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Hamas attacking Israel


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13 minutes ago, Bob Long said:


Did the other guy get the ban hammer?

I remember watching a movie about Hitler’s time in his bunker and up to his cowardly suicide. There was reference to him wanting to destroy all German cities and towns. To basically wipe out his own country and (as a result) causing tremendous harm to the German people. It’s very similar to how Hamas shows total disregard for the Gaza people. How they use them as shields. Very sick. 

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7 hours ago, Kanagan said:

I find it alarming that the majority of young people side with Hamas.


Agreed; many Russia as well.


Same Bot farms.


Sad ! ? !


My own view is objectivity.  In a modern view; assess the crimes of each. I'm against settlement violence, land grabs by Israel.  I am against terrorist action such as tourist bus bombs, hostages, random attacks including missiles to make a 'political' point. In a macro view, while opposed to Israel expanding, Israel as more likely to embrace other cultures within their jurisdiction. Without overtly discussing Hamas, whom I view as the larger problem I have always called for Israel to show leadership in managing their peoples legal activities.


In a historical view?  The Palestinian cause seemed poorly represented in posturing dating back to just before the British mandate. A key problem twofold; 


* It was always ALL their land.

* Poorly, poor being perhaps an associated meaning, affiliated with influential allies.


Before there is peace Palestinians will have to agree to it. They may have been taken advantage of?  And by more than Israel.  The problem is now 5 and 7 generations old. It will take new posturing.  The impending financial & possible complete collapse of Lebanon? Lebanon, FTR, was doing very well & has diminished as Hezbollah as embraced more and more control. Hezbollah not being implied. Could pose the requirement and opportunity for new alliances for various cultural groups including moderate Shia, Sunni, Christian, Orthodox, Bedouin, Jewish communities. 


Whether its Israel & surrounding communities? Or a super community in the Mediterranean middle east. The 50 or 100 year plan, impossible today, is a multicultural one. This is my vision, perhaps dreaming, yet I don't see any solutions where nations are wholly islands in of their own cultural identity. Ideas which address all communities?


In between, also the real historical problem, is ridding sub politics and sub regions commanded by armed gangs of militants. Controlling & profiting from these sub groups.   

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10 hours ago, Canuck Surfer said:

The 50 or 100 year plan, impossible today, is a multicultural one. This is my vision, perhaps dreaming, yet I don't see any solutions where nations are wholly islands in of their own cultural identity. Ideas which address all communities?


While I am on my horse?  My white box at Speakers Corner...


Lebanon specifically, and Western Syria! The UN has been a diminishing asset in the World for at least 40 years. Where have they ever held peace; Cypress? Nah, its still half controlled by invading Turkey. Who also holds more occupied territory today, in Northern Syria & Iraq than Israel does in the West Bank. Bloody hungry Jews eh? Lebanon is a unique opportunity! A place in the World to reinvigorate the UN! 


Or let the UN die?


The UN should be about peace keeping. Developing & enforcement of international law communally. In an even more perfect world, developing policy adjudicated by the world court. More specifically offering misrepresented populations aid to develop internal rule of law, representation, administration. By virtue economic controls & access to support? An example; providing temporary administration and police so militant groups, cough Houthis / Hamas / Cartels, don't grab unilateral control. 


United Nations has had its benefits. I believe the security council, while it fails smaller populations like Palestine or Sudan, specifically the veto has been instrumental in avoiding Nuclear war. Otherwise it seems an organization perennially lacking consensus like a coalition government. See Israel! A UN which flows over the line of corruption catering to smaller interest groups whom withhold a balance of power. See UNRWA! Forget Palestine for this argument; use Rhodesia, Sudan, Pol Pot's Cambodia, I could name 50 examples. It is terrifying to see people starving in Sudan. My belief is the UN's role in aid would / should simply be security, militarily if necessary, for aid givers. 


The UN's key job should be rule of law.  Its a bigger mandate! A mantle to be passed in aid. It is a big topic, series of topics, for a different day. Also a complicated one for reasons to why Europe is suddenly embattled with 'cultural problems!'  


Why Lebanon? Where the UN League of Nations 'failed' Arab Palestinians in post Ottoman Middle East? Modern countries were established in Syria, Saudi Arabia, Yemen, Egypt, Jordan, Iraq. Lebanon also, was arguably was both the most progressive & successful from 1948 to the mid 70's or early 80's. Parts of this structure could help resurrect peace.  


Lebanon was founded on the constituent rights of its primary cultural groups! A Western / French colony ceding power to its populations. Also fair, just my opinion of this powerful phrase, that what has gone wrong with Lebanon since?  Is exactly what the UN's role should be. Cultural problems? According to Jordan, a large group of predominantly 'Palestinian' militants were, depending on who defining, either ethnically cleansed, eradicated or evicted from Jordan in 1972.  'Palestinian' being a funny definition, as Jordan is a Palestinian country where prior to inception, like those in 'Syria' & 'Israel' all held British mandate of Palestine passports? The PLO in Jordan was indeed forming an Army of its own, for its own political and military ambitions. In Jordan, of course Israel & elsewhere. While the PLO scattered to Egypt, Libya, Iraq, Gaza & the West Bank etc.. Its collectively accepted that the infusion of militant expulsions that landed in 100's of thousands immediately thereafter in Lebanon upset all healthy balances.


Imagine refugee's becoming more powerful than the group that embraced them?


PLO's Shia wing merged with Shia influences in Lebanon when Sunni / Shia / Jewish had effectively equal distribution and power in Lebanon. The countries economy was both flourishing, and growing. Hezbollah was officially formed in the early 80's and teamed with the Shia 'equal' minority.  In the 35 to 40 years since, lets forget politics, Hezbollah has formed an Army more powerful than the Lebanese official armed forces. The streets, courts, markets, police & trading systems, including tax are now effectively corrupt & inadequate. Hezbollah leadership enjoys tax free income, and gamely trades in military and black market battles throughout the Middle East also receiving third party support, from Iran, for their ambitions.


Lebanon, once thriving is becoming a failed state. Lebanese are probably reluctant / afraid to ask for help?  It can no longer collect tax, therefore educate, feed, or provide medical & social services. Nor combat Hezbollah or stop them from launching rockets in to foreign countries. Never mind Israel, it was often the 4th most potent group in Syrian civil war after Asaad backed by Russia & Iran, Syrian Democratic Forces (Insurgents themselves / Kurds also deserving their Palestine ?), ISIS, ISIL and God knows who else whom at times all fought each other? In any case, Hezbollah is powerful, a military for hire, also has a goal of COMPLETE, not shared control of Lebanon.  


The UN, really its role should have taken place 35 years ago, should be to help legit admins combat militant uprising.  Countries, like Lebanon, need to be able to sort problems, my opinion but far from only mine, like Hezbollah. Maybe in a country like Afghanistan, if the US military or Soviet, cannot handle the Taliban? Cough Israel...


The UN has to set a mandate and solve Lebanon!  Let it become the barometer, the precedent of international law. 





Why western Syria?


This is where Hezbollah will retreat to. It is also where Iran & Russia have achieved strategic / corrupt control vis a vie Asaad. Whom Hezbollah was made rich by providing soldiers for hire. The topics are even broader. Does the UN accept a Russian backed*** militant, a minority no less, govt. in Syria? Whom allows a Russian naval base, now being built, on Syrian shores of the Mediterranean.  The real mandate of the UN has to be citizens of such places. If their corruption leaves millions starving? People who think there is genocide in Gaza should be looking here. The UN should be taking them out if it actually has a mandate! Not providing aid while militant leaderships profit! 


Law or no law, it could likely be the Cuban missile crisis of the Mediterranean. What carries us through the dissolution of the West or Putin?





A govt in Syria needs to be embracing not just Asaad's native Alawite sect of culture and religion. Shia sects as supported by Hezbollah, Iran.  Also, Sunni, Orthodox, Kurdish, Yazidi, Jewish minorities. Regions should not be run for the profit of a ruling majority, or ruling militant autocracy.  The Middle East is still full of feudal conflicts. It should be a safe & embraced place for all cultures! If it does not the UN, not US, should be sanctioning, petitioning & actioning on behalf of oppressed peoples.



*** It should not matter if it is Russia.  US and other colonial powers have supported countless oppressive regimes over time. It is simply the cruxt of the challenge at this time. Taiwan?  Uyghurs in the Xinjiang region of China? 









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On 3/29/2024 at 11:40 PM, Kanagan said:

Just saw on the news that only 32% of people under 30 support Israel in this. Quite alarming.

What’s alarming is the 13000 dead children.

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Quds chief killed in attack according to Times Radio.


Al Jazeera seems to confirm, also mentioning diplomats.


Israel; senior members if Iranian National Guard who carry out assassinations.


World; Israeli attack makes news. Turkey, the US, Hezbollah, Iraq, Jordan have all done attacks. Syria's civil war has many scenes like Gaza.



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5 people working with World Central Kitchen non-profit killed in Gaza, José Andrés says


At least five people working with the World Central Kitchen (WCK) have been killed in Gaza, WCK founder José Andrés told CNN on Monday, without giving specific details.

"We are aware of reports that members of the World Central Kitchen team have been killed in an IDF attack while working to support our humanitarian food delivery efforts in Gaza. This is a tragedy. Humanitarian aid workers and civilians should NEVER be a target. EVER. We will share more information when we have gathered all the facts,” WCK said in a separate statement.

Videos obtained by CNN show the bodies of multiple people wearing apparent WCK vests after an airstrike hit Deir Al-Balah in central Gaza.

The Israel Defense Forces said it is "conducting a thorough review at the highest levels to understand the circumstances of this tragic incident."

Among the deceased were found a British passport, a Polish passport, and an Australian passport.

CNN has reached out to the various foreign ministries – but has not yet received a response

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7 hours ago, Canuck Surfer said:

Certainly, most definitely a propaganda video! More true than not?


Very interesting framing of world views in the struggle between Israel & Palestine at the end.




I've been saying it all along - it's been known forever. When I was growing up in the Soviet Union, I clearly remember the type of welcome Arafat was getting every time he would come to Moscow, the type of TV coverage him and his band of terrorists would always get in soviet newspapers and TV programs.

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9 hours ago, RomanPer said:


I've been saying it all along - it's been known forever. When I was growing up in the Soviet Union, I clearly remember the type of welcome Arafat was getting every time he would come to Moscow, the type of TV coverage him and his band of terrorists would always get in soviet newspapers and TV programs.

Same thing in Yugoslavia as well, Arafat was very popular and visited often.

Although Yugoslavia recognized Israel in 1948, relations were interrupted and strained after 1967 and it remained like that until 1988. That is the year that Israel sent an official political visitor to the country, first time in 20 years.

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14 hours ago, CBH1926 said:

Same thing in Yugoslavia as well, Arafat was very popular and visited often.

Although Yugoslavia recognized Israel in 1948, relations were interrupted and strained after 1967 and it remained like that until 1988. That is the year that Israel sent an official political visitor to the country, first time in 20 years.


The Soviet union had major roles with the insurgencies in South Africa and Ireland too. To this day, both of those countries remain very anti-Israel. In the case of South Africa, it was clearly a just cause. The Soviets' approach, of encouraging terrorism, may have delayed progress and I have suspicions as to the Soviets' motivations.

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19 hours ago, CBH1926 said:

Same thing in Yugoslavia as well, Arafat was very popular and visited often.

Although Yugoslavia recognized Israel in 1948, relations were interrupted and strained after 1967 and it remained like that until 1988. That is the year that Israel sent an official political visitor to the country, first time in 20 years.

It certainly didn’t help that Israel helped fund the Bosnian Serbs in the Bosnian genocide.

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10 minutes ago, Odd. said:

It certainly didn’t help that Israel helped fund the Bosnian Serbs in the Bosnian genocide.

Any proof, or just like everything else, just throw some bs with the hopes it’ll stick?

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