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Hamas attacking Israel


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4 hours ago, Warhippy said:

The people of the Jewish faith were not resettled in Iraq, Tunisia, Morocco or Iran though.  They were settled in Palestine.  "Their ancestral religious homeland"


This argument about their being no Jews in (insert place here) is ridiculous because the conflict is occurring where they were settled not where they weren't.


If there is nobody if that faith in those regions.  So be it.  It's immaterial to the issue at hand.


Someone getting pickles on their sub in line before me when I don't want pickles to begin with doesn't bother me.


I think you've missed the point. Many of these countries had very large Jewish communities prior to 1948. These communities were largely destroyed by intolerance, with the Jewish citizens fleeing to Israel. The majority of Jews living in Israel are descended from Jews that left Muslim/Arab lands. Most of these countries didn't exist as separate countries, but were regions within the Ottoman Empire. When the Ottoman Empire breaks up at the end of WWI, the Jewish citizens were then forced to flee to a very small area. 

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10 hours ago, Rook said:

Don’t get on a high horse with me, I have every right to read this thread without being spammed with links.  Your want to control the narrative in this thread does not supersede all of our rights to read without all the smarmy garbage.  I get it, you are passionate.  But it comes off as very arrogant and pushy.  Not everyone has to agree with your view.  My view?  Everyone is at fault here, Jews, and Palestinians. It’s something that’s been going on long before you and I and will continue long after we are gone.  Just because you feel you have the right view in this doesn’t make it right, the fact you post post 10-1 to other posters in here gets tiresome. Allow people to have their opinions without constantly bashing them.  Just like me pointing out how asinine it was for you to post 100 links, then you come at me about contributing a knock of the attitude bud, it’s a bad look.  

fyi.. its kinda hard to read your posts after when you are stuck in a death scroll to get out of all your links, one suffices, the rest is you trying to ram your thoughts down everyone’s throats.  The fact you tell me I don’t have to read them, well I didn’t and it still took took 30 seconds to scroll through to see posters that don’t try to own the discussion, take that stuff to private, remember this ain’t your thread bud. Its for discussion, not for someone to take the holier than though road. 

and you are right, this conflict is unjust, SAY IT WITH ME, for all sides!!


Me get on a high horse with you ?


It was you that complained about my post, and I explained the reason for why all that, shit, and I agree it was shit, came up.

That was my point.

Twitter is a shit source of information.


I have never wanted to control anything or anyone.

I post facts, then I post links to information/evidence to prove they are facts not just my opinions. 

I was taught to provide as much evidence as one can to prove what I say is true.


I don't tell others what to post.

What right do you have to tell me what and how I should post ?

I just went back, and it took me a few seconds to scroll down to the next post.

And already explained that was the first time I have ever posted a twitter link.

I was unaware it would turn out like that.

And it will be the last time I do it.


This is a public forum.

I will post what I like, when I like.




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10 hours ago, Sabrefan1 said:

@Ilunga I just chose random tweets with video that was in a crapload of other tweets.


Were the videos posted fake?


I cross check the information I source and post on this site.


I use the Media bias site and All sides media for checking the reliability of sources. 


When I did some research on Citisens Free Press, you can see the history of their tweets. 

They have lots of stuff in support of Trump.

Saw a video of Bannon.


Megatron was a mishmash of views, the highlight being a tweet comparing Zelensky to an African Warlord, making the warlord sound like the better bloke. 


Didn't even bother with the Greg Abbott tweet.


The fact is I didn't see any violence committed by protestors in those videos.

I saw protestors filming what was happening with their phones.

That tells me they are filming violence by the security/police. 


A posted an article in regards to the Texas protest.


It stated the protesters weren't going to be charged for trespass.

No mention of any violent charges whatsoever. 

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9 hours ago, Bob Long said:


OK but I still am unsure about how we get from today, to a democratic Gaza. 


No one is.


But surely you can see what has been tried so far hasn't worked.


Surely you can admit what is patently obvious.

That Netanyahu has been actively working against a two state solution for year's.


That settler violence is just as wrong as Palestinian/Hamas' violence.  


The Palestinians aren't getting much aid and they are starving. 


The Israeli settlers commit violence in a daily basis for decades against Palestinians and they, the Isrealis still get aid.

I think it was a $14 billion aid package that is up for a vote in the US Congress.


Like seriously.


One group is starving, and the other group who is causing the conditions for that starvation gets $14 billion in aid ?

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8 hours ago, D.B Cooper said:

IMO, each side is jam packed with aggressive religion filled cunts.  
They are all in the wrong. 


Don't you believe that many Palestinians are just like you and me ?


They just want a safe place to raise their kids.

Food to eat, access to a good education. 


Don't you believe that the Palestinians are like any group of people, they consist of good people, bad people and everything in between ?


Don't you believe they deserve to live like we do ?

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6 minutes ago, Ilunga said:


Don't you believe that many Palestinians are just like you and me ?


They just want a safe place to raise their kids.

Food to eat, access to a good education. 


Don't you believe that the Palestinians are like any group of people, they consist of good people, bad people and everything in between ?


Don't you believe they deserve to live like we do ?

Of course.  
Just like the Israeles.  

BUT, this bullshit has been going back and forth for what….. thousands of years?   
Both sides are the problem.  
It takes 2 sides to refuse to live peacefully together.  

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32 minutes ago, Ilunga said:


Me get on a high horse with you ?


It was you that complained about my post, and I explained the reason for why all that, shit, and I agree it was shit, came up.

That was my point.

Twitter is a shit source of information.


I have never wanted to control anything or anyone.

I post facts, then I post links to information/evidence to prove they are facts not just my opinions. 

I was taught to provide as much evidence as one can to prove what I say is true.


I don't tell others what to post.

What right do you have to tell me what and how I should post ?

I just went back, and it took me a few seconds to scroll down to the next post.

And already explained that was the first time I have ever posted a twitter link.

I was unaware it would turn out like that.

And it will be the last time I do it.


This is a public forum.

I will post what I like, when I like.




Just another smarmy post.  Your “facts” are to suit your needs to enforce your holier than though opinion on the matter.  You will notice you are the one that is every second post again, jamming your opinion down peoples throats.  These people in here have a right to their opinions on the matter. But if someone doesn’t agree with your opinions, you chastise them with your “facts” there’s better ways to go about.  As my dad said.. nobody cares for a sexual intellectual. Israel has a right to exist, if Palestinians want peace, they need to rise up against Hamas, if not it will be status quo for the next millennia. If you came to my house to cause trouble you better believe you will get it back tenfold!  Eye for an eye, nah I’ll take all of you!

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19 minutes ago, Ilunga said:


No one is.


But surely you can see what has been tried so far hasn't worked.


Surely you can admit what is patently obvious.

That Netanyahu has been actively working against a two state solution for year's.


That settler violence is just as wrong as Palestinian/Hamas' violence.  


The Palestinians aren't getting much aid and they are starving. 


The Israeli settlers commit violence in a daily basis for decades against Palestinians and they, the Isrealis still get aid.

I think it was a $14 billion aid package that is up for a vote in the US Congress.


Like seriously.


One group is starving, and the other group who is causing the conditions for that starvation gets $14 billion in aid ?

One side is causing it?  Or have the Palestinians due to their complacency and lack of will so contributed?  If Palestinians truly want peace it’s on them to globally reject Hamas.  Until then they are just as much to blame

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43 minutes ago, Ilunga said:


No one is.


But surely you can see what has been tried so far hasn't worked.


Surely you can admit what is patently obvious.

That Netanyahu has been actively working against a two state solution for year's.


That settler violence is just as wrong as Palestinian/Hamas' violence.  


The Palestinians aren't getting much aid and they are starving. 


The Israeli settlers commit violence in a daily basis for decades against Palestinians and they, the Isrealis still get aid.

I think it was a $14 billion aid package that is up for a vote in the US Congress.


Like seriously.


One group is starving, and the other group who is causing the conditions for that starvation gets $14 billion in aid ?


Dunno my friend, I see a lot of mistakes by all involved, for decades.

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36 minutes ago, D.B Cooper said:

Of course.  
Just like the Israeles.  

BUT, this bullshit has been going back and forth for what….. thousands of years?   
Both sides are the problem.  
It takes 2 sides to refuse to live peacefully together.  


Umm.. this is what I have been stating all Thread.


Posting videos and articles of Isrealis and Palestinians working together for peace.


Both Palestinian and Israelis forgiving each other for what is almost what some believe is unthinkable.


I have been mocked and derided by some for advocating for peace. 


And no this hasn't been going on for centuries.


"Before Zionism: The shared life of Jews and Palestinians "




" Before the advent of Zionism and Arab Nationalism, Jews and Arabs lived in peace in the holy land "


Menachem Klein's, Life in Common, is a depressing one. Originally released in english the book - which is being published in Hebrew - paints a picture of a shared life between Palestinians and Jews at the end of the 19th century and the beginning of the 20th centuries, bringing us face to face with daily life, commerce, education, celebration and sadness. It shows us that this kind existence, despite everything we were taught by the Israeli education system is possible. 


As the Ottoman Empire that ruled Palestine at the time, began losing its power at the end of the 19th century, a new local identity began developing out of the lived experiences of Jews and Arabs. This identity which took precedence over the religion was shared by Muslims, Jews and Christians.


As I have stated nationalism is a curse.


As a band  both you and I both love state


Fuck Nationalism 


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51 minutes ago, Rook said:

Just another smarmy post.  Your “facts” are to suit your needs to enforce your holier than though opinion on the matter.  You will notice you are the one that is every second post again, jamming your opinion down peoples throats.  These people in here have a right to their opinions on the matter. But if someone doesn’t agree with your opinions, you chastise them with your “facts” there’s better ways to go about.  As my dad said.. nobody cares for a sexual intellectual. Israel has a right to exist, if Palestinians want peace, they need to rise up against Hamas, if not it will be status quo for the next millennia. If you came to my house to cause trouble you better believe you will get it back tenfold!  Eye for an eye, nah I’ll take all of you!


Where have I ever stated other people don't have a right to their opinions ?


My posts are in reply to their opinions. 


You are doing exactly what you are accusing me of.

Trying to deny me the right to post.  


What is a sexual intellectual ?

That's a new one for me.


And I have never claimed to be an intellectual.


As I have stated many times on this board, I am just a farmer, who used to be a ski - bum.

Proud of both   " professions " 


So tell me, if you were a Palestinian with a family would you " rise up " against well armed fanatics ?

You talk the talk living in a safe place.


As I have stated I have provided evidence for that thing you don't seem to like, that some Isrealis themselves state, that if they were Palestinians they would fight/ resist against the Isrealis. 


Instead of challenging the information I present, you make it personal, attacking me.


Why do you do this ?

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1 hour ago, Rook said:

One side is causing it?  Or have the Palestinians due to their complacency and lack of will so contributed?  If Palestinians truly want peace it’s on them to globally reject Hamas.  Until then they are just as much to blame


You obviously choose which posts of mine to read.


I have always stated that there is blame on both sides.

That's this conflict is a circle of hatred on both sides.

And this phase of the conflict, which is unlike any other before it,  in relation to the suffering, is very probably breeding a new generation of extremists. 



What about the Palestinians in the West Bank and east Jerusalem ?


No Hamas in those places. 


Isreali settlers committing acts of terror.

Murdering Palestinians.

Stealing land. 




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1 hour ago, Ilunga said:


I cross check the information I source and post on this site.


I use the Media bias site and All sides media for checking the reliability of sources. 


When I did some research on Citisens Free Press, you can see the history of their tweets. 

They have lots of stuff in support of Trump.

Saw a video of Bannon.


Megatron was a mishmash of views, the highlight being a tweet comparing Zelensky to an African Warlord, making the warlord sound like the better bloke. 


Didn't even bother with the Greg Abbott tweet.


The fact is I didn't see any violence committed by protestors in those videos.

I saw protestors filming what was happening with their phones.

That tells me they are filming violence by the security/police. 


A posted an article in regards to the Texas protest.


It stated the protesters weren't going to be charged for trespass.

No mention of any violent charges whatsoever. 



I just double checked all of the tweets that I posted.  None of them said anything about the students being violent.


You may not like the sources, but none of them lied as evidenced by the left-wing websites that I linked to earlier today.


People are getting tired of the anti-semitism on these campuses.  UoT and USC didn't want it to devolve into what happened at Columbia with Jews on campus being intimidated and denied a peaceful education free from harassment over something that they have no control of.

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46 minutes ago, Bob Long said:


Dunno my friend, I see a lot of mistakes by all involved, for decades.


And so do I brother.


But it's obvious that the Palestinians suffer more than the Isrealis.


If you had to choose out of living in Israel, Gaza and the West Bank, where would you live ?

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1 minute ago, Sabrefan1 said:



I just double checked all of the tweets that I posted.  None of them said anything about the students being violent.


You may not like the sources, but none of them lied as evidenced by the left-wing websites that I linked to earlier today.


People are getting tired of the anti-semitism on these campuses.  UoT and USC didn't want it to devolve into what happened at Columbia with Jews on campus being intimidated and denied a peaceful education free from harassment over something that they have no control of.


Well the reaction to your post was people posting such things like, don't use our universities as places for your violence.

We don't need that shit.

That's simplifying them. 


As for being anti Semitic, are all or even most of these protests anti Semitic ?

Or are they just protesting Isreals actions in Gaza ?

Some people just love to call people, who criticise Israel's actions anti Semitic. 

I have no doubt there are anti Semitic elements among the protesters.


Long before the state of Israel was formed there has been a lot of anti semitism in the US. 


Also there is plenty of press in regards to anti semitism in Universities in the US, you don't hear much about the persecution Palestinian, Muslim's face.


How do you feel about the persecution they face.


I posted an article a while back, it was about Jewish students speaking out against the persecution their fellow Arab/Muslims students face. 


I can't find that article however here is something similar.




" Some Jewish students have long warned against conflating antisemitism with views critical of Isreals government and blanket portrayals of all posters as anti Semitic. 


"It is unacceptable for school administration and politicians.... to co opt out shared identity to silence, Palestinian, Muslim, Arab and Jewish students " said MIT's Jews for ceasefire, Harvard Jews for Palestine and University of Pennsylvania Chavuruh in December 2023 Congress. " These actions only serve to obfuscate real cases of anti semitism and put Jewish students at even greater risk. "




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12 hours ago, Sabrefan1 said:



Yeah.  That's weird that he did that.  I just chose accounts at random.  There were a crapload of tweets with the exact same videos.  I just didn't try to root out CFF-approved left wing sources because that could be exhausting and unnecessary.


I figure either he's saying the videos are fake, or he's upset about something considering he wallpapered an entire page with tweets.  If the tweets are from right wing sources, that doesn't diminish what's in the video unless the videos are fake.


I explained, several times, I have zero computer skills.

I post from my phone.


They were links until I " submitted" the post, then they turned into that mess. 


Again, I like to research the validity of not just the sources I post, but the sources of information that is presented by anyone.  


Again, I saw no protestor violence in those videos.

I saw violence commited by security.  

I also saw protestors filming that with their phones. 


As I first mentioned, then @Gurn has also pointed out, your country has a history of shooting unarmed student protestors.

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44 minutes ago, Ilunga said:


Well the reaction to your post was people posting such things like, don't use our universities as places for your violence.

We don't need that shit.

That's simplifying them. 


As for being anti Semitic, are all or even most of these protests anti Semitic ?

Or are they just protesting Isreals actions in Gaza ?

Some people just love to call people, who criticise Israel's actions anti Semitic. 

I have no doubt there are anti Semitic elements among the protesters.


Long before the state of Israel was formed there has been a lot of anti semitism in the US. 


Also there is plenty of press in regards to anti semitism in Universities in the US, you don't hear much about the persecution Palestinian, Muslim's face.


How do you feel about the persecution they face.


I posted an article a while back, it was about Jewish students speaking out against the persecution their fellow Arab/Muslims students face. 


I can't find that article however here is something similar.




" Some Jewish students have long warned against conflating antisemitism with views critical of Isreals government and blanket portrayals of all posters as anti Semitic. 


"It is unacceptable for school administration and politicians.... to co opt out shared identity to silence, Palestinian, Muslim, Arab and Jewish students " said MIT's Jews for ceasefire, Harvard Jews for Palestine and University of Pennsylvania Chavuruh in December 2023 Congress. " These actions only serve to obfuscate real cases of anti semitism and put Jewish students at even greater risk. "


The only protests that I've seen get nasty and unquestionably Anti-Semetic are the ones that have happened at Columbia.


The UoT and USC protests were broken up before they had a chance to head that way.  Another 2 at other major campuses petered out after police started showing a heavy presence.   One of them (I forget which campus) ended after the protesters started talking to each other instead of yelling at each other like they did at Columbia.


It's not just the campuses that wanted the protests shut down, Biden and Chuck Schumer have also condemned them.

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37 minutes ago, Ilunga said:


I explained, several times, I have zero computer skills.

I post from my phone.


They were links until I " submitted" the post, then they turned into that mess. 


Again, I like to research the validity of not just the sources I post, but the sources of information that is presented by anyone.  


Again, I saw no protestor violence in those videos.

I saw violence commited by security.  

I also saw protestors filming that with their phones. 


As I first mentioned, then @Gurn has also pointed out, your country has a history of shooting unarmed student protestors.


I honestly meant no malice.  I just found it odd that so many of those tweets were posted.


I don't spend anywhere near as much time on CFF as I used to on CDC 4 years ago.  I apologize for being unaware of your past comments on your computer skills.


These days I jump on and off CFF relatively quickly.

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21 minutes ago, Sabrefan1 said:


The only protests that I've seen get nasty and unquestionably Anti-Semetic are the ones that have happened at Columbia.


The UoT and USC protests were broken up before they had a chance to head that way.  Another 2 at other major campuses petered out after police started showing a heavy presence.   One of them (I forget which campus) ended after the protesters started talking to each other instead of yelling at each other like they did at Columbia.


It's not just the campuses that wanted the protests shut down, Biden and Chuck Schumer have also condemned them.


Thanks for the information.


I don't know about that brother in regards to shutting down protests.

That's our right to protest against what we believe to be wrong.

As long as they are peaceful/non violent and don't promote bigotry, I believe we all have the right to protest.

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21 minutes ago, Alflives said:

Where does Sanders live? 


I stated he was an American Jew.


We know where he lives Alf.


What has this got to do with my post you are quoting ?

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1 minute ago, Ilunga said:


Thanks for the information.


I don't know about that brother in regards to shutting down protests.

That's our right to protest against what we believe to be wrong.

As long as they are peaceful/non violent and don't promote bigotry, I believe we all have the right to protest.

Do people have the right to protest against Hamas in Gaza or against the Iranian government in Iran? 

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