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Hamas attacking Israel


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23 minutes ago, King Heffy said:

He seems to think allowing Hamas to continue to exist is a reasonable option.

No, you misunderstand... Israel seems to think they can eliminate Hamas through bombs, and the only way they can accomplish that is if they kill every Palestinian.  And Macron is right, Israel will not achieve their security at the cost of Palestenian lives. 

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5 minutes ago, Super19 said:

No, you misunderstand... Israel seems to think they can eliminate Hamas through bombs, and the only way they can accomplish that is if they kill every Palestinian.  And Macron is right, Israel will not achieve their security at the cost of Palestenian lives. 

Post your alternative method of getting rid of Hamas, given the fact that allowing their leadership to live isn't an option.

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12 minutes ago, King Heffy said:

Post your alternative method of getting rid of Hamas, given the fact that allowing their leadership to live isn't an option.

Hamas leadership isn't even in Gaza. They along with Nentanyahu and his cronies can all pay a visit to The Hague.


To get rid of Hamas you have to accept that at their core they are a resistance to Israeli oppression. If this narrative isn't accepted, then the Palestenian fate is doomed and there is no point for discussion. The war will go on, at best Hamas along with Palestine will be destroyed (you cannot kill Hamas without killing Palestine), at worst regional players like Hezbollah in Lebanon will step in and further extend the war and the bloodshed for all sides.


If the war goes on, it looks like no matter what Palestine will be destroyed. It's just a question of how long it will take and how many countries (if any) get directly involved.

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BREAKING: Dr. Sufyan Tayeh, the President of the Islamic University of Gaza, was killed today in the Israeli massacre in Jabalia, north of the Gaza Strip, according to medical sources.


A brief summary about Dr. Sufyan Tayeh, the President of the Islamic University of Gaza, murdered today in the Israeli massacre in Jabalia:

🔹 The current president of the Islamic University of Gaza

🔹He was ranked among the top 2% of researchers around the world in 2021

🔹He holds a professorship in theoretical physics and applied mathematics

🔹Recipient of the Abdul Hameed Shoman Award for Young Arab Scientists

🔹He was appointed holder of the UNESCO Chair for Physical, Astrophysical and Space Sciences in Palestine


It's either Hamas killed him or Hamas' fault he died or he was Hamas. Or maybe he wasnt killed at all. Or maybe he never even existed. But the narrative tells us, it's not Israel's fault.

In any case, this is just one person. But the above narrative is true for 20k+ dead Palestenians, and what, 7k+ children killed now? And counting. 

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1 hour ago, Alflives said:

Again, my apologies fellow Canucks’ fan but Hamas is evil and must be eliminated. Only then can the good people of Gaza be free. You may believe otherwise, and that’s okay. But I know what must be done. And that’s the total annihilation of the Hamas cowards. When these cowards, who steal from the good people of Gaza, who hide behind women, children, and the hospitalized are eliminated then Gaza will be free. And then it will be built into a prosperous region. 

The IDF is evil and you should see what their bombs are doing to innocent people and you should look into the oppression they have been responsible for for decades .

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9 minutes ago, Optimist Prime said:

If you believe an official terror group and enemy of Canada is a resistance group like Luke Skywalker and his chums, I am done talking to you. Welcome to ignore Land. I advise everyone else to do the same. 

You support Israel killing Palestenian babies?

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9 hours ago, Super19 said:

To get rid of Hamas you have to accept that at their core they are a resistance to Israeli oppression.

You keep saying this. The problem I have with a statement like this is the fact that I have never heard of Hamas attacking a military target. I will admit that I do not have a comprehensive list of Hamas attacks, but they seem to have always been against "soft" targets - malls, bus stops, etc (aka places where there are a lot of civilians). If you never attack a "hard" target like the military, police, or any governing institution then you are not a freedom fighter against oppression; you are a terrorist using terror tactics against a civilian population. 

I know your response is going to be about Israels purposefully targeting civilians. But if Hamas is going to hide among civilians, civilians are going to die (civilians will die anyway, it's the nature of war, especially an asymmetrical one, but you don't need to make it even easier for civilians to be killed by hiding among them). I would have more respect for Hamas if they hid in places away from the people they are trying to "liberate" and made raids against Israeli military targets. Then I might believe they truly want Palestinian liberty and peace, and not just death for whoever happens to be standing next to them.

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5 hours ago, Canuck Surfer said:


I suppose you could believe this.


There is an identity to Islamic terrorists.  For the record its not religion. Simply one of its tools of coercion... Although something that binds many against Israel? 


In Sept 2023, that is 2023, yes 7 weeks ago, in East Sudan just past Darfour Islamic militants rounded up as many as 10,000 of the (now) minority Masalit tribe.  Old people & young children evicted. Middle aged sent to work camps. Very young teens & certainly women sent to be sex slaves. Young men and teenage boys sent to Khartoum to be the suicide squads and cannon fodder on civil wars front lines. Any sign of resistance, and they were executed on the spot or taken to mass executions by the SAF. Multiple fresh mass burial sites were found in September.  One with more than 1000 bodies.  


SAF are among Hamas allies & sources of arms trade & black markets. Locations in Sudan common training spots for Hamas. Much like Yazidi tribes have been subject to summary and mass executions at the hands of Syrian forces. As many as 10,000 believed in a week of mass execution just over 5 years ago. 100,000 displaced. Kurdish & Yemeni minorities displaced easily outnumber in Gaza, even though nearly 1,000,000 have fled Gaza. ISIS, Turk, Syrian & Iraqi forces over the last 25 years have taken turns ethnically cleansing Kurds. 4,000,000 Sudanese & 3,000,000 displaced, in the last 3/4 years. 500,000 Yemeni civilian deaths, and  as many as 1 Million Sudanese & Yemeni to starvation.  


Islamic militants like Hamas profit from militant control of territories. Its Middle Ages feudalism. The countries leaders, who get a cut on everything, become billionaires. See Kadyrov in Chechnya, Gaddafi, Asaad. Its not completely exclusive to Muslim domains? Prigozhin was a billionaire, Putin easily the worlds richest man. At the mid level warlords keep businesses, get exclusive territory. Sacrifice 2 or 3 kids in gang warfare, get free land when minorities are killed or expelled. Get a new wife, more kids...


The Israeli / Gaza war is disgusting! Yet its actually small scale. Those groups are God fearing, honestly (!), want to pray towards Jerusalem Al Aqsa? The real truth is that Israelis  are simply a group who hold territory Islamic terrorists would fight for. If Israel was there or not! On any given day 10 or 12 of the world's' 20 richest people are autocratic leaders of Muslim countries.  PLO (P stands for Palestine by the way) leader Yasir Arafat died one of the wealthiest men in history.  


It's a feudal world.  Hamas disposed of the PA when it started trying to launder its money, legitimize its political role. Paradoxically they did have enough money they probably could have affected a modern renaissance, built a nation. Those who were not thrown out windows? Escaped where they was hidden money.


Now there is a new generation making corrupt money. 


Don't kid yourself about caring for Palestinians. This is why Hamas is at war!


None of this is going to land with people like Sup.


They have decided a simplified narrative is all that matters, any deviations and you support baby killers.


Sad part is the popular narrative just helps Hamas hurt Palestinians.

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7 hours ago, Canuck Surfer said:


I suppose you could believe this.


There is an identity to Islamic terrorists.  For the record its not religion. Simply one of its tools of coercion... Although something that binds many against Israel? 


In Sept 2023, that is 2023, yes 7 weeks ago, in East Sudan just past Darfour Islamic militants rounded up as many as 10,000 of the (now) minority Masalit tribe.  Old people & young children evicted. Middle aged sent to work camps. Very young teens & certainly women sent to be sex slaves. Young men and teenage boys sent to Khartoum to be the suicide squads and cannon fodder on civil wars front lines. Any sign of resistance, and they were executed on the spot or taken to mass executions by the SAF. Multiple fresh mass burial sites were found in September.  One with more than 1000 bodies.  


SAF are among Hamas allies & sources of arms trade & black markets. Locations in Sudan common training spots for Hamas. Much like Yazidi tribes have been subject to summary and mass executions at the hands of Syrian forces. As many as 10,000 believed in a week of mass execution just over 5 years ago. 100,000 displaced. Kurdish & Yemeni minorities displaced easily outnumber in Gaza, even though nearly 1,000,000 have fled Gaza. ISIS, Turk, Syrian & Iraqi forces over the last 25 years have taken turns ethnically cleansing Kurds. 4,000,000 Sudanese & 3,000,000 displaced, in the last 3/4 years. 500,000 Yemeni civilian deaths, and  as many as 1 Million Sudanese & Yemeni to starvation.  


Islamic militants like Hamas profit from militant control of territories. Its Middle Ages feudalism. The countries leaders, who get a cut on everything, become billionaires. See Kadyrov in Chechnya, Gaddafi, Asaad. Its not completely exclusive to Muslim domains? Prigozhin was a billionaire, Putin easily the worlds richest man. At the mid level warlords keep businesses, get exclusive territory. Sacrifice 2 or 3 kids in gang warfare, get free land when minorities are killed or expelled. Get a new wife, more kids...


The Israeli / Gaza war is disgusting! Yet its actually small scale. Those groups are God fearing, honestly (!), want to pray towards Jerusalem Al Aqsa? The real truth is that Israelis  are simply a group who hold territory Islamic terrorists would fight for. If Israel was there or not! On any given day 10 or 12 of the world's' 20 richest people are autocratic leaders of Muslim countries.  PLO (P stands for Palestine by the way) leader Yasir Arafat died one of the wealthiest men in history.  


It's a feudal world.  Hamas disposed of the PA when it started trying to launder its money, legitimize its political role. Paradoxically they did have enough money they probably could have affected a modern renaissance, built a nation. Those who were not thrown out windows? Escaped where they was hidden money.


Now there is a new generation making corrupt money. 


Don't kid yourself about caring for Palestinians. This is why Hamas is at war!

A brilliant post. Certainly not limited to Muslims or Arabs, but a good synopsis of the region.

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12 hours ago, Super19 said:

Iran supports Israel killing Palestenian babies? How? Is Iran funding the Israeli army? Is Iran sending Israel the bombs to drop over Gaza?

Iran gives billions of dollars to Hamas and other militant groups in the region. 


You can talk about hearts and minds all you want, but how does Israel win people over when Iran is funding schools that teach children to kill Jews. Then Iran gives them unlimited amounts of weapons and as soon as these kids are strong enough to hold a gun they get sent into battle. 


So yes, by creating a situation of perpetual war, Iran causes the deaths of Palestinians.



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114 million people displaced by war.


https://news.un.org/en/story/2023/10/1142827#:~:text=More than 114 million people,agency UNHCR said on Wednesday.


While there is no denying the suffering of Gazans during this conflict, the volume of vitriol towards Israel appears unjustifiable. If it’s truly about standing up for displaced peoples then why is there no outrage for the other 99% of victims affected by armed conflict.  


From what i’ve read, the idf is half-heartedly not targeting civilians in contrast to Hamas which primarily targets civilians. 


I am sure we’d all like to see peace on earth. This anti-israel trope that exists right now really seems to be disguised/justified anti-semitism.  


If you’re outraged about the stories of suffering and that is your genuine motivation, then please look up other stories and be outraged about those too.  It is very hard to agree with anyone who only cares about this suffering because it involves Israelis.

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3 minutes ago, RinkonRenfrew said:

114 million people displaced by war.


https://news.un.org/en/story/2023/10/1142827#:~:text=More than 114 million people,agency UNHCR said on Wednesday.


While there is no denying the suffering of Gazans during this conflict, the volume of vitriol towards Israel appears unjustifiable. If it’s truly about standing up for displaced peoples then why is there no outrage for the other 99% of victims affected by armed conflict.  


From what i’ve read, the idf is half-heartedly not targeting civilians in contrast to Hamas which primarily targets civilians. 


I am sure we’d all like to see peace on earth. This anti-israel trope that exists right now really seems to be disguised/justified anti-semitism.  


If you’re outraged about the stories of suffering and that is your genuine motivation, then please look up other stories and be outraged about those too.  It is very hard to agree with anyone who only cares about this suffering because it involves Israelis.

How is a greenlight by the US for Israel needing to do what it's doing unjustifiable vitriol towards Israel?


How is our governments support for Israel's war unjustifiable vitriol towards Israel?


How is the West's funding and arming of bombs to Israel unjustifiable vitriol towards Israel?


How is no ramifications from the international community to Israeli war crimes unjustifiable vitriol towards Israel?


How is the medias unwavering support for Israel's right to defend itself and all the narrative that encompasses an unjustifiable vitriol towards Israel?


The difference here that's causing a moral outrage from people all across the globe is because no one justifies the other atrocities. It's not antisemitism, and there are Jewish voices around the world that are also speaking out against Israel's actions. The fact that my stance even risks being called antisemitism shows you there is no justified condemnation of Israeli crimes against Palestenians allowed .


This is a brutal atrocity against the Palestenian people, but unlike other atrocities committed against other oppressed people, the ones that are doing the oppressing are the ones that are being supported. It's hypocrisy on a grand scale.



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