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Hamas attacking Israel


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47 minutes ago, JIAHN said:


Reading your comments, made me ask the same questions.....


I would die to protect my family....no doubt

If we had no where to go, for what ever reason, I would protect my "dirt" as to protect it, prevents the "evil" from hurting my love ones.

I would put my life on the line to extinguish evil, "IF" I knew I had a good chance of succeeding

I would probably try and save other people from bad things, "IF" I thought I would survive


I don't know man...when you get right down to it, it about family for me....if they are in danger either directly or indirectly, I would stand up

I would probably do it for my close friends......but I mean very close


It is a tough call isn't it!............but then, I am getting soft in my old age. Not that dumb kid, you eluded to.


I would still burn down Moscow...but it looks like someone else is doing it for me! 🙂


The two most precious things we have in this life are our loved ones and friends and...Time.

And the combination of those 2 things, time with our loved ones is the most precious, valuable thing we have.

Both are irreplaceable once they are gone.

Everything else in your life you can replace. 


I hope you didn't think I was referring to you with that dumbass kid comment, that was all about me. 


As for the rest I couldn't find fault with the Ukrainian people wanting some form of revenge, in the case you have mentioned, burn Moscow down.

However when does the circle of hatred end if we, as humans, continue down this path.

That's what behind this never ending conflict, a never ending circle of hatred and revenge, and the inability of people on both sides to comprise.

I do believe that if the Palestinians were given a state of their own that would be a starting point.

They would have no reasonable justification for continuing this conflict.


Earlier in this thread I related a story, and posted the article, about a Palestinian man whose daughter, son in law and grandchild, were burnt alive in a settler attack.

He was raising his grandson who survived, suffering burns to 60 percent of his body.

He was teaching his grandson not to hate, but forgive.


When we have more people like this in the world, than people who carry hate in their hearts, well maybe we can evolve to the point we stop indulging in this pointless conflicts/wars, where there are no real winners, only losers.






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2 hours ago, Ilunga said:


The two most precious things we have in this life are our loved ones and friends and...Time.

And the combination of those 2 things, time with our loved ones is the most precious, valuable thing we have.

Both are irreplaceable once😪 they are gone.

Everything else in your life you can replace. 


I hope you didn't think I was referring to you with that dumbass kid comment, that was all about me. 


As for the rest I couldn't find fault with the Ukrainian people wanting some form of revenge, in the case you have mentioned, burn Moscow down.

However when does the circle of hatred end if we, as humans, continue down this path.

That's what behind this never ending conflict, a never ending circle of hatred and revenge, and the inability of people on both sides to comprise.

I do believe that if the Palestinians were given a state of their own that would be a starting point.

They would have no reasonable justification for continuing this conflict.


Earlier in this thread I related a story, and posted the article, about a Palestinian man whose daughter, son in law and grandchild, were burnt alive in a settler attack.

He was raising his grandson who survived, suffering burns to 60 percent of his body.

He was teaching his grandson not to hate, but forgive.


When we have more people like this in the world, than people who carry hate in their hearts, well maybe we can evolve to the point we stop indulging in this pointless conflicts/wars, where there are no real winners, only losers.






I am with you brother........110 %


I caught a clip of Musk, saying there will always be war, as well as hate......he is a smart guy, if not a little unethical.......an interesting man, that should be arrested for treason


But there are so many reasons to hate, greed, selfishness, power, women, gold, land, grain., fear! ......and the list goes on, and on


It sickens me, but I am a realist (You would not know it on here! LOL)......


IMO, Israel is leveling Hamas, and Palestine, and will teach them to never do this again.....a beaten dog hates, but cowers.......from their perspective, I don't blame them

From the common Palestinian perspective, I cry for them, and understand the hate


Again, IMO, Israel wants the masses to turn on them (Hamas) and then pray for ever lasting peace


Maybe someday? 😪





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14 hours ago, Super19 said:


I can see the issue there, thanks.


It will, should anyhow, come back to his behaviour? Any persons behaviour. 


You will note I posted a video of despicable behaviour by extremist RW youth in the West bank. Parades and marches calling for extermination of all people except Jews in East Jerusalem.  It mirrors the ugly footage of those exulted in & calls for the death of all Jews which occurred Oct 8.  In either case people who badge themselves in such ways make themselves noticed for their extremist views where they exist. McCarthyism is not cool, but people who extort & suggest violence can & should be watchlisted.  It should not impact those who simply protest that they hate the violence.  


If no anti-Palestinian or anti-Lebanese, for example, behaviour surfaces?  As Sharpy mentioned it was handled as uniform policy.  But there is nothing wrong with taking a #, seeing if he takes or ever took any such views to work should it start to surface.   

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Macron ahead of the curve here? Or just grandstanding...  Macron has a habit of gravitating to issues & trying to sell himself as it's saviour. Example visiting Putin just before the Ukraine invasion saying it would not happen. Then just after trying to be a johnny on the spot peacemaker. When really he was played. I don't trust him!  


That said I like the idea of a Palestinian state if it is willing to disarm. It would need non partisan peace corps to control arms, plus help establish both justice and borders.   



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Speaking of willing to disarm?


Hezbollah is much more powerful today than Hamas. Politically and militarily, in armament and forces. The latter rivalling official Lebanese armed forces. Imagine the trucker Freedom Alliance being as strong as the Canadian Armed forces? Politically shrinking / expanding militarily recently for reasons to be suggested? Stronger than the NDP in Canada... 🤨


I think its exaggerated?  But it is said by some Lebanese that Hezbollah were almost a direct result of Palestinian militants and refugees arriving fleeing extermination by the Kingdom of Jordan in 1972. The PLO under pressure in Jordan, relocated its headquarters to Beirut in 1971. Also that Transjordanian leaders were complicit in relocating the infamous 750,000 made homeless by the Nakba. No lack of irony in Jordan's king, not capitalized as a show of respect, this week calling for peace. Refusing refugees again?  We can kill whomever we call terrorists, but Israel you are bad! I digress, but not much.


Lebanon was established as a secular state. It had, by the slimmest of margins, a Christian singular majority of just over 32% of its population. Shiite & Sunni Muslims each around 31%. More or less equal balance? Each enshrined in the constitution, Lebanon enjoyed relative peace & an improving standard of living until events of 1972? Militants among refugee's also tipping population balances has resulted in secular 'infighting,' and corruption. The PLO as @Ilunga duly noted, embraced anyone who would fight for them! Held pure Arab & Palestinian, Shiite & Sunni followers. Cough, embraced being secular.  Since, Lebanon has been driven to, what is now a failed state! Largely but not only by Hezbollah who emerged from PLO influences, much like Hamas. Its greatly simplified history, effectively true although not complete.


Hezbollah themselves are becoming wealthy controlling streets. Even more so in Arms sales, contrabanding militia for events like the Syrian civil war 10 years ago. Black market trade routes through deserts to places like Gaza, West Bank & Yemen. Now a functional majority when including smuggled refugees in Lebanon. Yet only still the 3rd largest ethnic group of card carrying, voting citizens.  But did I mention their Army rivals the Lebanese one? Who have trouble enforcing policing, collecting tax, control of ports, the justice system. FUNNY enough Hezbollah charters comprise of removing Christians, French & competing Muslim groups from Lebanon. Also the death of Israel! 


Where have we seen that before?  🫥




Hezbollah launched more than 60 rockets from Southern Lebanon in to Israel this week! From what, prior to 2006 was, cough, funny enough, occupied territory. Restored as Lebanese in a deal between Lebanon, Hezbollah & Israel by UN resolution 171.  After Hamas & Hezbollah each attacked Israel, and lost wars in 2006. The roughly 30 mile territory south of the Litani river was to be, and has mostly been a demilitarized zone by this agreement. This has been eroding, particularly as Hezbollah picked up both property, experience, fighters & wealth accumulated in the Syrian war.     


Oh, but Israel blew up a Hezbollah, effectively it was a small palace, stronghold in January! Harbouring strategic meetings, also assassinating Hamas leader Saleh al-Arouri and Hezbollah leaders. Hezbollah has been the intermediary for money, communications, weapons both through Iran.  Both organizations biggest benefactors, also Turkey. Then arms and militants are slipped in to the West bank & simply to this border zone with Israel. More than 8000 rockets were fired in to Israel from this area in the 34 day war in 2006. Rockets from there are being fired in to Israel again, this week from Nabatieh.


I mentioned when many troops were  ''rotated'' out of Gaza in January? Many commented hope it was for peace or a cease fire. Myself as well, but I did not expect it. My analysis, don't shoot the messenger; 


Just gearing up for Lebanon the next target! We're here folks, buckle up...



Cue the incoming trade proposals of Ballard, Raymond & a first claims its all on Israel, support for Gaza! Go Houthis...


Hezbollah has fought with and against Alawites, the US, ISIS, ISIL, Wagner, Al Qaeda. Kurds, Iraqi's, Israel, effectively Jordan; wherever there was a dollar to be made, alliances made, broken & influence to gain! Present when massacres like Aleppo & Mosul occurred. These are not saints people! Such groups thrive, live creating chaos!

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4 hours ago, JIAHN said:

I caught a clip of Musk, saying there will always be war, as well as hate......he is a smart guy, if not a little unethical.


My opinion is Musk bought Twitter less for immediate influence or profit. Than its databases. Not to mention its no longer publicly traded, wholly owned. Almost no accountability.


* Highlighted by Maga infiltration

* Not that much less strategically audiences in China, the Kremlin, S Africa, Brazil...

* Botfarms

* Personalized information, even tracking


I'd be more surprised if he was not the first serious GOP candidate post Trump? Than if. He intends to profit, perhaps indirectly. The good news is he is smarter than Trump!


The bad news is he is also smarter than Trump.


Buckle Up!

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2 hours ago, Canuck Surfer said:

Speaking of willing to disarm?


Hezbollah is much more powerful today than Hamas. Politically and militarily, in armament and forces. The latter rivalling official Lebanese armed forces. Imagine the trucker Freedom Alliance being as strong as the Canadian Armed forces? Politically shrinking / expanding militarily recently for reasons to be suggested? Stronger than the NDP in Canada... 🤨


I think its exaggerated?  But it is said by some Lebanese that Hezbollah were almost a direct result of Palestinian militants and refugees arriving fleeing extermination by the Kingdom of Jordan in 1972. The PLO under pressure in Jordan, relocated its headquarters to Beirut in 1971. Also that Transjordanian leaders were complicit in relocating the infamous 750,000 made homeless by the Nakba. No lack of irony in Jordan's king, not capitalized as a show of respect, this week calling for peace. Refusing refugees again?  We can kill whomever we call terrorists, but Israel you are bad! I digress, but not much.


Lebanon was established as a secular state. It had, by the slimmest of margins, a Christian singular majority of just over 32% of its population. Shiite & Sunni Muslims each around 31%. More or less equal balance? Each enshrined in the constitution, Lebanon enjoyed relative peace & an improving standard of living until events of 1972? Militants among refugee's also tipping population balances has resulted in secular 'infighting,' and corruption. The PLO as @Ilunga duly noted, embraced anyone who would fight for them! Held pure Arab & Palestinian, Shiite & Sunni followers. Cough, embraced being secular.  Since, Lebanon has been driven to, what is now a failed state! Largely but not only by Hezbollah who emerged from PLO influences, much like Hamas. Its greatly simplified history, effectively true although not complete.


Hezbollah themselves are becoming wealthy controlling streets. Even more so in Arms sales, contrabanding militia for events like the Syrian civil war 10 years ago. Black market trade routes through deserts to places like Gaza, West Bank & Yemen. Now a functional majority when including smuggled refugees in Lebanon. Yet only still the 3rd largest ethnic group of card carrying, voting citizens.  But did I mention their Army rivals the Lebanese one? Who have trouble enforcing policing, collecting tax, control of ports, the justice system. FUNNY enough Hezbollah charters comprise of removing Christians, French & competing Muslim groups from Lebanon. Also the death of Israel! 


Where have we seen that before?  🫥




Hezbollah launched more than 60 rockets from Southern Lebanon in to Israel this week! From what, prior to 2006 was, cough, funny enough, occupied territory. Restored as Lebanese in a deal between Lebanon, Hezbollah & Israel by UN resolution 171.  After Hamas & Hezbollah each attacked Israel, and lost wars in 2006. The roughly 30 mile territory south of the Litani river was to be, and has mostly been a demilitarized zone by this agreement. This has been eroding, particularly as Hezbollah picked up both property, experience, fighters & wealth accumulated in the Syrian war.     


Oh, but Israel blew up a Hezbollah, effectively it was a small palace, stronghold in January! Harbouring strategic meetings, also assassinating Hamas leader Saleh al-Arouri and Hezbollah leaders. Hezbollah has been the intermediary for money, communications, weapons both through Iran.  Both organizations biggest benefactors, also Turkey. Then arms and militants are slipped in to the West bank & simply to this border zone with Israel. More than 8000 rockets were fired in to Israel from this area in the 34 day war in 2006. Rockets from there are being fired in to Israel again, this week from Nabatieh.


I mentioned when many troops were  ''rotated'' out of Gaza in January? Many commented hope it was for peace or a cease fire. Myself as well, but I did not expect it. My analysis, don't shoot the messenger; 


Just gearing up for Lebanon the next target! We're here folks, buckle up...



Cue the incoming trade proposals of Ballard, Raymond & a first claims its all on Israel, support for Gaza! Go Houthis...


Hezbollah has fought with and against Alawites, the US, ISIS, ISIL, Wagner, Al Qaeda. Kurds, Iraqi's, Israel, effectively Jordan; wherever there was a dollar to be made, alliances made, broken & influence to gain! Present when massacres like Aleppo & Mosul occurred. These are not saints people! Such groups thrive, live creating chaos!


And let's hear more about the measured approach Israel is supposed to take. They are surrounded by groups that will never accept their country as legitimate. 


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2 hours ago, Canuck Surfer said:


My opinion is Musk bought Twitter less for immediate influence or profit. Than its databases. Not to mention its no longer publicly traded, wholly owned. Almost no accountability.


* Highlighted by Maga infiltration

* Not that much less strategically audiences in China, the Kremlin, S Africa, Brazil...

* Botfarms

* Personalized information, even tracking


I'd be more surprised if he was not the first serious GOP candidate post Trump? Than if. He intends to profit, perhaps indirectly. The good news is he is smarter than Trump!


The bad news is he is also smarter than Trump.


Buckle Up!

I Don’t believe Elon is currently eligible to run for president in the U.S. not a born in the USA citizen. 

But, if they want him, they’ll find a way. 

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33 minutes ago, Cold said:

I Don’t believe Elon is currently eligible to run for president in the U.S. not a born in the USA citizen. 

But, if they want him, they’ll find a way. 


I guess the US could retroactively annex South Africa?

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17 minutes ago, Bob Long said:


I guess the US could retroactively annex South Africa?

I suspect they will eventually twist the 14 year residency requirement to be an “or” with natural born citizen, instead of the current “and”.

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16 hours ago, Sharpshooter said:

The VPD has addressed this. 

They did not take a stance against the Star of David, they only enforced their policies of uniform standards. 

Yes. I don't know if you saw the link in the post but it didn't look like a simple Star of David patch anyway. Israeli flag with a punisher logo which is associated with far right extremism.

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2 minutes ago, Bob Long said:


Or it's a biased film. 


We have free speech here, unlike Iran which you seem to prefer. People get to voice an opinion.

I don't think you can blame Israelism for being a biased film. Biased to what? Zionism isn't the status quo they are voicing. Just because it questions Zionism does not give you the right to DISMISS it and blame it for being biased, or antisemetic, or pro terrorism. These are all accusatory words you use to defend your Zionism.


And no I don't prefer Iran. And I don't prefer extremism which includes extremism in Israel which is prevalently supported by head honchos in power, which is astonishingly hypocritical to their stances on other extremism/oppression/terrorism.


Heavens forbid someone is against genocidal acts when Israel is the culprit.



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1 minute ago, Super19 said:

I don't think you can blame Israelism for being a biased film. Biased to what? Zionism isn't the status quo they are voicing. Just because it questions Zionism does not give you the right to DISMISS it and blame it for being biased, or antisemetic, or pro terrorism. These are all accusatory words you use to defend your Zionism.


And no I don't prefer Iran. And I don't prefer extremism which includes extremism in Israel which is prevalently supported by head honchos in power, which is astonishingly hypocritical to their stances on other extremism/oppression/terrorism.


Heavens forbid someone is against genocidal acts when Israel is the culprit.




And yet you post so much pro Hamas stuff. I do think you are pro Iran, based on what you post in here. 


You say it's Zionism with your definition of what you think that is. Which is great, fill your boots. Doesn't mean your view is the only legitimate one.

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2 minutes ago, Bob Long said:


You say it's Zionism with your definition of what you think that is. Which is great, fill your boots. Doesn't mean your view is the only legitimate one.

What do you think Zionism is, if not an extreme right wing movement that is being responsible for some rephrensible shit

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Just now, Bob Long said:


So says you. I can say the same thing about river to sea chants.

Chants that Zionists say proudly too.


What is Zionism to you, that makes you defend it to tooth and nail in the face of all the terror it is showing its capable of. 

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