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Hamas attacking Israel


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On 4/16/2024 at 10:08 PM, Ilunga said:


Why do some Isrealis/Jews  themselves, let alone people like me, believe that some of the people who helped create the state of Israel were fascists ?


And those same people went on to positions of power, formed the current ruling party, and that Isreal has become a fascist state ? 


Like what kind of country basically allows only people who were born by their mothers to be designated as that nationality and be able to migrate there ? 


Is this not a form of ultra nationalism ? 


We, Australia have built our country on migration.

We used to be a racist country over 60 years, white Australia policy.

Even then, I grew up with Dutchies and Italians and Greeks, even a few Turks, have always loved me a kebab.

The Lebanese tigers scared the shit out of everyone back in the day.


Since then we have embraced all cultures. 

We are an Asian country, situated in Asia, and that is reflected now in our population. 


This is what Isreal should be doing.

Why should it be just a home for people of Jewish descent only.


When we hear dog whistles like this in countries like America in regards to foreign immigration what is our reaction ? 


Fuck racial divides in whatever form they take. 


First and foremost we are all human beings.


Me I hope that one day we don't call ourselves, Australians, or Canadians or Jews, but Terrans.


Maybe, just maybe, when we view each other in this manner, we, as a species, won't kill each other in pointless conflicts fighting over pieces of ground. 



Lol. This isn't true at all. Anyone with one Jewish grand parent gets automatic citizenship, and many forms of citizenship are passed down by blood. Other non Jewish people can apply to migrate to Israel, like anywhere else. 


To you it's a pointless conflict over land, as you're a part of a European power who's always had a safe place to live. Jews have lived without control over their own destiny for centuries and accordingly suffered. 


Israel was far from a right wing state at it's birth. It was largely founded by socialist, based on the communities formed around collective farming. David Ben Gurion was a Leninist. 


Australia is also far from a great example of equality. Ask the indigenous people there about that. Actually ask anyone who is Italian or Greek how it feels to be considered a "wog".


This post is awful and self righteous. Not only are you rewriting Israeli history, but trying to make out Australian colonialism as a righteous endeavor is off the wall crazy.

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7 hours ago, Taxi said:

Lol. This isn't true at all. Anyone with one Jewish grand parent gets automatic citizenship, and many forms of citizenship are passed down by blood. Other non Jewish people can apply to migrate to Israel, like anywhere else. 


To you it's a pointless conflict over land, as you're a part of a European power who's always had a safe place to live. Jews have lived without control over their own destiny for centuries and accordingly suffered. 


Israel was far from a right wing state at it's birth. It was largely founded by socialist, based on the communities formed around collective farming. David Ben Gurion was a Leninist. 


Australia is also far from a great example of equality. Ask the indigenous people there about that. Actually ask anyone who is Italian or Greek how it feels to be considered a "wog".


This post is awful and self righteous. Not only are you rewriting Israeli history, but trying to make out Australian colonialism as a righteous endeavor is off the wall crazy.


Actual Israeli/Jewish immigration lawyers.




" However Isreal is not an immigration country.

Despite being a modern liberal democratic (sic) country, it does not have laws and regulations that enable foreigners to settle in the country for the long term. "


And yes this conflict, like most conflicts is pointless. Stupid  people killing and maiming each other for pieces of land.

The history of our species.

With mostly innocent people paying the real price, as this particular conflict illustrates. 



" We don't inherit the earth from our ancestors, we borrow it from our children " 


European power ?

This displays your total ignorance of Australia.

For the last 30 - 40 years our focus, as a nation, has been the Asia Pacific region.

This is the part of the world we are located in.

As I have already stated we used to have a " white Australia " immigration policy however that was well and truly finished by the 1970's. 

Since the end of the Vietnam war, we have had a large influx of Asian people.

Africans in the 90's.

We have had our moments of shame.

Our treatment of refugees and asylum seekers under right wing nut job governments.


This is the difference between me and people Iike you and Roman, I am prepared to admit to the mistakes we have made.

Our acts of inhumanity.



So the 7.5 million Jews in America don't have a home ?

They don't control their destiny ?

They have one of the, if not they most powerful lobby groups in America, they actually shape/ influence American political policy. 

Same here in Australia.


Here is an example of the " power " of the pro Israeli lobby group here in Aus.




In 2019 Fairfax Sydney and Melbourne mastheads made an error in the daily crossword section.

In the daily crossword section the answer to the clue " holy land " turned out not to be six letters starting with an I, as some would expect but nine letters Palestine: So affronted was the Australia/Israel Jewish affairs council ( AJIAC) that they demanded an investigation. 


Fairfax acceded, blamed the error in an external contractor and apologised to Colin Rubenstein executive director of AIJAC. 


This is just one of many examples which John Lyons uses to illustrate the power of a lobby group so influential, it can force changes to government policy, hound Journalists out of their Jobs and pressure the ABC board to justify the appointment of foreign correspondents " 


Tell me, who is controlling whose destiny here ?


So where did I say that Ben Gurion was a fascist ?


I did not.


I said some of Isreal founders.

I named Menachem Begin.

And I based that Judgement on a letter that Albert Einstein and a group of very prominent Jews wrote to the New York Times in 1948.

Listing the reason why he believed Begin and his Terrorist buddies in the Irgun and Stern Gang were Fascists and terrorists, who not only terrorised and murdered Palestinians the also did the same to Jews.

I have no doubt you have read the letter I have posted here is link to it.




And don't bother trying to deny the contents of the letter.

I will take the word of Albert Einstein who was alive at that time and was conversant with events in Isreal.


That same Fascist

Terrorist, Menachem Begin went on to form the Likud part in 1973.

That party has ruled Isreal for the better part of the last thirty years. 


Now what is the definition of fascism ?


A ultra nationalist far right political ideology.


Israel is about as ultra nationalist as they come.

The right wing nut jobs that control the Knesset make our right wing nut jobs here in Aus look like liberals, which is ironic, because they are called the liberal party, and they are nut jobs.


Isreal has a wannabe dictator in Netanyahu.

He is almost as corrupt as PO1135809 

He wants to take away the power of the courts among other things that get in his way of the total control of the Israeli power structure.












Now let's get back to Australia and it's first nations people.

I have been the first to point out our bad treatment of them in the past.


As I have pointed out before and detailed, we have given much of their land back to them.

Their representation in our Parliament is greater than the percentage of our population.

They also have members in the senate, the second check on power any sort of even pretend democracy has.

Something Isreal does not have.

Israel do not have seperation of religion and state, in fact it's ultra religious nutjobs that are influencing the decisions in the Knesset.


Like Canada and America we have much to be ashamed of in our treatment of our first nations people.

We are cleaning up our act.


We aren't killing tens of thousands of them, and starving hundreds of thousands of children, which is what Isreal has and is doing to the Palestinians.


Back to Australia and our Multicultural society, which is made up of 270 different ethnicities/ancestries.





" Today the population of Australia consists of more than 270 ethnic groups. "


As I have stated before Australia, like Canada is one of the most multicultural countries in the world.




Australia number 1

Canada Number  2




Yes when I was a kid 50+ years ago, some Australians called other Aussies that were born outside of Australia " wogs "

They used to call us skippies.

One of my Dutchie mates actually came up with the name " clog wogs ", for people who were from Holland, the place his parents came from.


Do you know what the acronym " wog " means here is Aus ?


Western Oriental Gentleman.


Seeing as you have brought up derogatory terms.

Here is one Jewish people across the world use to describe people of non Jewish ancestry.


" Goyim is a Derogatory Word That Even Offends a Jew "




" I find it disturbing that your paper printed out the letter, " Goyim are out in hordes " by Matt Crane.


As a Jew I am offended by the term  " Goyim ". In general when Jewish people use this term it has a derogatory and racist undertone, as was the context it was used in Matt Krane's letter. 

It could be argued that it is only a Jewish word meaning gentile: however it has a demeaning connotation. "


As usual you have tried to fling some " shit " at the wall, it hasn't stuck, and again you have proven to full of the proverbial.



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10 hours ago, Ilunga said:


Actual Israeli/Jewish immigration lawyers.




" However Isreal is not an immigration country.

Despite being a modern liberal democratic (sic) country, it does not have laws and regulations that enable foreigners to settle in the country for the long term. "


And yes this conflict, like most conflicts is pointless. Stupid  people killing and maiming each other for pieces of land.

The history of our species.

With mostly innocent people paying the real price, as this particular conflict illustrates. 



" We don't inherit the earth from our ancestors, we borrow it from our children " 


European power ?

This displays your total ignorance of Australia.

For the last 30 - 40 years our focus, as a nation, has been the Asia Pacific region.

This is the part of the world we are located in.

As I have already stated we used to have a " white Australia " immigration policy however that was well and truly finished by the 1970's. 

Since the end of the Vietnam war, we have had a large influx of Asian people.

Africans in the 90's.

We have had our moments of shame.

Our treatment of refugees and asylum seekers under right wing nut job governments.


This is the difference between me and people Iike you and Roman, I am prepared to admit to the mistakes we have made.

Our acts of inhumanity.



So the 7.5 million Jews in America don't have a home ?

They don't control their destiny ?

They have one of the, if not they most powerful lobby groups in America, they actually shape/ influence American political policy. 

Same here in Australia.


Here is an example of the " power " of the pro Israeli lobby group here in Aus.




In 2019 Fairfax Sydney and Melbourne mastheads made an error in the daily crossword section.

In the daily crossword section the answer to the clue " holy land " turned out not to be six letters starting with an I, as some would expect but nine letters Palestine: So affronted was the Australia/Israel Jewish affairs council ( AJIAC) that they demanded an investigation. 


Fairfax acceded, blamed the error in an external contractor and apologised to Colin Rubenstein executive director of AIJAC. 


This is just one of many examples which John Lyons uses to illustrate the power of a lobby group so influential, it can force changes to government policy, hound Journalists out of their Jobs and pressure the ABC board to justify the appointment of foreign correspondents " 


Tell me, who is controlling whose destiny here ?


So where did I say that Ben Gurion was a fascist ?


I did not.


I said some of Isreal founders.

I named Menachem Begin.

And I based that Judgement on a letter that Albert Einstein and a group of very prominent Jews wrote to the New York Times in 1948.

Listing the reason why he believed Begin and his Terrorist buddies in the Irgun and Stern Gang were Fascists and terrorists, who not only terrorised and murdered Palestinians the also did the same to Jews.

I have no doubt you have read the letter I have posted here is link to it.




And don't bother trying to deny the contents of the letter.

I will take the word of Albert Einstein who was alive at that time and was conversant with events in Isreal.


That same Fascist

Terrorist, Menachem Begin went on to form the Likud part in 1973.

That party has ruled Isreal for the better part of the last thirty years. 


Now what is the definition of fascism ?


A ultra nationalist far right political ideology.


Israel is about as ultra nationalist as they come.

The right wing nut jobs that control the Knesset make our right wing nut jobs here in Aus look like liberals, which is ironic, because they are called the liberal party, and they are nut jobs.


Isreal has a wannabe dictator in Netanyahu.

He is almost as corrupt as PO1135809 

He wants to take away the power of the courts among other things that get in his way of the total control of the Israeli power structure.












Now let's get back to Australia and it's first nations people.

I have been the first to point out our bad treatment of them in the past.


As I have pointed out before and detailed, we have given much of their land back to them.

Their representation in our Parliament is greater than the percentage of our population.

They also have members in the senate, the second check on power any sort of even pretend democracy has.

Something Isreal does not have.

Israel do not have seperation of religion and state, in fact it's ultra religious nutjobs that are influencing the decisions in the Knesset.


Like Canada and America we have much to be ashamed of in our treatment of our first nations people.

We are cleaning up our act.


We aren't killing tens of thousands of them, and starving hundreds of thousands of children, which is what Isreal has and is doing to the Palestinians.


Back to Australia and our Multicultural society, which is made up of 270 different ethnicities/ancestries.





" Today the population of Australia consists of more than 270 ethnic groups. "


As I have stated before Australia, like Canada is one of the most multicultural countries in the world.




Australia number 1

Canada Number  2




Yes when I was a kid 50+ years ago, some Australians called other Aussies that were born outside of Australia " wogs "

They used to call us skippies.

One of my Dutchie mates actually came up with the name " clog wogs ", for people who were from Holland, the place his parents came from.


Do you know what the acronym " wog " means here is Aus ?


Western Oriental Gentleman.


Seeing as you have brought up derogatory terms.

Here is one Jewish people across the world use to describe people of non Jewish ancestry.


" Goyim is a Derogatory Word That Even Offends a Jew "




" I find it disturbing that your paper printed out the letter, " Goyim are out in hordes " by Matt Crane.


As a Jew I am offended by the term  " Goyim ". In general when Jewish people use this term it has a derogatory and racist undertone, as was the context it was used in Matt Krane's letter. 

It could be argued that it is only a Jewish word meaning gentile: however it has a demeaning connotation. "


As usual you have tried to fling some " shit " at the wall, it hasn't stuck, and again you have proven to full of the proverbial.




I'm not clear on your stand here - are you arguing that Israel should not exist, or just it's current government? 

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9 minutes ago, Elias Pettersson said:

I wonder if they will be using Google to search for new job opportunities…




You believe in Jesus don't you brother ?


If he was a real person and was alive today, what do you think he would be saying about the hundreds of thousands of children that are starving in Gaza ?


Would be be blaming Hamas', or would he be advocating for aid and a peaceful resolution ?


If you actually believe the words he supposedly said that are quoted in the bible, try starting with Matthew 18:6


" Anyone who causes these little ones to stumble, it would be better to have a millstone hung around their neck and to be drowned in the depths of the sea " 


Now that tells me that Jesus, if he really does exist is telling us, if you fuck with kids, you are gonna get fucked up.

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4 minutes ago, Ilunga said:


You believe in Jesus don't you brother ?


If he was a real person and was alive today, what do you think he would be saying about the hundreds of thousands of children that are starving in Gaza ?


Would be be blaming Hamas', or would he be advocating for aid and a peaceful resolution ?


If you actually believe the words he supposedly said that are quoted in the bible, try starting with Matthew 18:6


" Anyone who causes these little ones to stumble, it would be better to have a millstone hung around their neck and to be drowned in the depths of the sea " 


Now that tells me that Jesus, if he really does exist is telling us, if you fuck with kids, you are gonna get fucked up.


My friend and brother, if Jesus were alive today and he came back to save us, none of this bullshit would be happening right now.  Jesus wouldn’t come back unless the world was fixed and there was peace in this world…

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5 minutes ago, Bob Long said:


I'm not clear on your stand here - are you arguing that Israel should not exist, or just it's current government? 


Bottom line if I had my way national " identities " wouldn't exist at all. 

From memory I believe Optimist agreed with me on this.


As I keep bangin on, we are all human beings.

We all share this planet together. 

From what we currently know, all of our ancestors came from the south east of Africa, roughly 200,000 years ago.


Nationalism is a curse.

It divides us from each other.


Again as I have stated, I hope one day we don't refer to ourselves as Australians, or Canadians, or Jews whatever 

We refer to ourselves as Terrans.

People who live on planet Earth. 



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1 minute ago, Ilunga said:


Bottom line if I had my way national " identities " wouldn't exist at all. 

From memory I believe Optimist agreed with me on this.


As I keep bangin on, we are all human beings.

We all share this planet together. 

From what we currently know, all of our ancestors came from the south east of Africa, roughly 200,000 years ago.


Nationalism is a curse.

It divides us from each other.


Again as I have stated, I hope one day we don't refer to ourselves as Australians, or Canadians, or Jews whatever 

We refer to ourselves as


People who live on planet Earth. 




Sure I get that. But what about now, in this world we live in? Does Israel guys right to exist? 

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10 minutes ago, Elias Pettersson said:


My friend and brother, if Jesus were alive today and he came back to save us, none of this bullshit would be happening right now.  Jesus wouldn’t come back unless the world was fixed and there was peace in this world…


C'mon be honest with me my friend.

Would the Jesus that we were taught about in school be condoning what is happening in Gaza right now ?


We both know exactly what his words would be.

To both Hamas' and the IDF/Israeli leadership.

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4 minutes ago, Bob Long said:


Sure I get that. But what about now, in this world we live in? Does Israel guys right to exist? 


I have stated many times that Israel has the right to exist. 


I even stated, when the " debate " about the use of the word Zionist was an insult or not, that you could call me a Zionist in the sense that I believe that Isreal has a right to exist.


As I have stated, and provided the evidence to back up my assertion.

Both Canada, and Australia are the two most multicultural countries on this planet.

We both have well over 200 ethnicities that make up our populations.

That's part of what makes our countries such good places to live.

For the main, tolerant, compassionate societies.


Isreal has basically 2 ethnicities.

Isreali Jews and Arabs.


In regards to Isreals immigration laws, if Canada had the same immigration laws as Israel, Roman wouldn't be allowed to live in Canada.


Think about that.

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6 minutes ago, Ilunga said:


C'mon be honest with me my friend.

Would the Jesus that we were taught about in school be condoning what is happening in Gaza right now ?


We both know exactly what his words would be.

To both Hamas' and the IDF/Israeli leadership.


He wouldn’t condone any war at all.  WW1, WW2, Vietnam, Iraq.  Now this.  Also, we are talking about the most holiest of lands for Roman Catholics, Jerusalem and Bethlehem, where Jesus was born and raised.  


The world is totally corrupt my friend.  Even the Catholic Church.  This world is where the Devil lives and is totally full of sin…

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44 minutes ago, Elias Pettersson said:

The world is totally corrupt my friend.  Even the Catholic Church.  This world is where the Devil lives and is totally full of sin…


Hammertime 4:20 There is no purity without sin.


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