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Hamas attacking Israel


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10 hours ago, Super19 said:

I don't know how much of a role Russia has played so far other than just being an enemy of the US.


But yes, the "Axis of Evil" as Fox News would describe it is made up of Iran, Syria, Hezbollah, Hamas. I guess you can add the Houthis to this list now as well. They are all kind of like allies but act independently... with Iran as the lead. Without Iran and Syria, Hamas would certainly have zero capability and Oct 7 would not have happened. Iran gives the financial backing and it is through Syria where these factions like Hezbollah and Hamas find themselves armed. There was that little war between Hezbollah and IDF in 2006, the "Arab Spring" in 2011, the ongoing conflict in Syria can all be events somehow linked with Israel-Palestine and the region and the US and its allies/proxies. At the end of the day it all seems interconnected and a big web. Would highly derail the thread. But to truly dismantle Hamas, it seems like all these countries would need to be dealt with as well... it's Hamas' financial backing,  weaponry and training.


Evil countries ?


What would you call a country where 10 percent of the population controls 70 percent of the wealth.

Where the bottom 50 percent of earners only owned 2.5 percent of total wealth.


In order to be in the top 1 percent of household wealth, you need to be worth at  least $10,374,030.

Globally that figure is $936,430.


Seems like a pretty evil country to me.




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23 minutes ago, Ilunga said:


Evil countries ?


What would you call a country where 10 percent of the population controls 70 percent of the wealth.

Where the bottom 50 percent of earners only owned 2.5 percent of total wealth.


In order to be in the top 1 percent of household wealth, you need to be worth at  least $10,374,030.

Globally that figure is $936,430.


Seems like a pretty evil country to me.




"Axis of Evil" or "Axis of Resistance". There's 2 names for this same coin. 

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16 minutes ago, Super19 said:

"Axis of Evil" or "Axis of Resistance". There's 2 names for this same coin. 


I believe the leadership of Iran, which is a tiny percentage of their population, is a despicable bunch of people. 

I condemn their support of terror organisations.

However labelling an entire country evil, I have pointed out what happened when Bush did that, the effect it had on the lives of ordinary Iranian people.

It was a big factor in the reformist government of Mohammad Khatami not being re-elected for a third term. 


People seem to forget that the US used to be the dominant sponsor of international terrorism 







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As the saying goes, a " western backed  terrorist " is a freedom fighter.


A Muslim backed  " freedom fighter " is a terrorist 


And just to be clear I do not consider Hamas freedom fighters, they are terrorists. 


I wish the people that are calling Hamas terrorists, which they are, had the moral courage to call out the terrorist acts of the Isreali settlers.

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32 minutes ago, Ilunga said:


I believe the leadership of Iran, which is a tiny percentage of their population, is a despicable bunch of people. 

I condemn their support of terror organisations.

However labelling an entire country evil, I have pointed out what happened when Bush did that, the effect it had on the lives of ordinary Iranian people.

It was a big factor in the reformist government of Mohammad Khatami not being re-elected for a third term. 


People seem to forget that the US used to be the dominant sponsor of international terrorism 







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These sources consist of legitimate science or are evidenced based through credible scientific sourcing. 




As the saying goes, a " western backed  terrorist " is a freedom fighter.


A Muslim backed  " freedom fighter " is a terrorist 


And just to be clear I do not consider Hamas freedom fighters, they are terrorists. 


I wish the people that are calling Hamas terrorists, which they are, had the moral courage to call out the terrorist acts of the Isreali settlers.

For clarity and arguments sake, why are Hamas terrorists and not Nentanyahu backed IDF?

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Here is just one example of an Isreali terrorist act against an innocent Palestinian family who he burned alive. 




Why I bring this particular act of terrorism up is not only did Amiram Ben-Uliel burn a family alive, including an 18 month old baby, the Isreali right rallied behind him.


Aren't these guys the same as Hamas ?

If not tell me how they differ. 


Since the October 7th attacks Isreali settlers  have been on a rampage of violence 


" Since the start of October settlers have committed more than 343 violent attacks, killing 8 Palestinians, injuring more than 83 and forcing 1026 Palestinian families from their homes " 








The breaking the silence guy that was mentioned in that article, I posted up a video of that group, ex IDF soldiers that want to tell the truth about what they were made to do and witnessed while serving in the occupied territories. 


I will post that video again.





The truth will set you free.


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14 minutes ago, Super19 said:

For clarity and arguments sake, why are Hamas terrorists and not Nentanyahu backed IDF?


I don't believe that I have to explain why Hamas are terrorists, their actions speak for themselves. 


As for the IDF, I suggest you watch that video I have now posted twice.

And research the organisation Breaking the silence. 


I do believe that some IDF soldiers have committed what we would consider acts of terror.

That could be said about any armed force in any war. 

American soldiers raped french women after the D- day landings, I consider rape an act of terror, I am certain the woman feels terror. 





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28 minutes ago, Elias Pettersson said:

Such "peaceful protestors"...


Why aren't these Hamas supporters being arrested and thrown in jail, or better yet deported?





Close friend had his junkie brother jump him last week.

My friend had no choice but to beat him up.

His brother made death threats, threatened to put a " hit on him " all in front of their dad.

It was my friend who had a restraining order put on him when his junkie brother made a complaint to the police.


Go figure.




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Hamas released a statement today, in it mentioning Canada's role:


"Despite the US position, the Hamas Movement is watching the growing calls by several western governments to end the aggression on Gaza, in addition to other calls worldwide demanding immediate cease-fire in Gaza; the last of which was the statement by Canada, Australia and New Zealand backing sustainable cease-fire in Gaza. We welcome these developments and consider them in the right direction towards isolating the fascist Israeli government globally and ending the longest-ever occupation in our modern time."



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4 minutes ago, Super19 said:

Hamas released a statement today, in it mentioning Canada's role:


"Despite the US position, the Hamas Movement is watching the growing calls by several western governments to end the aggression on Gaza, in addition to other calls worldwide demanding immediate cease-fire in Gaza; the last of which was the statement by Canada, Australia and New Zealand backing sustainable cease-fire in Gaza. We welcome these developments and consider them in the right direction towards isolating the fascist Israeli government globally and ending the longest-ever occupation in our modern time."



Ah yes, we definitely want to be complimented by a terrorist organization.

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1 hour ago, RomanPer said:


It was the same at Metrotown this weekend...

I had time to watch the video now. The threats were idle threats, non specific and he had no intention of doing anything physical. Shrug. People say weird sh*t a lot of the time. I am happy to see most of them wearing masks in a public space...lol...it is like pulling teeth trying to get people to mask up these days, so for that I am thankful. 

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3 hours ago, Optimist Prime said:

I had time to watch the video now. The threats were idle threats, non specific and he had no intention of doing anything physical. Shrug. People say weird sh*t a lot of the time. I am happy to see most of them wearing masks in a public space...lol...it is like pulling teeth trying to get people to mask up these days, so for that I am thankful. 

Even so, these people who are uttering threats, need to be charged. And if they are not CAnadian citizens deported. If they are so inclined to fight against Israel then go and do it. Otherwise (shut the hell up) because they are as cowardly as Hamas. We don’t want these kinds of people here. Prison or deported. Don’t want these folk on our streets. 

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2 hours ago, Alflives said:

Even so, these people who are uttering threats, need to be charged. And if they are not CAnadian citizens deported. If they are so inclined to fight against Israel then go and do it. Otherwise (shut the hell up) because they are as cowardly as Hamas. We don’t want these kinds of people here. Prison or deported. Don’t want these folk on our streets. 



It's moronic. No one going to Metrotown or some other mall can effect anything going on in Israel right now. This is pure shitty entitlement.

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1 hour ago, Bob Long said:


It's moronic. No one going to Metrotown or some other mall can effect anything going on in Israel right now. This is pure shitty entitlement.

Without these protests and pressure on the MPs do you think our Govt wouldve taken the ceasefire stance it's taken?

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22 hours ago, Ilunga said:


Evil countries ?


What would you call a country where 10 percent of the population controls 70 percent of the wealth.

Where the bottom 50 percent of earners only owned 2.5 percent of total wealth.


In order to be in the top 1 percent of household wealth, you need to be worth at  least $10,374,030.

Globally that figure is $936,430.


Seems like a pretty evil country to me.




"Lawful evil" in Dungeons & Dragons talk. 

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40 minutes ago, RomanPer said:


Do you honestly believe it? And how do you know about the real stance of Canadian government?

I do believe when the MPs phone lines are ringing off the hook (which they are definitely not used to) it puts pressure on them. And I believe our Govt considers 10k+ children killed in 2 months as unacceptable. Any sane government would think the same.



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31 minutes ago, Super19 said:

I do believe when the MPs phone lines are ringing off the hook (which they are definitely not used to) it puts pressure on them. And I believe our Govt considers 10k+ children killed in 2 months as unacceptable. Any sane government would think the same.




Oh, so it’s 10k+ now. Cool story, bro… Why don’t you start with 100k+, it would be even more believable…

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10 minutes ago, RomanPer said:


Oh, so it’s 10k+ now. Cool story, bro… Why don’t you start with 100k+, it would be even more believable…


The children of Gaza scare Nentanyahu:


The children of Gaza have always scared Nentanyahu:

Because these children have always seen oppression. This is the resistance and resiliance of the children of Gaza in the face of oppression and illegal occupation. They are not chanting "death to Israel, death to Jews".


But what happens when illegal occupation and oppression continues? Family members continue to be taken prisoner? Basic human rights continue to be denied in the so called "open air prison"? The bombs continue to fall destroying their land and killing the people?


They get ignored, they snap, and then the world gets to call them terrorists:


Do you think those Israeli strikes killed Hamas? Or just bred a new recruit? That kid has nothing but vengeance in his blood now. Do you honestly think Gazan kids like him grow up wanting to be terrorists and destroy Israel just because they hate Jewish people? Had he been living like a normal young teen in a free country like any other, I promise you, there'd be no notion for him to be thinking "when I grow up I want to destroy Israel because I just effing hate the Jews". He probably isn't even thinking that right now. But clearly he wants revenge for his killed Mother and sisters. And from what he's said in this video, he would be labelled a terrorist. And then IDF would sit proudly and post pictures of him being detained shirtless, ready to be tortured/executed (but right now the IDF would proudly do the same with even a saint of a man as long as he was Palestenian).


I don't think these kids were taught to hate Israel generation after generation. These kids know and see what Israel is doing to them and that is enough. And Israel wonders why they hate them so much?


These kids in London on the other hand, toootally affected by propaganda and are defff being taught this by their parents:


Support a ceasefire and diplomacy for the children of Gaza. Israel is not innocent, and have not been for decades - this must be recognized and reconciled otherwise the cycle continues unless Nentanyahu gets away with killing them all and sending them far far away. Would 100k+ be enough for you?


You don't have to support Hamas to support a ceasefire. Support the children of Gaza and they will take care of Hamas. This bombing turning Gaza into a parking lot is not eliminating Hamas. It just looks like genocidal rage Nentanyahu is inflicting. 

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