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Hamas attacking Israel


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Just now, Super19 said:

I haven't seen you condemn US veto once.


Why would I?


Just now, Super19 said:

I've been pushing for a ceasefire and diplomacy the moment I saw Israel's aggression for what it is - a genocidal rage.


Earlier on escalations were not happening, but then Houthis got involved, then a bit of Hezbollah and now it's spilling into the West Bank.


And the atrocities in Gaza continue.


Actually you've been posting Hamas affiliated tweets almost daily. 

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15 minutes ago, Canuck Surfer said:


This is a reality as unfortunate as Hamas itself. And Putin, etc., etc.!


Russia and China continually manipulate the security council. Even if by some miracle the UN decided to pass something through that body, no one in blue hats is invading Israel. Not even sure why @Super19 would even think this would be an option. 


I also find it interesting that he never, ever, blames Iran for any of this but sure its the US. 


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Just now, Bob Long said:

I also find it interesting that he never, ever, blames Iran for any of this but sure its the US.


Look; Ilunga pointed out & its true.  Hamas was an opposition tool to the PLO supported covertly by Israel at its launch. As was Al Qaeda by the US.  


* Where they evolved is no longer supported.  

* What options are / were there?

* Peaceful groups are slaughtered in opposition internally to such groups.


How do you overpower a militant autocracy without removing them? Effective policy is not easy over people who should have a right to self control. Are militant instead. Would Hitler have ever surrendered his regime to a peaceful group in Germany...


The idealist in myself is against Israel's attack. A sad reality, or realist in me, says Hamas probably has to be militarily defeated. And it will take generations of peacekeepers to offer peace to Palestinians.  But there is a another reality here too...


In 1945 there was a race to liberate Germany before the Russians.  We knew why then, and we know why now with the benefit of history. 


I am not calling Israel Stalin. They are stealing land. Doing what Bush did when he invaded Iraq. Trying to profit. It does diminish any view they have rights to defend themselves from terrorists even though it's fundamentally true. There are RW groups in Israel salivating over territorial gains. What Netanyahoot Israel needs to say is they will sede the territory once Hamas is eliminated. Invest in its rebuilding, empower a peaceful govt. & take part, while inviting Palestinians, other Arab groups, the UN & West to all contribute to peacekeeping.  To grow Gaza, the West Bank while disarmed like Germany & Japan as productive parts of the world society.   


Administrations matter if we want peace. The balance of power in Israel's coalition seeing people like Smotrich, Bibi & Yoav Galant overseeing this war?  My fear is the 'best' outcome is enough destruction of terrorists that Israel can hold power for another 15 years.  We don't need Galant, Smotrich & their supporters making billions getting a free port in Gaza city, becoming a bigger powerhouse in the Mediterranean / Middle East. I prefer peacekeepers & disarming Hamas with the UN unfortunately the best we've got to oversee transition in power?  


The best outcome includes both that Hamas is defeated AND the Israeli coalition is defeated in favour of a more liberal faction.

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54 minutes ago, Bob Long said:


Russia and China continually manipulate the security council. Even if by some miracle the UN decided to pass something through that body, no one in blue hats is invading Israel. Not even sure why @Super19 would even think this would be an option. 


I also find it interesting that he never, ever, blames Iran for any of this but sure its the US. 


US funds IDF, Iran funds Hamas.


They're both part of the problem.


The foreign policy decisions made by the US don't support the spirit of international law or humanity - why don't you condemn this?


Edited by Super19
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20 minutes ago, Super19 said:

US funds IDF, Iran funds Hamas.


They're both part of the problem.


The foreign policy decisions made by the US don't support the spirit of international law or humanity - why don't you condemn this?



Ok, let's try to build a logic chain - a US Politician says "Death to Hamas", an activist says "it's disturbing" and by distributing this message you seem to clearly support the statement that "Death to Hamas" is "disturbing". And yet you say you don't support Hamas...

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I think "we the west" need to lean into those vocally denouncing Hamas in Gaza. That small group should be thoroughly protected from reprisals, funded and vetted to create from within them a council of women who could form a basis for future aid distribution, and possibly Gazan Governance in the short term. Get them some form of power or currency for their relative situation and work to grow that group with foodstuffs, medicines, former Unwra committed dollars and education. In short support and reward their open leaning away from Hamas.

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53 minutes ago, Super19 said:

US funds IDF, Iran funds Hamas.


They're both part of the problem.


The foreign policy decisions made by the US don't support the spirit of international law or humanity - why don't you condemn this?



I guess I'd ask you, which one values democracy? which one is more likely to help bring this to a resolution some day?


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10 minutes ago, Bob Long said:


I guess I'd ask you, which one values democracy? which one is more likely to help bring this to a resolution some day?



Super has done nothing but point fingers.  Posting habits do not support his claim that he is not cheering on Hamas.


Nor does he want any solution with Israel.  

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18 minutes ago, Canuck Surfer said:


Super has done nothing but point fingers.  Posting habits do not support his claim that he is not cheering on Hamas.


Nor does he want any solution with Israel.  

Let me understand your point of view better. This military operation needs to continue as you think it's the only way to stop Hamas?

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53 minutes ago, Super19 said:

Let me understand your point of view better. This military operation needs to continue as you think it's the only way to stop Hamas?


My suggestions are on record.  Over and over again.


But here your reply when asked for a response is finger pointing.  My key reply is that Israel has to stop its abuses. Arrest and contain its abusers.  As the 1st world nation with vastly more resources; I have pointed that I see it as their responsibility to start the process. What grey area exists in accomplishing this as an obstacle is the political process; that the extreme right in Israel holds a balance of power. Is there brainwashing & stereotyping. Yes, but liberal in that at worst there is choice. There is also education from both sides, even if dominant Jewish.  Has hinged a door opening for abuse that must be closed by said RW. Public pressure from within Israel that teaches accepting Palestine, not controlling Palestine could open a door for holding such RW accountable; requiring them ousted of positions of power in the justice system & military. Its an obstacle, but possible.


I have the same answer for Palestinians. Palestinians / Hamas have to stop their abuses. It will be viable as a nation when it states publically it will disarm terrorists & seek to live peacefully.  This is a harder obstacle in my opinion.  The corruption and endemic level of control throughout their society is deeper. People don't have a right to vote. Do not have a right to protest. Have peer pressure at school, at home and at work. Notably at temple. You can be beaten for having a discerning voice at the Mosque by the Imam. Taught you can be a martyr. Your parents ostracized. A shop in Gaza is not open unless it engages in payola & barely survives. The real money is the, pun intended, underground economy. If you cooperate, you can get supplies through the tunnels which are the dominant economy.  It should not be, but in this way Hamas can control virtually every good and person who comes in & out of Gaza. If Israel says publically it will stop attacking, hostages should be returned.


When Israel is willing, not to let abuses happen.  But arrest those who do so? Outvote those who would bomb Palestine. Repeat I see Israel as having to make the first move.


There needs a voice in Gaza protesting Hamas. But I am calling from within the scope of someone who supports Israel to stop the violence. Hamas could do as simple as offer hostages if Israel stop bombing as a start. Not insist on prisoners who did commit crimes at a rate of 500 for every hostage. Hostages who are children, pregnant mothers; elderly, new borns.  Hamas wants its fighters back, has yet to show empathy for its own citizens. I mentioned this earlier & you mentioned it was great that Israel was being attacked from three fronts?


At its grass roots, Palestinians should offer to patrol border area's in Gaza, the West Bank. Stop kids from throwing rocks. Send a petition that you are stopping said kids, ask Israel to reduce its use of actual weapons. Invite foreign peacekeepers to help patrol so that rockets are not launched from roof tops. Send a peition you want help stopping those who would cross the border ala Oct 7. So that Israeli patrols can be scaled back. 


Its a challenging proposition.  Hamas makes billions controlling Gaza.  I equate it to Mexico having to get rid of Cartels.  Except Hamas is more prevalent than drug gangs. People need to fight corruption, versus fight Israel.  The alternative is Israel has been doing it for you. Taking a cut.


Palestinians need to be part of the solution.  Start by calling for the release of hostages as a Palestinian supporter.

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2 hours ago, Canuck Surfer said:


Look; Ilunga pointed out & its true.  Hamas was an opposition tool to the PLO supported covertly by Israel at its launch. As was Al Qaeda by the US.  


* Where they evolved is no longer supported.  

* What options are / were there?

* Peaceful groups are slaughtered in opposition internally to such groups.


How do you overpower a militant autocracy without removing them? Effective policy is not easy over people who should have a right to self control. Are militant instead. Would Hitler have ever surrendered his regime to a peaceful group in Germany...


The idealist in myself is against Israel's attack. A sad reality, or realist in me, says Hamas probably has to be militarily defeated. And it will take generations of peacekeepers to offer peace to Palestinians.  But there is a another reality here too...


In 1945 there was a race to liberate Germany before the Russians.  We knew why then, and we know why now with the benefit of history. 


I am not calling Israel Stalin. They are stealing land. Doing what Bush did when he invaded Iraq. Trying to profit. It does diminish any view they have rights to defend themselves from terrorists even though it's fundamentally true. There are RW groups in Israel salivating over territorial gains. What Netanyahoot Israel needs to say is they will sede the territory once Hamas is eliminated. Invest in its rebuilding, empower a peaceful govt. & take part, while inviting Palestinians, other Arab groups, the UN & West to all contribute to peacekeeping.  To grow Gaza, the West Bank while disarmed like Germany & Japan as productive parts of the world society.   


Administrations matter if we want peace. The balance of power in Israel's coalition seeing people like Smotrich, Bibi & Yoav Galant overseeing this war?  My fear is the 'best' outcome is enough destruction of terrorists that Israel can hold power for another 15 years.  We don't need Galant, Smotrich & their supporters making billions getting a free port in Gaza city, becoming a bigger powerhouse in the Mediterranean / Middle East. I prefer peacekeepers & disarming Hamas with the UN unfortunately the best we've got to oversee transition in power?  


The best outcome includes both that Hamas is defeated AND the Israeli coalition is defeated in favour of a more liberal faction.


Not only did Isreal support Hamas to begin with, Netanyahu continued to support them. 

Right up until the October 7 attack.


" Why Netanyahu Bolstered Hama "




" The same is true of Netanyahu's long standing policy of bolstering Hamas rule in Gaza, including encouraging Israels defacto ally Qatar to finance the terrorist organisation. While the much respected Israeli newspaper Haaretz has covered this issue, it has been largely ignored by the international press. 


On Sunday the New York Times gave prominence to the long standing Netanyahu - Hamas  connection in a detailed and lengthy report. According to the newspaper

Just weeks before Hamas launched the deadly Oct. 7 attacks on Israel, the head of the Mossad arrived in Doha, Qatar for a meeting with Qatari officials. 

For years the Qatari government had been sending millions of dollars a month into the Gaza strip - money that helped prop up the Hamas government there. Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu not only tolerated those payments, he encouraged them. 

According to the Times Israeli intelligence agents travelled into Gaza with a Qatari official carrying suitcases filled with cash to disperse money. 

Retired Isreali general Shlomo Brom described the logic of Netanyahu's position: one effective way to prevent a two state solution is to divide between the Gaza strip and the west bank. If extremist Hamas ruled Gaza - them the Palestinian authority - a comprised comprador government with a tenuous hold on the West Bank - would be further weakened. This according to Brom would Netanyahu to say, I have no partner.


In 2015 Bezalel Smotrich, currently the finance minister in Netanyahu's government summed up the strategy by stating, The Palestinian Authority is a burden, Hamas is an asset. "


Right from the start, Israels support for Hamas is a front for them to deny the Palestinians a state of their own.

The evidence is overwhelming. 


People want an answer, I have already given them one, and I will do it again.


Allow the Palestinians a state of their own.

Enforce free and fair elections, with independent observers to oversee them. 


Provide Palestinians with the means to form a viable state. 

This means the west bank, Gaza and east Jerusalem.

That is a bit less than a quarter of what was once called Palestine.


How can the results of doing this be any worse than the events of the last 50 - 60 years. 


If the Palestinians refuse to renounce violence and continue with missile attacks, then they will have lost all legitimacy.


If people really support the Palestinians right to their own state and the right of self determination, give me one good reason why these ideas should not be implemented.

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19 minutes ago, Super19 said:

Lies and propaganda. 


Bassem Youssef had a show in Vancouver last night.


You realize the media were shown clips of women with their vaginas blown out by shotguns. With their breasts cut off. The smell of whole families burned to death alive in sheltered rooms. Grandmothers held hostage.  


Naked, save torn undergarments, girls paraded then manhandled from vehicles as they were sent to be held hostage. Families beaten by Palestinians in the back of of rucksack (name?) trucks. Dozens of women from the dance festival found with dead with obvious rape trauma. One, the german tatoo artist found dead in Gaza without her head. Whole bunkers of festival goers both machine gunned to death in one bunker, burned to death in another.  Each with one or two survivors to tell the story. All the empirical data, forensics supporting.


Are you suggesting Oct 7 was a fake?


I abhor the violence Palestinians are suffering. Asked for restraint from Israeli's. Denial will never help your cause!





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10 minutes ago, Canuck Surfer said:


My suggestions are on record.  Over and over again.


But here your reply when asked for a response is finger pointing.  My key reply is that Israel has to stop its abuses. Arrest and contain its abusers.  As the 1st world nation with vastly more resources; I have pointed that I see it as their responsibility to start the process. What grey area exists in accomplishing this as an obstacle is the political process; that the extreme right in Israel holds a balance of power. Is there brainwashing & stereotyping. Yes, but liberal in that at worst there is choice. There is also education from both sides, even if dominant Jewish.  Has hinged a door opening for abuse that must be closed by said RW. Public pressure from within Israel that teaches accepting Palestine, not controlling Palestine could open a door for holding such RW accountable; requiring them ousted of positions of power in the justice system & military. Its an obstacle, but possible.


I have the same answer for Palestinians. Palestinians / Hamas have to stop their abuses. It will be viable as a nation when it states publically it will disarm terrorists & seek to live peacefully.  This is a harder obstacle in my opinion.  The corruption and endemic level of control throughout their society is deeper. People don't have a right to vote. Do not have a right to protest. Have peer pressure at school, at home and at work. Notably at temple. You can be beaten for having a discerning voice at the Mosque by the Imam. Taught you can be a martyr. Your parents ostracized. A shop in Gaza is not open unless it engages in payola & barely survives. The real money is the, pun intended, underground economy. If you cooperate, you can get supplies through the tunnels which are the dominant economy.  It should not be, but in this way Hamas can control virtually every good and person who comes in & out of Gaza. If Israel says publically it will stop attacking, hostages should be returned.


When Israel is willing, not to let abuses happen.  But arrest those who do so? Outvote those who would bomb Palestine. Repeat I see Israel as having to make the first move.


There needs a voice in Gaza protesting Hamas. But I am calling from within the scope of someone who supports Israel to stop the violence. Hamas could do as simple as offer hostages if Israel stop bombing as a start. Not insist on prisoners who did commit crimes at a rate of 500 for every hostage. Hostages who are children, pregnant mothers; elderly, new borns.  Hamas wants its fighters back, has yet to show empathy for its own citizens. I mentioned this earlier & you mentioned it was great that Israel was being attacked from three fronts?


At its grass roots, Palestinians should offer to patrol border area's in Gaza, the West Bank. Stop kids from throwing rocks. Send a petition that you are stopping said kids, ask Israel to reduce its use of actual weapons. Invite foreign peacekeepers to help patrol so that rockets are not launched from roof tops. Send a peition you want help stopping those who would cross the border ala Oct 7. So that Israeli patrols can be scaled back. 


Its a challenging proposition.  Hamas makes billions controlling Gaza.  I equate it to Mexico having to get rid of Cartels.  Except Hamas is more prevalent than drug gangs. People need to fight corruption, versus fight Israel.  The alternative is Israel has been doing it for you. Taking a cut.


Palestinians need to be part of the solution.  Start by calling for the release of hostages as a Palestinian supporter.


The Mexican cartels make the Palestinians and Israelis look like like peace organisations.


Just read 

41,034 dead in war conflicts between indentified parties 2006 - present 

Total 350,000 - 400,00 dead from organised crime homicides 2006 - present.


I watched a doco a few years ago.

Mutialated bodies hanging in the streets of Cities in Mexico. 

Mass graves.

Brutal shit.



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6 minutes ago, Ilunga said:


Not only did Isreal support Hamas to begin with, Netanyahu continued to support them. 

Right up until the October 7 attack.


" Why Netanyahu Bolstered Hama "




" The same is true of Netanyahu's long standing policy of bolstering Hamas rule in Gaza, including encouraging Israels defacto ally Qatar to finance the terrorist organisation. While the much respected Israeli newspaper Haaretz has covered this issue, it has been largely ignored by the international press. 


On Sunday the New York Times gave prominence to the long standing Netanyahu - Hamas  connection in a detailed and lengthy report. According to the newspaper

Just weeks before Hamas launched the deadly Oct. 7 attacks on Israel, the head of the Mossad arrived in Doha, Qatar for a meeting with Qatari officials. 

For years the Qatari government had been sending millions of dollars a month into the Gaza strip - money that helped prop up the Hamas government there. Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu not only tolerated those payments, he encouraged them. 

According to the Times Israeli intelligence agents travelled into Gaza with a Qatari official carrying suitcases filled with cash to disperse money. 

Retired Isreali general Shlomo Brom described the logic of Netanyahu's position: one effective way to prevent a two state solution is to divide between the Gaza strip and the west bank. If extremist Hamas ruled Gaza - them the Palestinian authority - a comprised comprador government with a tenuous hold on the West Bank - would be further weakened. This according to Brom would Netanyahu to say, I have no partner.


In 2015 Bezalel Smotrich, currently the finance minister in Netanyahu's government summed up the strategy by stating, The Palestinian Authority is a burden, Hamas is an asset. "


Right from the start, Israels support for Hamas is a front for them to deny the Palestinians a state of their own.

The evidence is overwhelming. 


People want an answer, I have already given them one, and I will do it again.


Allow the Palestinians a state of their own.

Enforce free and fair elections, with independent observers to oversee them. 


Provide Palestinians with the means to form a viable state. 

This means the west bank, Gaza and east Jerusalem.

That is a bit less than a quarter of what was once called Palestine.


How can the results of doing this be any worse than the events of the last 50 - 60 years. 


If the Palestinians refuse to renounce violence and continue with missile attacks, then they will have lost all legitimacy.


If people really support the Palestinians right to their own state and the right of self determination, give me one good reason why these ideas should not be implemented.


This does not help your point at this moment.


Nor is it a viable Macro policy from large powers to support any militant autocratic force controlling minorities. As Bibi did Hamas. It has never worked out that I am aware of. Nor is just calling for elections, as much as I would like it to be viable! People need to be empowered. Yet peacekeeping steps have to occur first. Can they be enforced from external countries?  



A problem, a key problem is militant groups have been never been willing to accept Israel.  

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5 minutes ago, Ilunga said:

41,034 dead in war conflicts between indentified parties 2006 - present 


Look at Sudan, Syria, Gaza, Yemen, Tunisia, Iraq.


The similarities to Cartels outweighs the fact that there is still more death in the Middle East, North Africa. But that there was egregious violence, yes the point. 


The similarity is that they are criminal organizations competing with authorities to be the controlling entity with brutality. Less so use of the church & societal compliance, subversion but it still exists. That they have not completely taken over controls of territories is one real difference. 


That there are not authorities to police them in Gaza the other.

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3 minutes ago, Canuck Surfer said:


This does not help your point at this moment.


Nor is it a viable Macro policy from large powers to support any militant autocratic force controlling minorities. As Bibi did Hamas. It has never worked out that I am aware of. Nor is just calling for elections, as much as I would like it to be viable! People need to be empowered. Yet peacekeeping steps have to occur first. Can they be enforced from external countries?  



A problem, a key problem is militant groups have been never been willing to accept Israel.  


How does pointing out the truth, providing factual information, not help give an insight into what is happening right now ?


It's is the actions of what has happened in the past, that has lead us to where we are now. 

And not the distant past.

That's why I posted about Netanyahu's support of Hamas, right up until the October 7 attack.


As I have pointed there has been a deliberate attempt by many of the Isreali administrations to prevent to two state solution.

FFS I provided information from a Mossad whistleblower that is was Isreali policy to have a Muslim extremist group in charge of Gaza. 


You haven't given me a valid reason why the option I suggested should not be tried.

Again how can it be worse than what has happened in the last 50 - 60 years of endless violence ?



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Here is another way of looking at it @Super19.


Hamas fighters have been arrested in the first days, and last few days. Who have either been found on camera, or interrogated as having taken part in Oct 7.


They should be put on trial in Israel.  Put to the death penalty if guilty?  Remember, these were fighters & every day Palestinians who crossed the border and committed atrocities. Not fighters protecting their homeland in a declared war. This is legal, the crimes took place in Israel. Then their sentences commuted in good faith. To be put on trial for war crimes at the Hague. 


With that evidence Bassam Youssef is touting as lies available.


The world is asking for compliance of Israel?  It should be no different for Hamas, or other 'Palestinians.'   Regardless if I have any doubts in their guilt?  That these crimes were committed?  Put their hands in to the justice system. The same would be true of Israeli war crimes. Settler violence, the theft of land. Let the Hague decide what to do with crimes like busses being bombed, settlers attacking Palestinian farmers. Willingness to let justice be done the ultimate peace maker.


What faith I don't have in the UN, I do have in world courts.

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4 minutes ago, Canuck Surfer said:


Look at Sudan, Syria, Gaza, Yemen, Tunisia, Iraq.


The similarities to Cartels outweighs the fact that there is still more death in the Middle East, North Africa. But that there was egregious violence, yes the point. 


The similarity is that they are criminal organizations competing with authorities to be the controlling entity with brutality. Less so use of the church & societal compliance, subversion but it still exists. That they have not completely taken over controls of territories is one real difference. 


That there are not authorities to police them in Gaza the other.


Yes, surely you remember the thread I started about Yemen.

The thread that only you and @Gurn out of the regular contributors to this thread, contributed to


I have also brought up the Sudan on the old sight.


You asked another poster about where they were when those events were  happening.

Well that could be asked of all the posters in this thread apart from you two guys. 


That the selective denunciation, and selective humanity, I have mentioned before. 


As for authorities in Gaza, I have already offered a suggestion, independent observers, peace keepers.

Let's us, the " west " show them some kindness and compassion.

As I have already pointed out, kindness changes peoples views on others.

Not only that, it might inspire them to build a better society for themselves. 



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Just now, Canuck Surfer said:

Here is another way of looking at it @Super19.


Hamas fighters have been arrested in the first days, and last few days. Who have either been found on camera, or interrogated as having taken part in Oct 7.


They should be put on trial in Israel.  Put to the death penalty if guilty?  Remember, these were fighters & every day Palestinians who crossed the border and committed atrocities. Not fighters protecting their homeland in a declared war. This is legal, the crimes took place in Israel. Then their sentences commuted in good faith. To be put on trial for war crimes at the Hague. 


With that evidence Bassam Youssef is touting as lies available.


The world is asking for compliance of Israel?  It should be no different for Hamas, or other 'Palestinians.'   Regardless if I have any doubts in their guilt?  That these crimes were committed?  Put their hands in to the justice system. The same would be true of Israeli war crimes. Settler violence, the theft of land. Let the Hague decide what to do with crimes like busses being bombed, settlers attacking Palestinian farmers. Willingness to let justice be done the ultimate peace maker.


What faith I don't have in the UN, I do have in world courts.


When you are referring to the world courts, you are talking about the International Criminal Court ?

Or as it's also known the ICJ.


The court that the US considers has no Jurisdiction, no Legitimacy and no Authority.


Same with Israel.





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