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Hamas attacking Israel


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4 hours ago, CBH1926 said:

There was a story in NYT If I am not mistaken 20 years or so ago.

According to them right after 9.11 they had a big meeting with DOD, NSA etc. in which it was suggested to carry out limited nuclear strike on Afghanistan. Allegedly Bush was the one that was against it. Who knows if this was true or not but your photo reminded me of that story.


If you remember, the Bush Administration spokespeople were also asked by the press if the gov't had ruled out a nuclear response and they emphatically said that nothing was off the table.  Hindsight being 20/20, it wasn't Afghanistan and Iraq that needed to be attacked but Pakistan and Saudi Arabia.

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2 hours ago, Gurn said:

And the generals sat

And the lines on the map

moved from side to side.


rich fuckers, with maids, champagne,  chauffeurs, private jet planes and castles/estates. They never pay a price-but Joe the taxi driver, Hal the bartender, Jane the school teacher, they pay for other people's decisions.


Joe, Hal, and Jane often put those people in power and don't care what they do as long as they have a way to acquire food and entertainment.  Panem et Circenses!!!

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10 minutes ago, Elias Pettersson said:



So they fired even more than were reported to have been shot down, but the others ended up malfunctioning and crashing... 


Oh boy, I'd hate to be quality control at an Iranian weapons factory right now.  I wonder what punishment they give for this. 

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5 minutes ago, Sabrefan1 said:



So they fired even more than were reported to have been shot down, but the others ended up malfunctioning and crashing... 


Oh boy, I'd hate to be quality control at an Iranian weapons factory right now.  I wonder what punishment they give for this. 


The death penalty...

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6 hours ago, Odd. said:



On one hand you have Iran who have been massacring Kurds in Syria for decades and have completely uprooted millions in the Middle East with their proxy wars and funding of militant groups.


On the other, you have poor little Israel who have been committing literal genocide while routinely breaking all kinds of international law try and play victim to gain  western sympathy as global public opinion has swayed decisively against them.  

People who support Israel today are going to look real stupid 10 years later.


Sure, we’ve been only hearing it for the last few thousand years…

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4 hours ago, Sabrefan1 said:


If you remember, the Bush Administration spokespeople were also asked by the press if the gov't had ruled out a nuclear response and they emphatically said that nothing was off the table.  Hindsight being 20/20, it wasn't Afghanistan and Iraq that needed to be attacked but Pakistan and Saudi Arabia.

Iraq invasion was a travesty indeed, same with “democratization” of Afghanistan.

I wasn’t opposed to bombing Afghanistan since USB was hiding there at the moment, what came after was just big waste of lives, time and resources. Hussein was a secular Muslim, fundamentalist hated him but GWB and rest of the cons had a massive hard on for him. Just like removing Gaddafi was something that opened up flood gates of terrorism and migration to Europe. Clinton and Obama were wrong to support French in his removal. Don't get me wrong, Sadam and Muamer were bad guys, but what came after them was even worse. KSA should have paid dearly for their role in 9.11, same with Pakistan which is another hotbed for the terrorism, especially tribal areas inhabited by Pashtuns. 


Edited by CBH1926
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19 hours ago, Odd. said:



On one hand you have Iran who have been massacring Kurds in Syria for decades and have completely uprooted millions in the Middle East with their proxy wars and funding of militant groups.


On the other, you have poor little Israel who have been committing literal genocide while routinely breaking all kinds of international law try and play victim to gain  western sympathy as global public opinion has swayed decisively against them.  

People who support Israel today are going to look real stupid 10 years later.

Perhaps the people who excuse terrorists like Hamas, Hezbollah and Iran will look foolish in 10 years. Israel is committing no genocide as you suggest. To survive Israel must eliminate Hamas in Gaza. Civilian death there is directly attributable to Hamas who use their own people as shields. The UN likes to point fingers as do politicians who play games by suggesting Israel can conduct a war without death. How about the UN and world leadership demanding that Gazans be allowed to enter the Sinai for their own protection. 


Amazing that the 'evil' Israel is conducting their operations in Gaza with the tacit approval of the Sunni Arab nations. Palestinians are ruled by depots and criminal gangs and yet the world has done nothing to correct that.  

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1 minute ago, Boudrias said:

Perhaps the people who excuse terrorists like Hamas, Hezbollah and Iran will look foolish in 10 years. Israel is committing no genocide as you suggest. To survive Israel must eliminate Hamas in Gaza. Civilian death there is directly attributable to Hamas who use their own people as shields. The UN likes to point fingers as do politicians who play games by suggesting Israel can conduct a war without death. How about the UN and world leadership demanding that Gazans be allowed to enter the Sinai for their own protection. 


Amazing that the 'evil' Israel is conducting their operations in Gaza with the tacit approval of the Sunni Arab nations. Palestinians are ruled by depots and criminal gangs and yet the world has done nothing to correct that.  



what I haven't seen in any of the 415 pages to date is, what the alternative situation or actions would really have been in this part of the world. Everyone has their opinions, comparisons, siding, etc. on this topic but I haven't seen anything realistic proposed as to what else was going to happen once the Oct. 7th attacks occurred. 


I don't see whats fundamentally changed about any leadership in the region, any military capacity, and internal movement to change by anyone. 


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On 4/15/2024 at 5:02 AM, Odd. said:



On one hand you have Iran who have been massacring Kurds in Syria for decades and have completely uprooted millions in the Middle East with their proxy wars and funding of militant groups.


On the other, you have poor little Israel who have been committing literal genocide while routinely breaking all kinds of international law try and play victim to gain  western sympathy as global public opinion has swayed decisively against them.  

People who support Israel today are going to look real stupid 10 years later.


Its not just Iran. Or Israel. Turkish peoples are, if anything more methodical about isolating, dividing and getting rid of minorities. Specifically, but far from only, Kurds!


More than the population of Gaza lost their homes in Western Turkey in the past 20 years. Yet Muslim people feel a right to encharge within themselves righteousness to lay blame on Israel. Call it historic crime that requires justice from 80 years ago. While they commit bigger in today's modern world & all times in between. 


Its why this river to the sea bullshit is so contemptuous. Iran and Turkey, for example, both have occupied territories in Syria and Iraq. In theory, just like Israel, to restrain terrorism?  There is a lot of that. Plenty of ISIS, ISIL, ISISK groups running around.  Really these are just places to dump & kill Kurds. It should not take 10 years to judge!


That 500,000 civilians are dead in Syria! 


1,500,000 in Yemen, more in Sudan! People should count the blood of the Arab spring.  Consider blood on their own hands. Where they participate in racial cleansing. 


For the record I don't support what Israel is doing.  Nor do I support the popular chants of groups of others around the world outraged; but really would steal this power for themselves. Those who want peace also have to, as I call for Israel to stop killing Palestinians, call for Muslims to stop killing Muslims, Christians, Orthodox, Jews, Hindu & others. I do support those who actually call for justice, compliance for all. Not just hatred of Jews whomever is at a particular time violent. 


From the rise over the river Drina, for example, one would hope looking south over the Mediterranean people who have survived similar would see horror being repeated.  


Instead its happening again at home, bodies are washing downstream;





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Its funny that Turkey, for example wanted to hold Sweden out of NATO.


Due to Sweden taking on the refugee's they dumped & stole land from in their tens of millions over 100 years.  Because some may have held arms against Turkey stealing their right to be who they are if they reside?  Outlawing their religion, their right to vote, represent themselves, own land. Even if born of four generations within it's 'borders.'


Turkey who is also still in Cypress. 


What we need is to allow in to chambers of judgement those who police their own behaviour!

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13 hours ago, Boudrias said:

Perhaps the people who excuse terrorists like Hamas, Hezbollah and Iran will look foolish in 10 years. Israel is committing no genocide as you suggest. To survive Israel must eliminate Hamas in Gaza. Civilian death there is directly attributable to Hamas who use their own people as shields. The UN likes to point fingers as do politicians who play games by suggesting Israel can conduct a war without death. How about the UN and world leadership demanding that Gazans be allowed to enter the Sinai for their own protection. 


Amazing that the 'evil' Israel is conducting their operations in Gaza with the tacit approval of the Sunni Arab nations. Palestinians are ruled by depots and criminal gangs and yet the world has done nothing to correct that.  


You, and others here are supporting a fascist government.


Don't believe me, how about Albert Einstein and a bunch of prominent Jews 


" Letter to the New York Times 


New Palestine Party 

Visit of Menachem Begin and aims of political movement discussed


To the Editors of the New York Times 


Among the most disturbing political phenomena of our times in the emergence of the newly created state of Israel of the Freedom Party, Tnuat Haherut, a political party closely akin in its organisation, methods and political philosophy to the Nazi and fascist parties. It was formed out of the membership and following of the former Irgun Zvai Leumi, a terrorist, right wing chauvinist organisation in Palestine. 


The current visit of Menachem Begin, leader of this party, to the United States is obviously calculated to give the impression of American support for his party in the coming Israeli elections, and to cement political ties with conservative Zionist elements in the United States. Several Americans of national repute have lent their names to welcome this visit. It is inconceivable that those that oppose fascism around the world, if correctly informed to Mr Begin's political record and perspectives could add their names and support to the movement he represents. 


Before irreparable damage is done by way of financial contributions, public manifestations in Begins behalf, and the creation in Palestine of the impression that a large segment of America supports Fascist elements in Israel, the American public must be informed as to the record and objectives of Mr Begin and his movement. 


The public avowals of Begin's party are no guide whatever to its actual character. Today they speak of freedom, democracy and anti imperialism, whereas until recently they openly preached the doctrine of the Fascist state. It is in its actions that the terrorist party betrays its real character. From its past actions we can judge what it may be expected to do in the future. 


A shocking example was their behaviour in the Arab village of Dier Yassin. The village,off the main roads and surrounded by Jewish lands had taken no part in the war, and had even fought off Arab bands who wanted to use their village as a base. On April 9 terrorist bands attacked this peaceful village, which was not a military objective in the fighting, killed most of its inhabitants, 240 men, women and children and kept a few of them alive to parade as captives through the streets of Jerusalem. Most of the Jewish community was horrified at the deed and the Jewish agency sent a telegram of apology to king Abdullah of Trans - Jordan. But the terrorists far from being ashamed of their act, were proud of their massacre, publicized it widely and invited all the foreign correspondents in the country to view the heaped corpses and the general havoc at Dier Yassin. 


The Dier Yassin incident exemplifies the character and actions of the freedom party. 


Within the Jewish community the have preached  admixture of ultranationalism, religious mysticism and racial superiority. Like other fascist parties they have been used to break strikes, and have themselves pressed for the destruction of free trade unions. In their stead they have proposed corporate unions on the Italian fascist model. 


During the last years of the sporadic anti - British violence the IZL and Stern groups practiced a reign of terror in the Palestine Jewish community. Teachers were beaten up for speaking against them, adults were shot for not letting their children join them. By gangster methods, beatings, window smashings and wide spread robberies, the terrorists intimidated the population and exacted a heavy tribute. 


The people of the freedom party have had no part in the  constructive achievements in Palestine. They have reclaimed no land, built no settlements, and only detracted from the Jewish defense activity. Their much publicised immigration endeavours were minute, and devoted  to mainly bringing in fascist compatriots. 


The discrepancies between the bold claims now being made by Begin and his party, and their record of past performance in Palestine bear the imprint of no ordinary political party. This is the unmistakable stamp of a fascist party for whom terrorism against Jews, Arabs and British alike and misrepresentation are means, and a " leader state " is the goal. 


In light of the foregoing considerations, it is imperative that the truth about Mr. Begin and his movement be made known to this country. It is all the more tragic the the top leadership of American Zionism has refused to campaign about Begins efforts, or even expose to its own constituents the dangers to Israel from support for Begin. 


The undersigned therefore take this means of publicly presenting a few salient facts concerning Begin and his party and of urging all concerned not to support this latest manifestation of Fascism.



Albert Einstein

Abraham Brick 

Rabbi Jessurun Cardozo 

Isadore Abramovitz

Herman Eisen 

Hayom Fineman 

M. Gallen M.D 

H.H Harris 

Hanah Arendt

Zelig S Harris 

Sidney Hook 

Fred Karush 

Bruria Kaufman

Irma L Lindheim 

Nachman Maisel 

Seymour Melman 

Meyer D Mendelsohn M.D 

Harry M Olinksky 

Samuel Pitlick 

Fritz Rohrlich 

Ruth Sagis 

Itzhak Sankowsky 

I.J Schoenberg

Samuel Schuman 

M. Singer 

Irma Wolfe 

Stefan Wolfe 


New York December 2nd 1948  "


Now why is this important today you may ask.


Begin and his so called freedom party  morphed into the Likud party, which was founded in 1973. 

This terrorist and his organisation that not only murdered and terrorised Palestinians, they murdered and terrorised Jews.

And this terrorist and his party, the Likud, has governed under his and Netanyahu watch.


Now let's look at the definition of fascism/ fascist.


A far right, ultra nationalist right wing authoritarian political ideology. 


Isreal is one of the most ultranationalist nations on this planet. 

They are run by a far right coalition that has an authoritarian figure in Netanyahu.


Don't believe me, then how about The Times of Isreal. 




" Nearly everything the coalition has done since seemed to prove the point. It has proposed bills that would impose prison sentences immodest dress at the western wall, grant police the right to search homes without warrants, set aside 30 percent of positions in government corporations and public companies for Haredim alone, massively expand state subsidies for non working Haredi men at the expense of secular Israelis who pay most of the countries income taxes, expand the jurisdiction of rabbinical courts where women are at a structural disadvantage on matters as basic as the relative strength of their testimony, set gender seperate hours for rivers and springs in national parks, politicize the management of elections and on and on. 


Just on Monday, among the half dozen bills advanced by the coalition was one that allowed public servants to receive almost unlimited amounts of money as gifts, including from anonymous donors, a measure meant to allow Netanyahu himself to keep some $270,000 he received as a gift from a late cousin. 


This blitz was accompanied throughout the last two months by a steady drumbeat of populist rhetoric including coalition lawmakers calling the high court a " tyranny" that must be overthrown, boasting that secular Israelis would be replaced by, ( as one SHAS MK let slip ) and calmly and repeatedly explaining that a Palestinian town should be " erased ".


Some of these bills were retracted after a public uproar, most were not. But even those that have failed to advance have helped set the narrative and define the public perceptions of this government's intentions. 


" First you win, then you do damage control "


Members of the Knesset aren't directly elected by the voters. Most are given their seats when their party leader appoints them to the Knesset list. Even in the Likud one of the few parties to hold primaries, ONE RISES OR FALLS BASED ON LOYALTY TO NETANYAHU THAN ANY OTHER FACTOR.





There is more in the article about the lack of democracy in the Knesset. 



Another article from an Israeli source about the rise of fascism in Isreal.







So to check off the main identifiers of a fascist state.


Ultranationalism, there are not many countries that are as ultra -  nationalistic as Israel 


Here is a Jewish source, Forward

Jewish Independent

Not for profit that details Isreals ultra nationalism.





" The Trump Administration and the Israeli mainstream under Netanyahu have joined the ultra nationalist family of nations along with partners like Russia's Putin and Hungary's Orban. Most American Jews along with a shrinking minority of Israelis cannot identify with this mindset. They support neither Trump nor Netanyahu. They believe in old fashioned values, like civil society and pluralism that are losing traction in much of the world. By the by, a new kind of new kind of intermarried Judaism is emerging in the US that synthesises American and Jewish but few that appeal to Isrealis. "



Far right leadership/ political ideology, those articles provide the evidence of those. 


An Authoritarian leader


" one rises or falls based on loyalty to Netanyahu " 


The " leader " of Israel




And in regards to your comments regarding that Hamas is to blame for all the civilian deaths in Gaza.


Here is what the JCA ( Jewish Council of Australia ) has to say about that 


" Australia must cut all military ties and place sanctions on Israel "





All these Jewish voices condemning Isreal, and making a laughing stock of claims that Israel is a democracy.


So remember, when you support the current regime in Isreal, you are supporting a fascist regime.



Some well known poster in this thread stated that anti - semitism is not restricted to non Jews.


I will give you an example of a Jew who is a known anti semite.


One whose anti semitic post was shared by the KKK' David Duke.

The Daily Stormer, that Nazi publication called him " bro "


Benjamin Netanyahu's son Yair 




These are the people you and others in this thread are supporting.










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16 hours ago, Bob Long said:



what I haven't seen in any of the 415 pages to date is, what the alternative situation or actions would really have been in this part of the world. Everyone has their opinions, comparisons, siding, etc. on this topic but I haven't seen anything realistic proposed as to what else was going to happen once the Oct. 7th attacks occurred. 


I don't see whats fundamentally changed about any leadership in the region, any military capacity, and internal movement to change by anyone. 



Here is a suggestion.


Abide by International Humanitarian Law. 


This applies to all people everywhere, not just that as part of the world. 


You do agree with International Humanitarian Law right ? 


This is what you and others in this thread are defending 


" Gaza is going hungry.

It's children could face a lifetime of harm "




 " Gaza's children are going hungry. More than 25 have died of complications linked to malnutrition, according to the World Health Organisation. Hundreds of thousands more face starvation as Israel continues its siege. 


Doctors and nutrition experts say the children who survive the lack of nourishment - and the ongoing bombing, infectious diseases and psychological trauma - are further condemned to face a lifetime of health woes. 

Malnutrition will rob them of the ability to fully develop their brains and bodies. Many will be shorter and physically weaker as a result. 


" At the simplest level, if you have impaired nutrition and growth your brain stops growing ", said Zulfiqar Bhutta, a physician and the chair of Global child health at the Toronto hospital. 


In the short term even less sustenance will be available for the children of Gaza: This week and Israeli airstrike that killed seven aid workers led several assistance organisations to announce they would suspend operations. "


" The toll from of hunger on the human body is evident from adults to children. 

The younger the person the greater the impact. 


People get energy primarily by turning carbohydrates into glucose, which is processed by the liver and distributed throughout the body especially to the brain. 


After exhausting its glucose reservoir, the body starts getting energy from fat. 


But if the body is not getting sufficient sustenance, it then burns protein from muscles to get energy eventually becoming unable to deliver essential nutrients to vital organs and tissues. For children this happens more quickly because they have fewer resources and need more energy to grow. 


As a consequence muscles start shrinking and organs stop functioning properly, the body can't regulate temperature, skin goes pale and gums may start bleeding. The immune system loses its ability to repair wounds and fight infections such as those causing diarrhoea, which can create a vicious cycle that further deprives the body of nutrients.


The digestive system is one of the first to shut down, resulting in the decreased production and f stomach acid, chronic inflammation, shrinking of the stomach and loss of appetite. If food becomes available again it will have to be introduced slowly, ideally in a hospital setting. 


The heart shrinks decreasing blood flow, slows the heart rate and lowers blood pressure. Eventually the heart can fail.


Breathing slows and lung capacity wanes.

Eventually respiratory function can fail.


As the brain is deprived of energy and essential nutrients, apathy, exhaustion and irritability ensue. Children need more energy than adults to develop their brains, making them more vulnerable to a lack of nutrients, and hampering their ability to learn later in life. " 




This is what is happening to hundreds of thousands of children in Gaza.


There is no justification for this whatsoever. 



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4 hours ago, Ilunga said:

These are the people you and others in this thread are supporting.


People can condemn what Israel are doing!  Without agreeing that Hamas taking civilian hostages, bringing machine guns to a rave or blowing up tourist buses pre Oct 7 are acceptable practices? Common practices...


That most of the regions autocracies are in fact corrupt, genocidal & apartheid driven on an even larger scale should be concerning to you. 


Both parties have to come to legal compliance with international law.



Is Hamas any different than ISIS K? Who wants to rule Afghanistan instead of the Taliban, parts of Pakistan; so they have control for their breed. Then machine gun civilians in Moscow, because Russia is sorta, kinda, maybe a key ally of the Taliban? Or somebody... Or something. 

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3 hours ago, Ilunga said:


Here is a suggestion.


Abide by International Humanitarian Law. 


This applies to all people everywhere, not just that as part of the world. 


You do agree with International Humanitarian Law right ? 


This is what you and others in this thread are defending 


" Gaza is going hungry.

It's children could face a lifetime of harm "




 " Gaza's children are going hungry. More than 25 have died of complications linked to malnutrition, according to the World Health Organisation. Hundreds of thousands more face starvation as Israel continues its siege. 


Doctors and nutrition experts say the children who survive the lack of nourishment - and the ongoing bombing, infectious diseases and psychological trauma - are further condemned to face a lifetime of health woes. 

Malnutrition will rob them of the ability to fully develop their brains and bodies. Many will be shorter and physically weaker as a result. 


" At the simplest level, if you have impaired nutrition and growth your brain stops growing ", said Zulfiqar Bhutta, a physician and the chair of Global child health at the Toronto hospital. 


In the short term even less sustenance will be available for the children of Gaza: This week and Israeli airstrike that killed seven aid workers led several assistance organisations to announce they would suspend operations. "


" The toll from of hunger on the human body is evident from adults to children. 

The younger the person the greater the impact. 


People get energy primarily by turning carbohydrates into glucose, which is processed by the liver and distributed throughout the body especially to the brain. 


After exhausting its glucose reservoir, the body starts getting energy from fat. 


But if the body is not getting sufficient sustenance, it then burns protein from muscles to get energy eventually becoming unable to deliver essential nutrients to vital organs and tissues. For children this happens more quickly because they have fewer resources and need more energy to grow. 


As a consequence muscles start shrinking and organs stop functioning properly, the body can't regulate temperature, skin goes pale and gums may start bleeding. The immune system loses its ability to repair wounds and fight infections such as those causing diarrhoea, which can create a vicious cycle that further deprives the body of nutrients.


The digestive system is one of the first to shut down, resulting in the decreased production and f stomach acid, chronic inflammation, shrinking of the stomach and loss of appetite. If food becomes available again it will have to be introduced slowly, ideally in a hospital setting. 


The heart shrinks decreasing blood flow, slows the heart rate and lowers blood pressure. Eventually the heart can fail.


Breathing slows and lung capacity wanes.

Eventually respiratory function can fail.


As the brain is deprived of energy and essential nutrients, apathy, exhaustion and irritability ensue. Children need more energy than adults to develop their brains, making them more vulnerable to a lack of nutrients, and hampering their ability to learn later in life. " 




This is what is happening to hundreds of thousands of children in Gaza.


There is no justification for this whatsoever. 



Amazing how it becomes Israel's responsibility? The death of people in Gaza is the responsibility of Hamas and to an extent the Palestinian people who continue to tolerate Hamas's presence. The death faced by those in Gaza would end immediately if Hamas put their guns down. The IDF cannot be expected to conduct their operations trying to accommodate the expectations of an international PR campaign by Hamas/Iran and those that support them. To what extent does the international community, through the UN, hold responsibility? What international movement exists to move Gazans into the Sinai while the IDF does its necessary work? 


It is a neat trick of misdirection  to place the blame on what is happening on Israel. It was not Israel who started this conflict. It is not Israel who is conducting a propaganda campaign based on antisemitism. It is not Israel that fired over 300 missiles at their country. Israel will do what it has to and the world should support that effort.  

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