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Hamas attacking Israel

Message added by Sharpshooter,









~ Your friendly neighbourhood Sniper. 

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4 minutes ago, the destroyer of worlds said:

People in cars stopped on the road while firefight ensues.   Soldiers taking cover around and behind cars.





Saw that video earlier.  It's pretty trippy and surreal.  Not a thing you can do but wait it out if you are those guys. 


They kept poking their heads up and I was like, "get it back down idiots".  I know a door won't stop a bullet, but it's better to take one on your ass cheek or legs than it is taking one to your head.

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1 hour ago, the destroyer of worlds said:

Gaza before these attacks.


So how will this be resolved. 


Kill most/all Palestinians.   Not happening. 


Kill most/all Israeli.   Not happening 


2 state solution.  Not happening, multiple US administrations have tried.


The status quo from pre attacks.  Probably not.


Things get worse for the Palestinians.   Likely.  Their open air prison or ghetto is going to get worse.  




Looks like more Ethnic Cleansing about to happen. Genocide . Occupation,  Apartheid. Oppression.  Depopulation of Palestinian Villages.......        Things never change 


Makes me sad when peaceful solutions can not be found. 

Edited by moosehead
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32 minutes ago, RomanPer said:

Everyone who starts talking about Israel being partly to blame for what happened yesterday, ask yourself this question - is the rape victim who wears a short skirt partially at fault in her own rape? I can’t believe all the “righteous” calls now…

Civilians have been getting killed by both sides for years.  Palestinians have seen settlers take more and more land.  Peoples ability to live their lives has been impacted by decisions from both parties.  In no way is the situation something akin to rape where blame is solely on the perp.  Israel has been part of this back and forth for decades.  Here's a story from 2022:

https://theintercept.com/2022/09/20/shireen-abu-akleh-killing-israel/#:~:text=Majdi Mohammed%2FAP-,Israeli Forces Deliberately Killed Palestinian American Journalist%2C Report Shows,the bullet that killed her.&text=September 20 2022%2C 1%3A11 p.m.


This doesn't mean that I condone the attacks by Hamas and Hezbollah.  But in no way is Israel totally innocent here.  Yet, the people who will pay the price the most are most likely living in Gaza and the West Bank.  


There are no innocent bystanders in hell.   War is full of them.

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11 minutes ago, RomanPer said:


The same shit is planned tomorrow in Vancouver by the Art Gallery at 2 PM. Really hope police does something about it…


Why ? Canada has freedom of speech unlike Israel...... 



The Israeli army detained Farid al-Atrash for five days. He wishes it hadn’t affected him so profoundly when authorities crammed him into a crowded cell or transported him to court in a cramped metal enclosure inside a military vehicle. Thousands of Palestinians, after all, have been detained for much longer and treated worse than he was, he says.

Farid was arrested in 2016 for participating in a protest. Now, more than three years later, he’s still awaiting judgment from an Israeli military court. The charges for protesting carry a prison sentence of up to 10 years. If the verdict goes against him, the 42-year-old human rights lawyer and father of three could be back behind bars.



Edited by moosehead
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24 minutes ago, Elias Pettersson said:


We don't have freedom of speech.  If you are a right-wing extremist protesting in Ottawa you are going to be arrested.  If you are supporting a terrorist organization and protesting you should also be arrested.  Canada has deemed Hamas a terrorist organization.  Anyone in Canada who supports Hamas should be arrested and thrown in jail...

There were plenty of right-wing protests that went off incident free.  Multiple weekends of Freedumb Convoy protests here in PG.  They chose to protest in the CN Centre parking lot, not blocking streets or access to public buildings.   They didn't desecrate things.   They didn't impede access to border crossings. 


So it hardly was just because they were right wingers that some individuals were jailed and/or had their accounts frozen.. 

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Colossal failure of IDF and Mossad, very similar to September 11th.

I have followed this conflict for 40 years, no way that they managed to pull this off without help from other countries.


I think we are in for a bumpy ride, I foresee might bigger regional and global conflict.

Hopefully I am wrong.


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9 minutes ago, the destroyer of worlds said:

There were plenty of right-wing protests that went off incident free.  Multiple weekends of Freedumb Convoy protests here in PG.  They chose to protest in the CN Centre parking lot, not blocking streets or access to public buildings.   They didn't desecrate things.   They didn't impede access to border crossings. 


So it hardly was just because they were right wingers that some individuals were jailed and/or had their accounts frozen.. 


Sure, I get that.  Obviously, there was more to what was going on in Ottawa than in Prince George.  


Bottom line is that if you are supporting a terrorist organization and you live in Canada you need to be very careful.  We have laws against that...


Yes, supporting a terrorist organization in Canada is against the law. Canadian charities are not allowed to support terrorism, regardless of their religious or secular affiliation. If a Canadian charity is found to be supporting terrorism, it can expect to be revoked and face other consequences 1. The intentional provision of support to terrorists is a crime in Canada 2. If you suspect links to terrorism, you can report them to the RCMP’s National Security Information Line at 1-800-420-5805 or visit the National Security Information Network on the Web 2.

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5 minutes ago, CBH1926 said:

Colossal failure of IDF and Mossad, very similar to September 11th.

I have followed this conflict for 40 years, no way that they managed to pull this off without help from other countries.


I think we are in for a bumpy ride, I foresee might bigger regional and global conflict.

Hopefully I am wrong.



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7 hours ago, Elias Pettersson said:

The military industrial complex is salivating over the potential for another war…



If only Lindsey showed some balls when he was dealing with Trump.

I could never take seriously a man whose name is Lindsey.

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24 minutes ago, CBH1926 said:

Colossal failure of IDF and Mossad, very similar to September 11th.

I have followed this conflict for 40 years, no way that they managed to pull this off without help from other countries.


I think we are in for a bumpy ride, I foresee might bigger regional and global conflict.

Hopefully I am wrong.



I reckon that may be why US is sending its biggest aircraft carrier. 

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9 minutes ago, The Duke said:

I have a ton of sympathy / empathy for Palestinian people but this is gross.  

Ya, the people are caught in the middle.  What people fail to separate out is the terrorists and goons.  But, from a certain point of view, they might not see it that way. 


I mean, you can easily change the story of Luke in Star Wars to make it sound like he's a terrorist.   He was an orphaned farm boy whose care givers were killed during an Imperial operation to capture some rebel droids.  He was radicalized into an ancient, outlawed religion.  He joined a band of rebel insurgents.  Their attacks killed hundreds of thousands.  Especially the 2nd space station that was under construction  Thousands and thousands of workers died just trying to put food on their family's tables.



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1 hour ago, Elias Pettersson said:


We don't have freedom of speech.  If you are a right-wing extremist protesting in Ottawa you are going to be arrested.  If you are supporting a terrorist organization and protesting you should also be arrested.  Canada has deemed Hamas a terrorist organization.  Anyone in Canada who supports Hamas should be arrested and thrown in jail...

 I suspect you are discussing freedom rallies?


Thats a pathetic comparison.  They honked their own horns for how many weeks before being disbursed so law abiding citizens could go about their day. Most believe they were given a voice & kicked out when overcooked.  I define most as, well, those right wing extremists did not stop re election after all was said & done. Did they?


If you 'believe' in Hamas, IMO, feel free to stand on the side of the road with a sign. Not block our road.  Those engaged in funding or participating, organizing illegal events, violence in particular start in to a scale of terrorists. Deserve to be arrested. Ideally, would have been weeded out by security checks before being offered refugee or immigrant status. In Gaza, I have no sympathy for those standing guard at a multi story tower. While a Syrian rebel sells Palestinian protestors missiles to haul up to the roof.


Even if I believe Gaza needs to be returned? I do believe there needs to be a Palestinian solution.  That many have been mis treated! 

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3 minutes ago, the destroyer of worlds said:

Ya, the people are caught in the middle.  What people fail to separate out is the terrorists and goons.  But, from a certain point of view, they might not see it that way. 


I mean, you can easily change the story of Luke in Star Wars to make it sound like he's a terrorist.   He was an orphaned farm boy whose care givers were killed during an Imperial operation to capture some rebel droids.  He was radicalized into an ancient, outlawed religion.  He joined a band of rebel insurgents.  Their attacks killed hundreds of thousands.  Especially the 2nd space station that was under construction  Thousands and thousands of workers died just trying to put food on their family's tables.



I see where you’re going with that, but I’m not sure I buy the parallel.  Han and Chewie didn’t topple the empire by going to an imperial—aligned planet and shooting civilians at a bus stop. 

This is just going to get more Palestinians killed.  Super brave of the people living safely in Canada to cheer on Hamas - which will only result in more bloodshed.  Just absolutely moronic.

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1 minute ago, the destroyer of worlds said:

Ya, the people are caught in the middle.  What people fail to separate out is the terrorists and goons.  But, from a certain point of view, they might not see it that way. 


I mean, you can easily change the story of Luke in Star Wars to make it sound like he's a terrorist.   He was an orphaned farm boy whose care givers were killed during an Imperial operation to capture some rebel droids.  He was radicalized into an ancient, outlawed religion.  He joined a band of rebel insurgents.  Their attacks killed hundreds of thousands.  Especially the 2nd space station that was under construction  Thousands and thousands of workers died just trying to put food on their family's tables.




Imperials came into power by destroying the democracy in the Republic. Palpatine used his emergency powers as chancellor to help create what would be the Empire and went behind the scenes to plan the jedi's destruction. He planned the entire Clone Wars by playing both sides.


Imperials after that for the next while kept up the propaganda stream while ruling the Galaxy with an iron fist. They phased out the Clones(brutally) because the Emperor thought he'd have more control of the galaxy if with regular people in the Imperial army. 


By the time Luke came into the scene most of the core to mid-rim worlds(interior galaxy) bought into the propaganda or were too afraid to speak out because the Emperor wasn't afraid of getting rid of people who spoke out in the Senate(which at that point was a shadow of what it once was in the Republic. The Death Star was created in order to drive fear in anyone who opposed the Emperor's rule. 


You don't need to change the story to make Luke look like a terrorist. He was in the Empire's minds. Big difference is that the Empire were literal Space Nazi's. Their holocaust they committed was Order 66/the Jedi-Purge(It wasn't as severe as the actual Holocaust as there was roughly 10000 jedi who died). They were also Xenophobic toward most alien races/planets, and would often strip these planets for resources. Most of the Imperial army was Human. 


North Korea(especially), China(somewhat) and Russia would be a more apt modern representation of the Empire in Star Wars to a degree.It is a bit more black and white than in comparison with Israel, Hamas and Palestinians. This conflict is a whole lotta grey. 

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