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Hamas attacking Israel


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2 hours ago, Super19 said:

It's important to make the decisions now, based upon truth justice morality and humanity - not based upon what future historians might say.


There's a quiz gaining some popularity on Twitter right now:


From the quizmaker: 


  • "Many people find the idea of comparing Zionists and Nazis not just innaccurate but downright offensive, I thought I might do a fun quiz."
  • "Read the quotes and try to guess if they are said by a prominent Zionist or a prominent Nazi. Quote with your score."


  • "Guys, CRUCIAL bit of context that I must re-emphasize. The point of this quiz wasn't to claim that Zionism and Nazism are 100% same.
  • Just that there are enough parallels between how the leaders of 2 movement have behaved that the comparisons should be open to discussion."
  • "Because right now, mere mention of saying what Israel is doing/saying and what Nazis did and said gets you banned, deplatformed, sued, fired, cancelled and what not.

    Should we not even DISCUSS the parallels when only 40 out of 40,000 people got all 20/20 right?"



You can find the quiz linked in the tweet below.



What exactly am I supposed to learn from this? That dumb people think Jews are Nazis? Sounds very Putin.

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7 hours ago, Super19 said:

It would 100% be terrorism if someone bombed a sporting event for any reason, wether Israel was commiting genocide or not.


But if you subscribe to the view that Israel is commiting genocide then organizers shouldn't allow Israel to play at all.


You could protest in Turkey?


A football player 1st sacked, then arrested for trying to incite hatred for writing the date Oct 7th; and a reference to the 100th day civilian hostages have been held in Gaza.






Bet Trump would be very skinny, and his butt sore living in such a liberal place. 

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10 minutes ago, Canuck Surfer said:


You could protest in Turkey?


A football player 1st sacked, then arrested for trying to incite hatred for writing the date Oct 7th; and a reference to the 100th day civilian hostages have been held in Gaza.






Bet Trump would be very skinny, and his butt sore living in such a liberal place. 

Some people here would love what Turkey did here - if they had their lives in Turkey. Seriously. Have you seen some of the comments on social media posts from CTV, CBC etc here in Canada? Pro-Palestine March in which the protestors are calling for a ceasefire and justice and the comments read "Arrest the Hamas supporters if they are born here and send em back if they're not!" 


I don't like what Turkey did here - arresting the player. I think that's wrong. But I'm glad Turkey doesn't support the genocide on Gaza. I wonder what'll happen to soccer players from Europe who voice their support for Gaza? Karim Benzima got accused of having ties with the Muslim Brotherhood because he tweeted in solidarity with Palestine. Benzima, great footballer but a terrorist.


Anyway, this precedent was already set by Germany who sacked Anwar al Ghazi who played in Bundesliga after he tweeted solidarity with Palestine.

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2 minutes ago, Optimist Prime said:

I hate the "send em back" crowd...the folks who would happily strip someone of their citizenship because they weren't 'born here' or their parents were not. I can't think of a more unCanadian mindset. To cheapen our citizenship by making it subject to political whims of the ruling party is something I am dead against. I dislike 'flags of convenience' but eroding what it means to be Canadian, i hate that more. I feel it comes from a place of racialized intolerance. Folks saying 'send em back', or 'strip their citizenship' don't ever say that about the English, French or German immigrants, hrm..... that is a good sign it is a racist concept. 

What about people who aren’t citizens and have known connections to terrorists? Or people who are not citizens who incite racist violence? They could be IRA or Hamas or whatever. IMHAO If a person isn’t a Canadian citizen and they are inciting hate and violence they should lose the privilege of being here. If they are doing these things and are Canadian they should go to jail. 

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8 minutes ago, Alflives said:

What about people who aren’t citizens and have known connections to terrorists? Or people who are not citizens who incite racist violence? They could be IRA or Hamas or whatever. IMHAO If a person isn’t a Canadian citizen and they are inciting hate and violence they should lose the privilege of being here. If they are doing these things and are Canadian they should go to jail. 

there are already laws and people in charge of looking after that. The pitchforks and torches brigade can stand down. That old kook in Alberta early  in the war yelling at protestors that they should be arrested for peacefully taking a position against Israels bombing campaign was an embarassment to our country, in my opinion. 
On the same token, but the other side of the coin; i have actively worked to remove non citizen operatives from the middle of protests in my carreer, the ones that are singled out for illegal actions who are not citizens and they are dealt with according to our laws. 


edit: i just think it is dangerous to have or allow a certain class of person to decide who and of what colour gets to say things here. Not only a slippery slope but an idea that is so anti-Canadian in its concept that I have to reject it. I don't like things that are said, like most people, I have opinions (okay i have more than most people..hahaha, i have always said i have an opinion for every situation) the "from the river to the sea, palestine shall be free" thing drives me around the bend as it is literally referring to cleansing the middle east of jews, it is disgusting and i hate it. It isn't a reason to kick someone out of Canada though. Rights are not available only on the whim of those in charge... rights are rights. the Supreme Court holds this truth very well and I am with them. /endrant

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Israel withdraws 36th Division from Gaza


The division is one of four military divisions fighting in Gaza. The three other divisions will remain in the enclave.

The 36th Division will return to Israel for rest and training before it is decided whether it would be redeployed.

The division has operated in northern Gaza, the scene of some of the heaviest Israeli bombardment, where thousands of Palestinians have been killed.

Israeli media outlets shared footage of Israeli soldiers in the division celebrating their withdrawal.





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3 hours ago, Optimist Prime said:

there are already laws and people in charge of looking after that. The pitchforks and torches brigade can stand down. That old kook in Alberta early  in the war yelling at protestors that they should be arrested for peacefully taking a position against Israels bombing campaign was an embarassment to our country, in my opinion. 
On the same token, but the other side of the coin; i have actively worked to remove non citizen operatives from the middle of protests in my carreer, the ones that are singled out for illegal actions who are not citizens and they are dealt with according to our laws. 


edit: i just think it is dangerous to have or allow a certain class of person to decide who and of what colour gets to say things here. Not only a slippery slope but an idea that is so anti-Canadian in its concept that I have to reject it. I don't like things that are said, like most people, I have opinions (okay i have more than most people..hahaha, i have always said i have an opinion for every situation) the "from the river to the sea, palestine shall be free" thing drives me around the bend as it is literally referring to cleansing the middle east of jews, it is disgusting and i hate it. It isn't a reason to kick someone out of Canada though. Rights are not available only on the whim of those in charge... rights are rights. the Supreme Court holds this truth very well and I am with them. /endrant

A decepticon would disagree - signed Megatron.😉

Edited by NewbieCanuckFan
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18 hours ago, Ilunga said:


I beg to differ.


For starters the ABC is taxpayer funded.

They don't have any advertisers to answer to.

Ergo they don't sell anything.

It's actually against their charter.


While SBS is only partially taxpayer funded, both these organisations are cited as airing balanced and impartial reporting. 


I am more cynical than the next man however I trust these sources of news. 


My " lane " is the truth.

At my age I have learnt how to decipher the truth, as I have already explained.


Both are classed as High for factual reporting, with the ABC being an actual fact checker.


They are the 2 most trusted sources of news in this country.







This article gives a breakdown of figures in regards to news sources that are trusted and by whom in Australia.








You cannot be serious.


If anything, I learn as that I get older the truth is a lot harder to "decipher" than I thought it was, and the world is full of shades of grey.


When you make a post like this, it totally destroys any credibility you have. The idea that you think you're some higher power capable of finding the truth and that you have found infallible news sources is absolutely absurd. You sound like a first year liberal arts student right now.

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9 hours ago, Super19 said:

Some people here would love what Turkey did here - if they had their lives in Turkey. Seriously. Have you seen some of the comments on social media posts from CTV, CBC etc here in Canada? Pro-Palestine March in which the protestors are calling for a ceasefire and justice and the comments read "Arrest the Hamas supporters if they are born here and send em back if they're not!" 


I don't like what Turkey did here - arresting the player. I think that's wrong. But I'm glad Turkey doesn't support the genocide on Gaza. I wonder what'll happen to soccer players from Europe who voice their support for Gaza? Karim Benzima got accused of having ties with the Muslim Brotherhood because he tweeted in solidarity with Palestine. Benzima, great footballer but a terrorist.


Anyway, this precedent was already set by Germany who sacked Anwar al Ghazi who played in Bundesliga after he tweeted solidarity with Palestine.


Oh, so you don't like arresting someone from their political views....but then you spend the rest of the post rationalizing the action. 


And Al Ghazi was sacked for stating "From the River to the Sea", which is a call for genocide against all Israelis. 

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7 minutes ago, Taxi said:


Oh, so you don't like arresting someone from their political views....but then you spend the rest of the post rationalizing the action. 


And Al Ghazi was sacked for stating "From the River to the Sea", which is a call for genocide against all Israelis. 

Yeah, i actually dont like it... I spent the rest of the post pointing out some hypocrisy. And reaffirmed my stance that I don't support genocide, I didn't provide any rationale for his punishment - but I do question, if Israel is commiting genocide what should the consequences in sport be?


BTW, you're the one that presented rationale for al Ghazi's consequences.

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51 minutes ago, Taxi said:


You cannot be serious.


If anything, I learn as that I get older the truth is a lot harder to "decipher" than I thought it was, and the world is full of shades of grey.


When you make a post like this, it totally destroys any credibility you have. The idea that you think you're some higher power capable of finding the truth and that you have found infallible news sources is absolutely absurd. You sound like a first year liberal arts student right now.

I think @Ilunga credibility is solid. I find his moral compass to navigate the greyzones exceedingly well here.

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22 minutes ago, Super19 said:

Yeah, i actually dont like it... I spent the rest of the post pointing out some hypocrisy. And reaffirmed my stance that I don't support genocide, I didn't provide any rationale for his punishment - but I do question, if Israel is commiting genocide what should the consequences in sport be?


BTW, you're the one that presented rationale for al Ghazi's consequences.


Yes. There is a difference between giving support for a group and calling for the extermination of a group. Once again, you failed to mention the fact that Ghazi called for the extermination of Israelis. If an Israeli supporter had said cleanse the Gaza Strip of all Arabs, I'd support them getting fired too. 

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23 minutes ago, Taxi said:


Yes. There is a difference between giving support for a group and calling for the extermination of a group. Once again, you failed to mention the fact that Ghazi called for the extermination of Israelis. If an Israeli supporter had said cleanse the Gaza Strip of all Arabs, I'd support them getting fired too. 

Not fact, literally just your opinion and interpretation you subscribe to.


I'm glad you'd support if the latter was said. Some Israeli officials have said that btw.


Also, how many innocent Palestinians do you think have been killed by the IDF and Israeli rockets in the past 100 days? 

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4 hours ago, Taxi said:


You cannot be serious.


If anything, I learn as that I get older the truth is a lot harder to "decipher" than I thought it was, and the world is full of shades of grey.


When you make a post like this, it totally destroys any credibility you have. The idea that you think you're some higher power capable of finding the truth and that you have found infallible news sources is absolutely absurd. You sound like a first year liberal arts student right now.


Same old Taxi.

You love putting words in peoples mouth.


Many times on the old forum I stated I am just a dumbass flower farmer that excelled at actions sports. 



I have never claimed to be a higher power and never will.

Shitloads of smarter people than me in this world.


All I stated in that post was that the ABC and SBS report the news, in an impartial and balanced way.

That they are reliable sources of news.

Then provided a fact checking organisations information/ evidence on them to back up my assertion.



What age has taught me, coming up on 60, is that the truth, that which is in accordance with facts and reality, gets easier to decipher.

The volume of life experience and knowledge I have gained along the way, makes this easier than it was when I was younger.


Thanks for the first year liberal arts student compliment.

Love being taken for one of them.

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9 hours ago, Optimist Prime said:

I hate the "send em back" crowd...the folks who would happily strip someone of their citizenship because they weren't 'born here' or their parents were not. I can't think of a more unCanadian mindset. To cheapen our citizenship by making it subject to political whims of the ruling party or class/caste is something I am dead against. I dislike 'flags of convenience' but eroding what it means to be Canadian, i hate that more. I feel it comes from a place of racialized intolerance. Folks saying 'send em back', or 'strip their citizenship' don't ever say that about the English, French or German immigrants, hrm..... that is a good sign it is a racist concept. 


I am thinking of Omar Khadr right now, and that situation still makes me incredibly sad to ruminate upon. Folks going on the record in papers and even in Hansard talking about stripping citizenship from someone. (in his case a child soldier, taken out of Canada by his father and whose only 'crime' was not wanting to be blown up by a hand grenade that he thoughtfully tossed back out of the room: subsequently tortured by our 'allies' the americans)


anyway, that phrase makes my skin crawl as much as 'from the river to the sea..." critical thinking skills seem to sometimes evaporate in mob settings.  One thing I have in common with Ilunga is the tendency to lean into Globalism. If my brothers and sisters in Africa, the Balkans, the Middle east, South and Central America and Asia enjoyed rising standards of living, coming up to our levels of enjoyment of the peace and prosperity our globe has to offer, the world would be an incredibly better off place for every human. 


It's always been pretty simple to me.


Picture yourself walking a mile in another persons shoes. 


Then you might gain an insight into what's it's like to be them.





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6 hours ago, Super19 said:

Israel withdraws 36th Division from Gaza


The division is one of four military divisions fighting in Gaza. The three other divisions will remain in the enclave.

The 36th Division will return to Israel for rest and training before it is decided whether it would be redeployed.

The division has operated in northern Gaza, the scene of some of the heaviest Israeli bombardment, where thousands of Palestinians have been killed.

Israeli media outlets shared footage of Israeli soldiers in the division celebrating their withdrawal.






Probably good news for all involved.

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Hamas fired rockets from the roof of the Nasser Hospital in Khan Yunis, Gaza. Clearly trying to bait IDF airstrikes, or are they just that stupid as to not learn a lesson from Northern Gaza?


It is nice to see the neatly kept Jewish Cemetary in the Gaza Strip, I wonder how all the jews in the strip died over the years?


also this:

6 hours ago - 

PM of Lebanon Mikati: Our choice is diplomatic and we want permanent stability on the border with Israel


also six hours ago: empty greek freighter en route to Israel from Vietnam was fired upon.


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The Jewish Cemetary in Gaza shows its careful upkeep by the locals. Also worthy to note that it obviously hasn't been destroyed by Hamas after all these years. It's almost as if Palestinians aren't actually antisemetic. Reminds me of that quote by the Hamas founder that is important in this context "...A Jew is a people of religion and we love all people of all religions...".

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15 minutes ago, Optimist Prime said:

Hamas fired rockets from the roof of the Nasser Hospital in Khan Yunis, Gaza. Clearly trying to bait IDF airstrikes, or are they just that stupid as to not learn a lesson from Northern Gaza?


It is nice to see the neatly kept Jewish Cemetary in the Gaza Strip, I wonder how all the jews in the strip died over the years?

They just moved to Israel? It's not like a person, any person, can enjoy the same freedom in Gaza vs Israel. So it'd make sense for Jews to choose to settle themselves in Israel rather than live in open air prison Gaza. Palestenians dont have that choice- most sadly don't even have the right to make their way to the West Bank.

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"Yemeni Armed Forces’ Spox Yahya Sarae:

The Yemeni Naval forces carried out a targeting operation against the ship “Zogravia”, which was heading to the israeli ports, using a number of suitable anti-ship missiles, and the hit was direct.

The Yemeni Armed Forces continue to take all defensive and offensive measures within the legitimate right to defend dear Yemen and in confirmation of continued practical solidarity with the oppressed Palestinian people."

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Jan 28 ISRAELISM will be played at Rio with the filmmakers live in attendance and available for a q&a.


@RomanPer @Sabrefan1




Filmmakers in attendance for post-screening Q&A on both days:

Erin Axelman (Co-Director and Produder) is a queer Jewish filmmaker based out of Somerville, MA. They are the co-founder of Tikkun Olam Productions, the production company behind ISRAELISM. ISRAELISM is their directorial debut.

Simone Zimmerman, ISRAELISM’S protagonist, is a progressive Jewish activist originally from Los Angeles. She is a co-founder of IfNotNow, the former head of B’tselem US, and currently works with Diaspora Alliance on issues of antisemitism and Palestinian rights.

Presented in partnership with Independent Jewish Voices Vancouver.



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