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Hamas attacking Israel


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1 minute ago, Super19 said:

Yeah weed them all out. Once innocent children but now hating the people that bombed them? How dare they? Straight to jail for these future terrorsits.


In the meantime in Gaza, theyll kill 15k+ people. 70% women and children. Less people to have to take care of once the war is done, and the sketchy ones can go to prison. Also no one will believe that these women and children are dying anyway because these are just numbers Hamas are throwing out of their ass. And the ones that actually died? Shame on Hamas! Using them as human shields, left Israel literally no other choice but continue the torrential downpour of bombs this point. Sad but need to kill Hamas for their own benefit.. FAFO.

I think I have come to the end of having anything useful to say to you sir. Enjoy your life, as we all do here in North America, I wish you peace and prosperity but I have a pig to go teach how to whistle.

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6 minutes ago, Optimist Prime said:

What on earth should be done about people chucking flaming bottles of gas at other humans? Sometimes your lines go off the tarmac into the tundra my friend.

Teens can be stupid and rebellious af but what drives them to throw molotov cocktails at tanks and rocks at soldiers? Hate? Indoctrinrion? Why? And how? The ones that harm civillians are clearly not innocent so they deserve the punishment.


While we are at it. What should be done about dropping flaming bombs that will of course and inevitably kill and cause destruction to way more innocents than the intended targets?

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9 minutes ago, Optimist Prime said:

I think I have come to the end of having anything useful to say to you sir. Enjoy your life, as we all do here in North America, I wish you peace and prosperity but I have a pig to go teach how to whistle.

We both want Hamas gone.


You seem to want the war to continue which I think won't solve much or i fear it will be a grave dark cloud in history with its resolution (genocide)

I want a diplomatic solution, 2 state theory seems best.

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1 minute ago, Super19 said:

Even when its people resisting their oppressors?


people living in Gaza have oppression from Hamas as well. Which way are they supposed to go next? 


Until they choose a leadership group that actually cares about building a functioning society they are going to be in this horrible situation. They really need their Nelson Mandela, who can find a way through all the years of blame and move to something more positive like he did for SA.


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39 minutes ago, Super19 said:

Even when its people resisting their oppressors?

specifically: when you delude yourself into believing it is okay to kill for whatever your cause of the moment is: that is when you are the worst of Humanity, the fact you don't understand that is worrisome. I know, I know, i want to stay away from this but this one is hard to walk past. 

WHo gets to decide which cause is worth killing for and which one is not? You? Hamas?

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Just now, bishopshodan said:


This thread still has a floor full of eggshells.


I have been called out for my support of Isreal and of Palestine ! and too idealistic in my thoughts about peace more than once. Though I can be idealistic, I admit.

I have been grumbled at for asking for clarification about things that seem fear mongering or conspiratorial while they're presented as fact. Recently I had a analogy of one of my posts turned into a creepy sexual crime senario, that one I didnt understand. 


I really miss some of the voices that have been silenced or removed from this thread. 


So I just read along and try to keep my fingers off the keyboard. I have actually never seen such a thread that is so touchy. Perhaps for a good reason but I wish, as you mention, that it was more of a discussion.



its good to walk away too if someone can't come in here and not get outraged. A lot of us have taken breaks from CDC.


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Just now, Bob Long said:


its good to walk away too if someone can't come in here and not get outraged. A lot of us have taken breaks from CDC.



I dont get outraged but I do flap my gums sometimes . So, that is good enough reason for me to hang back..

Sometimes breaks from this CFF aren't under my control though....😶

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1 minute ago, bishopshodan said:


I dont get outraged but I do flap my gums sometimes . So, that is good enough reason for me to hang back..

Sometimes breaks from this CFF aren't under my control though....😶


I dunno, its a discussion board, flap away my friend. 


Its fine to have an opinion, even more so if you're willing to integrate new evidence and ideas and modify it if need be. 


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3 hours ago, Super19 said:

Palestinians haven't had a leadership in 16 years, they've just had a resistance. And will continue to have a resistance until they're either wiped out or free


Idea's are breeding again in this statement!


It's like a call to join the resistance or die. The one & only cause?


There is no distinction for people who don't want Hamas as leaders. Which is an unfortunate reality on the ground. What are the odds Palestinians might have a better chance at freedom, peace, if they did not have militant leadership? 



Militant leadership who is not elected. That supersedes police, rules judicial systems by allowing you to live, your kids to go to school, receive food & supplies only by paying them tax. By intimidation and violence including murder if you oppose, protest or even sympathize. 


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3 minutes ago, WeneedLumme said:

You are repeatedly refusing to actually answer the question, "What should they do about the people throwing rocks and molotov cocktails at them?" Do you actually have an answer?

the bulk of the posts on here from that perspective seem to be 'leave them be, they are only tossing flame balls and slinging stones at Israeli's'. The silence on the matter is the answer. 

Calling Terrorists 'the resistance' like they Obi Wan effin Kenobi, lol says it all to me. 

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2 minutes ago, Optimist Prime said:

the bulk of the posts on here from that perspective seem to be 'leave them be, they are only tossing flame balls and slinging stones at Israeli's'. The silence on the matter is the answer. 

Yeah, the closest he got to answering was to say "hey, kids will be kids".

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Peace will be possible when people want to share this world. The world is getting increasingly more populated. Islands or pockets of individualism, one culture only could be viewed as noble? Or unrealistic. Gaza has an opportunity to be free by engaging peace.  Gaza could be free and in the process of being rebuilt in months, if not weeks with a change in outlook.


As do Israeli's of course have an opportunity to reduce pressures against them. The West Bank a much more tangled solution of their own making / interest.   


I am very curious as to this Saudi deal; its strategic view? Can itv actually soften borders @Optimist Prime ? Say in the Golan heights, Hebron.

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31 minutes ago, Canuck Surfer said:

Peace will be possible when people want to share this world. The world is getting increasingly more populated. Islands or pockets of individualism, one culture only could be viewed as noble? Or unrealistic. Gaza has an opportunity to be free by engaging peace.  Gaza could be free and in the process of being rebuilt in months, if not weeks with a change in outlook.


As do Israeli's of course have an opportunity to reduce pressures against them. The West Bank a much more tangled solution of their own making / interest.   


I am very curious as to this Saudi deal; its strategic view? Can itv actually soften borders @Optimist Prime ? Say in the Golan heights, Hebron.

In the broader sense, the more Arab nations that recognize the Sovereign Nation of Israel and its right to exist the better. Hamas can't now be left to run Gaza as they have dedicated their existence to constant war with Israel, the only way to change that position is with a resounding military defeat, that is the history of our species. 

As for softening borders...Al Asshat in Syria will need to be removed and Democratic Syrian Forces take charge and instigate elections. Syria likely won't survive this process intact. Kurdistan maybe in the future for the Kurdish people, Turkey will likely annex a 30km strip across the north and down the coast. The Golan is never again going to be Syrian, that much is obvious. The Lebanese Gov. at least wants peace with Israel, Hezbollah within Lebanon, not so much. Eventually the last domino will need to fall, Iran. I am not sure if that will be done before they reach the goal of being armed with a nuke or after, or when that happens maybe that is the moment, but I know that moment will come in the next 3, 5, 10 or 15 years. Note that reaching these conclusions or stating realities isn't cheering for them, it is just an analysis of the situation. I would cheer for peace and prosperity for all. For that to happen: all need to recognize the nations that the bulk of the UN recognizes. And then stop attacking them. 

As for soft borders: I would call the peacetime border with Jordan soft and the peace time border with Egypt soft. Lebanon, Syria: that will only come with the end of the current regime in Iran. 

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3 hours ago, Super19 said:

Even when its people resisting their oppressors?

Throwing these objects at IDF soldiers gets a person arrested. Makes sense. Speaking against hamas gets the person tossed off a building. There is a difference. IMHAO the true oppressors of the people of Gaza is Hamas. The people of Gaza will be free when Hamas is eliminated. 

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I've read enough of this thread to think what I thought before Oct 7.


There will never be peace in the ME. I am so glad I did not breed. Nobody really cares about each other. Tribal, religious, and greedy. If there is a hell, it's soon to be packed. 


WW3 will happen. I have no faith in the human race not to destroy itself. I am happy that even if it is tomorrow, I've lived a good life and welcome the next part.


Now, with those nice words I bid this thread adieu.


Go Nucks.

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3 hours ago, Optimist Prime said:

specifically: when you delude yourself into believing it is okay to kill for whatever your cause of the moment is: that is when you are the worst of Humanity, the fact you don't understand that is worrisome. I know, I know, i want to stay away from this but this one is hard to walk past. 

WHo gets to decide which cause is worth killing for and which one is not? You? Hamas?

So the Israeli's are the worst of humanity for believing it is ok to kill for their cause?

And Hams is the worst of humanity for believing it is ok to kill for their cause?


We might finally be getting somewhere.

Or not.

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