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Hamas attacking Israel


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30 minutes ago, Ilunga said:


So you are a fan, yet you state he is the last person I should be looking up to ?


This just gets better.



and WAYYY off topic. It does sound interesting though, maybe create a thread about indie/punk/off market labels?


I took a chance and created a thread for this kind of chat...maybe it will flourish, maybe it won't but kindly take the music talk there please.



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8 hours ago, Canuck Surfer said:




Sooooooo, Weeeeeee!   👻


What a reaction this 2knd post drew?  It was Ben Gurion...


* Blame

* Finger pointing

* Hatred

* Denial & distancing?

* Justification


Myself, I had suggested in a previous reply(s), Israel was created 'in spite' of David Ben Gurion. Not because of him! 


Philosophized even in the Ukraine thread before Oct 7 that Jews, like Arab's, even my ancestral Ukrainian fore bearers. Also Romani, Kurds, Bosniaks, Prussians? I could go on. It was & is endless, exhaustive in the face of of being wiped out during World Wars. Cultures, in response to hatred, war. Being hunted themselves?  All retreated back into family and religious groups, their own home tribes? Became just as programmatic. I tried to invent the word POGROMATIC; started their own witch hunts & pogroms. Culling competing tribes with zeal & purpose. To shelter their own? Sure Jews did this, absolutely! It's also murder. I need not be convinced who was a prick! @Ilunga


It is also why Jews needed a home. As do the Palestinians now. 


Each needs their own Gandhi, Martin Luther King Jr? Commit to non violent protest. Each needs to police themselves. Create justice, hold their own accountable! Stop their own settler violence to other tribes! With a goal of peace. Hamas has the same POGRAMATIC view in the teachings of Mufti Husseini built into their own Manifesto. Written in the 70's (80's?) while forming. On it's first pages with the same conclusion.  Kill all Jews.




The cycle has to stop somewhere. @Super19's Palestinian culture, I presume you are a part? Will only find peace when players like Yahya Sinwar are ousted. Ideally by their own! @RomanPer's Jews when Yoav Gallant is kept in jail for his hate crimes.  Is joined by Settlers. Roman said Israelis do not want Gaza. Yet now some do? Salivate over it. The cycle will only stop when each culture stops their own from barbarous acts. 




I am not trying to convince you who is a prick, he was a prick to use your word.

I am just pointing out that he didn't have the influence in the Arab world that many claim and the Germans didn't really want to work with him.


I love your word pogromatic.

I feel like we should start a petition and have it included in the dictionary, seriously.


Do you know Hamas changed their charter ?




" The Islamist movement is not seeking war with the Jewish people, only with Zionism that drives the occupation of Palestine "


" The new document also insists that Hamas is not a revolutionary force that seeks to intervene in other countries, a commitment that is likely to be welcomed by other states, such as Egypt. '


So for all those people that claim Hamas wants to exterminate the Jews and take over the world and kill everyone who doesn't think like them, well this is simply not the case.


Like you state, both peoples need a home, the big difference between the two is the Palestinians are stateless and in the words of many Jews/ Isrealis are being oppressed.

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17 minutes ago, Optimist Prime said:

and WAYYY off topic. It does sound interesting though, maybe create a thread about indie/punk/off market labels?


Brother his hypocritical statements had to be called out.

Basically calling me an idiot for admiring a drunk/ junky, Mike, and then stating he is fan of Mike's ?


By the way Mike is a Jew, so there is a distant connection to this topic

As I stated he is one of my favourite people.


I always support those I love and or admire.

If someone attacked your character, I would be one of the first to defend you.

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2 hours ago, Spur1 said:

Communism ended over 30 years ago.
No Communism ended in 1926 When Stalin took control. 


In 1917 Russia was proclaimed as a sovereign state and the worlds first constitutionally socialist state guided by communist ideaology.

The first constitution was adopted in 1918.


As the previous article I posted stated, the Russian revolution is misunderstood by so many people who have not dug deeper into the history of it.

I started digging deeply into it the better part of 50 years ago.


I can tell you this for certain, that while people like Lenin and Trotsky, who was deported, then Stalin who was just a plain evil fuck, nothing truly Marxist about him, followed by the other leaders of the communist party, none of them have ripped of the people to any where near the same extent as Putin and the oligarchs that have supported him for the last 25 odd years.

Under what is considered by the rest of the world variously, as a kleptocracy, Plutocracy and just plain crony capatlism.


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57 minutes ago, Ilunga said:


So you are a fan, yet you state he is the last person I should be looking up to ?


This just gets better.



He is a great musician.  
Not someone to be taking moral cues from.  
Also, I don’t take being called a capitalist as an insult. 

Im a Pantera fan.  
But I’m not going to look to Phil for life lessons.  The guy is a goof. 

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Just now, D.B Cooper said:

He is a great musician.  
Not someone to be taking moral cues from.  
Also, I don’t take being called a capitalist as an insult. 

Im a Pantera fan.  
But I’m not going to look to Phil for life lessons.  The guy is a goof. 


I never try to, or actually do, insult anyone.


As JJR noted

Insults are the arguments employed by those in the wrong.


 I like Pantera to.


Who said anything about life lessons, as I stated I admire Mike for the way he links words together and how they make me feel, and his contributions to a scene that both of us love. 

He gives a fuck about people.


As for the other part of our discussion we did agree on some of those ideas that Marx wrote about.


People have equal rights and freedoms.

Strong social communities.

A permanently stable economic system

A job for all.


You have to remember that when Marx wrote his Manifesto in 1867, most " average " people like us, even in some western and European countries didn't have those things. 


I am a total believer in the idea that people should be rewarded commensurate to the effort/ work they put in.


There are parts of Keynesian economics, that I believe can contribute to a good economy.

Same with classical economics, supply and demand.


Market Socialism mixed with parts from those economic theories above.


You have heard of the Moral Hazard theory ?

I suggest you do some research on those big investment banks that drove the GFC.

Pushing financial products such as CDO's and and mortgage backed securities that were so dodgy, that the ratings agencies actually backed, knowing they were dodgy but didn't want to lose their customers, those investment banks.


A good starting point is the movie .

The Big Short.

A reasonably accurate a depiction of the events that led to the GFC.



Anyway we have things in common.

For starters punk music and I do admire Propagandi so much.

Anti Fascist

Gay Positive

Animal Friendly 

Pro Feminist 




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CNN staff say network’s pro-Israel slant amounts to ‘journalistic malpractice’




They include tight restrictions on quoting Hamas and reporting other Palestinian perspectives while Israel government statements are taken at face value. In addition, every story on the conflict must be cleared by the Jerusalem bureau before broadcast or publication.....




 Many getting played like a fiddle these past 4 months because of this piss poor "journalism" not only seen from just CNN. Btw, are the staffers anti-semetic for saying Israel controls the news feed?

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1 hour ago, Ilunga said:


Brother his hypocritical statements had to be called out.

Basically calling me an idiot for admiring a drunk/ junky, Mike, and then stating he is fan of Mike's ?


By the way Mike is a Jew, so there is a distant connection to this topic

As I stated he is one of my favourite people.


I always support those I love and or admire.

If someone attacked your character, I would be one of the first to defend you.

I am just saying it was off topic and I made a thread for it. Take it and go. LOL, no harm no foul.

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9 hours ago, Optimist Prime said:

We keep fighting about shit that happened before we were born, here on a hockey forum based in Canada...and yet every one of us expects the people of Israel and Gaza to work this out peacefully. What a fools errand. 


Is having a discussion about the injustice that both the Palestinians and Isrealis have experienced fighting ?

I don't consider it a fight.

I remain polite, I never insult anyone.

Never had a single warning point on either board.


Why do you believe that so many people have rallied to the Palestinians cause for decades now ?

Why do you believe they think this way ?


I know what justice is.


As I keep stating one people, the Isrealis have a home/ nation/ state.


The other people, the Palestinians don't.

And they keep losing land, not just due to war, but what the international community deem to be illegal settlements.






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12 hours ago, Canuck Surfer said:




Sooooooo, Weeeeeee!   👻


What a reaction this 2knd post drew?  It was Ben Gurion...


* Blame

* Finger pointing

* Hatred

* Denial & distancing?

* Justification


Myself, I had suggested in a previous reply(s), Israel was created 'in spite' of David Ben Gurion. Not because of him! 


Philosophized even in the Ukraine thread before Oct 7 that Jews, like Arab's, even my ancestral Ukrainian fore bearers. Also Romani, Kurds, Bosniaks, Prussians? I could go on. It was & is endless, exhaustive in the face of of being wiped out during World Wars. Cultures, in response to hatred, war. Being hunted themselves?  All retreated back into family and religious groups, their own home tribes? Became just as programmatic. I tried to invent the word POGROMATIC; started their own witch hunts & pogroms. Culling competing tribes with zeal & purpose. To shelter their own? Sure Jews did this, absolutely! It's also murder. I need not be convinced who was a prick! @Ilunga


It is also why Jews needed a home. As do the Palestinians now. 


Each needs their own Gandhi, Martin Luther King Jr? Commit to non violent protest. Each needs to police themselves. Create justice, hold their own accountable! Stop their own settler violence to other tribes! With a goal of peace. Hamas has the same POGRAMATIC view in the teachings of Mufti Husseini built into their own Manifesto. Written in the 70's (80's?) while forming. On it's first pages with the same conclusion.  Kill all Jews.




The cycle has to stop somewhere. @Super19's Palestinian culture, I presume you are a part? Will only find peace when players like Yahya Sinwar are ousted. Ideally by their own! @RomanPer's Jews when Yoav Gallant is kept in jail for his hate crimes.  Is joined by Settlers. Roman said Israelis do not want Gaza. Yet now some do? Salivate over it. The cycle will only stop when each culture stops their own from barbarous acts. 




I have to reply to this post again in regards to your reference to @Super19


He has told us who he is, he posted a post from his Twitter account in regards to his fathers birthday. 


His father was born a Jew in Nazi occupied Hungary.

His fathers grandparents were killed in Auschwitz from the research I have done.


I actually just went to a Reddit thread about his dad.

Reading the BS insulting post that started that thread. 


" He says he's a holocaust survivor and that he was traumatized when his mother gave him to another woman " (that was to save his life) " but he was only 1.5 years old at the end of the war. Was he in a concentration camp, did he endure famine ? "


How would you like people to speak about family members of yours who survived the Holodomor like that ?



Thankfully the replies a lot of the replies were supportive of his dad.

Of course not all of them were.


One telling comment to me was 


" Would you be even asking this if he wasn't supporting the plight of Palestinians "




" Cool to see people chiming in to say " because you were a really young  child you didn't survive the holocaust "





" can we not do the holocaust survivor policing " 





His father writes a lot about trauma and the effects that has on our lives.


Remember that article I posted about this conflict having trauma as part of its roots ?


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13 minutes ago, Ilunga said:


I have to reply to this post again in regards to your reference to @Super19


He has told us who he is, he posted a post from his Twitter account in regards to his fathers birthday. 


His father was born a Jew in Nazi occupied Hungary.

His fathers grandparents were killed in Auschwitz from the research I have done.


I actually just went to a Reddit thread about his dad.

Reading the BS insulting post that started that thread. 


" He says he's a holocaust survivor and that he was traumatized when his mother gave him to another woman " (that was to save his life) " but he was only 1.5 years old at the end of the war. Was he in a concentration camp, did he endure famine ? "


How would you like people to speak about family members of yours who survived the Holodomor like that ?



Thankfully the replies a lot of the replies were supportive of his dad.

Of course not all of them were.


One telling comment to me was 


" Would you be even asking this if he wasn't supporting the plight of Palestinians "




" Cool to see people chiming in to say " because you were a really young  child you didn't survive the holocaust "





" can we not do the holocaust survivor policing " 





His father writes a lot about trauma and the effects that has on our lives.


Remember that article I posted about this conflict having trauma as part of its roots ?


My dear brother, that was not me. I posted Gabe Maté's Twitter account referencing his father, Gabriel Maté. My brother in law most recently met with Gabriel a few weeks ago in Vancouver and they talked.


I am very sorry for any confusion caused to you and all in this thread. 

Edited by Super19
Though your accounts of Maté are correct. He's a brilliant man. He authored amazing books on parenting as well.
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1 minute ago, Super19 said:

My dear brother, that was not me. I posted Gabe Maté's Twitter account referencing his father, Gabriel Maté. My brother in law most recently met with Gabriel a few weeks ago in Vancouver and they talked.


I am very sorry for any confusion caused to you and all in this thread. 


No I am sorry, it is obviously me that was confused. 


Still pretty disgusted by the post that started the thread on Reddit about Gabor.


As I have stated I will come to the defense of the people I consider my friend. 


Shit, we are all friends on this board IMO.

We are all connected by a love for the Canucks and ice hockey.


Can't see eye to eye with any one in your life all the time, even your life partner and your kids. 

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Gaza; weaponisatiom of food has been used in conflict for centuries-but it hasn't always resulted in victory 




" As far as deterring further acts of aggression, the use of food as a weapon may only create future enemies, or at the very least alienate friends " 


Interesting fact  I didn't know until I read this article 


The term Armageddon one of the earliest seiges recorded in history, the battle of Megiddo, in present day Israel in the 15th century BC.

That cities name when translated from Hebrew gives us the modern word Armageddon 


Edited by Ilunga
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8 hours ago, Ilunga said:


I am not trying to convince you who is a prick, he was a prick to use your word.

I am just pointing out that he didn't have the influence in the Arab world that many claim and the Germans didn't really want to work with him.


I love your word pogromatic.

I feel like we should start a petition and have it included in the dictionary, seriously.


Do you know Hamas changed their charter ?




" The Islamist movement is not seeking war with the Jewish people, only with Zionism that drives the occupation of Palestine "


" The new document also insists that Hamas is not a revolutionary force that seeks to intervene in other countries, a commitment that is likely to be welcomed by other states, such as Egypt. '


So for all those people that claim Hamas wants to exterminate the Jews and take over the world and kill everyone who doesn't think like them, well this is simply not the case.


Like you state, both peoples need a home, the big difference between the two is the Palestinians are stateless and in the words of many Jews/ Isrealis are being oppressed.


We learn more everyday.


These conventions where Jewish extremists, including a RW, I think it was, finance minister in Bibi's cabinet? Explain how & when they intend to divide up, then settle Gaza again.  Tells me you were more correct than I. Regarding the intent of many in Israel to take land.  I still believe most don't want this?  I hope anyway.  


Between 2017 and now I have seen little evidence that Hamas has liberalized. Is moving towards acceptance of Jewish peoples.  I certainly did not hear it quoted Oct 8th, an event which was apparently planned for over 10 years.  Seriously for two, with apologies for quoting something that sounds like blame.


Israel will be taking peace seriously when they arrest settlers.  Palestinians when they hand in those that crossed borders. 

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4 hours ago, Canuck Surfer said:


We learn more everyday.


These conventions where Jewish extremists, including a RW, I think it was, finance minister in Bibi's cabinet? Explain how & when they intend to divide up, then settle Gaza again.  Tells me you were more correct than I. Regarding the intent of many in Israel to take land.  I still believe most don't want this?  I hope anyway.  


Between 2017 and now I have seen little evidence that Hamas has liberalized. Is moving towards acceptance of Jewish peoples.  I certainly did not hear it quoted Oct 8th, an event which was apparently planned for over 10 years.  Seriously for two, with apologies for quoting something that sounds like blame.


Israel will be taking peace seriously when they arrest settlers.  Palestinians when they hand in those that crossed borders. 


I wouldn't be worrying just yet about what Bibi will do next. Last poll I saw in January had him at 15% support, he's likely toast.



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17 hours ago, Ilunga said:


Those damned peasants eh.

Forcing those the wonderful Russian elite,who had treated them so well,

 to abdicate and then forming a socialist government.


How terrible of them. 




" The leaders of the provisional government, including a young Russian lawyer Alexander Kerensky, established a liberal program of rights such as freedom of speech, equality before the law and the right of unions to organise and strike.

They opposed violent social revolution.


Such terrible things.



One little problem - that liberal government didn’t even last a year - from February till October 1917.

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I initially found the story funny, but this is a sad day for freedom of expression in Canada. IMO this really shows how deep the pressure runs on the left to conform with whats popular at the moment. 


B.C. premier says Selina Robinson stepping down as cabinet minister over comments on Middle East


British Columbia's Post-Secondary Education Minister Selina Robinson is stepping down amid an outcry over her remarks that modern Israel was founded on "a crappy piece of land."

Premier David Eby says Robinson's "belittling" remarks were incompatible with her remaining in cabinet, although she will stay in the NDP caucus. He said Robinson's focus will now be on addressing "the depth of the hurt that she has caused" by her remarks.





Particularly when you compare it to the language a Langara instructor gets to use and keep her job:





Edited by Bob Long
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4 hours ago, RomanPer said:


One little problem - that liberal government didn’t even last a year - from February till October 1917.


this is why I have to have him on ignore. I don't have the energy to argue my own family history with him. 

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32 minutes ago, Bob Long said:

I initially found the story funny, but this is a sad day for freedom of expression in Canada. IMO this really shows how deep the pressure runs on the left to conform with whats popular at the moment. 


B.C. premier says Selina Robinson stepping down as cabinet minister over comments on Middle East


British Columbia's Post-Secondary Education Minister Selina Robinson is stepping down amid an outcry over her remarks that modern Israel was founded on "a crappy piece of land."

Premier David Eby says Robinson's "belittling" remarks were incompatible with her remaining in cabinet, although she will stay in the NDP caucus. He said Robinson's focus will now be on addressing "the depth of the hurt that she has caused" by her remarks.





Particularly when you compare it to the language a Langara instructor gets to use and keep her job:






Well, I'd like to see Eby resign over so many things, including his recent tweet on the Holocaust Memorial Day.

Edited by RomanPer
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42 minutes ago, Bob Long said:

I initially found the story funny, but this is a sad day for freedom of expression in Canada. IMO this really shows how deep the pressure runs on the left to conform with whats popular at the moment. 


B.C. premier says Selina Robinson stepping down as cabinet minister over comments on Middle East


British Columbia's Post-Secondary Education Minister Selina Robinson is stepping down amid an outcry over her remarks that modern Israel was founded on "a crappy piece of land."

Premier David Eby says Robinson's "belittling" remarks were incompatible with her remaining in cabinet, although she will stay in the NDP caucus. He said Robinson's focus will now be on addressing "the depth of the hurt that she has caused" by her remarks.





Particularly when you compare it to the language a Langara instructor gets to use and keep her job:





You know what she said was fcked up. Made some international headlines for all the wrong reasons. Proud we made the right decision.

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