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Hamas attacking Israel


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26 minutes ago, Alflives said:

What? What’s so wrong with Jewish people? Why the hate? 


Jewish people are like any people.

They have good to bad and everything in between. 


I have criticised their fascist government, the government you support.


I also criticise the fundamentalist religious nut jobs.

The type of people you criticise in other threads, yet seem to support in this thread. 



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7 hours ago, Bob Long said:


we'll always have to protect ourselves against the few that would lead us into the kinds of situations Putin or Hezbollah like to place us in. Sad fact of what we are imo. 


What about the far right figures that seek to divide us ? 

Making it and " us " and " them " scenario when it comes to race and/or religion.  


As I have pointed out, and provided evidence for my claim.

The west has more to fear from far right terrorism than it does from Islamic terrorism.


And yet I see people championing a far right figure in the last few pages of this thread.

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18 hours ago, Bob Long said:



it is fair to ask who's behind the protests in Canada. To me its pretty clear there's a big influence from Iran but I don't know anything about the people leading the protests, the answer probably lies there. 


I could hear the one in downtown Vancouver yesterday, with chants of "free free free Palestine." What I wondered was, free it to what? Is there a democracy attached to this idea, or is it another fundamentalist state that will crush the rights of women and any other group fundamentalists don't like? I personally need to know the answer to that before I can support what "free Palestine" really means.






At its roots; I believe in both immigration & acceptance of refugee's.  My own grandfather showed up on Canadian shores as a refugee & was taken in.  Immigration, in part for practical purpose. Simply said our birth rate & education system leave significant gaps in workplace demand. Immigration supports our lifestyle both in manpower.  Further adding significant skill sets to productivity. Personally & significantly for liberal ideals. I believe we owe duty to make the world a better place, help where we can?


I am an even bigger believer in multiculturalism.  Too much to learn from everybody! New food taste, ways to dance? So to speak...


It does preclude that those arriving want to embrace us, not take over!  While its great to gain a nurse for our medical system; I still don't want them if they shoot somebody who reads Salman Rushdie on an airplane coming in to Toronto when they touch down?



As for riots or protests! It does not matter to me if its Truckers in Ottawa or those who wish a Free Palestine. I respect a voice. Block access to terminal station for half a day. Carry signs, hand out petitions, lobby politicians.  Sure, but it has limits! Block the main port, or park your truck for days, honk your horns in the middle of Granville street for weeks on end? Stop ambulances from gaining access to a hospital?  It is disrupting everyone else's right to live, work, operate their business, have their own opinion, access to services. These are equally as important as freedom of speech.  I believe in peaceful protest, not mob mentality extortion activities to get your way.  

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10 hours ago, Ilunga said:

Seriously ?


You think his anti immigration, Islamaphobic views are acceptable ?


 I categorized him with Don Cherry.  More intelligent. But Don Cherry. 


There are subtleties in that suggestion maybe missed?



This said; Egypt does not want Hamas refugee's?  Nor does Jordan. Nor your sworn enemy Bin Salman. Lebanon accepted them 35 & 40 years ago & its been a documented downward spiral since. What do they all know, including Douglas Murray, which is not being admitted as part of the equation? 


Hey, they can skip the border to Syria? Where the death rate & human rights violations goes up versus Gaza. Not down? Iraq anyone, volunteer for Wagner in Mali...


Instead they come to the West. Germany, West London have legitimate problems with idiom mobs harassing the entertainment & nightclub districts trying to enforce Sharia law. Kidnapping, rape, and murder rates have not coincidentally flown out of control in exactly these districts. Denmark and Sweden have even higher rates of criminal activity. Vigilante's are being caught doing more than just peaceful protests. Reverting to point; convicted justice is out of scale with demographics even with only a fraction of trend setting crimes  by immigrant groups being persecuted.  


There are problems.



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26 minutes ago, Canuck Surfer said:


 I categorized him with Don Cherry.  More intelligent. But Don Cherry. 


There are subtleties in that suggestion maybe missed?



This said; Egypt does not want Hamas refugee's?  Nor does Jordan. Nor your sworn enemy Bin Salman. Lebanon accepted them 35 & 40 years ago & its been a documented downward spiral since. What do they all know, including Douglas Murray, which is not being admitted as part of the equation? 


Hey, they can skip the border to Syria? Where the death rate & human rights violations goes up versus Gaza. Not down? Iraq anyone, volunteer for Wagner in Mali...


Instead they come to the West. Germany, West London have legitimate problems with idiom mobs harassing the entertainment & nightclub districts trying to enforce Sharia law. Kidnapping, rape, and murder rates have not coincidentally flown out of control in exactly these districts. Denmark and Sweden have even higher rates of criminal activity. Vigilante's are being caught doing more than just peaceful protests. Reverting to point; convicted justice is out of scale with demographics even with only a fraction of trend setting crimes  by immigrant groups being persecuted.  


There are problems.






No one is my sworn enemy.

I stated screw the Bin Salman's.


I don't have enemies.


The only really thing  I hate is injustice.

I don't even hate the people who commit injustice, it is the injustice itself I hate. 


Murrays claims of " Muslim " rapes in Sweden





" Yet the international far right has tried attempted to reconfigure this figure to image the Sweden is the " rape " capital of the world " and such sexually assaults are predominantly committed by Muslim migrants. Mathilda's work began with far right sites and explored their discussion of rape in Sweden, following the links of the links they provided in support of their claims through a nine step snowballing process. 


This shows a growth in such claims since the mid 2000's. Most texts are far right blogs and media sites, they also refer to mainstream media reporting, government texts and conservative media content, but the citation practises are driven by far right cites. "


More in the article 


Reuters article 


" No evidence migration caused exaggerated 2013 Swedish rape statistics " 



" Exaggerated rape statistics for Sweden in 2013 that have been used to suggest that migrants have driven an increase in assaults are false. 



Murray is not the Don Cherry of England.

He is something far more dangerous.

He is an educated, polished bigot, Xenophobe, Islamaphobe.




" Unlike other " Eurabia " mongers fellow comrades in the struggle for civilisation, Murray is less crude and bombastic, more subtle, more intellectual, more lucid, more well mannered. 

Well most of the time.

Occasionally his mask of respectability slips off and we can see him for what he really is. In 2006, while giving a speech at the Pim Fortuyn memorial conference in the Dutch parliament Murray describing Muslims as a " demographic time bomb " argued that " conditions in for Muslims must be made harder across the board " before " a larger number of your cities fall to Muslim majorities ". Plus he has given all sorts of soft apologias for all sorts of grisly reactionaries like Gert Vilders ( "defender of Dutch liberalism" ) Marie Le Pen and Donald Trump. "

Click on those names in the articles for the links


" In other words, he is a homo atlanticus redux, to borrow a phrase from Pankaj Mishra. Tommy Robinson in Tweed; Katie Hopkins with a cultured vocabulary; a cultured Xenophobe; a clash of civilizations warrior. 


What sort of POS  apologises for the  

likes of Trump, Le Pen and Gilders ?


And why would anyone in their right mind support him. 






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12 hours ago, Ilunga said:


What about the far right figures that seek to divide us ? 

Making it and " us " and " them " scenario when it comes to race and/or religion.  


As I have pointed out, and provided evidence for my claim.

The west has more to fear from far right terrorism than it does from Islamic terrorism.


And yet I see people championing a far right figure in the last few pages of this thread.


Oh absolutely, the far right is one of Canada's biggest concerns eg.

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21 hours ago, Bob Long said:

it is fair to ask who's behind the protests in Canada. To me its pretty clear there's a big influence from Iran but I don't know anything about the people leading the protests, the answer probably lies there

It is fair to ask.


You will remember that I got my back up when a poster was claiming 'Hamas' was funding elements in all our important institutions. Education, military and government.

I asked for any source or proof from that poster but he doesn't talk to me, I am now fine with that. I mean he's over in the Canadian politics thread calling people woke. I'm tired of that shit. 


So, I am curious are there any sources, news reports etc...that directly connect some of our most important institutions to this claim? I am a very proud Canadian and get real touchy when such things are said about our country. I want to learn more. Where are the scandals? who is following the money? what elements need to be cleaned up? Is there a threat to our national security?

I am I off base here? theses are big claims and I am not being silly. I have not read anything legit on this subject.


Sorry for asking you but I do remember you jumping in when I was trying to get an answer from that fella.

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Just now, bishopshodan said:

It is fair to ask.


You will remember that I got my back up when a poster was claiming 'Hamas' was funding elements in all our important institutions. Education, military and government.

I asked for any source or proof from that poster but he doesn't talk to me, I am now fine with that. I mean he's over in the Canadian politics thread calling people woke. I'm tired of that shit. 


So, I am curious are there any sources, news reports etc...that directly connect some of our most important institutions to this claim? I am a very proud Canadian and get real touchy when such things are said about our country. I want to learn more. Where are the scandals? who is following the money? what elements need to be cleaned up? Is there a threat to our national security?

I am I off base here? theses are big claims and I am not being silly. I have not read anything legit on this subject.


Sorry for asking you but I do remember you jumping in when I was trying to get an answer from that fella.


All good questions. The only "proof" I've seen so far is the leeway some on campus are getting for some pretty extreme statements.


I'd like to know more about who the leaders of our local protests are. I think the answer about who may be funding the protests and where some influence may be coming from lies there.


Not that I'd want to stop it, they haven't done anything wrong, but it would also be good to know.

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Just now, Bob Long said:


All good questions. The only "proof" I've seen so far is the leeway some on campus are getting for some pretty extreme statements.


I'd like to know more about who the leaders of our local protests are. I think the answer about who may be funding the protests and where some influence may be coming from lies there.


Not that I'd want to stop it, they haven't done anything wrong, but it would also be good to know.


I'll drop it now. 

I thought there might be some conspiracy dealio's/ articles going around that I could read up on. 

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1 minute ago, bishopshodan said:


I'll drop it now. 

I thought there might be some conspiracy dealio's/ articles going around that I could read up on. 


Not that I've seen but I don't go looking for that stuff. 

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On 4/14/2024 at 10:29 AM, CBH1926 said:

There was a story in NYT If I am not mistaken 20 years or so ago.

According to them right after 9.11 they had a big meeting with DOD, NSA etc. in which it was suggested to carry out limited nuclear strike on Afghanistan. Allegedly Bush was the one that was against it. Who knows if this was true or not but your photo reminded me of that story.


And not to the country that most of the hijackers were from (*NONE* from Afghanistan) big surprise right?😉

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1 hour ago, Optimist Prime said:

gut yontif, chag Pesach kasher vesame'ach,to those who celebrate. There ya go, three language salutations.

Peace and Prosperity to all. 


Thank you! I’ll correct your first phrase after the holiday 🙂 

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1 minute ago, RomanPer said:

It actually gets worse. UBC student council wanted to bring to a vote a decision to dismantle Hilel House on the campus, the only Jewish organization at UBC. Thankfully, a larger community intervened and it was shut down. But the fact that the idea even came up was preposterous. Huge cases on antisemitism in several universities in the East with universities doing nothing. Documented cases of Qatar money in the Ivy League schools in the US. That indicates that there’s a good chance that some of that terrorist money finding its way into Canadian academia as well. We have to understand that in the eyes of the terrorists US and Canada is one and the same.


Geez hadn't heard about that one. It's nuts.

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5 hours ago, Optimist Prime said:

gut yontif, chag Pesach kasher vesame'ach,to those who celebrate. There ya go, three language salutations.

Peace and Prosperity to all. 



I have to point this out in good faith, stating again I have a great deal of respect for you.


But isn't this a religious holiday, based on a mythical text ?


And from memory your last post in the God thread was a quote 


" There is simply no polite way to tell people they' dedicated their lives to an illusion " 


To add to my comments, I believe there is always a polite way to talk to people.

In fact all discourse should be polite and respectful. 


And if we follow that quote to its logical conclusion, the state of Israel is an illusion in the minds of people who believe in that mythical text ?


The text that has been quoted by Roman as a justification for Israeli/ Jewish " ownership " of Jerusalem.


This is me being a little bit, well maybe a lot cheeky, and as I stated it is in good faith, excuse the pun. 


On a serious note my brother found God after mum died.

He belongs to a, what I would describe, as a first testament church.


His week of celebrations began on Sunday,  church day is the traditional Jewish sabbath, Saturday.

I think he was washing his fellow parishioners feet last night. 


While I certainly don't believe what they do, I have met some of his friends from the church, they seem like really good people, that's all that matters to me.


My brother has always been a kinda of a loner.

I am glad he has found his people.

I just want my brother to be happy.

I love him, and that love is unconditional.

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So Israeli source as of a few hours ago.


" UN Says Israel Has Not Provided Proof For Allegations That UNRWA Staff In Gaza Belong To Terror Groups 


The independent review of the 'neutrality'  of the agency is seperate in to investigations of Israeli claims that 12 staff members participated in the in the October 7 attacks "



" An independent review by the UN, released on Monday, found that Israel has not provided evidence for its claims that many employees of the UNRWA, the main agency for Palestinian refugees, belong to terror organisations in the Gaza strip. " 


As usual, this is Israel throwing some shit against the wall and seeing if some of it would stick.


That also happens in this thread.


I clearly remember the hysteria that accompanied these claims.


They certainly achieved their ends, which was to stop aid from getting to the Palestinians.


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1 hour ago, Ilunga said:

So Israeli source as of a few hours ago.


" UN Says Israel Has Not Provided Proof For Allegations That UNRWA Staff In Gaza Belong To Terror Groups 


The independent review of the 'neutrality'  of the agency is seperate in to investigations of Israeli claims that 12 staff members participated in the in the October 7 attacks "



" An independent review by the UN, released on Monday, found that Israel has not provided evidence for its claims that many employees of the UNRWA, the main agency for Palestinian refugees, belong to terror organisations in the Gaza strip. " 


As usual, this is Israel throwing some shit against the wall and seeing if some of it would stick.


That also happens in this thread.


I clearly remember the hysteria that accompanied these claims.


They certainly achieved their ends, which was to stop aid from getting to the Palestinians.



Its terrible to deny the issues of the Palestinian side.  Just like it is terrible to deny issues with Israel.


I would be surprised if reports on UNRWA were not reported out of proportion by the way it was framed by Israel!  It is always at least part propaganda?  I'd be even more shocked if anyone could prove they were not involved. Tens of thousands of employees. Mathematically almost impossible no one was involved. Almost all hired internally amongst those affected over generations. My memory serves reports of 7 or 10 individuals picked by facial recognition in activities such as kidnappings Oct 7.  Specifically teachers.  


Teachings which include history lessons that Jews do not deserve any place in 'Palestine.' Which is now being reverberated around the world. Propaganda works two ways, often to the benefit, in this case, of Islamic populations being 50 times the size of Jewish. 


It's the same issue with condemning attacks on hospitals?  Yet somehow there is a gun battle inside. 


Denial won't bring peace.


Acknowledgement of wrongdoing, justice, cultures which start to self police will.  Invitation to interact.  This applies to all sides! 

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It's pretty simple brother, you make a claim, provide evidence to back up that claim.


7 - 10 individuals picked out by facial recognition ?

I seem to remember that claim.

That would be evidence.


Then why hasn't Isreal provided that evidence to back up their claims.


Tens of thousands of UNRWA employees.

Just looked at claim up, apparently the UNRWA employees

" 32,000 people across its area of operations in Palestine, 13,000 of them in Gaza. "


So you automatically come to the conclusion that is " Mathematically impossible that not one of them was a involved.



Even though Isreals claims have no evidence to back them up, people still struggle to find ways to apportion blame. 


Evidence, not spurious claims make something a fact.


And what have the teachings of the UNRWA workers have to do with them being involved in the terrorist attacks on October 7.

All those other things you brought up ?


Whataboutism ?


My post is about the false claims that Israel has made against the UNRWA.

What upsets me about them, is they achieved their goal of stopping aid getting to the Palestinians.


Evidence brother.


You make definitive statements, evidence must be provided to make those statements factual. 


Reuters one of the most trusted, least biased sources of news on this planet 




Far more detailed report.




" The review said that Israel had not raised any concerns with the UNRWA, based on those staff lists since 2011. Then in March 2024, Israel made public claims that a significant number of UNRWA employees of terrorist organisations. 


" However Israel has yet to provide any evidence in support of this. 

Israel stepped up its accusations in March saying 450 UNRWA staff were military operatives in Gaza terrorist groups. UNRWA employees 2

32,000 people across its area of operations, 13,000 of them in Gaza." 


Remembering that Isreal get access to the lists of the people who are employed by the UNRWA and vet them.

No complaints since 2011.


Where's the evidence ?





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If you, or anyone else for that matter is interested in the truth read this article.






" At the end of November Israeli reporter Yuval Abraham broke on of the most important stories of the war in Gaza to date - an inside look at the disturbing reasoning that has led the Isreali military to kill so many civilians. 


Citing seven conversations with " current and former members of Israel's intelligence community" Abraham reported that the Israeli Defence Forces (IDF) had changed its doctrine to permit far greater civilian casualties than it would have tolerated in previous wars. IDF leadership was greenlighting strikes on civilian targets like apartment buildings and public infrastructure that they knew would kill scores of innocent Gazans. 


" In one case ", Abraham reported " the Isreali military command knowingly approved the killing of hundreds of Palestinian civilians in an attempt to assassinate a single top Hamas military commander ". 


Abrahams reporting showed, in granular detail, the way that this war would not be like others: that Israel so greivously wounded on October 7, would go to extraordinary violent lengths to destroy the group responsible for that days atrocities. In doing so it would commit atrocities of its own. " 


The article then details the death and destruction.


" There's no doubt that Israel has done significant damage to Hamas's infrastructure. Israel has killed or captured around one third of Hamas fighting force, destroyed half of its rocket stockpile and demolished somewhere between 20 to 40 percent of its tunnel network under Gaza. The more the war goes on the higher those numbers will become. 


But as significant as these achievements are " none of them come close to eliminating  Hamas " says Dan Nyman, a professor at Georgetown who studies Israeli counter terrorism policy. 


The group he explains has very deep roots in Gaza - ones that could only be permanently removed if Israel had a good plan for war post war political in Gaza. 

Israel has still not plan at all. With support for Hamas riding in response to Israeli brutality, Israel runs the risk of actually strengthening the terrorists political position in the long run. 


A world where hundreds of thousands of Gazans suffer and only Hamas benifits is the worst of all possible worlds. Yet it is increasingly looking like a likely one. "


There is some information about why this particular Israeli government is not the " right " government to be in charge of this war.




" Walter Walzer is the worlds greatest living military ethicist. His 1977 book  Just and Unjust Wars is the seminal modern text that in what's called the just war theory the branch of political philosophy that is designated 

to when and how a war can be waged ethically. Wether one agrees with it or not,

his work is the baseline by which all other work is judged and has influenced law and policy all around the world. 

On the American left, Walzer is known as one of Israels most famous defenders. In a 2017 essay he describes Just and Unjust wars as the outgrowth of his attempt to reconcile his opposition to the Vietnam war war with his support for Israels 1967 war with its Arab neighbours. After October 7, he has repeatedly defended Isreals right to defend itself and put the majority of the moral blame for human suffering on Hamas. " Israels military response to the atrocities of October 7 is a just and necessary war," he wrote in December.


Yet when we spoke in early February he was far more critical of Israels war than I expected.


" Israel has created new conditions on the ground that make it virtually impossible to continue the war " ethically he told me. " I am hoping for a kind of ceasefire " 


Walzer is referring to the Geography of the fighting. When Israel began its ground offensive in Gaza, it concentrated the fighting in the northern Gaza strip - instructing Palestinian civilians to flee to the south to stay out of harm's way. But today,  Isreal is threatening a major ground offensive in the southern city of Rafah, where huge numbers of Palestinians civilians have fled with nowhere else to go. For Walzer, Israel cannot wage war justly when Gazan citizens truly cannot escape. 


But Walzer also pointed to a deeper moral problem with Israels seemingly impossible objective of destroying Hamas.


Generally just war theorists war cannot be ethically waged without having a " reasonable prospect of success " the logic is intuitive: War inevitably involves a lot of killing and killing can only be justified if it accomplishes a greater good. If the objective behind the killing is impossible ( or extremely implausible ) then there is no greater good to be won from the bloodshed.


Walzer believes that many Israelis traumatized by October 7, did not fully appreciate how intermingled Hamas - the defacto government of Gaza - was with Gaza society. It's an organisation made up of not only tens of thousands of fighters but many civilian functionaries and a vast physical infrastructure. Truly destroying such an entity cannot be accomplished through force of arms alone - at least not with a years long military campaign and an unthinkable amount of civilian deaths.


Some Israelis are beginning to acknowledge this reality. In January Gadi Eisenkot - a senior member in Israels war cabinet - declared " whoever speaks of absolute defeat ( of Hamas ) is not speaking the truth " and that Israeli hostages in Gaza could only be brought home as part of a ceasefire deal. A classified Israeli military assessment reported by Israelz channel 12 news station, predicts that Hamas will exist as a terrorist organisation even if Israel destroys much of its more conventional military capabilities. "


There is a lot more detailing the futility of this war, and how unethical it actually is.






Edited by Ilunga
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10 minutes ago, Canuck Surfer said:


This is the first time I have used the confused emoticon.


I am genuinely confused by a 10 " skit " about a Jewish wedding. 


I have the movie The Conference, on, SBS World movies now.


It is about the Conference the Nazis had in regards to the " final solution "


As we all know Heydrich was commissioned to orchestrate, plan and implement it.


It is such a disturbing movie in regards to the impersonal way the characters 

discuss the details of the " final solution "



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7 minutes ago, Ilunga said:


This is the first time I have used the confused emoticon.


I am genuinely confused by a 10 " skit " about a Jewish wedding. 


I have the movie The Conference, on, SBS World movies now.


It is about the Conference the Nazis had in regards to the " final solution "


As we all know Heydrich was commissioned to orchestrate, plan and implement it.


It is such a disturbing movie in regards to the impersonal way the characters 

discuss the details of the " final solution "



Maybe if people laughed “with their neighbors” they would fight less? 

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8 minutes ago, Alflives said:

Maybe if people laughed “with their neighbors” they would fight less? 




Who is the poster that  has continually throughout this thread posted videos of Isrealis and Palestinians working together for peace Alf ?


Who has posted stories of Isrealis and Palestinians forgiving each other, for what is virtually unforgivable Alf ?

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