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Hamas attacking Israel


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9 minutes ago, Optimist Prime said:

I appr3ciate you, but I just figured I would share. Remembrance day usually makes me into a weepy bitch, today I planned ahead and had a trip to the city and then dinner with family to distract, but then got home...sorry to rant. My gist was wars suck and no one should have to experience one.the guys that started this one are the enemies of humanity. 

You point came through in spades. You’ve earned the right to rant though I would simply call it opening up and thanks for doing so.

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53 minutes ago, moosehead said:


I honestly hope no one has to live through this.


The first time i saw a charred burnt body....  it was surreal.  I saw no blood... just burnt people and smoke. I was expecting to see blood.....   Bits and pieces strewn down the road....  A torso with no arms and legs....   I will not go on.....  Apologies if i said too much....


I will not forget it.  Ever............. Haunting.......  I can spend my life trying to forget it.. but i  can't.  


War / death / destruction - it is hell...

I am sorry you had to experience that. 😔 I fought reaching out to veterans affairs for help for years, but it got better when they got me a diagnosis and treatment for OSI's. Operational Stress injuries, people say PTSD but there are several under the umbrella. I resisted councilling till I reached out to VAC too, and now as a vet, I get lifetime psychological services, for which I am thankful. Have you had a chance to talk with someone about your experiences? I think my psychologist is helpful.

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8 hours ago, Optimist Prime said:

war is worse than the idea of hell. The part i don't get is why people think the wealthier side has more obligations than the side that literally started the war with a sneak attack on 1400 unarmed men women and children, butchering 1200ish of them and kidnapping over 200 of them. That day was insane for so many reason, and the fallout from that day would never have happened without that day. I think restraint has been shown by 'the jetsons' in that they haven't bombed 'the flintstones' back to the paleolithic era, but obviously there is substantial disagreement on that issue. 


I really just wonder once the upper third of Gaza has been neautralized of its hamas threat: what is the next step? I would guess phase 2 would involve the middle third and a future phase three the southern third of the strip? I don't know but stopping at 1/3 of the job done seems like it is just doomed to repeat inside the next 7 years. Guessing therefore that Israel does all three phases, and my sincere hope is real and outstanding humanitarian aid is set up in the Northern Third, once that sector is clear of Hamas. Then slowly and carefully vet the civilians back into the north to clear out the south. This is going to take a long time, even if i am wrong and it is not a three phase war, or some armistice is agreed to before it is finished: this will take a very long time. 

Nothing good about war. People die. Israel has to carry thru on their political and military objectives. Destroy Hamas. At a minimum it provides better border security for Israel and just might allow a more moderate government to establish itself in Gaza. If that can happen then the world governments can help create a better life for Palestinians. There can be no repatriation of Palestinians into Israel. Israelis cannot allow such a security risk inside their country. 


The IDF cannot fight with one arm tied behind their back. The Hamas propaganda effort is to minimalize the IDF effort by using their own people as shields. The sooner they can be destroyed the more likely fewer Palestinian and Israeli lives will be lost. As each day passes it becomes clearer that the IDF has been given a mandate by world governments to eradicate Hamas. A world which includes almost all Sunni Arab countries in the ME.  

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8 hours ago, moosehead said:


War is hell.


My only hope is that all humans can find peace and justice regardless of their race , religion, gender, ethnicity or sexual orientation. 


We are blessed in Canada to find equality for all citizens.  Hopefully Israel opens their hearts and can find equality/ love /  peace  for all their minorities. 

Almost. Skip the last sentence and it’s what good people wsnt. Hamas isn’t good people. They, and those who think like them, need to be eliminated. Then we can move to peace.

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6 minutes ago, Alflives said:

Almost. Skip the last sentence and it’s what good people wsnt. Hamas isn’t good people. They, and those who think like them, need to be eliminated. Then we can move to peace.

They can eliminate Hamas all they want. They aren't finding peace. Too many are dying and the next wave of radicals is being created. 

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8 minutes ago, Gnarcore said:

They can eliminate Hamas all they want. They aren't finding peace. Too many are dying and the next wave of radicals is being created. 

Perhaps, but no one criticizing Israel has provided an alternative to their current actions, they just say vague things like there are other ways or they need to do better. Completely useless answers.

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3 minutes ago, Alflives said:


Yah, go on with the Killing.

But understand, that all they will end up with is more dead people, for the  next 100 years.


doing the same thing, over and over

expecting different results is

the definition of insanity.


way too many humans are insane.

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8 minutes ago, Gurn said:

And  the Germans kill the Jews

And the Jews kill the Arabs

And the Arabs kill the hostages

and that is the news

Is it any wonder the monkey's confused?

-Roger Waters.

I love Pink Floyd but I often think Waters should put his millions where his mouth is.

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5 minutes ago, Gurn said:

Yah, go on with the Killing.

But understand, that all they will end up with is more dead people, for the  next 100 years.


doing the same thing, over and over

expecting different results is

the definition of insanity.


way too many humans are insane.

Alf posts about the topic, and tries to avoid posting about other posters. 
Hamas is clearly an evil entity. They need to be eliminated. Then Gaza can be rebuilt. 
With Hamas terrorists ruling Gaza how could Gaza be rebuilt? No foreign skilled workers would be safe. 

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11 hours ago, Optimist Prime said:

Just to overstate the obvious: Gaza is about 41.55km's long at its longest axis and only 5 and a half km's wide at the middle of that 41.55km's of length. 


So, with that absolutely geographically correct information, I have to ask, "What?"


I was tied up all day, but I am gonna skip the rest of the 9 hours of posts, this one has made me realize this thread is a waste of time and effort. rofl. None the less, see you tomorrow, lol. 

they haven’t taken control of the entire 40km of Gaza territory……… that’s literally my goddamn point.? Would you have felt better if I said 41.55km? Like holy crap dude.

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9 hours ago, Ilunga said:


I disagree.

After speaking to veterans including my father, I know that exactly what war really is, the look in their eyes actually speaks louder than words.


War is suffering.

War is pain.

War is the violent death of people that are loved by others. 


I don't have to live something to know what it is.

Of course living through something gives one more of an insight into the suffering and pain of war, however I know what suffering and pain is. 


I often rationalise that billions of people would trade places with me right now, Inspite of the fact that I am going through the worst time of my life.

That doesn't make my pain less or theirs more, it just puts my pain into perspective.

The only pain I can envisage that would be worse than what I am going through now is that if my son actually died.


My dad’s grandfather on his maternal side, was killed in WW2 along with 5 of his children, most of whom were children. My dad’s father also lost one of his brothers who was killed in WW2.

When my grandparents retired, they retired with bunch of other veterans and decided to live in the same area. Growing up I heard plenty of war stories from my grandparents who were also veterans.


This was just my dad’s side of family, my moms side also went through war, my grandfather being imprisoned, his brother was executed etc. Visited museums, learned about it in school, gone to battlefields etc. I thought I understood war quite well. Although my war wasn’t as terrible as theirs, to actually live through it, it was totally different than I had imagined.


I didn’t mean that people can’t imagine what the war is about or feel strongly about it.

You have always been very compassionate person and you express your feelings quite well.

Lot of comments that people are posting are clear sign that they have hard time understanding dynamics of war.

IMO that’s something that only actual war experience helps you understand. 












Edited by CBH1926
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1 minute ago, Gurn said:

Ok, you got me....  Bet he's still pretty rich though.


We all have our opinions and mine is that the guy has made a lot of really great music, a lot of really bad poetry*, and talks a bit more than he thinks.


* I read an interview a while back where the interviewer discussed his lyrics and politely alluded to simplistic, high school poetry.  Rogers responded with ' I don't know why they let me get away with it for so long.'  I agreed.   Didn't when I was in high school.

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43 minutes ago, Odd. said:

they haven’t taken control of the entire 40km of Gaza territory……… that’s literally my goddamn point.? Would you have felt better if I said 41.55km? Like holy crap dude.

I must have completely misread your post. If so, my apologies. 

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Haven't yet figured out how to quote from another thread, but SilentSam just posted in the Ukraine thread:


Microsoft: Russia spreading Middle East disinformation. Russia is actively manufacturing disinformation about the Middle East, according to Microsoft vice chair and president Brad Smith, the Times of Israel reported.


Welcome to the misinformation age.

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Just measured out the latest live ua map of the situation northeast of Highway Ten, the upper Gaza region; the IDF has taken about 40 square KM's of the 110 square km total. That leaves about 70 Sq KM remaining. it appears that three or four hospitals are the main focus at the moment. the IDF has agreed to take about 30 infant medical cases on from one of the hospitals, while they are battling Hamas who are holed up in another. it seem the IDF have captured or are in the midst of capturing the Rantisi and Al-Nasr hospitals. My bet is that if they clear these of Hamas completely and can deal with the subsurface structures therein while somehow keepign the hospitals intact; likely then Israel would supply them is my guess and get power there. But cart before the horse... First is to clear out the hostiles and make the area safe. 


Also, sorry about last night. I was posting content unsuitable for a family board. 

Nov 12th.jpg

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