Israeli settlers opened fire at residents and rather than hold them back, as Israeli forces claim to do, they joined in. Four Palestinians were killed that day, with settlers killing three and soldiers killing one.

The next day, settlers returned and attacked the funeral for the four killed the day before, opening fire once again, killing a father and his son.


These are not isolated incidents. Since 7 October, settler attacks have risen to an average of eight incidents a day and have led to the displacement of 13 Palestinian communities. The Israeli government’s intention to arm its settlers with an additional 10,000 rifles will undoubtedly make the situation much worse.



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