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Hamas attacking Israel


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1 hour ago, Ilunga said:


The students weren't armed.


I know the US is like any society, it has good people, bad and everything in between.


But holy shit mate.

Like we ain't perfect but the US is a pretty fucked up place.




It's the US, police assume everyone is armed.



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3 hours ago, RomanPer said:

And I will also add to it Israel - vast majority of land/properties now being claimed as “stolen by Jews” were in fact legally purchased from the previous owners. But that doesn’t fit into anti-Israeli narratives, so it’s usually being ignored by our Australian friend.


Source please for 


" Vast majorities of land/properties now being claimed as stolen by Jews were in fact legally purchased from previous owners " 


Here is evidence to back up my assertion that Israel has stolen this land.

They just use another term, Annexation.




" What is annexation and why does it matter here. 


Annexation is the term applied when a state unilaterally proclaims its sovereignty over other territory. It is forbidden under international law. A recent example was Russia's annexation of the Crimean Peninsula in 2014. "


Funny how you get pissed about Russia Annexing Ukrainian land, but when Isreal does it, it's all good.


And that article is four years old. 

The amount of land " annexed " and the number of settlers has grown. 


Now about your claim in regards about " legally " purchased land. 


Israeli source





Cut a long story short


" By declaring it will be conducting settlement activity in the west bank, the JNF ( Jewish National Fund ) is openly violating international law. Although the JNF has always had activity in the occupied territories, both in financing projects in the settlements and purchasing land, this has always been done discreetly and there have been years when land purchases have been halted. If the proposal is approved the JNF will no longer be able to abdicate responsibility and claim that the actions were taken without authority or unofficially. The JNF will be taking full responsibility for its activities in the settlements and their violation of international law. 


The JNF was established to assist in the establishment of the state of Israel and the mandate given to it by the Jewish to act " in the state of Israel in any area under the  jurisdiction of the government of Isreal ".

The activity outside of Isreal sovereign territory raises legal questions, not only under international law, but also in terms of suitability for the purposes of the JNF itself. " 


This is why I provide sources for my assertions Roman. 


You make claims, most of the time without sources to back up your claims.

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17 minutes ago, Bob Long said:


It's the US, police assume everyone is armed.





Kinda funny how heavily armed police didn't show up to arrest these heavily armed Trump supporters who were " policing " voting stations.





But heavily armed police can enter educational institutions and arrest unarmed and mainly peaceful protesters.

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3 hours ago, Ilunga said:


As I stated, it seems incomprehensible to an Australian, the need for heavily armed police to enter an educational institution, especially when the students are unarmed and essentially peaceful. 


Dead or not, your country has a history of heavily armed people entering educational institutions, and in that instance, killing unarmed students.

The history of heavily armed intervention continues to this very day.



Apologies for not being more specific, in regards to the Columbia University and CCNY 


Back in 1968 there were 700 arrests at Columbia University in relation to Vietnam war priests.

And the 282 arrests made yesterday, were made at both Columbia University and CCNY.

To be even more specific, 109 arrests at Columbia University.

173 arrests at CCNY.


My point was still valid about the history of arresting student protesters at Colombia University. 


Mate, I have heard it all my life.

The generation blame game.


" Young people these days "


That was basically the theme of your statement


" The younger people in my generation as well as the older millianials did a poor job in too many aspects in raising gen Z'ers as a whole in the US. " 


And there you go again 

" They are unprepared for the realities that life is bringing them "


Again echoing sentiments I have heard each generation say about the next.


And you must be forgetting about the criticism the " hippies " and people in the sixties received. 

And the reaction to young people protesting for civil rights and against the Vietnam war in the 60's, from the generation that raised them.


Those " long hairs " John was singing about.


An article about the generation blame game






" The real problem is that ordinary folk of all generations are being conned - and coached to blame it on each other.


You've repeated exactly what you said before, but with numbers you picked up from Google.  I've already responded to your points before and nothing has changed.


Here's one thing different that you mentioned though...


The Vietnam War was a sham and in sentiment I agree with the protesters' view but not so much their actions. 


Funny thing happened though.  Ever wonder why the US people back our active troops so fervently?  It was because of the asshole protesters of that era.  As many of them became business owners and stalwarts in their communities in the years after, they treated the veterans of that war so poorly for so many years that it became our national shame that still reverberates a half century later.


I'm concerned that history could repeat itself with antisemitism.  These students, especially the ones in the ivy leagues will be shaping large swaths of this nation.


We also just had the jackasses in the House pass an Act, that if it gets through both the Senate and Biden, will get struck down by the Supreme Court since it so blatantly violates the first amendment.  So we already have society overreacting to these young jackasses.

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28 minutes ago, Ilunga said:

Kinda funny how heavily armed police didn't show up to arrest these heavily armed Trump supporters who were " policing " voting stations.



But heavily armed police can enter educational institutions and arrest unarmed and mainly peaceful protesters.





Arizona is open carry.  They aren't breaking the law by having those rifles.

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1 hour ago, Ilunga said:


Source please for 


" Vast majorities of land/properties now being claimed as stolen by Jews were in fact legally purchased from previous owners " 


Here is evidence to back up my assertion that Israel has stolen this land.

They just use another term, Annexation.




" What is annexation and why does it matter here. 


Annexation is the term applied when a state unilaterally proclaims its sovereignty over other territory. It is forbidden under international law. A recent example was Russia's annexation of the Crimean Peninsula in 2014. "


Funny how you get pissed about Russia Annexing Ukrainian land, but when Isreal does it, it's all good.


And that article is four years old. 

The amount of land " annexed " and the number of settlers has grown. 


Now about your claim in regards about " legally " purchased land. 


Israeli source





Cut a long story short


" By declaring it will be conducting settlement activity in the west bank, the JNF ( Jewish National Fund ) is openly violating international law. Although the JNF has always had activity in the occupied territories, both in financing projects in the settlements and purchasing land, this has always been done discreetly and there have been years when land purchases have been halted. If the proposal is approved the JNF will no longer be able to abdicate responsibility and claim that the actions were taken without authority or unofficially. The JNF will be taking full responsibility for its activities in the settlements and their violation of international law. 


The JNF was established to assist in the establishment of the state of Israel and the mandate given to it by the Jewish to act " in the state of Israel in any area under the  jurisdiction of the government of Isreal ".

The activity outside of Isreal sovereign territory raises legal questions, not only under international law, but also in terms of suitability for the purposes of the JNF itself. " 


This is why I provide sources for my assertions Roman. 


You make claims, most of the time without sources to back up your claims.


Are you serious? You are posting a link to an article that clearly states that JNF is PURCHASING LAND FROM PALESTINIANS LEGALLY and twisting it into a “stolen land” argument? Are you for fucking real? Do you even understand that in order to PURCHASE you have someone WILLING TO SELL?

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Posted (edited)
12 hours ago, Bob Long said:


It's the US, police assume everyone is armed.



Yup, just like I assume that every Tom, Dick and Harry is packing heat.

There is reason why this used to be the Wild West and tbh certain parts of the country still feel that way.


Edited by CBH1926
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2 minutes ago, Sabrefan1 said:


You've repeated exactly what you said before, but with numbers you picked up from Google.  I've already responded to your points before and nothing has changed.


Here's one thing different that you mentioned though...


The Vietnam War was a sham and in sentiment I agree with the protesters' view but not so much their actions. 


Funny thing happened though.  Ever wonder why the US people back our active troops so fervently?  It was because of the asshole protesters of that era.  As many of them became business owners and stalwarts in their communities in the years after, they treated the veterans of that war so poorly for so many years that it became our national shame that still reverberates a half century later.


I'm concerned that history could repeat itself with antisemitism.  These students, especially the ones in the ivy leagues will be shaping large swaths of this nation.


We also just had the jackasses in the House pass an Act, that if it gets through both the Senate and Biden, will get struck down by the Supreme Court since it so blatantly violates the first amendment.  So we already have society overreacting to these young jackasses.


Yes I repeated it because you called me out on it.


I posted exact numbers of arrests from a article I read. 


Yes the way we treat the young people we send off to fight our wars is fucked up.

I have always blamed the jerkoffs that send them off to war, not the young men themselves.

Also using patriotism as a tool to induce them to fight these stupid wars is BS. 


I found out the other day, lots of stuff about the Military in regards to Anzac day, in the media.

That more servicemen take their own lives after retiring from the armed services, than are killed on active duty.


Your country 




" Veteran suicide is one of the greatest crisis of our times. Since September 11, 2001 just over 30,000 veterans have died by suicide - more than four times the number of military personnel that have died in combat in Iraq and Afghanistan "


You guys have always had a fair bit of anti semitism in your country, and from some very prominent figures, Henry Ford springs to mind. 


All the BS about Soros.


I have already posted about Netanyahu's son Yair, who posted an anti Semitic trope about Soros in the US, and how it was liked by David Duke, and the daily stormer called him bro.


Anti semitism exists everywhere. 


And if you read history, history does repeat itself.

We rarely learn from the lessons of the past. 


I support the students views, that killing thousands of women and children, and causing starvation for hundreds of thousands more is not an appropriate response to the events of October 7. 


The end does not justify the means. 


We are living in World that is meant to be governed by international human rights law.

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1 hour ago, Sabrefan1 said:





Arizona is open carry.  They aren't breaking the law by having those rifles.




You just can't imagine how that seems to an Australian.


Rolling up to a polling booth, to be confronted by a heavily armed nutjob.

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3 minutes ago, Ilunga said:



You just can't imagine how that seems to an Australian.


Rolling up to a polling booth, to be confronted by a heavily armed nutjob.



I agree.  It would be weird to see that at a polling station.


I'd honestly have a hard time keeping from laughing at them though.  Not one of those goofballs looks like they've seen the inside of a gym in years plus they are cowards for covering their face.  If you are the patriot that you want to pretend that you are, you have no reason to hide your identity.

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1 hour ago, RomanPer said:


Are you serious? You are posting a link to an article that clearly states that JNF is PURCHASING LAND FROM PALESTINIANS LEGALLY and twisting it into a “stolen land” argument? Are you for fucking real? Do you even understand that in order to PURCHASE you have someone WILLING TO SELL?


You simply refuse to acknowledge that what the JNF is doing, is in violation of  International Law.


So how can they be legal Roman if they violate international law ?


That's what that article detailed. 


The purchasing of the land breaks international law.


The articles details how they used to hide their activities, because what they were doing is in violation of international law.


Now it seems they don't really care about hiding their actions in regards to breaking international law.


Much like you don't. 


You only seem to want to obey laws when it suits your purpose.



And do you want to address the Annexation of land in the West Bank ?


Like you get really pissed off about Russia Annexing Ukrainian land.

But it's all good when the Isrealis Annex Palestinian land, right ? 


Just be honest with all of us Roman.


You believe that all of Israel, east Jerusalem, the west bank and Gaza belong to Israel.


And going by you referencing the Torah/Talmud, you believe a god gave it to the Isreali people. 


And I thought you weren't going to engage " with me Roman.


It's good to have you back.

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12 minutes ago, Sabrefan1 said:



I agree.  It would be weird to see that at a polling station.


I'd honestly have a hard time keeping from laughing at them though.  Not one of those goofballs looks like they've seen the inside of a gym in years plus they are cowards for covering their face.  If you are the patriot that you want to pretend that you are, you have no reason to hide your identity.


Mate, I find nothing funny about nutjobs with machine guns. 


Don't need to go to a gym to be able to pull a trigger. 


Yes I find people that hide their faces like those guys, and  protesters who do this, lack a certain " sense " of credibility. 


If you believe in what you are protesting for, why hide your identity.

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22 minutes ago, Ilunga said:

Mate, I find nothing funny about nutjobs with machine guns. 


Don't need to go to a gym to be able to pull a trigger.


Those aren't machine guns.  Machine guns are illegal in every state.  They're rifles with handgun-like grips.  Some love to call them assault rifles to make them sound evil, but they're mechanically the same as a semi-automatic hunting rifle with the exception of the grip.


Although I get your point, dead is dead.  Even if one of these bozos accidentally discharges his weapon in a crowded polling place, the consequences could be bad.

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4 minutes ago, Sabrefan1 said:


Those aren't machine guns.  Machine guns are illegal in every state.  They're rifles with handgun-like grips.  Some love to call them assault rifles to make them sound evil, but they're mechanically the same as a semi-automatic hunting rifle with the exception of the grip.


Although I get your point, dead is dead.  Even if one of these bozos accidentally discharges his weapon in a crowded polling place, the consequences could be bad.


Sorry for getting it wrong.

They looked like machine guns to me. 


I am lucky enough to not have seen many of them.


They used to be legal way back in the Northern territory.


We used to get in our four wheel drives and leave freezing Victoria in winter to head up north on hunting and fishing trips. 


We used to hunt wild pigs with dogs and knives.

But up north we would carry a gun, big Razorbacks.


I still can't believe they tried to sell a bunch of heavily tattooed guys, with their heads shaved - camping purposes - machine guns in Alice Springs.


We did get " solids " for our shotguns.

Couldn't purchase them down south.


They make a mess of anything you shoot them with.


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1 hour ago, Ilunga said:


You simply refuse to acknowledge that what the JNF is doing, is in violation of  International Law.


So how can they be legal Roman if they violate international law ?


That's what that article detailed. 


The purchasing of the land breaks international law.


The articles details how they used to hide their activities, because what they were doing is in violation of international law.


Now it seems they don't really care about hiding their actions in regards to breaking international law.


Much like you don't. 


You only seem to want to obey laws when it suits your purpose.



And do you want to address the Annexation of land in the West Bank ?


Like you get really pissed off about Russia Annexing Ukrainian land.

But it's all good when the Isrealis Annex Palestinian land, right ? 


Just be honest with all of us Roman.


You believe that all of Israel, east Jerusalem, the west bank and Gaza belong to Israel.


And going by you referencing the Torah/Talmud, you believe a god gave it to the Isreali people. 


And I thought you weren't going to engage " with me Roman.


It's good to have you back.


How can PURCHASING land violate international law? I’m trying to think you are simply not as smart as you are trying to prove to everyone around here. 

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3 minutes ago, RomanPer said:


How can PURCHASING land violate international law? I’m trying to think you are simply not as smart as you are trying to prove to everyone around here. 


Yet another Isreali source Roman




" The JNF has set aside nearly $12 million for what it describes as " land purchases " in the occupied West Bank. In reality the JNF will be funding the confiscation and takeover of Palestinian lands by Isreals occupation authorities. " 



They are not just buying land Roman the land is confiscated or annexed, and funds from the JNF are then used to build settlements. 


Even Israels best buddy, the US, States these settlements in the west bank are " inconsistent" with international law. 




And this is because there will be no land left eventually for a Palestinian state.


Which is exactly what you and many other Isrealis want. 


Are you going to deal with your hypocrisy in regards to Russia's annexation of land in Ukraine, and Isreals Annexation of Palestinian lands ?


And I don't pretend to be anything other than what I have always claimed I to be.


A farmer who used to be a ski - bum. 




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Just be honest mate.


You believe a god gave Israel to the Israelites.

And Isrealis own all of it.  


Now is your chance to deny this.


And to state that you believe that the Palestinians have a right to a state of their own, that includes East Jerusalem, the West Bank and Gaza. 


Have the courage to tell us all what you really believe.


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9 hours ago, RomanPer said:

And I will also add to it Israel - vast majority of land/properties now being claimed as “stolen by Jews” were in fact legally purchased from the previous owners. But that doesn’t fit into anti-Israeli narratives, so it’s usually being ignored by our Australian friend.

I guess you could agree with this if you ignore the expulsion of 700 thousand people in 1948 and confiscation of their legally owned homes, the refusal of Israel to let them return despite UN resolution 194 demanding that they be allowed to return, alongside the illegal conquering and occupation of the west bank and the confiscation of the arab owned homes there


seriously people agreeing with the quoted take should take a moment to open a history book, its just embarassing. 




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2 hours ago, RomanPer said:


How can PURCHASING land violate international law? I’m trying to think you are simply not as smart as you are trying to prove to everyone around here. 

wanna tell me how this is "PURCHASING"?




or this?





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