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Hamas attacking Israel


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1 hour ago, moosehead said:


A picture is worth 1000 words......




Can you give a bit more context to this map? who developed it and why should I believe it?


Also kind of curious on why the UN plan this time would be a bad thing? you've been pretty pro-UN for most of this thread. 



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12 hours ago, RomanPer said:


I’m telling you about current feelings towards Bibi within Israel after October 7th. 79% of Likud supporters even thing that he’s responsible for what happened by ignoring multiple warning calls. He is in zugzwang politically.

I think that what happened on October 7th will have many who will be held accountable. Yes, Bibi heads the government, but I doubt he issued the passes on the Gaza border. 

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6 hours ago, Lemon Face said:

Brother dont waste your time.If rain is hard in Israel and you say it,you are anti yew.We are all hostages of world war 2,Because of horrible crime by German nazy,Izrael has cart blanche to defend them self(kill others).Same chronology is strange.Did Palestine de solve Israel or other way around.Israel settlers are civiliams.There is only small problem.They are armed and they kill.Palestinians didnot kill Israel prime minister who signed peace agreement.Guy who did it is on photo with Nentanyahu.

Defence minister caled Palestinians animals and as such they need to be dealt with


Wrong. He called Hamas animals, not all Palestinians. But you do you, you are clearly a hostage of WWII. Sorry not all of us died - it would make your life so much easier.

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6 hours ago, Lemon Face said:

Brother dont waste your time.If rain is hard in Israel and you say it,you are anti yew.We are all hostages of world war 2,Because of horrible crime by German nazy,Izrael has cart blanche to defend them self(kill others).Same chronology is strange.Did Palestine de solve Israel or other way around.Israel settlers are civiliams.There is only small problem.They are armed and they kill.Palestinians didnot kill Israel prime minister who signed peace agreement.Guy who did it is on photo with Nentanyahu.

Defence minister caled Palestinians animals and as such they need to be dealt with


I am also really curious to see a photo of Netanyahu with Yigal Amir 🙂 

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6 hours ago, Lemon Face said:

Defence minister caled Palestinians animals and as such they need to be dealt with

No he didn’t. He called the Hamas terrorists animals, which they are. 


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1 hour ago, Bob Long said:


Can you give a bit more context to this map? who developed it and why should I believe it?


Also kind of curious on why the UN plan this time would be a bad thing? you've been pretty pro-UN for most of this thread. 



It’s a fake map with no relevance to any conversation. Not sure why he keeps posting it. 

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It seems Israel is indeed planning to sever Gaza City from the Southern Gaza strip at the 'highway 10', it seemed logical ten days ago, and now it seems practical as seen on the ground in this image detailing Israeli held territory inside the Northern Gaza strip. Note they have captured 3km NorthWest from the ANZAC monument, roughly towards the Mediteranean Sea, a total distance of 6.67km. At the same time, in the direct North corner of Gaza, Israeli troops led by a tank division are working down the beach. 100 sqaure KM's are now in that Northern Gaza area about to be encircled by the IDF. Just the facts, ma'am. 



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6 minutes ago, Elias Pettersson said:

It’s a fake map with no relevance to any conversation. Not sure why he keeps posting it. 


Oh thanks, I wondered about this map.


I thought it showed settlement lands taken back from the Palestinians or something. 

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2 minutes ago, Bob Long said:


I'm genuinely curious about it's origin tho. I don't understand what it's message is.

I just found this...



The newly-formed coalition government in Israel, agreed following three consecutive general elections, has designated the 1st of July as the start date of the process for formal annexation of large swathes of the Palestinian West Bank. Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu 

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1 hour ago, bishopshodan said:

I just found this...



The newly-formed coalition government in Israel, agreed following three consecutive general elections, has designated the 1st of July as the start date of the process for formal annexation of large swathes of the Palestinian West Bank. Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu 


funny, its from two left Spanish EU members. I wonder how they view Catalonia? 


Still not clear on the map tho, and what its really suggesting. That Palestine was a functioning country in 1946? or ?

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59 minutes ago, Bob Long said:


I think you mean USSR? 


I had a first hand account from my great grandmother about what it was like to lose her farm to Stalin.


And I'll preempt the ',but Palestine' reply, Ukraine is a functioning democracy and an ally. And please don't compare Gaza to what happened for Stalin to achieve what he wanted.


In his mind "Russia" = "USSR", which is straight out of putin propaganda books. He ignores the fact that ancient Rus was founded in Kyiv (hence the name Kyivan Rus), ancient Rus coat of arms was a Trident, ancient Rus currency was hryvnia. When Kyiv already had relationships with Europe and daughter of Kyiv prince Yaroslav, Anne, was a queen of France after marrying Henry I when Moscow didn't even exist. In the meantime, the coat of arms of Moscovia is a 2-headed eagle with its roots in the Golden Horde... But hey, why have facts kill a cool story, right? 🙂 

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1 minute ago, RomanPer said:


In his mind "Russia" = "USSR", which is straight out of putin propaganda books. He ignores the fact that ancient Rus was founded in Kyiv (hence the name Kyivan Rus), ancient Rus coat of arms was a Trident, ancient Rus currency was hryvnia. When Kyiv already had relationships with Europe and daughter of Kyiv prince Yaroslav, Anne, was a queen of France after marrying Henry I when Moscow didn't even exist. In the meantime, the coat of arms of Moscovia is a 2-headed eagle with its roots in the Golden Horde... But hey, why have facts kill a cool story, right? 🙂 

in "his mind"


Don't do that son.


The people here conflate military victory or some sort of historical claim as to why epxnasion and settlements are justified.  If we're holding that as the metric of justification then we also have to accept that Crimea and Donbas belong to Russia based on historical past and 2014 and there's no argument otherwise without looking like a blatant hypocrite.


Nothing more.  Don't put words in my mouth son


Edit* So much for "not paying attention to that so called hippy" You can't quit me can ya?

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